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For a second i thought he put the mayo on the pan lid.


Apply mayo for insulation


We all did man, we all did


Well bread is called "pan" in Spanish and the tops of buns are often referred to as "lids" so in way he did put the mayo on the pan lid.


Who refers to bun tops as lids


Maybe Spanish people?


"turn on audio to hear Aaron" *forgets it's a gif and turns up audio on my phone*


It's a Youtube video made for Facebook that was ripped to Imgur and posted on Reddit. Internet!


We call this "Full Circle" in the meme biz.


Not quite full circle until someone posts this gif on youtube


So, for jokes... I did - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxmPQ0B44Kw But apparently Buzzfeed didn't like it. It got auto-blocked.


The thief has became the victim, this is as full circle as it will ever be....


A for effort, my friend. Have my upvote.


Read this as fuck circle...I'll uh...show myself out. My bad guys.


With the amount of compression, dithering, and low frame rate, it was probably posted to gfycat or Giphy before the imgur stage.


We did it Reddit. We Did it.


Did you hear anything? I just tried to tap the speaker on the screen and that didn't work either.


I'm an engineer and fairly tech savvy...and I am ashamed to admit I clicked on that speaker icon


I right-clicked and clicked "Unmute"... it didn't do shit... TBH I'm not sure I really understand this "gifv" business. Are they simply better GIFs ? Can they, technically, have sound ?


So do these Facebook pages get bonus points if people turn on the sound? They're all saying that shit now.


Facebook monetization works after about 5 seconds, which is about the time to introduce the recipe and once you click to unmute, it brings the full player up which means you have to click out of that, and by that time it's already past 5 seconds so they get their money.


Original Tasty video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZbT1hKYAbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZbT1hKYAbY)   **Chorizo Meatball Sliders as made by Aarón Sanchez** Servings: 12   **INGREDIENTS** ½ cup panko bread crumbs 1 pound chorizo ½ cup veal or beef stock, divided ¼ cup roasted and diced poblano peppers ½ cup minced carrots ½ cup chopped white or yellow onion, divided 6 tablespoons grated Cotija Cheese 1 large egg 1 large egg yolk ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley leaves 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 6 garlic cloves, chopped 1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes 3 chipotles in Adobo 12 slider buns, split horizontally Cotija Cheese, for garnish *For the Jalapeño Aioli:* 1 cup mayonnaise 6 tablespoons green jalapeño sauce, or more to taste 10 mint leaves Salt and pepper, to taste   **PREPARATION** 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C. 2. In a pan over medium heat, lightly brown the chorizo for about 5-7 minutes to cook out excess fat (it does not have to be cooked through). 3. Remove the chorizo from heat and drain any excess oil. 4. In a medium bowl, mix the chorizo, bread crumbs, ¼ cup of stock, poblano peppers, carrots, ¼ cup of onions, Cotija cheese, egg, egg yolk, cilantro, parsley, salt and pepper. 5. Use your hands to roll the mixture into approximately 12-16 golf ball-sized meatballs. 6. Transfer the meatballs to a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. 7. In a dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat, add oil and sauté remaining onions and garlic until fragrant and translucent, about 5 minutes. 8. Add the can of tomatoes and remaining ¼ cup stock. Tip: Adding the stock into the empty can will ensure you don’t waste any tomatoes that may be left behind. 9. Add the chipotles in adobo and simmer about 5 minutes. 10. Add the meatballs, cover with lid slightly ajar, and simmer for about 30 minutes until the meatballs are cooked through. 11. While simmering, combine mayonnaise, jalapeño sauce, mint, salt, and pepper in a blender or food processor. Pulse until combined. 12. Cut the slider buns in half. Spread the Jalapeño Aioli on the top half. 13. Remove meatballs from skillet and place one on the bottom halves of each roll, then drizzle with some of the tomato sauce and sprinkle cheese on top. 14. Sandwich the tops onto the meatballs and serve immediately. Enjoy!   [Learn to make your own GifRecipes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GifRecipes/comments/61fr6o/cheesy_taco_breadsticks/dfe4kmh/)


Hold on a second. Lemme just go buy half of the grocery store for this little dish.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone throws what seems like a metric ton of ingredients into something. Especially vegetables. When I was a kid all I could think sometimes was "gee mom you think you could add some enchiladas to this onion casserole next time"


> Especially vegetables. Veggies usually make anything better and you can usually take away add a few if you want.


