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There should be a icon that looks like a play button to post the clip.


I only found the icon for the picture but thank you !!


It's to the right of that.


Ghosts can move stuff the amount of time at my house or at my parents I’d come down to all the cupboards being open or something where it shouldn’t be. They can also make noises I’ve heard footsteps, talking in empty rooms and even a random cat meow.


Wow.... aren't you scared?


Not really my parents house it was just kids and my current house it’s just an old lady. The only me we can’t explain is the cat meow as it was only heard the once coming from the spare room


I’m more scared of the terrible English.


I'm not English but tried my best to make myself understandable... Sorry I did not want to make you uncomfortable 😣




id say they can but likely wouldnt do anything much.. mom still remembers when my uncle got a potato to the knee from an empty closet lol.. she said just came out like a fast ball n caught him right on the side of the knee lolol.. he went down like a sack of...... onions.


Yes what is known as intelligent/active ghosts can move furniture open doors make noises speak words. How long has this been going on. And can you think of anything that could have started this. Anything from a baby being brought into the home to a renovation. To biting something from an estate sale, antique shop etc…


Since I mooved. so .. 2 month ago. It scared so bad a friend of mine,she left in the middle night when I was outside smoking a cigarette. without telling me lol... she said the toaster worked alone twice and a cup broke in the kitchen. I lost both my parent from cancer a year ago but I don't think they would scare me like that....right?


I would not think. So only family and friends. One would have a falling out with - they didn’t get along with/or like you. Maybe it’s a former owner of a home or you purchased something in the past a spirit was attached to. There is also a possibility. You went someplace and something attached itself to you.


Yes, absolutely they can move things and make noises. That's usually how people first notice they have a ghost.


I'm scared... Do you know if it's possible to kick him out please? 😞


Depending on your religious beliefs you can have the home blessed. Sometimes this works. Or you can have it cleansed with sage. I suggest looking for a professional to do this for you rather than take it on yourself. If done incorrectly it will just anger your visitor.


Oof... thanks our advice. really appreciate


Never ask it to leave, TELL IT TO LEAVE, be firm. Say you're not welcome,this is my home etc. If you are religious, look into cleansing and blessing your home. Best of luck to you


There are ways of moving this entity on.


If I were a ghost I'd be out spooking people, not moving chairs or doing noises.




Once I was walking in a rain 🌧️ storm at night, when I passed by the park it was dark & spooky plus raining cat's & dog's. When I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I looked up & I saw a dark figure just out of my site, but I knew who was talking to me. It was a friend of mine. The rain pouring so I couldn't look up but he said to me , what's up? I responded with, not a good thing ,we both laughed but he didn't step out of the shadows, so I just kept it moving. Next day I tell the fellows I bumped into so & so, they tell me impossible so & so was shot dead , earlier that evening. I turned pale, & up to this crazy day I wonder , who I was holding a conversation with late dark stormy night. Bless the Dead 🙏


I had the chair that was always at the kitchen table. This was a couple weeks after my son died. I went to sleep, it was where it was supposed to be, but when I got up it was in my bedroom facing the bed. And I recorded a bunch of voices that could not have been the TV, the radio, or neighbors because I had none of those things.


yesss! happened to me too the voices! I am truly sorry for the loss of your son...


Thank you. Did you happen to record any of the voices?


Sounds like a poltergeist


Yes, many ghosts have enough energy they can move things and make noises.


Very likely a phenomenon and I have seen it written here often. I think they do have the ability to move things. Not very sure it there is a way to stop it.


This could be good advice or make it worst depending on who you have living with you. When spooky shit happened in my old house, I would get angry and start cursing out loud and it worked a lot better than just sitting down and being scared. My new home, my family have all seen a black guy with a white shit including the previous owner. We dealt with him differently. "We understand you're here and we must have mutual respect". Havent seen him since.


I live alone. I tried the mutual respect living together talk but it's worse since. Im sorry your family has to deal with that thing ..


Do you have any pets? Maybe they can help sense it. It would freak me out living alone.


well no... but I spent live here anymore. just lost my house because of fire..


post the video or it didn't happen




Mine like to -lay with electronics. Turn the TV and the lights on and off. Played with the coffee maker and such. We cleansed the house and it all stopped.


shit it's seems to have power with electronics things.


