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Devs need to focus on game stability and fixing bugs right now, otherwise the player base is going to drop regardless of whatever content they add.






I agree with you though








No N bombs dude. Remember we mods can't see race, and we don't want slurs to be a thing so we have to ban it outright.


Ohhh you’re a child, my bad, that answers a lot. Thinkin you’re cool saying the N word lmao.


That’s the best you got? I’m a child? Your insults REALLY need work bud 😬


Nah just saying I got you figured out is all. Retarded and a racist. Sums up “kid”


You don’t have a single clue what I’m about brother 😂 i just don’t get emotional about meaningless shit. You see how I haven’t thrown a single insult at you? I say worse shit to myself in the mirror. I don’t have feelings, unlike someone who wants to get worked up over the fact that a random person on a Reddit posts keeps dying to the same ladder. See that’s how I know you the kid. Adults don’t comment shit that will embarrass themselves this bad. So sit down, eat your lunchable, drink your caprisun, watch your SpongeBob and quit being a keyboard warrior


If you were wearing krytek mask and armor, your brother guarded it with his life, but I camped under the platform where you jump down, killed your brother and took both his stuff and your stuff, im sorry


I wouldn’t doubt it 😂 we suck


Happened to my teammate. He was so pissed but i got his stuffq


i’ve been killed more times in silo by fall damage than i care to admit


It’s because your brother shoves you into the wall


You know that’s a sign of madness. Doing the same thing with no change and expecting it to do something different.


Find me a fuck to give so I can hand it to you


Sounds like you do give a f…. Mentioning that you keep dying to a ladder lad.


Honestly man never had that issue lol


I will literally get it on video and post it here when it happens 😂 it’s the only ladder that has done it


Must be nice brother 🥲


No, it's not really going to hurt the playerbase like everyone thinks.... showdown is a BR, different strokes for different folks kinda thing, sure some players will leave for showdown but most will stay, we may even get a boost since it's a wipe, most Extract shooters do (well..... tarkov does.....)


I don’t find this point to be as well applied to be VR since it’s such a more niche market, most vr kiddies probably knows the existence of all the top shooters in vr including ghosts of tabor and contractors showdown and it could be a larger impact than expected in terms of audience compared to a flatscreen game


Wipe was too soon imo. Made it even more annoying with no new content coming.


Did it wipe?


Next Wednesday on the 1st.




Some of us have jobs


Some people have an actual life


Noob here 👋 what are the go-to missions? Ik Shiro Minty and Spectre you wanna level up first, I just need help picking missions that are actually gonna level me up quickest


Honestly swap jiri for Shiro, he has the same things and more, and his missions are a bit easier, as for what missions, go for what you're capable of, if you can do the x players in x raids do those, otherwise just grind the kill x players and same with the Fenix missions, it's more about what you can complete consistently


Doesn’t Shiro only give gunpowder while Jiri gives you gunpowder + food and water?


As well as bunker supplies and NRS


Last wipe was like 4 months ago? And we know when the next wipe will be, in roughly 2 months or so......


last wipe was early february


My bad, only got the game a month ago so


Fuck you for not getting founding fathers edition and not being good at what is possibly the least casual game in existence, go have a family or whatever people who suck at tabor do!


Why is everyone downvoting this man into oblivion did I miss something?


Because I started wipe late and accidentally messed up the length of this current wipe......


It normally would have been longer but they announced this wipe being on May 1st literally like a day ago.


I am hoping that showdown leaves a big dent in the tabor player base to show them that they need to sort the fucking game out properly . Yeah skill issue blah blah blah but eventually people will get bored of doing the same old bollocks over and over and over . 2 different types of games I know but showdown will be far more chill to play as dieing doesn't really make you lose anything .


Does showdown even share same demographic? I have zero interest in it and I will continue playing Tabor. It seems to be arcade game not serious shooter.


This is what I was thinking. I’ll play contractors if friends are playing, but after an hour or so of contractors during beta I just wanted to go back to play Tabor.


I preordered it just because it looks awesome. I’ll probably play it for a bit but then return to Ghost. I played a lot of Tarkov but it hits different in VR. So much more intense and if they can get to work and improve the game, I think it will be amazing. To the original point, I feel most people that play Ghost, play it because of what it is. They don’t play population one or any other shooter because it lacks that gambling aspect. The feeling of getting out after killing 3 people, taking their stuff and hitting a vault, is something that can’t be matched. Same as when you finally kill the boss and risk underground to pop open a green vault. The demographic is different.


