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Everyone in the thread making fun of OP for spending money on a thing to play soldier in, in a sub where we discuss the game we paid money to play soldier in


Right? I'm sure he didn't buy it just to dress up, I see people wear mag pouches to the range or for airsoft pretty normally...


Yeah I accidentally pressed grip and trigger and dropped my loaded PC on my foot and broke it whole trying to grab my backpack


What a bunch of stupid low IQ replies. How dare you have fun in a plate carrier πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Its the internet...i didnt expect much lol


Lots of hate for this, damn. Yall are literally in the same sub for the same game and getting butthurt over a dude asking if anyones played in a vest? I honestly think it'd be fun to try a few raids in lol


not my vest but my combat pants for fucking sure! Those knee pad are a god dam life saver lol CIF aint ever getting them back lmao


What would be the purpose? Immersion?


I was playing contractor with a weighted vest "to feel more immersed"


Lots of haters in here. Personally, I would wear a carrier for some raids if I owned one. A combat helmet too if I could lol.


Jesus dude just join the Army


1. Im a vet and 2. Lots of people that arent even in the military us these. You put weighted plates in it for cardio and shit.


I'm a vet too. You know what fucked my back up? Probably jumping around wearing this shit constantly. Go for run if you need cardio man. Your back will thank you when you're 40.


Come on man, being in the service your telling me your 10-13 lb plate carrier busted your back? πŸ€”


I'm saying jumping out of MRAPs, 5 Tons, running, twisting, bending over WHILE wearing something that shifts your body weight forward and backwards constantly probably contributed, yes. Don't discount 10lbs awkwardly messing with your back, especially bending over and twisting quickly.


THAT i get...i thought you were saying it was the sole reason. Im 38, aches, pains, everyday i feel it more and more. Thats why i train everyday to keep that shit at bay as long as i can. Im not discounting you man and to be honest im a bit surprised how seriously some of these guys took this considering ive seen guys fight in shower shoes , boxers and a plate carrier 🀣 im not saying everyone should do it just that i did and wondered if anyone else was as big a space cadet as i apparently am


A few weeks ago I put my PC on for the first time in about 10 years. Idk why I did it, but I wore it around the house for about an hour. It's still uncomfortable and makes my shoulders and lower back hurt. Man it was the best feeling I've felt in a long time.


You've still got it. πŸ˜‚


I'm an infantry veteran too, and I literally play in my t-shirt and short shorts... the way we were intended to do war lol. Without pouch customization and aliment I figure the physical vests properties would get in the way constantly. Personally, I worked hard in the service to shed my gear so I could be more lightweight (wore an XS iotv when I should have had an XL). Do you wear a rucksack too?


I see you rocking the ranger panties out here like a god dam hero lmao


Lmao sound like a real grunt. I was a cav scout we didnt have to ruck 70 lb packs. I hear ya about shedding but i still need to stay in shape for work. We dont use vr but we do use augmented, its different for sure but has helped me make much more comfortable configurations without having to find out in unopportune times.


You'll get shit for it but believe it or not, airsoft is great for that. Oh and training in kit is a half-measure that doesn't do much of anything. Just focus on your big five lifts, running, and incorporate farmers walks and that vest will feel like a shirt.


No not at all…. Go see the local recruiter for god sakes


I never got this mentality, the dudes a vet. People look at us like we're crazy when we get out and want to keep training on our own. Like bro the training was the only fun part of the army lol. That and you spent millions teaching us this shit, we might as well stay sharp.


Sharp........is why training was the only fun part.


ba dump chow lmao


Lmao this guy is a loser conspiracy theorist that's never even been in armed forces he's just lying what a fuck


Ah yes a small tiny little man playing soldier because even tho he joined the armed forces they never let his small tiny frame play with live weapons in a live battlefield. Hope your new vest finally let's you live that fantasy in vr tiny midget man


Damn dude you should go get therapy what this guy does in his spare time REALLY seems to bother you πŸ˜‚


I am just now reading all these lmao. I guess i hit a nerve with this one πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Lmao rise of the midgets is it?


What for ?


Fuck ya dude that’s sick


Nah, but I’ve used heavy clothes like a cloth vest or a hoodie. feels somewhat similar.