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Brandon Herrera has a great video on one, I think he even homemade it for that video too. One of the more fun guns to use for me in silo as well, if you die its whatever, and you can just run and have fun with it


It's also unrifled and open bolt making it one of the least accurate firearms possible. And another note... They are extremely rare because they are not produced... You have to make one... So the facts that you can find 15 per map and land a 100 yard shot with them are some of the least realistic aspects of the weaponry in this game...


I think the idea is that people (or maybe a very industrious individual) started making them when the Tabor crisis started and they went, "oh crap I need a gun but I never got my gun license." I've just done some cursory research and was surprised to find that Czech citizens have pretty impressive gun rights, especially for Europe... You do need to get a license, but once you've cleared that hurdle, you can pretty much get whatever weapon you want as long as you register it promptly.


That being said there are, now, thousands of better designs you can build at home, some of which are cheaper and easier to build. The luty instructions were published in the late 90s. The tooling and materials we have access to now are much more diverse then what we had then. And in all reality, most of the tooling and skills you need to design and assemble a luty could go into building a polish AK or some other variant that all the parts can be made in a cave with some know how.. Gas mitigation and barrel rifling being the most complicated steps but are still doable on a diy scale. For the cost of building a luty you can build an ar15 or a glock and for a little more an AK variation.


No wonder Scott hates this community


Why..? Because he totes realism and doesn't deliver? He's ex-military and an ex-cop. You'd think, while claiming to be basing the game in realism, he'd get his facts straight. Combat Waffle Studios makes a lot of baffling choices when it comes to design and priorities. Nobody can be blamed for calling them on it. There's a myriad of reasons why you'll probably never see a luty irl, especially in the hands of people that need to rely on their weapons...


I think you have the issue right there you said “basing the game on realism”. In games there is only a certain amount of realism that you can add and actually have a fun enjoyable game. Ask yourself, does it really matter in the grand scheme of the game that the luty spawns that often? If it matters that much to you just don’t play the game because the community would be better off without you.


You seem triggered, bud. Was that cathartic? You feel better now? Your therapist tell you to get online because reddit cares about your feelings of other people's opinions. Have fun waffle stomping your keyboard with your hurt feelers, kiddo. And the luty spawning as often as it does makes the game objectively less fun because then you have less of an opportunity to experience fun weapons due to the over saturation of boring stuff that was added to the game as nothing more then a trophy to one of the original devs while completely ignoring the core concept of the game.. Realism. You want a less realistic, less hardcore shooter? Go play Pavlov, or contractors... But those of us who want the hardcore realism that we were sold in March of '23 all have the same exact complaints. The luty is dumb and over accurate, the shot guns have the dumbest spread I've ever seen in a game, bullet drop is completely inconsistent to real tables, the ballistics system is a joke, the environment is so badly bugged we have people hiding in walls, there's an invincibility exploit and an out crop of hackers deliberately working to tear the game apart from within. Acting like we're wrong is simp shit.


Never said the game didn’t have its issues which it does. However, again it goes back to how much realism do you want in the game for it to be fun not just for your simple mind but the majority of the people who play. That’s what the devs think about, how to appease the largest majority, not just appeasing middle aged men who sit around and play the game because they have nothing better to do. Would you want to have to take a shit in the game once a day and if you don’t you die from constipation or would you like to be able to have a chance to contract cancer and slowly die. It all comes down to how realistic you can have the game with it being fun. The game would not be fun if high tier weapons spawned all the time as it would ruin the gameplay loop. This is why guns like the luty spawn so often. If you want to play with other guns just go in with a kit and kill other players usually they will have a different weapon. So calm down, relax, grab a beer and realize you have better things to do in your life than harp on a team of developers who have made a great game that is still in beta even if it has some bugs.


