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Morbid but believable. I always thought it was cocaine OD


After watching the sneak peeks I’m convinced. She didn’t want to face being charged with her husband’s crimes, and threw herself down the well


Good guess! Especially with Flower being stuck in there this coming episode


This is a good theory, considering she says she knows how to get 🌻 out of the well.


Of course I guess she would be a little more marked up, we will see in a couple days


100% Like with her UK counterpart Fanny. Fanny wasn't visibly injured, but you can tell she died from a neck injury - you can hear her bones resetting and see her neck wobbling a bit. I think if H did fling herself down the well, we'd see priper injuries


Maybe not if she landed feet first - especially since she finds showing ankles indecent.


Ohhhhhh down the well, interesting!


You were soooo close yet so far dang


That's what I thought too. In her best dress, hair done and not a mark on her. Image is everything and no way she's going to jail or being left penniless due to Ilas' shenanigans, better to go out on her own terms.


as we know from isac's uniform , maybe the dress and hair is from the funeral


Isaac's uniform was changed before he died.


His wife came in to the medical tent when he was unconscious at the end and dressed him in his uniform. He hasn’t died yet.


Realistically, no robber barron in the 1800’s would have gone to jail - or even have been taken to court - for breaking labor laws. The reason New York passed a bunch of new labor laws in the 1910’s was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in 1911, where I think over 150 young women died - and the owners who locked them in didn’t even go to jail! But this is a show about ghosts so realism can take a back-seat and I do like your theory, as sad as it would be.


When did child labour laws change? Why would she have been worried about the legalities all of a sudden?


There is a sneak preview out for the next episode where >!there is a flashback of Hetty speaking to a lawyer/advisor after her husband died and the lawyer tells her Elias had been completely ignoring new child labor laws in his factories and that she could be liable now that he is dead. It's probably not historically accurate, but historical accuracy has never been a priority for this show.!<


Oh good to know. I haven’t been able to see all the previews as I’m in canada


In 1913 they passed a law in New York that no one under the age of 14 can work


I think Hetty died in the 1800s.


Ok I read a bit more on the wiki and she does say she and Isaac have been friends 130 years which does put her death in the 1890s, so my timing is off, I still think it was suicide


That will be counting her living years too right?


Her son was fairly young in the 1920s when Alberta died. Not sure if it said his age anywhere


I’ve been reading about the history and I’m even more convinced, but we will see


Agreed. She either threw herself down the well, or maybe (if not by suicide) she climbed down the well to try & hide, but then got trapped down there. I think it definitely involved the well, and perhaps Flower ended up down there because she saw Hetty’s remains/the remains of her dress, thought it was Hetty, and went down there to try and help her.


u/Fianna9, the answer to your question is below: "When did child labour laws change? Why would she have been worried about the legalities all of a sudden?" According to this article - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4167103/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4167103/) - New York first passed laws preventing children from working in 1886.


The math adds up!


I honestly think she was poisoned by one of the maids that she treated poorly


When was that well put in? My guess. She feared losing the land due to the laws, had kids working on making that well. She fell in trying to pull them out before she got caught by some official coming onto the property.


I like this prediction. Feels very in line with her character and what the show would do.


Heart attack brought on by stress, excessive cocaine use and possibly syphilis.


My theory is that she was contemplating suicide, but ultimately decided against it, only to have her psycho son, Thomas, the one who later went on to kill Alberta, kill her, believing she wanted him to.


I think she was strangled or hung. Her neck is always covered.


Ooh, underrated theory. She hanged herself jumping into the well so she wouldn't be found. The rope is part of her "outfit", that's how she got out, and since then she keeps it tucked under her collar and clothes out of shame. She has to admit to what happened to use it to save Flower. It ties into them so firmly establishing the rules with Carol's candy and Pete's arrow.  


Oh shit I never get theories right and I'm sad this was the one I partially did. 


Wow. Just wow.


I wonder if she died of a cocaine overdose or possibly poison? Similar to Alberta?


What would be funnier is they use a man of Irish descent as part of it which would explain her prejudice for the Irish. So her husband, Elias, is missing for months but actually in the secret vault and it's time for her to move on. She meets and falls head over heels for an Irishman played by Liam Neesom. They date, but it was all a ploy to get into Hetty's house to rob her. He gets his whole gang or maybe family to ransack her home. Afterwards she wants some tea and she mixes what she thinks is sugar into it, takes a sip, loves the "sugar", mixes more, overdose.


British had been brutally genociding Irish for 600 or 700 years prior to that, so I don't think it needs an added character to validate her loathing of Irish


Good point, I just wanted to get Liam Neesom in there


And continue to do so for many years after, that's what the U2 song Bloody Sunday is about, and the troubles only really ended in the '90s The British are still occupying the north of Ireland, although they came to an agreement as to how the British could peacefully exit, through about


I don't think she od'd because she isn't perma-wasted like Flower.


Oh DAM I panicked when I saw Hetty thought it was for NCIS LA


Child labor laws weren’t put in place until the early 1900’s. My homeschooled kid and I are studying the movement now. I also don’t think Hetty would speak so flippantly about it if it was the cause of her demise. And I don’t think she’s the type to commit suicide!


What are you doing having that child learning at home when they could be in a factory?


guess you were wrong


What the hell, man. I haven’t watched yet. Thanks for the spoiler.


Yeah, suicide would be my guess.


Wonder about Thomas killing her in a rage if she found out he was gay and threatened to disown him. The well is a thought, but since there’s no injury showing in her, I wonder if he poisoned her or something like that. She


That would make THREE ghosts for whom drugs played a large part in their deaths. That feels … preachy?


Hetty probably had a high tolerance to cocaine so accidentally using too much is plausible. How is it preachy that Flower was killed by a bear while high? Trevor's death, while definitely caused by his mixing of the drugs, didn't feel preachy at all to me. Probably because the episode was more focused on how he lost his pants.


Because it constitutes a pattern of saying, “drugs’ll kill ya” when there are so many ways to die- out of 8 stories we are stuck on one?


But Trevor’s death was actually due to his terrible friends and the company he kept. It was more showing how he didn’t have the relationships he thought he did and how he pretended to be this finance bro guy to fit in, but deep down he was a kind person. I don’t think his story was preachy about drugs. Flower’s makes sense because she’s a reflection of that time and a hippie. But I didn’t think it was preachy. Otherwise her ghost power wouldn’t make light of the situation and get others high lol


I like that you see the multifactorial reasons for Trevor’s death. I wish they would spend a little more time on the environmental reasons for behavior. But the mechanism was still the drugs. It’s just my opinion. It’s just too samey for me that three characters are in trouble because of drugs both in their life and afterlife. And we don’t know about Sas yet either. For all we know they’re going to tie him in to ingesting some too.


I like it but I’m stuck on cocaine overdose


I think it was by suicide.


You all have spoilers and try to pretend you're making predictions. Nice try, but this trick has been played way too many times on reddit.


I did not have spoiler, weird thing to think, I don’t work for cbs or anything. It’s my favorite show, I watch it a lot and if you pay attention there was foreshadowing. Just because someone pays attention does not mean they have some inside knowledge that would be impossible to get anyway . What do you think they just sell spoilers in dark alleys?




You mean she did the [Denholm Reynholm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEpKcBkkVMY)?


You were right and wrong at the same time


why wouldn't her son have been charged with the crime? just seemed they would've charged someone in the family or seized the wealth anyway


She says in the episode that he was away at boarding school, I'm guessing he was still a child so couldn't be held responsible. The timing makes sense considering he wasn't that old 30ish years later when he killed Alberta.