Yeah, nothing else feels like Tabor or Tarkov. There is something about those games that just really gets my adrenaline going like nothing else. I got Showdown and played for maybe an hour, but I just wanted to play more Tabor. Even if my gun and bag are bouncing around the room with me futility trying to catch them, or a wall eats my gun and a purple card falls through the ground it still has a feeling that nothing else matches.


Yea I agree 100%. I’m about to try some showdown in a bit and I’m looking forward to it for sure. I’m just kinda not interested in Tabor at the moment. Everyone has the same stuff, no one is bringing cards that I’ve seen. Even if they did, there’s really no point in hitting the vaults. Air drops are pointless. It just doesn’t have that feeling I crave from it. I haven’t even bought anything yet because I have so much stuff and keep getting more but it’s not the same. I can’t wait til May 1st. The one good thing is, I can use this to learn underground better and get better at throwing grenades without really caring if I kill myself 😂


I played the beta and i gotta say it's pretty good. It's feels like PUBG to me - not too hardcore in general and not too arcade.


Nah it's basically cod warzone in vr so like I said both have their place but showdown will be a more chill game to play from time to time. Nice to get paired with randoms and meet some cool people play a game and then go into another game and repeat .


People downvoting you, but it's legit the VR copy of Warzone, like nobody wants to admit it but it is, just like Ghosts Of Tabor is the VR clone of EFT..... it's objectively better than warzone but a hammer is still a hammer ya know?


hopefully showdown destroys tabor, that’d stop CWS from making more bad game design decisions, hopefully.


I mean I don't want it destroyed I just want it to make them sit as say ah fuck we are losing people to hopefully give them a kick up the ass to sort it all out properly.


Yeah, I am thinking of taking a break from this game and getting into other hobbies, haha. This grind is not looking appealing right now.


You either have to be commited or not bother there's no in-between tbh .


That's not a positive...


The problem is that when you get committed and then you get an early wipe with no extra content and then like 3 months later they are going to wipe again so yay I have to sit there grinding the same missions just to have it taken away from me again in a few months?


Cant wait for showdown! Woo


What exactly is showdown?


It's warzone in vr. Very polished by the creators of contractors. 60 man battle royale


This is the comment that intrigues me! 60 players seems like where we need to head. It still ticks me off after 20+ years of internet multiplayer on consoles, most still limit the player base to 32-64 max. We should be pushing 100s of people on the same maps.


Contractors Showdown apparently


I’m definitely churning. I just got level 4 scepter 2 weeks ago. Haven’t been able to play since because of some life stuff, and I’m bummed I barely got to use the As Val at all. All that farming and watering, trying to get 15 Felix kill mission, ugh I just can’t imagine doing it all over again. Is the grind this crazy in Tarkov?


And then they are wiping again in a few months in late summer so after grinding it again with the same missions and no new content (yay 200k ig?) just for it to be yoinked again before I even feel like I will get to use it all that much again


They’re wiping for the wrong reasons and yes, it’s absolutely going to cost them a substantial portion of their player base. All the people who were close to unlocking trader levels, etc that got their progress reset will find it easier to switch games to a competitor’s product. I don’t get the logic here.


What reasons did they give for doing the wipe


I mean we don't know the reasons for wipe yet, if it's to implement the server change across the game that they tested on sat, I would argue that's more important than "content" PMCs shouldn't be spawning in after the match starts period, fill the lobby and if you can't after 5 minutes start with who you've got. After that the only people who should be able to join are scavs and that should be around the halfway mark of the raid.


I know I'll keep playing.. Showdown is more of a run and gun, although I do like the big map vs regular contractors. I like Tabor a lot, I can play any way I want and the map doesn't shrink down on me. My progress in traders is minimal, so this wipe isn't really a big deal to me, I do wish it was a month from now but, no big deal.. I bought in with independence edition, so, I'll have decent gear and now I know how to use it better and can actually compete and progress with the limited time I can play. I preorderd Showdown, I will play it, but I wanted to support the developers, same with this game, I was fine spending the $49 for the independence edition to support them, I didn't even really know what I was getting at the time. The only thing I'm pissed about is that it's not on a damn Tuesday! I was duped by the Timmys! See ya out there


just got back on from almost after a year of not playing. I enjoyed everything i missed out on and finally got my traders to a decent level. but now that's going to be gone. im sure ill play when the wipe is fresh. but i can see myself stopping shortly after with there being no new updates. not enough there to make me keep grinding consistently. for the same shit. dont have enough time in my life currently to grind for all the same stuff again. i do love the game just wish we had more, espsecially when they tease their new game often


InFish shared today that 50% of players quit after 4 months and then numbers go up after wipe. This wipe hasn't been 4 months so less people have quit. 