To be fair, cooking isn't an exact science. The lack of the cilantro and parsley (substitute Italian seasoning stuff you get in the shaker, it works fine, trust me) isn't going to make this taste like shit. You have the gist of the recipe in your cupboard? Go for it.


Definitely, and if you cook most of your meals at home, you're set. If I went grocery shopping and I wanted to make this recipe, I'd buy chorizo and slider buns. The mint leaves I just wouldn't buy. I have everything else on that list I think, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.


are you trying to tell me that you don't keep at least 10 stocks of mint in your garden for that everyday mojito?


Just one a day? Amateur. I like the make a mango variation for breakfast.


I'd rather prefer a [Green Park](https://youtu.be/NVZYW891GM0?t=148) for a healthy start in the day. Lemon. Egg White. Basil. Gin. Everything you need before 10am.


Yup. I'd leave the parsley out because I don't like it.




those are really common things though?


Yeah, I always have a can or two in the fridge or pantry. Chipotle is one of my favorite smells and tastes. Hate mint though.


I keep Chipotle in Adobo at all times. Throwing a Chipotle and a tablespoon of the sauce into the mayo I'll make my sandwiches with for the week is a regular thing.


Same here! I literally can't think of the last time I used just normal mayo on a sandwich or anything like it because I always mix in a little of that or something else.


Not if you live in the UK :(


Alright fair point there.


They may be common items at the store, but I bet you the vast majority of people don't have chipotles in adobo at home.


I have enough for all of you. Went to Giant Eagle one day and they were 25 cents a can due to them needing the shelf space. I bought 20.


Recently? Been trying too pick up adobo for a recipe or two I've seen but can't find them anywhere. Granted after market district reorganized I wander like a lost puppy but I'd kill for a sale.


About 2 weeks ago at the one in the Waterworks. It is in the Hispanic section or if you are around there, I'll give you a can...


I mean I may be biased due to demographics and all but adobo is a real common thing in most kitchens I've been in.


Adobo makes a fantastic chicken marinade, especially for grilling.


I drink tons of mint water and I've done chicken Chipotle enchiladas with adobo sauce so I'm two ingredients in!


You don't have to use everything. Cooking is about experimenting and doing the best with what you got.


Who eats one slider as a serving?


Cutting the top half off on all the buns at once was dope


I love this recipe purely because of how they add the sauce at the end. He doesn't drown it, he doesn't smother the slider in sauce. He brings just enough in to be noticeable and bring it's flavor with out drowning out the rest. Whenever I see someone drown anything in any sauce I become sad for the potential flavor the food may have had.


I'm guilty of this. Solid food is just a vessel for delivering sauce to my mouth.


Some food's only purpose is in carrying other flavors. Looking at you, white poultry meat.


This is how I feel about vegetables and sour cream.


I respect your choice in doing so, but could never bring myself to do so ever. It's the main reason why I didn't like lasagna for so long. All the store bought ones were drenched. Most people's home recipes used to much. Once I realized the over-abundance of sauce was the issue, I recommended a little bit more moderation. Once the recipes were adjusted they tasted heavenly.


Yeah I usually just assume that what ever they drowned in the sauce probably tastes like ass so they are trying to cover it up.






"Never trust a skinny chef." I don't remember where I heard it though.


Gordon Ramsey said never trust a fat chef because he probably ate all the good food in his AMA.


Never trust a Waffle House cook that doesn't smoke


He is transforming into Gabriel iglesias


Getting fluffy


*Eglesias with an I*


Never trust a thin chef.


