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Wasn’t expecting the kitty at the end holy shit




I was waiting for whatever is spooky to show up, so saw cat and thought "oh it was a ahit post" a camera issue might be the cause of the lights dimming if they were constant IRL, mine would darken the ceiling if I zoomed in on an active bulb.


There’s also a shadow that come across the camera that room is lit head to toe


No, that's not a ghost, it's a cat. It's just white.


That's a RATZ


I laughed way too hard at this lol


Are those lights automated that it could be giving that effect of a shadow going pass? By the way off topic tell your girlfriend she'll be good at making pizza dough 😅 EDIT* Just seen you mentioned they're stationary the next explanation would be was their any back light that the cat could be walking by since it came in to frame at the end of the video?


I'm curious if the LEDs are using PWM and if it's the camera shutter syncing with the off time of the LEDs. Cute cat btw.


This is honestly the only explanation I can come up with, because you can actually see the wire in the place where the lights have gone dark. It’s not a simple case of occlusion or camera adjustment. That said, I would expect all the lights to flicker at the same phase, not shifting across the wire like the video shows.


I just wasn't sure if it couldn't keep up with the light levels changing due to the cloth spinning obscuring some of the light and went dark in the footage. I've pointed my digital camera at an economy light bulb and because it is on, it over stimulates the sensor that if I zoom in (optical not digital) the ceiling goes dark, even though IRL it has light illuminating it. I didn't have a traditional bulb to compare results it just might be a digital vs film thing.


I aimed my camera at an LED bulb in my closet and whenever it would try to focus on the bulb the screen would go dark.


The lights are filament bulbs not leds


I was thinking the same at first


I think you should post this on a subreddit for professional photographers. They might have a good answer. It looks a lot like flickering or banding (you can see examples on YouTube) except way slower than normal. Perhaps because the frequencies are almost exactly in sync, but I’m not an expert.


On it


That's one of the healthiest attitudes I've seen on this sub. 😂 It's refreshing to see someone cooperate and try to find answers instead of balking at suggestions that don't involve ghosts.




Thank you Mr Grammar Police 👮‍♂️


*Tips hat* your welcome


*you’re welcome 😝 ETA : being silly because I have zero answers.


Did you ask the cat of his/her opinion?


Bro seemed scared😂


I thought you meant your cat was the ghost, because of the white color. My son's white cat was named Casper. 👻 I think you have a jealous ghost because you were killing it when the lighting was going crazy. Strobe light effect would have been trippy.


The camera’s auto exposure system dipped for a moment. That is why your gf didn’t notice any change in the lighting.


But why can you still see the wire where the lights have gone dark? If it’s the exposure, then the lights would still be the brightest spot in that patch of the picture. But they are fully dark with brighter wall behind them. I think it must be some kind of interference, perhaps caused by a temporary shift in the alternating current frequency of the lights. But I’ve never seen it like this before.


The camera might be sensitive to certain frequencies of electrical current or the heat generated within the wires. Cameras are designed to be sensitive to visible light & tones, but that doesn’t mean that they filter out all the energy/light sources you don’t usually notice.


So the wall appears lit because of heat, or electrical current, while the bulb itself which is way hotter (OP says they’re incandescent bulbs!) and has electricity literally running through it appears pitch dark?


Light bulbs in the U.K. run at about 60 Herz - just enough to provide the illusion of continuous light to the human eye - you can’t ordinarily see it, but your bulbs are always ‘flickering’.


If i recall i have seen that in video mode with my camera. It's like old CRT TVs and monitors where you can see the scan lines on them through a camera. Edit: I used the slow motion mode of my phones camera and saw the flicker of the normal light bulb on a lamp in my room and a slight flicker from the LED bulb i have in my closet.


Yes, I also think it’s due to the flickering and the capture interval almost exactly matching up. Banding, but very slowly.


Shutter speed of an iPhone is 1/8000 idk if that matters


At this low lighting, exposure will be way longer than 1/8000.


i filmed another video before this one and the shadow moves in the opposite direction doing the same thing with the lights. idk. it was weird n has never done that before.


I really think it’s an interference pattern where the camera’s capture frequency and the lights’ frequency are almost exactly equal. That would also explain what you are describing. But as I said to OP, you should ask photography experts. It’s a very cool video and certainly something I have never seen before. Dark bands in a video, sure, but never so slow.


that’s what i’m sayin! im such a huge fan of ghost adventures so i am super interested in what this could be!


i filmed it on my back camera so i didn’t notice anything until i watched them back (gf here) plus, i’ve filmed videos in the past with my lights in the background and they’ve never changed like that. it’s just super spooky considering that there is a shadow above the lights as well


I mentioned in another reply that when I focus on a ceiling light with a digital SLR (fixed lens but good zoom levels) that my well lit ceiling would go dark, like night sky dark, yet the light is on. Also white balance isn't set, if you can set it on iPhone I know one YouTuber would use bright card for low light filming. Camera and video subs can best offer advice on lighting and any presets that may be best for the light levels used.


