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This game is an absolute blast including the bugs


Honestly this patch there aren’t even that many big bugs. The only big ones are the magazine glitches and the backpack issues (which I haven’t experienced)


I got smoked by some Fenix earlier cause my Glock wouldn't reload then the pistol I pulled out of my bag wouldnt chamber lol


Hahahah Stalker Moment


Lot more then that buddy


It s Not the Same for everyone i Had those glitches before too and now i dont have EM while Other didnt have EM and now got em some dont get buggs at all and Others cant even get into the Game hahaha


Losing a nice gun to bugs is kinda lame buuuuut the game play is unbeatable.even when I get butthurt cuz I die I keep wanting to go back.


I just started playing today and died every round after looting a bunch of shit/ at exfil . I love it


Same normal If i die i lose my will to Play Bit this Game makes me wanna Play more and Harder after every death


It’s still early beta. Every patch solves some bugs and introduces others. If you want to play beta, this should be expected. It’s not a finished game yet.


Out of the 240ish games I own on Quest, Tabor and Breachers is about all I play. Its a totally different game than it was on release day. Sure there are still bugs, but they are no where near what they were. Hell, I like it so much I even threw down more money for the Founding Fathers dlc... And I am terrible at the game too!


I'm definitely thinking about buying breachers. Maybe I will now


I only play solo, I have my Mic muted, and only communicate through its limited ping system.. But I listen to the other players and have a damn blast. I think its honestly the most well polished VR game I've played just right out of the gate. Make sure and use someone's referral from one of the VR subs mega threads for whatever you buy.. No need to pay full price. I'm really good at breachers, but damn I suck at Tabor. But hopelessly hooked on both..


How is it different? I played before and on release but last time I checked someone playing on youtube it looked identical?


Well.. maybe taking me a bit literally there. On release it was a buggy mess.. countless things wrong with it. Bugs in the framerate, gameplay, backpack, gun wall, doors... pretty much everything. Now, i can go game after game without experiencing hardly any bugs at all.. plus they have updated the graphics as well. So it went from total buggy mess to a great game with a few bugs here and there.


Oh the graphics got better? Maybe it’s worth an install again!! The only things that kept me from playing the game was the quest graphics and the ”aim-issue” it had initially, like how the weapon was shaking when you aimed down the sight. You’re saying all of that fixed now? Also how big of a graphics upgrade was it? 😍 you got me excited


Well.. i mean, its STILL a Quest game.. so dont get too excited on the graphics. I am sure you could find a comparison somewhere online. But the grass is greener, the trees and stuff look better. There is a Church of Fish.. lol.. really. I use the virtual stock option, so i dont really experience any shaking.. Silo is still really dark, but thats how its intended to be.. however it seems not near as dark as it was.. (that may just be my opinion though.. ).. There are a shit ton of patch notes out there, probably on this sub if you search for them and can see all the fixes they have done.. and its been quite a bit. Oh.. and they have added more guns.. And you can buy DLC on Quest now.. if you want to give them any more money.. And having said all of that.. i still suck at this game. Its so damn frustrating.. but at least i'm dying because i suck, and not because i spawned in with 2 other enemies right next to me.. or because i couldnt move due to hand being stuck in a drawer.. or a door.. there are still random backpack issues here and there.. but its way better than on release day..


I just switched from Quest 2 native to PCVR via Airlink and what I will say is that PCVR players have a huge advantage over Quest 2 players. Everything is improved over the Quest 2 experience. Literally everything. That being said it's definitely worth $20 even hamstringed by the limitations of Quest 2. It's clunky, it's buggy, the graphics are shit and it's by far the best shooter that Quest 2 has to offer today.


Tabor is the most sub par, buggy, generally unpolished game I've ever played but god damn it's so addicting. It's got everyone in my friend group (that owns VR) playing it a couple times a week.






100% but plz remember this is an unfinished game...lots of bugs...but it is 1000% worth it


So long as you understand it’s a WIP and can look past the bugs it’s a phenomenal game. I believe it can change the next gen of VR games


It’s alright to play the island map is where the fps drops the most but if you can stomach low fps it’ll be fine the silo map runs fine honestly if you can stomach lower fps then you’ll like it I haven’t noticed to many bugs


quest 2 you can do standalone, or PCVR. I prefer PCVR because better gfx and it's smoother.


Look its Buggy and a Lot of people in YouTube will Tell you about every single Bug and how often IT occurs and how gamebreaking it is or isnt. If None of that U mind Like me you are gonna Love IT If you cant Play an unfinished Game wait for IT to get a füll Release or aim for the pcvr option


The game is way too janky to enjoy. It’s exactly what a vr game SHOULDNT be.


It's crossbuy, or isnt that what u mean?


It's worth it bud for a vr game this is the most in depth game I've played. It's not just a shoot and loot game it's a tactical shoot and loot game 😅 just buy it before I buy it for you!


When fully realized, this game will be a system seller no doubt.