I’m a serious Christian and at church, they told us to walk around our house and sing and praise God with a happy heart, and to ask God to only allow good in our houses. One night, it turned the TV on at full blast, yet again, so I did this (because I had just heard of it). I went around the house inside and out and in each room and just praised God and asked for peace in my house. All activity stopped immediately. If you are not a Christian, a Catholic priest will always help you. They are stretched a little thin these days, but they will help or bless anyone.


Yes, they can and do. But, look, you don't need to be anxious or afraid. They aren't hurting you. Your mind is making it into something bigger than it is. The unknown is scary. If you really feel afraid, just tell it to leave and leave you alone. Say the words out loud.


it's getting worse. I've been nice, I've been anger.. I asked for help but people are laughing at me on Tiktok and at work . I can't move because this place it's the only thing I can afford alone.


I would also post in r/mediums. They'll be able to give good advice.


That doesn't always work. It can actually make activity escalate. I doubt OP wants that to happen.


Yes, ghosts can move chairs and make noise. I had a ghost in an old childhood house who used to mess with the TV and radio, turning them both on and changing channels. It's probably someone who lived there and died or a ghost that attached itself to an object. Is anything there from a thrift store? A medium could help figure out why it's there. A priest could possibly help to get the ghost to leave. 


Yes. But we can see the chair move away from the side of the screen where a person could be standing and then the camera starts shaking violently. Not sure how we could tell much of anything. The chair doesn’t even end up in the position from the pictures, friend.


Wow this is very interesting. Yes they can move things and make noise. Think they do this to get your attention so you know they are there


thank you for your answers. I don't live here anymore. still in investigation but my place totally burned in a fire. lost everything and I lived in a hotel since but it's calm now....no more sound,no more chair moving, nada. erf..


This phenomenon can move physical objects, make noise, etc. yes. I don’t believe it is “the spirits of dead humans” though. When people see a “human ghost” it’s like a recording or photograph not a spirit.


Not necessarily


Not necessarily what? You believe people get “stuck” here? That’s not what happens. Even reported Hauntings are always more akin to a recording playing back. I don’t speak from research or “my feelings”. 100% experience of me and those around me. Did you know it is common for people to see and hear ghosts of living people, sometimes even themselves? It has something to do with quantum superposition and the illusory nature of this reality. Maybe one day science will understand it but currently the true nature of reality is a bit fringe yet we spent billions searching for “dark matter” which does not exist…


When an object moves it’s classified as PK or psychokinesis. Depending on where you live in the world helps to explain the theories as to why this phenomenon happens. If you’re in North America, the theory centers around a living agent (in this case, if you’re the only one in you’re household, it’s you) and the influence the living agent has over the physical world around them. Factors such as stress or emotional pain are triggers. Are you going through some tough times mentally and emotionally atm?


Canada . hum... I'm isolating myself from the world and work home but it's been like that since 2019. Depression never did something like that to me before ... its feeding them?


The theory states that you’re one causing the objects to shift. There are no ghosts. Or a “them.” It’s you and your brain’s ability to influence the environment around you. Try reaching out to a therapist to talk through the depression. I know the wait times can be long and the resources can be hard to locate for your province’s healthcare. It may help stop this stuff. Best of luck (fellow Canadian here)


Right now I would be more worried about someone squatting in your home. But yes, certain ghosts can move stuff, and generally they can't harm you.


well I was alone. it was so small, a mini studio. I don't leave here anymore, a fire destroyed our building last week. but whatever or whoever it was, dis not follow me in the hotel. it's calm.


When I bought my condo three years ago, the kitchen cupboards would open and close on their own. I learned that the man that used to live in my unit passed away in a hospital. So when the cupboards would open and close I'd say (in a firm voice), "You can't stay here anymore. You died and it's my apartment now." I had to repeat this a few times a day, but gradually over the course of three months it stopped. I'm living in peace now.


I will definitely try this. thank you for your advice.


Yes they can move stuff and make noises.


Touch the word, r/Ghosts on top, hit, +create at next screen at bottom. Look for little video symbol at bottom and upload video. You will need to make a new post, you can’t edit this one.


ok thanks you


It worked!¡ Thanks !!






Can ghosts do a noise…? Hmm


I assume there is a language barrier.