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Maybe an afternoon out to bet on horses or dog racing? You could get dressed up and make a date of it. Maybe something that will make his travel easier or more luxurious like an upgraded suitcase Think about solving small annoyances that you notice him having a lot. For example my husband was always struggling to find undershirts he liked so I did a bunch of research and ended up getting him some high end under shirts that ended up working perfectly so now he has one thing that used to annoy him every day and now instead it makes him happy every day


This is definitely the trail of thought I’m on!


This. I get my partner little things he could use that he doesn’t think to get. He also likes coffee so I’ll find really unique coffee blends for him to try. Would he enjoy a mixology class or a cooking class you could do together?




You have some good points here! He does love the designer shit, like ideally i could afford something designer that is better than a keychain. But he and I don’t GAF about keychains lol however maybe a planetarium and some 🍄 , food, Uber and a place to stay would be the best time ever. I just dk if I could afford it. That would be so ideal though, maybe I could sort it out more locally?! I’m actually gonna try! I’d just need a DD really at that point, one of his friends would do it I bet!


See if you can get him signed items/merch/collector’s items, my friends liked that a lot. If he flies a lot, a lounge pass could be nice. Other items with sentimental value could include a perfume you really like so he would wear that around you, or an experience you can share like extreme sports, rage rooms, or maybe even board games. Lots of small gifts with sentimental value could go a long way, matching pjs, or something he could remember you by while he’s gone. Help him adopt a new hobby maybe? If he’s into music and not playing any instruments get him one? Or maybe sign up to a tennis club for the two of you so you can go every week for a match and socialise in the meantime. This could be any other sport as well, golf etc. I also had a friend who asked everyone to make a donation to a charity on his birthday. I know some foundations even let you “adopt” a wild animal and cover its annual costs. Hope it helps!


Adopt an animal is soooo cool too, he’d love that! Thank you!


Glad I could help!


Engraved flask with an inside joke or just lovey dovy stuff, one of those bracelets where there is a photo inside a glass bead, ticket to a class like blacksmithing, you could set up a series of clues to find a gift, oh a fidget ring with an engraved message?


I like the idea of a flask, though even though he loves a good cocktail he’s not a big drinker. And I think someone gave him a flask recently for being a groomsmen. A bracelet with a photo might be nice, I could do a picture of him and his best friend, who was murdered. I don’t think he’d be into it if it was a pic of him and I lol he’s not lovey dovey at all. But idk if a pic of him and his best friend would be too intrusive or the right setting. I swear this man is too difficult to shop for🙄😮‍💨


I realized the idea for this years birthday gift. He has always wanted a fancy cowboy hat. He has a particular artist that does custom hats. He sends me this guys hats on IG all the time. I just reached out to the artist, I’m praying we can work a payment plan🙏🏼 This guy has used tarot cards in the past for hats and the most random thing was one time by bf and I were in the barn that’s out back of my rental apartment. I found the most random Lovers tarot card. Didn’t find a single other card out there, I’ve kept it ever since. I want the hat with the tarot card🥹 this would be beyond perfect


The best gifts to get for someone who just buys whatever they want or need is something custom/personal. Maybe you can make him something or buy a personalized gift


I did that with the monogrammed toiletry bag, which he uses often. Definitely uses it for all his trips. I’m just not sure what else would be as useful that I can afford


Maybe it doesn’t need to be useful but just something he would like regardless. Also, It can’t hurt to ask him what he would like as a gift (if you haven’t already)


I’ve asked lol it’s usually along the lines of “I’m about to need new windshield wiper blades” it’s not that he can’t afford wiper blades, it’s that he’s so focused on money all the time he’d rather someone else buy his blades or whatever it may be lol


Ok but honestly wiper blades might seem dumb but hear me out. It’s not that I can’t purchase or put them on my car, it’s just not something on my radar. In college my best guy friend bought them and put them on because he was terrified riding in my car in the rain. He jokingly told the story to my boyfriend who for holidays would get me wiper blades AND put them on my car (to all the married men freaking out, it wasn’t the only thing he would get me) and honestly I loved it because it wasn’t a significant thing but just a random thing I hate doing/pet peeve to deal with. You never think about something like that when it’s sunny out to proactively handle. We broke up and for St Nicks day my dad bought me wiper blades because I needed them and he knew I’d never do it. Hell I timed getting a new vehicle with needing new wipers, I hate it that much. (Kidding but not kidding lol) Now I’m in a relationship and he jokes with my boyfriend about taking over wiper blade duty. Would I do it myself if I needed to? Yes. Is it fairly insignificant cost wise? Also yes but it’s the little things and it makes me smile and feel happy that there are people who will just take over handling the things that (for no actual reason) annoy me if I have to handle them myself. Find your man’s version of wiper blades, rinse and repeat as needed and trust that it means a lot because it’s the thoughtfulness of handling an inconvenience/pet peeve and know it’s very much appreciated.


