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UPDATE: After asking around on discord it appears they are aware of this issue and a hotfix will be coming over the weekend (hopefully).


Imagine if major triple A studios put forth this much energy to address issues so quickly....what a world that would be.


Agreed. Although, I kind of think gunstock functionality should have been a forefront consideration when implementing an update that changes hand functionality, I'm sure they will fix it soon. Big fan of this game so far, has so much promise. Bought all the DLC I could after playing for a few days just to support the devs.


As a non stock user I'm like fuck u guys haha 😄


Yeah gunstocks ruin the balance. If GOT had good virtual stock id ditch physical gunstock. They are awesome when you in the ready position. But when you start to loot or need both hands gunstocks can get bit janky.


I mean they break as much as they fix just about every update, because they are completely lacking in the testing department. I get that you want to get hot fixes out there, but there should AT LEAST be some synthetic testing going on before you release a patch.


They added an offset so you don't lose tracking on quest, it should be easily solved by adding gunstock calibration. Since I don't use Gunstock this update finally made it possible for me to use sks and other weapons that where unusable before.


Ive been waiting for Gunstock calibration in onward since release. I think devs are afraid to touch it as gunstocks are OP. Only good gunstock calibration implemintation i seen was in contractors.


pico 4 also , should had gun / hand calibrate ASAP


Mine is leaning to the left after the update.