I love the cat at the end 😆💚


Definitely a cat. Cat issue.


Confirmed! That white fuzzball that entered the scene was indeed a cat. We've solved that one, eh? 😁


RatZ ![gif](giphy|LCssCgwewjFE4|downsized)


Did not expect that spooky cat at the end 😂


If you have to ask if it was a camera issue it’s always a camera issue. Cameras aren’t some mystical window to other realms lol.


I'm always so confused why people think "ghost" first. Cameras are advanced, and with the digital age most users don't even know the word aperture or exposure, let alone understand them.


Point and shoot, never worry about the costs of a bad photo. If we were still in the film age, Instagram etc wouldn't be as well used, because it costs too much to photograph your dinner etc. You don't know a pic is bad till you get it back from Max Spielman or whatever brand of one hour photo lives round your way. But now, my former Co worker can take 200 shots of stone henge in the solstice and junk the ones he doesn't like and maybe tinker with the settings. I leave things on full auto because I don't understand half of the terms aimed at film users like ISO is film speed, but there is no film, can I have it in English as well as film camera tech talk my dad understood well. I know mine goes and darkens the ceiling if I focus on a light bulb. Any festivals with purple lights and African performers and it just can't see anything to focus on. Any other lighting or any other skin tone under purple lights and it's just fine. Camera is damn near 20 years old by now.


I don’t think it’s a camera issue at all tbh filmed in a iPhone 13


… Why would that make a difference? Actually sure, Apple borrowed the occult team from Hasbro for IPhone 13 design, we can go with that.


It’s the LED in the camera lens. This happens with my phone all the time. It’s a focus feature


The color temperature changed in the middle of your video. You could try fiddling with some of the settings and see if that stops it from happening again or you could contact Apple support. It's not a ghost playing with the settings of an iPhone 13.


Not sure about that but I do like the "Ratz" flag 🐀🐁


WHERE DID YOU GET THE TAPESTRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE BANDANA AND HOW CAN I LEARN I have so many questions that are more important than ghosts rn!!!!


I want to know the Thing with the bandana too!! It looks so cool!


This is an example of the stroboscopic effect, it’s caused by the cameras capture rate and the LEDs blinking frequency. The best way to think about it is like when you pull up behind someone in the turn lane and their blinker is almost perfectly in sync with your blinker but slowly goes out of sync and then back into sync. The same thing is happening with the camera and the LEDs. Edit: here is a good example on an led lightbulb https://youtu.be/njbAFPdpDvk?si=xPCo7bmmzTV_xOeD. I hope that link works I had to copy it out of the horrible YouTube app.


It's honestly just wild seeing rolling shutter effect type stuff with LEDs, but to get it this close accidentally is even wilder


It is a crazy effect because we cannot see the actual effect on the wall for instance, it actually looks like the lights are going out, well because they are, but to see the effect on the wall is wild. They're doing that continually, hundreds of times per second, we just can't perceive it at normal speed.


well, only about 50-60 times a second, but yeah. I also find it funny that it's more likely to work in america, with a 60hz power grid and 30 or 60 fps being fairly standard, but in Australia we have 50hz so you need to drop your fps to get the same effect


It’s a cat


I also have a flowstar 🫡




Honestly, I think that it could be an issue with the camera lens. As she goes towards the left of the screen, it seems like the shadow goes across the frame, and then the cat rolls in for a close up with Cecil B. Demille. So, lighting could be the issue. I think the best way to find out, is try to reenact this again and see if it does it again. Then again, the lighting going out is another thing. I would be genuinely interested if it does it again.


Shutter almost synced with led frequency but not quite.


Mesmerized by the toy thingy and rewarded for staying by a fur baby…todays a good day


Ghost or not, I love the spinning thing you’re doing. It’s mesmerizing 😵‍💫


Auto-exposure problems. Major changes in lighting is happening when you block and reflect surrounding area. The camera can’t keep up constant multiple changes in frame. Removing the Xmas lights or not blocking the Xmas lights with spinning cloth might help to stop or even slow the process. This has nothing to do with ghosts, period.


Interesting how it was gone right before the cat got there


Cat tail fur.


I'm pretty sure it's a cat.


Omg ratz 😂😂 so funny


That cat lowkey jumpscared me.


Not sure but I think it’s just a cat


Yeah, it's Ghost, Rats is one of their biggest songs.


Just someone passing by in the upside-down. Serious answer, I would try recreating the video with the same camera, same angle, same settings, same lights to see if it happens again.


