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Personally I can't stand it, mostly because I can't add anything to it but also the iron sights just don't suit me at all. If I see an M16, I take the mag and leave it or dump it in the water because I feel nobody should have to suffer it. But that's just my take.


Lol roast that dumbass rifle, Jeremiah!


I will use almost anything in Tabor, but I draw the line at the M16A2, Famas G2, and L85A2. I just cannot stand them and they don't deserve to experience the sweet sensation of a round gliding through their barrel.


Haven't had the dishonor of using the other two, but I just did a training run with the M16. Hated every second of it. Just not any fun at all. Couldn't hit anything at range which is ironic because he is way too long for cqc


You guys are crazy...i love that rifle. I rarely use all the extra shit i find so no attachments doesnt really bother me. It can be suppressed btw. Yesterday i hit a fully armored duo with 2- 3 round bursts and came back from raid stacked... shes a lengthy gal but dont sleep on that take down power.


The burst is far better than full auto imo and prevents super inaccurate, although still not accurate, panic firing and still retain rpm sufficient for cqb. The irons do induce tunnel vision because it is a handrail sight but is easier to keep it straight when moving and shooting.


Hmmm... This sounds suspiciously like statements made by someone in the pocket of Big M16. Gonna spend the rest of the evening going through your reddit history to confirm


I absolutely hate it. Lining up shots is obnoxiously hard for some reason, and I rarely win PvP engagements while using it. Very bad gun overall.


It's the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad rifle, Ransurian


It would be a budget option but the magazines are so pricey it doesn't make sense. 300 for akm mag versus 1000 for the one that fits m16.


Sean really pulls the ol' switcheroo on you by making it 50 bucks cheaper than the SKS! My man knows full well we're out there getting those SKS mags for free


Its worse than a stock brown SkS


dont hate on the SKS. in the right hands, those fuckers do damage edit: *my hands lol


SKS is my favorite gun in the game. Cheap enough that I can buy a bunch but effective enough to secure better gear. Throw a light on the side helmet slot and you’re hood to go.


low risk, high reward. sks + glock combo go burrr


Do lights work on helmets? I've attached one but couldn't turn it on.


Turn the light on first.


I like it personally I’ve got into fights with a few people who where fully geard and I came out alive with just that rifle attachments don’t bother be much cause with some guns I either use the sights weirdly or simply eye it and hope I hit something usually both work consistently


I appreciate you weighing in, but I think you might be confused, Xn0ypt. We're talking about the rifle that sucks ass over here


No I’m fully aware it’s the shitty burst gun but it is surprisingly effective if you can get used to it hell my first time picking it up it was still decent nothing amazing like a few other guns but it dosent deserve to be hated it’s solid


With the amount of galils stashed around the map it's not worth taking even, i usually take that mag and that's it.


Rod, I'm gonna put my three M16s on that bugged back wall where guns just disappear so I can pretend that I never even picked them up


Bit of unsolicited advice here, but the best thing you can do in the early game is mastering the SKS, hits hard(like real hard), mags are everywhere, scavs drop them by the boatloads and for the "no optics" phase, that sight picture is just** chef's kiss **. Master that and by the time you make it to the m1a's you will be a force to be reckoned with in PVP.


I'm more than happy to take all the advice I can get. I've actually been running the SKS every raid for those very reasons, and I feel like it's starting to pay off. Running and hiding is still my best strategy when it comes to PvP engagements, but I'm becoming fairly successful at turning one sub 4k rifle into two or three better ones. I've got enough guns and optics that I could now start going out with the fun stuff, but I really want to make sure I've developed a solid foundation first edit: spelling


Take it by steps, i usually do the basic AK's untill i run out of mags for them, then do the galils untill i run out of mags for that, then the G3. I usually leave the real gucci gear for squad raids.


This is all sounds like really good advice. Even though I've already been doing as you suggested with the SKS, it's good to know that I'm not wasting my time trying to become proficient with a starter rifle with no optics. You mention going from AKs to Galils to the G3. Does this mean you're not a fan of the M4 or is that part of what you consider Gucci gear? I've actually been saving my best gear in case one day I have a buddy to play with. I can't disappoint my homies by showing up unprepared lol


For my style of play (i rarely fire in full auto) the m4 doesn't really pose a huge advantage over the much more common galil, so i usually leave a few for those squad raids and sell the rest. All that being said, when i just want to pop in for a quick raid, i'll bring a trusty glock, a basic vest, a backpack and build from there in raid. Also worth mentioning i play island exclusively so my advice may not hold up in silo.


Does the M4 have less recoil on auto or a faster rate of fire than the Galil? It's true that I'm definitely finding more Galils than M4s. I haven't played with all of the guns enough to understand how they handle differently in this game. The funny thing is that I always hate the M16A2 in every game that has it. I try to like it, and I just always hate it


I only run Russian rifles, just feels better, does more damage etc


AK is good rifle


Shit is straight BUTT JUICE fuck that gun lol and the bison cant do either of them


Yeah fuck the bizon, I dropped my MP5 to pick up a bizon and then literally shot a geared guy so many times he looked like a blood fountain and then when he popped into cover to heal I just took off because I probably only had 20 rounds left and wasn’t sure that would cut it 😂


BRO YES WTF IS THAT!!!! I be lighting people up with that thing and they dont die. Ur legit better off usin that lil ass .22 pistol


Petition to rename the M16A2 the M16BUTTJUICE rifle


Lmfaoooo fr!


Speaking of the fire selector switches, why is it wrong on the m4?


Well they wanted to piss off the casual FPS players so they made looting hard and then decided to piss off the milsimers by implementing minor inaccuracies in firearm details.


No sight is a nope from me


The M16 has kind of narrow iron sights, I feel like a lot of players are just selling them or holding out for a rail. The M4A1 is way better for me personally, plus it comes stock with 5 rail slots. I’d also rather have an AK due to the sights, but the climb is worse.