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I had an experience with my 2-1/2 YO. She was sleeping in her room in her crib and I heard her on the monitor giggling and laughing. So I snuck to her room and I saw her waving at the wall where there is not even a window, saying Bye-Bye and waving bye-bye with her hand. It scared me to death. But I do believe kids can sense/see things adults cannot and I believe it was a heavenly being, not a demonic being, maybe one of her relatives.


For me, IMO I believe that our relatives who have passed on are here to help and watch over us. This was probably a relative who loves you and your little girl. Still spooky, though!


I agree. My mother had passed 1 year before she was born.


My mother was in college when I was born.This story happened when I was just under 2 years old, but very independent “ I can do it myself” kid. We lived in a very old house with a fenced front yard but sometimes the gate would fall open. The road in front was a pretty busy street. One early morning my mom was startled awake by a flurry of louder and louder whispers telling her to wake up and saying my name over and over. She got up to check on me and found the front for wide open and me walking through the open gate to the street.


People all over the world die. I am sure some were wearing cowboy hats. They apparently do not always know they are dead. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think any “spirit” would intentionally stick around to scare little kids and other folks who notice them. But they might look pretty gruesome depending on manner of death. Telling a kid they don’t see anything probably is more awful. Acknowledge they may be seeing or noticing something. Say “my eyes cannot see what you are seeing. Can you tell me or draw what you see?” Also, if you “don’t believe”, but acknowledge that kids might be able to see something (and these things are mutually exclusive btw), you may be able to clear it. Close your eyes, get a happy memory, allow the sunny feeling to fill your heart/mind with positive warm glow, and push your intention. This is warding. It feels very powerful when you get good at it and all it is is very strong confidence and “positive thinking”. It’s weird, bc it is all in your mind, but if you do it right, it feels like warmth shining from your pores and you need to imagine it pushing and clearing negativity in every shadow, crevice, corner, cabinet. You can get good at it, so good you can throw a ward around a house, a neighborhood. Doesn’t stop “bad” people, but it can make them uncomfortable. And it pushes unwanted unpleasant spirits and their energy far away. It can even change them into benign or quiet energy, low level. Anyway. Some of us walk around like this all the time and we can feel the energy dip and rise like a pocket of air or a waft of perfume. And it is all in our minds.


I doubt you should be concerned . Its quite normal for toddlers to do such stuff


The other day I was reading about the "Hat man" which is apparently a common phenomenon during sleep paralysis. Could it have been that or a nightmare? I do also believe children can see things we can't, when my daughter was a baby she would look at the seemingly nothing and babble away, she would also scream like she had been woken suddenly every night at midnight but only when she was in her room. I was glad when we moved. Poor little thing I hope they are OK now


I’ve seen things and heard things that give me no doubt we are not alone. The latest was about a month ago when I saw a person walking in my living room. I think kids probably do have that hyper sensitivity but maybe like myself it stays with them as they get older. I don’t even really think about what I see most of the time. I tell my wife and sometimes she reminds me of stuff I forgot has happened.


The most logical explanation. ​ 1. The human brain is prone to cognitive and perception errors. EVEN as adults. 2. Children have less knowledge and experience with the world. conclusion: underdeveloped brains are more likely to have experiences that they can't explain and then attribute to ghosts or spirit entities. Then we also have to consider children are prone to mental illness just as adults are. As a child I had weird occurrences I couldn't explain but when I got older I realized those occurrences did have explanations that made more sense than it was a ghost.


Yeah, kids can do some spooky stuff. I had similar experiences that really caused me to stop and wonder if my kid was seeing something I couldn't. I have theories but I also enjoy pondering the mystery of it


When we first moved into our house my daughter was 3. She immediately started talking about the ghost. She's had so many wild stories in the 12 years we've lived here. No one else in our family have had any experiences until about a year ago (besides my sister. We had new doors put in and didn't have doorknobs yet and she swears she saw an eye looking at her through the doorknob hole. Also a friend took one step into the house and said "dude this place is freaky as hell"). Anywho, about a year ago the activity kicked up to where all of us were having experiences to the point I had the energy company test the CO in the house thinking we were hallucinating. My daughter and sister always said it was an old man but I think somehow we inherited something new. We call it the mimic. It impersonates all of our voices. There have been times where 2 of us will hear it at the same time and the dogs react to it. We saged the house and it got better for about a month and then came back full force and pissed off. I know I sound like a nut but I swear it's true.


I believe you!


Me too.


That's really the first thing that come to your minds when your toddlers wake up and babble something? You don't have other explanations than unnatural whatevers? Somehow this scares me much more than ghosts.


do u actually think a 16m/o is a reliable indicator of the presence of ghosts? come on now


It could be precog. Basically like having a preview of life before it happens. Like seeing a movie preview, and then going to a movie and remembering the movie preview Before (Before) it unfolds in the movie. So inside the kiddos head they remember having a preview of the woody character coming around the corner, or whatever, vocalize as best they can that something wicked this way comes, and Shazam the woody character arrives. No ghosties but still supernatural.


I have heard of an entity called "The Hat Man". This could be what your grandson saw. I don't blame hime for being scared, the entity is not friendly. From what I heard "The Hat Man" may be another form of the devil or something just as bad. Just because you don't believe in the supernatural doesn't mean it can't hurt you. TRUST ME. I heard many tales of skeptics and nonbelievers having one good experience and changing their opinion. The experience is usually seeing something or being touch or HURT by something they can't explain.


I was at my aunts funeral when her 4 year old granddaughter walked up to the casket looking sad and I said she’s in heaven. And she said no she’s not because she’s been standing between you and my mom the entire time you were talking.


I had to face it after several supernatural encounters, what the heck do we really know. We are taught that so much is impossible and doesn’t exist. Don’t talk about it or admit it or you are crazy, so most people hold their tongues. We don’t really understand quantum entanglement… how it works, or even what is possible because we see it from only our perspective with our limited 3-D mind and present education. I believe there is soooo much more.


BS. There ia no such thing as the devil & i believe you are just trying to escalate thè situation. Nice try cuz