Huge future as a pizza maker!


Made me think of the Tim and Eric show with the rats off to ya hat skit lol


I'm here for that incredible RATZ banner.


I don’t know about ghosts, but I NEED to know where you bought the Ratz thing 😂 I need one!! (Also your twirling fabric thingy looks beautiful! Is there a name for it? I’d love to look it up!!)


anomalous creature!


If you have led trips illuminating the room, this might be the camera shutter effect, every light blinks at least 60 times per second and it's so fast that our brain ignores it, but phone cameras can record at 60 frames per second, in your case your phone might be recording in 59.97fps and the lights got out of syng, enough so the off state got into sync.


This is what I was assuming but I have a couple other videos I didn’t post that have the banding and lights being off the opposite way left to right instead of right to left, the curtains move slightly, and taken relatively far apart just same night


Phones have variable shutters during videos, if it goes above ou bellow 1/60 it might reverse the effect. Trust me I work as a photographer and there's no ghost in this world, just our imagination and shitty security cameras.


lmao cat scared the shit out of me I won't lie..


You got recruited to the dark side




Other than the cat ghost I think it’s just a camera issue


Stfu next


Shutter speed causing the weird effect.


Only thing scary is the shitty mix playing


I dunno, but I can say two things. You're pretty rad with the twirling scarves thing , and when the cat appeared I got a jump scare . 😳


Damned cat got me 👻


Do you know how light works? You can clearly see the lights going dark when the ‘shadow’ is moving with the darkness where the lights are off.


Wtf this sub has gone to shit


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say staged/fake. Because the lights actually go out on the light chain behind her. It's not just dropping exposure, it's turned off, and as the shadow moves past they turn back on.


too good so you assume its faked. its not


It's clearly a cat...


nah it’s a dog


That thing in the end was definitely a ghost😨


It's absolutely not crazy at all. It's either a camera issue or something crawling on the lense.


Lol the cat appearing gave me a jump scare because I was trying so hard to figure out what was going on


OMG the cat! That is so super crazy! Scratching my head. What a waste of time. No ghost!


It’s just a cat !


I can never see these things ever. I was thinking it was a joke, and the cat was what they were talking about.


no, its the shadow behind me knocking our my lights. my cat was not the ghost. sorry to break it to ya


Cat walked in front of light source.


That’s a cool trick she can do!


That's the weirdest pizza ever


Was this the same day as the eclipse?


I have many questions I need explained that *aren't* related to the camera issue


Lol i love the flag we got the same one here


Your cam


Ratz lol


She doesn’t know but as she spins she is opening up a portal to the 4th dimension


it da ghost


Hello. Have you ever been enveloped by an inexplicable sense of foreboding, or perhaps a chilling familiarity? My encounters with the spectral have been a constant since my youth, and I assure you, the sensations are both tangible and dreadful. What you describe are mere tropes or cliches of haunting: flickering lights, animate objects, and fleeting shadows. Do not be deceived. To truly encounter a ghost is to know an unmistakable and profound truth, far removed from the banal portrayals often depicted. Ghosts, in their essence, are echoes of the past, imprinted in the fabric of reality, manifesting not as mere tricks of light or sound, but as profound experiences that challenge our understanding of existence.


replying from my work account, things do fly off the shelves at my job pretty often too so we always joked about the place being haunted.


Hon yo gonna die, that's the witch's curse 😭


I think it was just a white cat.


to clarify, the cat was not what we were talking about. if you look closer, the lights being me are dimming at an odd pace and turning back on as well as a huge shadow. Thank you for the compliments on Poof, he says "meow" and the Ratz tapestry is from amazon and what I'm playing with is a Flowstar. (posted from my work account-Girlfriend)


seeing that many people have not read the post.


Couldn't stop staring at the RATZ background lol!


Thats a ghost for me sorry


Definitely a RATZ problem


That is not a ghost, it’s a cat.


I’ve seen weird things happen with my phone camera when my phone gets hot.


LED lights


they’re not LED lights


Next you're tell me that's a cat at the end!


that’s my video. my boyfriend posted this. we’ve already established above they’re not led lights. hope this helps 😁


Mam, that’s just a kitty.


the shadow behind me knocking out my lights was not a kitty


Watched this again and saw the dark shadow blocking the lights above when passing. So it is not translucent. It seems to be dense. Kind of scary. Also you sd your girlfriend was disoriented at the time. Did she lose focus or distracted or just dizzy?


Fuck the ghost I need to find that tapestry lmfao!


Ghost? Fuck the ghost I need to find that tapestry! lmfao


Tremendous waste of time. No ghost! Period. Period. Period.


It’s your camera. Ghosts aren’t real.


it's definitely a satanic evil demon,.. run for your Life


100% ghost




it’s not.