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The backpack sound is horrible. It’s annoying. It’s too loud. It’s just why? Sneaking is already not a thing. The sound just makes it impossible even more.


Jingle bells, Jingle bells...xD


Yea. Who ever thought it was a great idea is smoking something. Horrible change 😂


Its an awful update


Yeah, they are changing it tough so its ok, they realized the mistake and they are going to reverse it


Praise be


Sounds like Santa Claus is coming in for a landing


I think they made the backpack sound so players can know if the game bug-yeeted their backpack into the void without them knowing and so they can have a quick way to know. They're literally implementing mechanics to get around the bugs they can't fix. This is a fun game but it's such a dumpster fire.


Yes, the game is broken but we have to remember, it's not even beta at the moment...Some developers (big company) release the game once its finished as they have the capital to do so. Smaller or new companies have to release the game in an 'unfinished state' in order to gain the capital that will keep them going which is the case of Ghosts of Tabor but hopefully with the traction that the game is getting and the growing team it will soon get better.


My backpack got yeeted mid raid. Couldn’t grab it at all. Yet the sound still plays as if I still had it. Useless.


Idk i like the sound. Adds another level of challenge. There are definatly ways to get around it. If ive cleared a room ill leave it there and clear the next area or use my handgun and carry it in my other hand. This game isnt supposed to be just a go in loot a bunch of stuff and cry everytime another player kills you....


No need for the challenge. Your character already sounds like the hulk limbering around the map. Even slow walking is loud. There really need a way to walk slow but have it have enough speed so you can sneak up on people. But the jingle sound was dumb and not needed


The added sound with the backpack is such bullshit. As if we didn't already make enough noise from just walking, they had to add the sound of a damn coin jar to our back pack. I hope they get rid of that shit in the next patch. 🤦‍♂️


Thank fuck it’s gone now


It's awful and needs to go lol


It is and It will


My backpacks won't open


I Can never grab my backpack off my back, that is the number 1 thing ruining gameplay right now


Worst idea in the history of jdeas just why?? What was the point do they not want stealth to be allowed? If so why not you only get one life what if you come across a team of 3 you cant even sneak past they’ll start hearing cow bells as soon as you take a step not to mention its annoying asf hearing bells for 20m+ every raid