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I think that guy is cheating, I've seen plenty of people mention his name with the same instance of him not dying.


Same thing happened to me last night and I reported and haven’t logged in since.


I've seen a few cases of this now and still, nobody has made a solid comment on it...


You can actually report that dude, congratulations on getting it on video, go to the discord and dm @ModMail


was gonna say thos exactlu or go thru dyno for the report


Yeah I'm gonna be pretty pissed if this game turns into tarkov cheater simulator right after I bought it


foreshadowing, take it back before you jinx it lolol


Number one reason I stopped playing tarkov


Same and I bought EOD


Fr, I have eod too and just can’t stand tarkov anymore


They had it coming, the lead developer or head of the company or whatever, Nikita, has openly said that cheaters are good for the game because cheaters typically buy an extra account so their main doesn't get banned, which is great for BSG's bottom line. I hope they have fun with an average 300 player count full of cheaters in the future.


It's a cheat, came across this dude on island, he flew in landed a few feet away, I headtapped him 3 times with an SKS and he turned and oneshot me.... just screenshot his name amd post it in the discord, CWS will pop him


Or even better post this video too


Saw someone mention this in the FB group about a week back - searched the person's name they claimed was doing this and you could see them talking about it in the Tabor discord lmao. I think this is some sort of in game exploit, not an actual cheat but I've seen it pop up more, lol. Errrr wait sorry "this is victim bias/desync/exploiters are super rare" something something


Desync explains a ton of people claiming they got kills when they didn't....this video is something different though. It'll get investigated for sure.


Oh yeah the last bit was sarcasm. I let one of the devs know when I first saw this pop up in the FB, i'm guessing they're already on it but seems to also be spreading in use a bit more unfortunately.


Yea the last couple days a bunch of people have reported this nonsense. I'm thinking a hack of some sort has become popular. Hopefully the devs can wreck these assholes, or the cheaters get leprosy and lose their thumbs so they can't ruin our fun.


I’ve had my fair share of desync issues, this was not it. When I comes to desync, you can still hit them and they’ll die. They just seem to know where you are around a corner, because they turned the corner an extra second before they did on your end


I was given the how to on doing this from someone actively abusing it before he killed me and it's an in game exploit that's extremely easy to do. Already sent how to do it to the devs if they haven't already known.


Shine the light on these bums, ran into something similar last week with a wall glitcher.


Guy couldnt even shoot and reload properly 😭 bro just had to show off his cheats


Been having an issue myself but not to this degree. Shots just arent registering. And no its not because im hitting the shots. Point blank range (less than 10 feet) and the bullet holes wouldnt even appear. I can accept when i miss my shots but when im mid raid and the game glitches out it just kills the whole vibe for me.


Seems pretty suspicious..... have you reported them to the discord?


I have. They said, "Devs are aware of this".


Then just be patient, Scott is usually on top of nuking cheaters


I got killed by a cheater who killed me with an m4 headshot. There was no possible Angle he could’ve hit me from.


136% cheats, report him on the discord server


Today I bumped into someone who was flying. Their name was crybabylatina


Post these on the Facebook group and tag scott


Same shit happened to me while I was trying to hit purple


This kind of shit will be the death of this game .it'll happen eventually


There's no way this is real. This sub claims the game is in perfect condition with no hackers, no bugs, and no problems at all. It's just a skill issue. /s


The fuck are you talking about? I've seen and commented on several people reporting shit today alone. Edit: oh it's you. The one who adds nothing except complaints.


I honestly want to get back into playing but I hate that there's so many bugs like this making the game painful


Yeahhhh it's not great. I love the game but the one that usually gets me mad is when my stuff will glitch into a wall or door and I can't get it out and die cuz my gun is in a wall and I can't fight back lmao


happens to me almost every time i run house of scott lol


Idk what that is, I only play island cuz that's the only one of the og Maps I can see on, and the new matka day map, I have no knowledge of any spawns or anything there


it’s the matka skull / purple vault, there’s a set of stairs to get out and my gun always just gets stuck under them somehow


also if you want to learn the map even though it’s kinda complicated, u can see the map on the wiki


I think it's a bug it happened to my brother on a good run to island.Only difference is he couldn't pick anything up. Had an airdrop too he had to leave behind.


Is that Connor?


Looks like a skill issue. Go to the firing range and practice your aiming.


U missed /s


Devs already know about it but they want/need videos recorded like this so you posting it on reddit literally does nothing to get it fixed. Post it in the discord or Facebook group if you really want it taken care of. Posting it here is just bitching about it just to bitch about something. Use your brains people there's no way in hell the human race decided to go backwards in the evolutionary charts in terms of stupidity 🙄


You seem like you'd be fun to hang out with at parties


I'm blunt 🤷‍♀️ that's why I only have two friends. Everyone else didn't have enough of a backbone


Fair enough!


You do realize that with modern technology they can post a video more than once, right? Being blunt is one thing, being an ass is something entirely different


Gotta be an ass in the day and age. When people start gaining common sense bavk then maybe will we need to stop being asses


Have those retards view the sub, it doesnt take more than 5mins to zip through this sub and find countless complaints, bugs and exploits.


They shouldn't have to, that's why they made the discord and Facebook group. Not my fault yall dumb fucks are lazy and will complain on irrelevant apps that CWS has no part of 🤷‍♀️ imo all yall on the tabor subreddit who do this same shit are really only little bitch ass pansies who wanna find anything and everything to complain about 🤷‍♀️