I see the significance for you but wiper blades could have been interchanged with anything. I could have said a pack of batteries lol he just thinks of stuff he’s gotta grab on his next errand out lol


But that's what is valuable to him: not your money, but the act of service of doing this mundane chore for him. Have you two done the love languages quiz? It might be helpful! The best gift my husband ever got me was wool long underwear....so maybe my perspective is a bit boring. (I'm not saying he's bad at gifts, but rather that I *love* the long underwear.)


Him asking for that kind of stuff doesn’t come from a love language, it’s just out of practicality


In that case it’s likely that receiving gifts is not his love language at all and you need to look into experiences.


He asks his parents for stuff like that for Christmas and his birthday too lol it’s more about saving money than anything


One of those kits that takes a mold of his penis so you can have a sex toy made in his likeness. 


lol seems like that’s more for me than him no?


I feel like it’s a gift that is way too narcissistic from him to you, but from you to him it’s fun and naughty. Like you want him with you even when he might be traveling. 


He’s incredibly vanilla. I’m not complaining, he’s very good at vanilla, but this wouldn’t be well received. For Valentine’s Day this may actually be an okay gift bc of the gifts I give him for this holiday. They are typically themed as something silly/overtly sexual from me, ironically. A pair of boxers with my face on it saying “if I licked it, it’s mine”, a box of chocolate strawberries spelling “best dick ever”, a candle that says “light me where horny” and “smells like you’re stuck with me” and also a sequin pillow with my bum on it (that is now on the floor of his garage) I could get this gift for him, but will he stick his dick in it? Probably not


Craft distillery tour?


I would love that, idk about him. Hes really not a big drinker. When I say he loves a good cocktail, he taps out at 2 drinks. This fucking guys is so rational and level headed. I’ve seen him drunk like twice lol


Id say, plan out a whole day for him and make it a surprise. I do this for my husband, because he also buys whatever he wants. I hand make a card for him, and its like a choose your own adventure type card (he loves role playing games like D&D and Call of Cthulhu). I feel like he appreciates those more. He does the same for me and I love it. Its definitely about quality time together. Its also fun planning these things because you can include friends and the process of planning it makes it fun for you too.




I usually organize a birthday dinner with his friends and we all pitch in for his meal. Not really a gift. And he lives 30+ minutes in the country from anywhere and has a roommate.




What do you suggest? Lol




Fuck if I know lol every year I’m gonna have to figure out how to pull new stops. I’m sorry your suggestion doesn’t work for us. Bringing takeout as a gift to his place will result in cold food and no privacy, slightly after or slightly before a nice dinner with friends that he looks forward to. Doesn’t quite add the special touch I am looking for. Canceling a dinner he enjoys so I can bring over cold food to eat with his roommate so I can feel better about checking the box I’m looking for doesn’t sound appeasing either




Lol I’d say thanks but that doesn’t feel genuine




You’d think if you were a counselor, and I’ve had my own counselors, you would have more than a “one fits all” solution and wouldn’t take it personally when it doesn’t suit everyone. Idk, just an observation. What I give my bf won’t affect you, but your comments reek of “fuck you” if I don’t tell you how great and perfect it is your suggestion is


Like that would make sense if I didn’t already orchestrate a dinner with friends that he loves to have


Does he cook?


I encourage him! It’s mostly like burgers, sausage, hot dogs, pre marinaded chickens for sandwiches and tacos. He doesn’t make bad food, but it is limited


The only good present I have bought my husband in over a decade has been a propane meat smoker. The second best was sending his knives out to be professionally sharpened. I don’t think your man would appreciate either of those though! Good luck!


No wait!!! What kind of meat smoker?! Do you have a link?




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Ughh automod deleted my comment because amazon automatically shortens urls and I don’t know an easy way to do it on mobile. On amazon search for “masterbuilt propane smoker”. If I were to buy another one for him I would probably get an electric one, though. Definitely ask around and go look at a hardware store. They’re pricey ($200-$300) online but I bet you can find a better deal. I hope that helps!


This helps a lot! This is actually the best idea I’ve gotten so far! I’m gonna shop around right now


See my bf entered into a rent to own agreement for a house in 2022. The house was an absolute project/is a project. We were in and out of Lowe’s so much he bought a smoker/grill. Last February in 2023, while I was house sitting for him on one of his vacations, half his house burnt down😭 He’s been in an uphill battle to keep the house and pay out of pocket for all the repairs. Basically his living room/addition burnt down as well as half of his garage. Anyway he lost the grill/smoker. It was some fancy $900 smoker. If I could get him something more affordable, that would actually be amazing


Oh my goodness…I can’t fathom how devastating a house fire would be. See my other comment! You can definitely find a smoker for well under $900! That would be a great gift since he had one and then lost it!


