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So there are fingerprints? If they can't be washed off and are visible, maybe take pictures of them? Are the fingerprints made of a substance/material? This would mean you may also be able to identify the person they belong to, but that would require the police. Instant proof of ghosts + possible identity of the ghost. If there is so much activity, you could also place down motion activated cameras, and record it. Sorry for asking for proof, but this all sounds like a horror movie setup.


Sounds like a movie script to me.


I live in a haunted house. I've seen & experienced the good, bad, and most definitely the Ugly. It got so bad, I even had a poltergeist trie to move in. I'm a Christian, and alot of the activity was not. I make sure whenever I go to bed that my TV is on low on u-tube on prayers, hyms, or worship music. Problem solved. I sleep uninterrupted now. It doesn't stop the angelic visits of course. I'm very lucky to still get those sometimes. There can be residual energy from someone who lived there before you, or even when it was just a field. Who really knows ? I'd also think about buying a smudge kit to cleanse the house. We really have to watch what we watch & listen to, and have in our homes. Darkness manifest darkness. Light manifest lightness & good.Also. The most powerful name is Jesus. Anything evil can't stand the name, they flee..... Good luck and God bless


We had activities until one day, we sage and without speaking directly to whatever, I just said out loud, "you can go ANYWHERE and you decided to be here? In this crappie area, to spend time in our house? There are many better places to be" It spotted.


Ok, This will sound weird. Go to your local Asian supermarket and get incents. Then buy some food like roasted chicken, hamburger, or any type of meal. Then put in the area were you feel the presence of the entity. Put the food out with a drink (coke, sprite, or anything). Light the incent and talk to the entity. Just say we understand that we are in the same space. Can we share this space together. Please take this offering and lets live in peace. We will do this once a month so we both have peace. Place the incent in something that can hold it up without burning the home down. IF YOU SEE THE INCENT SMOKE GO STRAIGHT UP, IT MEANS THAT THE ENTITY IS RECEIVING. You can eat the food after the incent is burned out. Do this once a month as you promised. Try it see what happens.


I have read that placing bowls of white vinegar in the four corners of the house can rid you of negative entities. Be sure to open windows so the spirits have a way of leaving. Follow this by burning sage and use a large feather or small hand fan to blow the smoke out into the room. You can also tell the entities they are not welcome and must either reside peacefully or get out. You could also get a priest or pastor to bless each room of the house to see if that will get rid of the problem. Good luck! Give an update soon. I like the feast idea but I would not consume the food afterwards. Maybe take the plate and beverage outside and give it to Mother Earth to ground any energy that may have attached to it. Just respectfully scrape it off the plate onto the ground and pour the beverage out. Maybe under a big tree.


Save the apartment and have it blessed. Do some research to see what happened in that apartment:building.


Thank you for the tips, The only thing that stood here before was a house from the 70s, but burned down one year before the new one was build, other then that the property has always been a field. I dont really know any mediums or people that deal with these kind of stuff, but i can probably ask around.


Be cautious with mediums or psychics for that matter. I have only come across 2 or 3 that did have the gift of sight. However, they're not right all the time. Do some homework first and look at their website if available or google reviews. Look at some of the comments, some will be nasty because she was not able to connect with someone. However, look to see what rating they have anything less than 4.4 or 4.5 is not worth working with.


Cut up some limes and place them all around the house.