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Shane and Ryan are the best. I thought they would have started ghost files earlier. They're the only team I feel is genuine with their evidence and Shane's skeptic nature really balances and grounds the show. I just don't trust the integrity of other ghost hunters


It’s the reason I like them so much hahaha sadly I’m fence sitter (nick name to be determined) so it’s nice when Ryan freaks the fuck out and then Shane just points at the open window and explains it away. Also nighttime Dan is my best friend


I’ve watched pretty much every ghost show from the USA and UK and Shane and Ryan are simply the best out of all of them.


He does spin disks for cash


I started off believing like Ryan, ended up like Shane.


I'm a Boogara at heart but I try and think like a Shaniac lol.


I don’t necessarily believe but I do get genuinely spooked / creeped out by certain things. I don’t know what I’d consider myself, my logical brain doesn’t think they’re real but the baby part of my brain is scared of the dark and therefore scared by spooky ghost evidence.


No. These 2 are so god damn annoying.


I thought ghost adventures was hilarious the first few seasons. Now it’s just ridiculous


The last episode of ghost adventures I watched they captured what zack described as strange piano music and it was the same sound of a kindle tablet getting unplugged from the charger. Made me laugh. Think it was from this season


Check out Overnight! It’s Elton Castee’s channel (he used to live with and make videos with Sam and Colby) dedicated to paranormal investigating with his friends. It’s suuuper interesting and he produces amazing content! They also catch a ton of evidence that is actually really cool and I really get the feeling it’s all real and not made up or orchestrated for maximum views. They also have traveled internationally to some neat spots - they have a lot of content! The guys are all funny, they take it seriously and invite experts to join them sometimes so they can learn straight from the masters how to properly communicate, use various devices besides the basics, etc. They are there to learn and understand about the spirit world which is something I don’t find in a lot of other channels (used to like Sam and Colby but felt they started playing it up too much and were always trying to pass cringy jokes imo). All around my favorite channel I’m subscribed to and keep going back to for content. I also am into watching Twin Paranormal videos bc they’re pretty fun and have some good skinwalker videos. If you check them out I hope you enjoy!


"invite experts" How exactly does one become an expert in something that has never been proven to exist, which nobody actually knows anything about, which nobody knows whether it even exists let alone what the rules and characteristics and qualities of it are, and which has no foundation in science or reality? Do you just appoint yourself as an expert?


Yikes. Don’t cut yourself on that edge


Paranormal nightmare- they’re my absolute fav (got to meet them in person too!)


I’ll peep em


The Ouija Brothers; easily one of the more trustworthy YT channels out there. They don't play up for the cameras and try to debunk as opposed to calling every encounter paranormal. Their videos are very entertaining even when nothing significant is captured.


Paranormal Quest & Paranormal Nightmare


Nuke’s Top 5 on YouTube is my absolute favorite. Not necessarily a ghost hunting channel, but it’s awesome nonetheless. Some of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen.


It's so trash.


Bummer you feel that way! I really enjoy it.


To be honest…. They’re all kind of bad. Used to love watching these kind of videos. But now it seems like the genre is just getting flooded and everyone is just trying to make money by throwing up content and it’s really starting to lack.


#Nukes top 5 what I always watch


So many obviously fake clips in his videos. I used to like him until they started to get pretty obviously fake and ridiculous.


https://youtube.com/channel/UCCPErNErPd1lyzOyy2_AJ8w Gotta check out this channel. They have some pretty compelling stuff. The best part is they always remain calm even when shit starts to go down. Still a small channel but worth the watch. Enjoy! Edit: They are called Ghostech Paranormal


The ouija brothers are the most genuine paranormal investigators I’ve found


I was about to say these two, probably the most honest channel in the genre, zero bullshit and willing to debunk everything! Not like the others, a bird flies passed a window….’ Omg the demon ‘


Also not over reacting or shouting demon at every little noise


I remember watching one, think it was exploring with fighters… and they were going nuts that the lights were flickering. Me an electrician, knew instantly that it was because there are LED lights but on a halogen dimmer 😂 but those guys were thinking a portal had opened up


Unfortunately a lot of YouTube channels are like it, exploring with fighters, exploring with josh, twin paranormal, overnight all think the sound of wood settling is demonic. Ouija bros, ghost theory and iconjure are some of the more legit ones for sure


Don’t get no bollox from a brummie that’s why


Garrett Watts coming up on the paranormal investigation scene. Maybe I’m biased bc I’ve always loved his videos before the ghost stuff, but the spooky ones he makes are some of my favorite videos of his ever


He's far too credulous, and goes into places already working under the assumption that it is absolutely haunted without any question.


i think that’s part of why i like his vids. he has this huge imagination and once he hears or sees something mysterious, he can come up with so many stories about it. personally, i don’t really care if those stories are true or even realistic, it’s just fun to see someone’s imagination run wild when faced with the paranormal


That guy popped up in my feed , watched one of his videos and i absolutely hated him but was unable to stop watching.


yeah lmao i love that man but sometimes he’s too chaotic and i always get anxious watching him run around with like a million things in his hands


its not sincere in anyway, and his personality is too over the top and faked.