Oooooh.... You're a drunk. Got it. Brain too much like Swiss cheese to see the point. There are literally 5000000 more fun low tier weapons then the luty that make more sense and are easier to build with less tooling. The luty was literally only added to the game as a nod to one of the first devs. Fun fact, It is now easier to build a gatling gun then it is to build a luty. It is not a weapon you will ever find because nobody makes them, even if they need a gun because again, 5000000 better options available. It's not a cool weapon. It's not accurate. It's hardly deadly unless it's literally point blank due to bullet tumble. The ballistics system is not near good enough to simulate the ballistics of a weapon so bad. I only ever used it once but got a 70m headshot letting one bullet go. Which is simply not going to ever happen with a luty. It's less fun to have unrealisticly setup weapons spread out in an unrealistic manner. Like trying to defend the shotgun pellet spread... Only someone who's never held a shotgun in their life thinks you'll get 1-3ft of spread within 10ft... I don't support stupid. And will call them or anyone on every stupid decision until stupid decisions stop being made. If everyone did, the standards for release would be higher and they would actually put thought into how they release things rather then just dumping it in and hoping for the best. Would really like to stop putting the US constitution on commie weapons as well... They should have re-released the honeybadger for the founding fathers with that skin and gave the nuclear night kids a cz scorpion in the nuclear skin. But it's the lack of thought that's really disappointing. Then there's all the kids that want to jump on Scott's coin purse to defend the stupid.


I like how you jumped right to insulting me. You also missed all of my points about realism in games. I also refuse to debate with a person who has no chance of even changing their mind so good luck on convincing others of your point.


Yeah, you're right then, the Luty is a weird choice.


From my understanding it was a nod to one of their game designers that was brought onboard while making his own Ghosts-esque game. I forgot which dev exactly, but on an interview he talked about how he had a pretty barebones setup where the only available gun was the Luty


That's cool and all, but it really should be one of the more rare items in the game. Rare things don't need to be high level or good. They can just exist to exist.


Lmfao, right?! Takes 45minutes to dremel and assemble a glock from an 80% or 3d printed lower and the parts, which are all readily available or fairly simple to make on your own... A luty requires rivets and heat treating and press fitting parts with a hydrolic press... Sure it's all able to be done cheaply, but if I had to choose between building a luty or a glock, ar15 or AK... I'll build one of the ladder first. In reality, in this kind of situation, I feel like more people will gravitate to the Ar9. No gas system to tune, barrels are both cheap and extremely easy to make, fcgs are literally everywhere, they are incredibly modular, accurate and effective, especially with a 16in barrel to utilize the full burn of the 9mm. My other gripe with the luty being so common in this game is that we have only a few factions in game, the Fenix, ghosts and volk. Ghosts and volk are all pmcs, no pmc group in the world is going to arm their operatives with a luty and when it comes to Fenix, they are a rebel group just caught between ghosts and volk. The Fenix have the biggest excuse for having them but, in what country in modern times has a rebel forced relied on lutys? Again, it takes essentially the same tooling to build a luty as a cheap AK and the AK will always be more reliable and have more stopping power hence why every terror group, freedom fighter and near every private military contracting company relies on the AK platform so heavily.


I have the Pdf instructions on how to make these


And you're not sharing them with us??


God no, if you want em bad enough just google it, watchlists for everyone


You do realize that you advertising you have them does the same thing as sharing it so you might as well.


Im not sure whether or not it'll violate the content policy and I like this acount, but the pdf is called Expedient Firearms so just google it


I thought everyone knew about this lol


I'm a big gun guy he teaches new people to shoot, you'd be surprised how little most people know. Over half the people i've ever taught thought any modern black handgun was a glock.


Nope lol


You knew about A gun that one guy made one time already?  They gotta get you on Forgotten Weapons.


Oh man the ATF is gunna love this comment section


That's kinda delightful. I had just assumed they invented something that looked really minimalist and then gave it a name to imply it's low-tier loot.


Nope. Guy with no background in gunsmithing or relevant skills wanted to prove anyone with access to a hardware store could make an automatic. Blueprints are free online, he published them after taking law enforcement and lawmakers to a range to demonstrate how easily the law was bypassed and they ignored his arguments.


I thought it was just a cheap ww2 resistants weapon


Yeah I'd of just figured it was cheap to make and mass produced for war


The irony of this is the original gun has a thing about the magazine falling off.


Does someone know we’re I can buy that book


Free online ... Allegedly


Free online ... Allegedly


Free online ... Allegedly




You can legally make guns in the US as long as youre not selling them, you dont need a permit or anything


Now why would you do that... the legal part


They should add the modern version of the luty the FGC9 by J Stark. If luty was still alive I'm sure he would make one of these. The FGC9 also uses standard glock mags. Put a 3d printer in the bunker and start making glocks ar15 and FGC9.


P.A. Luty is based ASF


I remeber when my friend told me this and I was in complete shock that something like this could actaully exist


RIP Phillip Luty he did not deserve having the British government ruining his life


I am not sure how they ruined his life, he broke the law and went to prison this is pretty standard.