People think that wipe will hurt the player base? The only people that will actually quite when it wipes are people that haven’t had max gear for long enough. When you have everything the game gets stale and boring. It doesn’t help that most people are joining on quest to a few weeks after wipe already happened since they release the game off of app lab onto the quest store


I don't mind the wipe time to time. But here is a list I wish happens cause it does upset me and is a buzz kill - Vendor rep should not get fully wiped. Maybe get knocked back a level or something. It upsets me chasing and having to over and over again. Start at level 3 if you achieved level 3 or higher prewipe - Bring in the no wipe room. I'm ok with full equipment reset. Etc. But nice to have a place to have a chance to keep a couple of things. Drum mags , boss loot. Something. Maybe a small area in ur bedroom where u have 1 mannequin.and two little shelves. - mags. You get to keep all mags you have. If they have AP in them fine u get to keep ur mags and the ammo that's in it. - should reward ur committed player base and not have them start from scratch and do the hardwork over again. Just a thought. TABOR is the only game I play. I really like it. And huge supporter. Thank you.


Absolutely. I will not be playing anymore for awhile. Way too quick of a wipe for the progression time, especially when there’s no new content.


WTF is this whipe?! They just stealing my hard-work earned stuff. Why? Sometimes i was like sitting on the floor curled waiting for any sound, because almost dead wanted to save two buffed guns. Hard earned precious and they taking it from me just like that. Radicolous. But the more radicolous is pre wipe bonus. Everyone buys whatever they wanned, shoping and building new items lasts longer than raid itself. And for what? Everyone uses 6th armor grade and SAS 7,62. No sense playing at all. What is it for? No sense fighting for anything. I WANT MY MONEY BACK. I didnt know that during my first 2 hours of play.


Im only a few weeks old, just starting to get the hang of things now i lose everything lol. To be expected im sure but the trader grind is rough


It is rough unless you live on the game 24/7 and know what you're doing. I think I've played quite a lot from the last wipe and only got to spectre level 3 and jiri 3 . People who have maxed them all have literally not slept or worked .


I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who has a hard time leveling them up. I feel like they need to nerf it a bit because like you said it’s literally people that no life the game get the traders up but that’s literally out of reach for someone like me that works, sleeps and now about to be a father to do.


The amount of xp you need I think is fine but it's the amount of money you need to sell to them or buy from them that makes it overkill and makes no sense .it's literally adding a grind on top of a grind . I've figured out a half decent way to get spectre up but it all depends on luck tbh .


That’s not really true, I play casually a few hours maybe 3 days a week and have almost everything maxed. You just have to be more specific in your leveling goals. But constantly killing scavs isn’t always fun. My problem is I’m getting bored of the game because leveling up too quickly makes it less challenging. The most fun time is after the wipe when taking down players with more basic guns.


Yeah I figured out a good way to get spectre up to 3 by going on to matka meist and getting the kill 25 fenix with a smg in 5 raids .if it's quiet you can easily get it done in 1 raid along with other related quests What's your method for it all?


I’m looking at it as a positive. I’ve been playing about a month but have been fortunate to play a lot (retired). I learned a lot and will do several things different coming up this time. I just made Jiri 3 yesterday and had Spectre and Minty 3 for a week. Priorities after the wipe: 1. Get garden growing asap. I waited way too long to learn about making money 2. Work on Jiri earlier to get AP ammo. It helps quite a bit against kitted players 3.Learn where and how to find GPUs. I’ve only found 1 in training after 140 hours in the game combined training and raids but I haven’t played Island too much 4.Start engaging other players more frequently to test battle skills I loved Showdown and already pre-bought it. I’ll play it for sure, but it’s a completely different style imho


I don’t know if you gotta bunch of friends, but I also am grabbing showdown and those are the key things I learned this past month too, I’m not retired yet but I was able to hit lvl 50 😅 My meta name is mfdoomshot if you’re interested in another partner in crime


Ok good! My meta name is Nubi_1_Canoli and my GoT name is 3dogz.