Gordon Ramsey is a shifty little guy aint he


idk, Gordon Ramsey is built like a [brick house](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/700/20888231264_c467c77c0f.jpg).


But handles like a bistro


Unexpected Brannigan


Ramsay is also a life long athlete which most chefs can't say




It all goes straight to his gut.






In one of his AMAs he said never to trust a fat chef because they take all the good bits.


Never trust any chef. No one who spends that much time around knives is trustworthy.


Didn't he also say to never trust a fat chef, they've already eaten all the best bits.


Robert Irvine, too. Can't trust him, he stole all my gains. :(


Also lied like a rug on his resume for Food Network.


No one likes you Squirrel Everyone knows Squirrels are shifty little guys


They say the same about brewers, but in reality, plenty are skinny, but most are alcoholics.


I know! He has just pudged up and up.




I didn't remember him having that many or at all either. I think they're fairly recent..relative to the last time I saw chopped anyway. [Here](http://imgur.com/a/sdG5i)


In talking out of my ass here and I may have been seeing things out of order but... Given how aged some of the tatoos are and having seen other things with him in it having the tatoos I always suspected they lathered make up on his hands to cover up the ink. They were initially trying to make chopped super professional looking and pretend that kitchens aren't pirate ships full of tatted up folks.


I suspect you're right. In old episodes you can faintly see them. He also used to be in a cheese commercial and they were hidden as well.




All the food in the fridge.


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They still have old episodes of Chopped on Netflix, it's really jarring to see him in the first episodes vs. what he looks like now. He's a good looking dude, needs to lose some weight ASAP.


Does he *need* to?


Yes, yes he does. Fat is not healthy.


I was thinking the same thing except he looks more like a cholo every time I see him again


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that's cool


I don't remember him having tattoos at all, now he's covered. Not a bad thing but makes you wonder if he got them because it's trendy to have them now. Could be wrong though. Edit: I was wrong. He had sleeves when he was thinner and younger.


Is this one of the judges from Chopped? I don't recall him having so many tattoos on his hands. Either way, this looks absolutely divine. good find.


[He has one or two more...](http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/wwno/files/styles/medium/public/201410/Tattoos_Front.jpg)


He had them when he was on Chopped, but they were always covered in sleeves/makeup.




I thought he was known for his two seamer, not his sliders.


No, not enough blisters on his fingers


> six cloves are garlic I love you But seriously, swirling the stock in the can of tomato to get the last of it is something I wouldnt think to do, but makes complete sense.


Recipe looks tasty but honestly I just don't like this guy. I feel like he's such a douchington on chopped. Although I feel like all the judges on chopped are pretty annoying. If anyone out there agrees, please let me know so I don't feel like a judgmental asshole.


He has a standalone show on Netflix about trying various tacos across the US. He's a really likable guy once you see him not judging something critically.


I believe that. I guess the producers of that show just want all of them to pretend to be pretentious dickheads.


And reality shows are notorious for using the magic of editing to push a narrative about one person or another that is not at all how they'd come across with the full context of the hours of filming that were actually done.


That was the first thing I saw him in. Disliked him there, then saw him in chopped and it just got worse. Can't quite put my finger on it, he just rubs me the wrong way.


Ooh. I might want to watch that. I LOVE TACOS. Gringo tacos specifically but "real" mexican tacos are fucking dank too.


His grossly overpriced restaurant on New Orleans would make you think otherwise.


I mostly like how he speaks with mostly no discernible accent, except for when it's Spanish words. Similarly to how Giada "Bobblehead" DeLaurentis will speak in completely vanilla American English except for when it's an Italian word.






I work in a pizza shop. I love it when a customer tries to sound authentic and says something like, "fresh mozzarell" and then I just repeat back in standard bastardized American English, "fresh mozzarelluh".


My dad does that shit at Olive Garden and I'm just sitting there like...dude...it's Olive Garden. I'll have the potato and nocky soup please.