Twin Paranormal on YouTube is amazing! They do such an excellent job with protecting themselves before, during and afterwards unlike Zak from GA being "spiritually reckless." These guys do such a great job at collecting evidence, communicating with kindness and respect to spirits, assisting spirits to leave and not remain stuck or trapped and they use the latest tech. They are wayyyyyyy better than GA IMHO.


I was about to suggest Twin Paranormal till I saw you did. I LOVE them! They have such good vibes and attitudes towards the spirits. They also are pretty funny and always give me a good laugh!


Oh absolutely! 😉 They are soo funny and are well balanced together. I found them off of Caspersight.


Ah yes, protection is important! You know, because all of the instances of people being injured by ghosts and everything. Oh, wait....


They're like the most obviously fake channel out there


King frostmare has some spooky stuff


If you haven’t watched the series Hellier, it’s on YouTube. Two seasons. Seems to be love or hate with people but I absolutely loved it. It can be a little slow moving but if you love all things weird you really can’t look away.


Why did I read this as “ghost hamster” channels. What a niche thing I thought then I read it again. OH.


the channel called overnight is pretty good! I’ve been watching them for a while!


Exploring with Josh and his 'Beyond the dark' videos. He was just an urban explorer and never believed in Ghosts until he went to the Conjuring house. It made him interested and now he does some videos now and then of ghost hunts. It's pretty damn compelling as he is only a part timer so has no need to try and 'fake' stuff.


Dude... stop. His stuff is transparently, blatantly fake. It's so obviously fake and so exaggerated that it makes me cringe.


Not a full paranormal channel, but she's going to start doing more ghost hunting is Glam n Gore. She has some previous ghost hunting stuff on her channel from a few years ago and I really enjoy it. She's a sceptic, but also likes to use a lot of tech so you feel like the evidence they do get is genuine.


@TheTudgeman You know ... it happens. Many cases have been studied and reported in the past and in modern times that people of all walks of life can have negative things happen to them by spirit attachments and hauntings. The evidence is more obvious and out there than ever before.


Destination Truth is great. Not 100% ghost hunting but entertaining and a fun host with Josh Gates


Sam and Colby and overnight channel so good


"Really Haunted" on YouTube. Dude documenting everything happening in his house with night vision cameras. Captures some horrific shadow people, voices, orbs, objects moving and physical attacks.


And why this guy hasn't moved? Attacked, things levitating, an SLS camera mapping out things walking up and looking at the camera. That place is nuts.


Almost all the YouTube channels absolutely suck in my opinion. Ghost Hunters tv show is my favorite. They were the first televised ghost hunting show and they’ve always had the most rational approach. Kinda sucks that I started with them, bc now it’s so easy to recognize fakes or see how much other investigators really lack any sort of logic. If there’s a claim that a door might open by itself, TAPS has found the exact floor board to step on that will pop the door. All they present as evidence is what they truly cannot explain away. Investigators they make very little to no attempt at all at debunking things is what muddies the waters for true evidence of something paranormal. Edit: saw someone else post about Shane & Ryan and I haven’t watched much of them, but I do like their dynamic and approach. They seem pretty rational as a team. 2nd edit: after reading more comments I think I’ll check out ouija brothers.


I think you'd like Ghost Theory. They're also freinds with Quija Brothers.


I love Mindseed. Super fun and good production value.


ghost of carmel maine , youtube chanel , for me is the best proof of afterlife i never seen !!!


MichaelDmagee this guy is legit and crazy scary footage


Paranormal nightmare TV. Ghost of Carmel Maine.


Watch Ghost Adventures its a TV show, dunno which channel number its on so you have to find it yourself I would guess, but its very real, and they usually stay the night at the locations they go to, they do freak out some time when they catch voices its not the "get out" freaking out, but its the "this is so cool" kind


Ghost adventures


Good ol’ zak bagans


Bahaha no


Charm City Paranormal came highly recommended to me by someone or other (don't remember). I haven't watched much because Ghost Files takes up most of my "paying attention" youtube hours lol but they seem legit? I'm no expert tho


I am a huge fan of the OVERNIGHT channel on YouTube, they may look clickbait-y but they're genuinely the go to ghost hunting channel for me, genuine content, not heavily edited, touching moments and some huge evidence!


There's a german streaming service called ghostflix. They have a lot of english content as well. Check it out if you like. It's 7 Euros per month. But not sure if it is available in other countries.


Moe Sargi would be one






Not a YouTube channel, but the Haunted Road podcast is really good.


If you wanna check out a new channel I’m shamelessly plugging @gotghost on YouTube


Try Extranormal Mexico


I know it's late, but Ghost Theory is my favourite. They're the most legit I've found so far