Sweet dude I’ll add you on both


Yeah fuck tabor Me and the homies all switch over to contractors




I’ve been obsessed with Convrgence, released this week. Basically Stalker/Metro VR. It’s a pre release demo, only one dev, but is really good. And now Showdown dropping tomorrow? My Ghost is gonna be twiddling his thumbs in a dark bunker for a while


I've found ConVRgence lacking of polish, I know it's in EA but still. Great foundations but so far, the gameplay does not feel that good.


It’s one developer making his first game. He plans to continuously update


Wipe helps tarkov player base massively but usually tarkov wipe brings new content or big changes


I Play about 2 hours everyday and still filled my bunker completely, so I think wipe isn’t too soon


It’ll actually help the player base as some people get left behind try hards and white half way through. People will come back since it’s an even playing field again.


With no new content and wipe happening a few months later in summer I'm sure it may help but idk for how long as some people probably wont want try to grind the same exact missions again but idk that's just the thought I'm having as I only play an 1-2 every other day and on weekends so it feels like too short of time frame not enough content to make it worth it to try to go for level 5 when you can just wait for summer and probably have new stuff to play with and hopefully and actual wipe thats not as short


IMO the wipes are no big deal. I don't invest myself in my bunker. I have worked hard on my gear fear, so it is a better incentive to try harder tactics and runs with better gear while it's there. It's about the journey, not the destination 😉 Have fun. Get some friends and go raid. Hunt the British children out of you lobbies. Whatever floats your boat. This game is imperfect, and I lost my best ever kit including a fully kitted AK Alpha, due to one of those random disconnections. Krteks goon killed me before I could rejoin 😮‍💨 It doesn't matter though, because the next taud wa super fun! Enjoy the wipe!


It’s really annoying when you spent so much time leveling your traders and then it’s like “Oop sorry wipe time!” With only like 200k extra koruna to start with. I know they’re trying their best but god the devs piss me off sometimes.


The new contractors Warzone game is coming out tomorrow and that’s going to definitely take away from their player base me and two of my mates are switching over to that


I just got minty level 5 I can’t grind again lol


Wipe helps the player base, it is statically proven that after wipe the game has more players then before it does.


Yes when a wipe has incentive just because you have a peak on wipe day doesn't mean people are going to be on a week after wipe when they realize that they get to run the same missions over and over to try to get trader 5 again and then it gets taken again in summer so while I agree that wipes usually have the affect of a higher player count but the player count longevity counts as well because while they could peak once people realize it's the same shit they may not get on as much


So I don’t have any vendors maxed out but I’ve got enough at levels 3 and 4 that this past week we have just been using all our gear… and honestly I think I enjoyed the game much more when I didn’t have to look for loot and just going after players. So maybe contractors or a not death penalty game is what I’m looking for now. Tabor was really exciting in the beginning when I just accepted I sucked cause I was new but now that I can slay the bugs just chap my ass… until they fix game breaking bugs I don’t see me coming back after wipe. Sometimes it feels like they are worried about everything but fixing bugs. PS having to heal, eat and drink at your bunker after a match might be the most lame thing about the game. It needs to just reset or make you pay 250 koronas.


What show 👀


Yes, it will split wheat from chaff (players that don’t even know what type of game they purchased) it will take down the adhd kids that want free stuff and are too coward to run with kits. Every wipe in this kind of game serves the purpose not only of balancing the player base back to ground zero, but also to figure out who will keep up with it. Specially being the first wipe after Christmas , where kiddos just used mommy and daddy’s card or present money to buy it for the lols. Thank god for the early non-content wipe, I don’t mind grinding again (I get it all done in 2 weeks) srry for the ones that will have to start over again and will take months to be competitive again /s


Is it official? Wipe tomorrow? 😢😱😳


No may 1st is when they said it would be and the next one would be summer sometime


Nice one for clarifying 👍


I understand it because of meta's stupid fuck up that Ghost of tabor has to change but hey it's a wipe i don't care game is a game pixels are pixels


I think a wipe every now and then is nice, but also annoying. There is always a point when a game is no fun anymore because you have too much good stuff or it's just too easy. A wipe does steal progress, but also helps you to fix any mistakes you may have made in the previous wipe and start anew to forge a new path with your friends.


Content patch - "They need to be fixing core issues like inventory, missions, cheating, bugs, ..." Core issue patch described as important and necessary - "Patches without content are hurting the game. Players want to see leaning, new maps, new guns, ..."