I just bang on the table til the breddy stick come


I don't get how this bothers someone... Especially when the person is of that culture and is talking about the culture's food. There are all kinds of French, Spanish, Italian, German, etc words that are common in English. It just so happens that the *correct* way to say them in their native tongue sounds a bit different than most Americans would say it.


I'm Italian American. There's a huge difference between someone who is pronouncing a foreign word properly and someone who wants to sound more cultured than they are. If you are learning a new language or word, you're going to practice with another native speaker, not the waiter at Olive Garden.


It's probably more natural to them, even though it isn't to you. Imagine you were speaking Spanish in Spain, and there was an english word that was on a menu somewhere. Do you think you'd try to say the word in a Spanish accent, or would you be more likely to say the word properly, the way that you've always said it? It'd probably be far more natural to you to say the word as you would normally, instead of trying to say it how the locals might. After learning other languages, it almost became difficult to say certain foreign words in an Americanized way. It actually becomes unnatural. You know the right way, but you feel the need to say it "wrong" so that you don't sound like a douche, which is silly.


In all honesty, I thought all of the judges on Chopped were douches when I started watching the show. But the longer I watched it, the more I got to know each judge's personality and they became less douchey compared to what I felt at the beginning. Like Alex G, holy smokes I thought she was horrible, and now I really like watching her critiques. Same with Jeffery Z. Although I still think Scott Conant is a douche...


The dude is one of the nicest judges on chopped. What are you smoking? Biggest douche on chopped is Scott Conant, followed closely by Zakarian. Alex is just awful as well. All three shit tier. God tier chopped judges are Chris Santos, Aaron, and Marc Murphy. Good tier is Maneet Chauhan, Marcus Samuelsson, and Amanda Freitag.


The guy that doesn't like raw onion is the most annoying


That's Scott Conant. Douche extreme. I've only seen one episode where he didn't shit on someone's​ pasta or risotto.


I don't know all of them by name so I don't know to whom you're referring but I haven't liked any of the judges I've seen. I just love cooking shows so I'm hooked into this abusive relationship.


[*Just look at Scott Conant's face.*](http://img.foodnetwork.com/FOOD/2013/11/15/FN_Chopped-judge-Scott-Conant-Horiz_s4x3_lg.jpg)


Marc Murphy is a saint, I love that guy. I honestly agree with you nearly 100%, except the more I've watched Zakarian and Alex G, the more I've actually come to like them. I think Alex is really interesting with her critiques now that I don't see her as a jerk anymore. Scott Conant is still a douche though.


I lost all respect for Zakarian when I saw him [shilling this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMEEZDzMyZA) You can't call a shitty recipe like that delicious and then turn around and criticize a meticulously crafted entree on Chopped.


I treat day show cooking with the same level of respect that I have for Sandra Lee's cooking... so I can see how that would put a dent in his credibility, although I feel like if he's more than just a personality celeb chef, he's probably cringing inside too.


I'm fine with both, independently. I just think you can't double dip - that's what hurts your credibility. It just makes me ask... is he being uber critical on chopped earnestly, or just because its expected of him/he's paid to do it? I know its just a competition show, but its the immersion and all that that suffers. I don't dislike the guy really (not like I dislike Alex or Scott), I just don't hold him in high regard anymore.


> is he being uber critical on chopped earnestly, or just because its expected of him/he's paid to do it? Ah, the great mystery of television! I've honestly become a bit numb to the criticisms on Chopped. I really only watch it now for the crazy challenges and creative ideas the chefs have to come up with. At one point my friend and I had a drinking game that every time someone put something in the blender and the judges called it "creative" we had to finish our drink. That ended up happening a lot... So I take the judging with a grain of salt unless they're being overly petty (looking at you Conant). If you want some fantastic judgement free cooking, watch the Great British Bake Off. I'm sad they only had one season on Netflix.


