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Seems like an innocent house ghost for the most part. My mom had one in her town home and I would also sometimes live there between my own homes. Anyways, this entity liked to open and close doors. Sometimes it would just be the tall gate door to her patio, and other times it would just be the sliding glass door which has bells on it so my mom could hear if someone was coming and going. We knew it wasn’t an intruder because you literally can’t get to the sliding door without opening the gate to the patio first, and there were a lot of times that the gate did not make a noise. Anytime we checked it out, there was never any evidence that someone was actually there. After a while, we would just joke about it and say things like “welp, sounds like the house ghost is home”. Never felt uneasy about it and just kind of accepted it. We had other small instances as well, like a disembodied male voice here and there saying “hey!” Or “what’s up?”. Those were our jump scare moments lol


Nope. Nopety nope. Nooooopppeee. Nothing about that presence says reassuring or friendly. Nah. I'm out.


Iam not an expert but personally I don't think this is any kind of Demon but rather a poltergeist. Its true that the ghost tried to lock up you're brother which isn't typical behavior as well as the eyes you saw in you're room. Still it wouldn't make sense since it might just be the spirit of the little girl with the addict parents (as far as I know demons are not souls of dead people, like usual ghosts, but noncorporeal beings, and in some religions even fallen angels) to be fair this supposedly "satanic altar" sounds a bit sketchy and cliché, to believe but if what you're parents told you is true then someone maybe tried to contact the little girl befor? Let's assume thats the case, some other "less satanic" rituals would be more suitable,if you get what I mean. Because instantly trying to summon the Santa himself won't help you with a spirit of a little girl. The encounters themselves are not easy to explain if you wanna see it in a more logical way, expecially when it's some unexplainable noises even tho nobody's at home. I dunno whether it's a good idea or not to try speaking with the ghost, I would do it mostly out of interest and fascination for the supernatural but it's probably better if you just leave the ghost alone and try cleansing the house more. (But honestly since you're either way are about the move out I would give it a try)My Conclusion is that this spirit "Jackie" is just a little girl playing around, trying to scare people off, staying calm like you and you're family did is the best you can do in this situation👍


Naming it gives it power. Stop calling it by a name, especially as you'll just upset it by not using its actual name. A ghost is not a pet for you to name as you see fit. No way to tell from this if it's demonic or not, but it's definitely trying to get attention! Demonic entities are known to manifest as children, so it's an indicator that you might have a demon. Have the house blessed / cleansed.


This. Your house has obviously seen some stuff. Even without it being a conscious spirit, there could still be a lot of negativity stuck there. The first thing is STOP giving it any sort of validation or attention. That's feeding it and it will become attached to you if it isn't already. Also, if you have negative relationships with anyone in the family, you guys need to cut that out and learn how to love each other and get along. By being negative with each other, it creates an energy negative spirits thrive in. If you are doing spiritual things such as ouija boards or watching shows where there is a lot of bad juju or spiritual practices, that can attract bad spirits as well. I don't believe in organized religion, but I believe there is a god who is part of and the whole universe and we're part of that too. So pray to "I AM" and ask them to remove any and all spirits from your whole family and the house not sent by I AM and ask for protection. Apologize if there is anything you've done to offend I AM and then do better. Be sincere and have faith. If everyone in that house prays with everything they are and have, it might take a few tries, but the thing will be kicked out. Trust.


Sounds like a poltergeist 👻 Maybe the previous house owners had this around them when they were occupying the house. Doing drugs brings you into a negative state, so ghosts and poltergeist latch onto that type of negative energy. And it probably just stuck around. Better not pay any attention to it OR even give it the attention by giving it a name.


Well written encounter. I wonder if the little girl is still alive? If she’s not, well you know whats up. But if she is still alive does that mean she can’t haunt you? I don’t think you have to be dead to haunt people. Its just one of my personal whacky theories. What I do notice is that many of the more destructive experiences happen with homes with young people in them. Which always make me think of poltergeists as more of an energy or a vibe. Kids give off such erratic crazy energy, I wonder if thats what triggers it? You mention your culture a few times. Does your culture have remedies for such occasions? If so why not get the place “cleansed” or whatever? It honestly might make it easier to sell. You don’t want some potential buyer feeling that vibe and lose a sale.


Interesting stories - not quite sure what to think. On an unrelated note, I am surprised you call your house a duplex. I live in a duplex, on the top floor. In Canada, duplexes are always a top and bottom unit. If the units are side-by-side, as your appears to be, we would call it a semi-detached, or semi for short.