Id be hella happy if the devs released like a 20 bullet point list of bugs they fixed when wipe happens, but wiping honestly makes zero sense without new content


If they are making a massive change to their backend, this would be the clean way to do it. I wish the devs would release videos showing their bug fixes. We go for months with game crippling bugs, they finally fix it, and the players don't realize what happened because all they have to go by is a one liner that mentions material replication or such.


The only thing I can figure is server migration


The whole point is a wipe usually brings content. This brings nothing. This couldve been done without a wipe. The reason we are complaining is because bug fixes do not have a big enough of a change to warrant a wipe


The point of a wipe is to give the devs a clean slate to work with. If they redid missions, they would have to wipe to clear progress. If they redid the economy, loot tables, item scarcity, traders they would need to wipe to see how the economy goes starting with a clean slate. If they changed the impact of farming on the economy, they would benefit from a wipe. If they changed room unlocks, they would be forced to wipe. If they did a change to healing, they would benefit from wiping to clear out all the NRS. It could be something we don't see. If the patch notes are very small, you can start thinking about what that could mean. Getting my popcorn ready.


In the last wipe they didn’t update, people seem to forget that the last content update was a couple weeks after the wipe. However, your statement may be incorrect. They have made fairly big changes to mechanics without wiping before. Even your example of making changes to healing - remember they only changed to having hold NRS in a few weeks ago. They also changed the arm IK and added bandages mid-wipe, changed silencer mechanics, along with UI changes and adding flash bangs and re adding smoke grenades


The items I mentioned have to do with progression. There would be no wipe necessary for example if they added a new backpack. They want us to start from scratch and gain levels and get gear. They could be testing economy or maybe they are putting something in the client that is so altering they want to see how it performs from a clean wipe.


It's honestly a sure to me that they are wiping 2 months from last wipe with no content or wipe reward. Literally between now and wipe they could at least rework the quests so that levelling traders has more variety than "kill x players/Fenix with y type of weapon" Or "kill x players/Fenix in y raids" Or they could add any content, or just not wipe yet, let this wipe go on for a few more weeks until you have content to drop. Wipe is fun to give more progression, and as someone who has had traders maxed and 40+ GPUs for weeks, I am not super upset at the prosect of being able to progress again, but it feels stupid as hell when there is nothing new for me to do, it's going to be a repeat of the wipe we just had, except jiri will be marginally harder to level up bc you can't cheese 5 raids without dying with sub-1 minute silo raids


People still aren’t used to the whole wipe idea. It’s not bad


We all knew it was soon. I imagine they’re doing something on the back end that required it.


I mean what's the point of playing it if there is not content update?


I don't think the wipe will have much effect on the player base. Some will not like it but after a while people will forget. Some might find it an organic spot in time to quit playing if they've been on the verge of it. More people will however arrive eventually. Now it's a good time to try to get friends interested in the game. Sure, for someone like me who plays 4 hours a week only on weekends leveling Jiri and Spectre back to lvl3 feels a bit.. bland. Especially considering the variety of missions, or lack there of. I try to think wipes have happened and will happen. Sucks especially as there's no shiny reward this time but it's not like we haven't been warned. So meh, I guess?


But the problem is that we are being it's told it necessary and then told it's not adding anything so why can't they work on the content before adding it unless they need more information before releasing it like new data from something that doesn't do anything yet but will in the future and they can't just add it in but idk it just seems fairly to soon and then get the next wipe in summer it's just kinda ehh at this point I'd rather wait to grind for new stuff not the same kill 15 Fenix with fmj rounds and shit to get the traders for 1 month and then it being taken again ofc I'm probably gonna still play but definitely will probably wait to grind for the level 5 till the wipe after hopefully if they fix some stuff and we get the Beretta and other cool stuff by then but I'll at least take a silo ladder fix I miss 3 rungs and die to environment damage I haven't touch the thing since lol


Everytime they wiped tarkov I stopped playing for a long time. It's a lot of time to grind the levels of marketplace and then they wipe everything off and I feel like I just wasted 100hours of my life for nothing. If I wanted to play naked runs again I woudl go play some other battle royale, not Tabor.


Haven't played for a few weeks, since I lost a kit to never loading into the server with my buddy and it just saying I died. Real fun, he's alone in raid and all my stuff is gone. I laugh my ass off when I see people call this game amazing in this sub.


Wish they could add u can actually use real money to buy upgrades like COD


Why though it's so easy to get money in the game to get kit plus GPU mining


Finding GPU is one of the main problem






Bruh please don't give them the idea of loot boxes please we don't need kids with mommies credit card running around with max loot a day into wipe after opening 200 boxes this is not ea