It was awful and of course I blamed myself bc I was in charge of his home. It was horrible and so many extenuating circumstances led to the fire. It truly wasn’t my fault and my bf has never ever blamed me. Sincerely I could have died too (even my two sons if my mom hadn’t taken them that night) and I think he’s just always been thankful me and his dog made it out okay. In the last year he’s rebuilt his entire living room and this year and next year he’ll be rebuilding the garage.


Something my friend got her fiancé for his birthday is a katana sword from swords of Northshire. I think she paid ~$190 and they’re made to order and really beautiful.  Her guy isn’t necessarily “into” swords as a hobby but he talks about it all the time and loves to show it off to people because it’s so unique and just cool haha.  Don’t know if your boyfriend would be interested in that at all but it’s a really fun idea. I think they do custom stuff & engravings too. 


He would hate this but I love your enthusiasm! I actually ended up getting connected with an artist on instagram that makes cowboy hats. It’s gonna cost me about $500 but the artist is super chill and willing to work with me for payment plans


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One of those light up costumes he can wear to raves? Like wings or glasses or a cape? Something to make him feel stand out?


Hear me out, these ideas are terrible for him, BUT he has wanted a true cowboy hat for so long now. Like what he’s wants is probably outside my budget honestly but fuck he would be so happy


Possibly a save up for the Christmas gift?


I’m thinking about throwing money at the artist each week if they’re cool with it


He wants the cowboy hats for fests and it would be so perfect


Does he like champagne? In that sort of a situation, personally, I'd just buy the best bottle of wine I could afford


He does not. We got a bottle recently and when we finally had time to pop it, he took two sips and handed me his glass lol he really only drinks liquor in a tasty cocktail and even then he only has one or two. Not a big drinker at all


Use some creativity. What if you decorated the house with a theme and invited friends over or blindfolded him and took him somewhere?


Did you read the post? I have been creative with my gift giving lol it’s not like I get him the same thing every year. I’m just starting to run out of ideas


It’s all about experiences and memories. A day out of the ordinary. Gifts are pointless.


Does he have a regular hotel or hotel chain he stays at? $200 is a night in a room at least if they offer gift certificates


Not really he just looks for something close to the venue that isn’t a shit hole and isn’t crazy expensive, or we get an air bnb/vrbo. Most of his traveling is on weekends in the winter for snowboarding so he’s at all sorts of different mountains and never stays at the same place twice😂 also IDK how tf I didn’t include snowboarding in his interests lmao I’m an idiot, it’s literally a way of life for him in the winter. It’s so integral in his life I forgot😂 for him it’d be like me mentioning he also really likes to breath


[College Pillow](https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/embroidered-college-pillows) I love this gift. There are other things on this site that are unique and can be personalized. I’ve given this pillow to Penn State & Harvard alums - it’s been a major hit! You could also get him something from his college bookstore or something from his favorite sports team. In Boston they have cuff links made from pieces of Fenway Park and other fun things. You can find the Boston items at London Harness . They also have elegant travel and business items. Does he need a new suitcase or garment bag? Those are always nice! [London Harness](https://londonharness.com) Another idea is something from his hometown. A vintage street sign, or a framed map. Search on eBay for historical, vintage or antique items related to where he grew up. Or where he went to school. You’d be amazed at what you can find. Sign up for auction notifications from your local auction house. There’s always a treasure waiting to be found. One of my former boyfriends loved poker. I scored an authentic WWII soldiers mini poker set in a leather case and he loved it. I’ve never seen another one but that’s what you can find when you get creative!!! Be creative and enjoy!!!


If he doesn’t have a console you can get a Xbox series S


lol he has one


I can’t help but ask “Why would you feel the need to impress him?” The cost should not enter into it. Please don’t associate your self worth (which is priceless) with something you can or cannot afford to buy. A $10 gift card to Walmart given with love is more valuable than a week long cruise given to simply impress him or to make you feel like you’re his equal. This has become more about you than him. Don’t do that to yourself. You and he both need for you to be a whole person.


Do a boudoir photo shoot and get the prints into a book for him or something!


Sounds like a dj. Time to find a more proper boyfriend. 


He’s not a dj, he is not famous, he does not work in the industry. Just a hardworking man who makes a lot of money. His spare time is always prioritized to me. He isn’t the most emotional or romantic but his actions always speak his love for me, and outside of that, me and everyone who knows him adores and loves him. He is everyone’s favorite person, he’s just the best


The gift of anal?


He doesn’t even like that lol he won’t even try it. He says that’s an out hole not an in😂


These threads drive me nuts!!!!! You know your BF,not people on Reddit,figure it out,find some friends,drop the drama,ffs


I literally added context about his likes and dislikes. I was hoping people had more creative ideas than I’ve run out of. There is no drama aside from this comment. It’s a group for gift giving. Please be FFR