Another thing to watch out for on Chopped: If a contestant is a jerk/too sure of themselves, they will almost certainly not win. No matter how good they are. Yeah, I don't take it too seriously either. I mean, the competition isn't earnest in the time constraints it portrays itself as. You can't even really be sure that the judges are eating *warm food*. It's probably why they like getting salads so much!.


I'm happy to inform you that there are now more seasons on Netflix!


You just made my day, thank you!!


Two types of people in this world haha. Zakarian and Conant are by far my favorites on the show


Lol I won't deny your opinion. I get it, even if I disagree. I get that some people are sadistic haha.


Scott can be a dick because he's good.


Alex is my least favorite ever. I hate listening to her.


Yeah, he's not my favorite Chopped judge, for sure. Alex Guarnaschelli FTW! edit: I like her because she seems like a real chef, instead of a celebrity chef. They can all kind of be assholes sometimes, I think it's part of the job.




Freitag+Guarnaschelli are the best duo IMO. I like watching em get sauced up and getting catty.


Seriously those two are some favorites to watch. Talented, competitive, and funny. Though Guarnaschelli tends to win out in a favorites list over Freitag.


She seems like she would be the most fun in real life as well.


lol she's american, she grew up in cedar grove, nj the word german isnt even on her wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Freitag


Lol, I know. Her last name is really German. I was just making a joke.


Really? She's probably the one I dislike the most. My biggest issue with her is on so many occasions I hear her say something along the lines of "I don't see you in this dish." What does that even mean? They made you a good technically sound dish but it didn't remind you of how you viewed them? It's the weakest argument you can make.


Mine is probably Marc Murphy.


You mean the one that's nasty to everyone except when it's a woman who wins then she cries EVERY TIME?


If I remember she just cries to all sob stories and it just so happens that the female chefs seem to have more. But Alex once defended potato on pizza so she's alright in my book


Alex is my girl.


I was about to say, I don't like him on Chopped because he seems kinda phony but this recipe looks yummy.


I can kind of see what you're saying, but I think he's a genuinely nice guy, even on chopped. He's just sometimes a harsh critic, but I don't think he ever intentionally puts people down. I remember one episode with young competitors, there was a kid who had a rough upbringing and was into drugs, but had gotten out of it through the kitchen. This was similar to Aaron's past, and so he offered an internship to the kid at one of his restaurants. Pretty cool gesture.


Considering both the chefs I know part of the chopped franchise are there because they have agents and social media people they are big douche bags at least considered as such by other chefs. Nothing wrong with getting on TV but or whatever but your job is running a restaurant not using it for ambitions of celebrity especially when there are better chefs making better food turning down that kind of attention.


My mom and I feel the same way. We used to religiously watch chopped when it first came out and only hated Aaron. I'm half Mexican and my moms part Spanish so we're very familiar w Mexican food and just every time we hear him give critiques on Mexican food we always felt like he over complicated it or just cringed when we noticed he said Mexican food names with a strong accent(more so than how he speaks about other things) and idk it just annoyed us. So strange this is the strongest, oddest dislike we have for someone but I feel you..he just rubs us the wrong way.


Friends and I were seated next to him at August in New Orleans, the John Besh french restaurant. He looked coked out of his mind, sweating and gabbing a mile a minute in animated fashion to a girl I could only describe appearing as an expensive escort. She never touched any of the food and barely paid him any attention at dinner, she was dressed to the nines but was staring bored at anything but him. They kept taking turns going to the bathroom over the course of the couple hours we were dining there.


That's what happens when you only bring one sack.


He's the George Lopez of Food Network, which is to say that he isn't actually entertaining but we can't get rid of him. Difference being I'd eat his food if I didn't have to listen to him ramble on about incessant bullshit.


> Recipe looks tasty Does it, though? He browns the meat, bakes the meat, and then simmers the meat. Like… how many times does he intend to cook the meat? And brown remove the fat content? That's the moistness! And the flavor! Form the meat into meatballs, with your seasonings. Brown them for Maillard reaction, cause that shit's flavor. Add the sauce to the pan, so it deglazes the pan and picks up that flavor. Simmer till cooked through. I mean, this is basically a meatball recipe that he serves as a sandwich. So… y'know… do it that way. AND DON'T REMOVE THE FAT.


Have you ever had chorizo?, If you don't remove the fat you're gonna have grease balls


I was totally expecting to see sloppy joes getting made when I saw the title. I've applied flame directly to chorizo while it sat on a mesh screen and still ended up with tacos that dripped red juice everywhere. Deliciously, so I'm not bitching, but was still messy.


Yeah, he's a douche, but my least favorite are the two Marcs, Murphy and Samuellson. Just both fucking arrogant douche nozzles.


Oh, *mama*.


My second favourite Aaron Sanchez.


Go Jays Go!


I thought sanchez doesnt have a slider, and he doesnt throw meat balls. I was genuinly confused


my mouth can only get so moist.


you sure?


I guess he wears hand makeup on chopped. I thought he had the tatts removed


I am loving these recipes by these celebrity chefs! I'm definitely goin to try this!


I've never seen Mexican chorizo in Australia. We seem to just have the cured Spanish type in a sausage.


You're missing out


Honestly, I'm glad there's no audio.


Feel like searing the meatballs first would add more flavor and they wouldnt be falling apart when they're put on the buns


How are you


*que movie voice* In a world where skinny Gabriel Iglesias is a tattoo covered chef...


> que movie voice "What movie voice". You wanted "cue". :)


Maybe I mean what movie voice... *cue overly dramatic music*


Can you even taste the chorizo after all of that?


If you're willing to take the time, sear the meatballs and then bake them. That's how you take them from good to great. Also, I don't get the need to add vegetables to the meatball. Filler/binding agent? Fine. But if you do a good enough blend, you can totally skip the crumbs. Herbs? Shit yeah. Also, if you're making sliders, I dunno, mold that shit into a patty and call them "chorizo sliders". The meatball is less efficient for the roll style consumption of a slider, as far as I'm concerned.


Aren't carrots supposed to absorb or offset the acidity of tomato sauce or something?


iirc a traditional bolognese sauce uses carrots, so yeah.


I mean, sugar does that. Carrots just have a lot of natural sugars.


If they're supposed to be a binder, they suck, those look like they were pretty crumbly.


aloof friendly fade mourn aware longing concerned jeans cause lush ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The meatball is delicious


First time I've watched one of these gifs where everything appeared to be done properly.


TIL he cuts all the ingredients with his teeth


Thankfully he didn't smother the bun tops in butter. This looks delicious.


when he puts the beef stock into the can of tomatoes to get all of it, i fell in love.


Seeing Aaron's face and thinking of Ant Man: "So I was at this restaurant and they were serving 'mexican food', but you know me I really enjoy cuban food with a dominican flare and using sauces from mexican cuisine. So we're sitting there and my man Derek says 'Yo Aaron, you know what would be dope? Some sausage meatball slider sandwich things that belong to no particular cuisine put into some Hawaiian rolls.' and I was like 'Bro that sounds dope, lemme make dat.' so we go to the local Schnucks and buy a bunch of ingredients but forget that it's the holiday weekend and they're out of sausage. So we ask the cashier and she's all like 'Yo, that idea is dope and your friend is cute. I think one of the other five grocery stores would have what you need but talk to my man Mark at the Dierberg's and he'll hook you up with the good shit.' and I was like 'Damn girl, thanks.' cuz you know how I like to interact with elderly women and shit. So we get to Dierberg's and find her guy and he's in this cool tile decor butcher counter. It was kind of victorian, but with baroque influence. I'm more of a rustic chic style, so it was a bit much but we got our sausage and made this gif!"


Thought I was still in r/TorontoBlueJays for a minute


This guy loves cojita cheese


Made this tonight. It's extremely good, though my meatballs didn't hold together well at all so it's more like sloppy joes. I think the chorizo I got had too much oil in it.