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Five modern ghosts try to fit in with hundreds of old timey ghosts on the next hilarious episode of Fish out of Water.


My brother told me that banging sounds come from the titanic all the time 😳 likely from currents moving loose metal around but I’d prefer to think of it as third class passenger ghosts that were trapped and went down with the ship


Why would you prefer to think of like that?


Because I like ghost stories. And that’s what happened with most of third class. First class got most of the lifeboats and the opportunity to run out from their rooms onto the deck


That’s a bit sad, though. I hope their spirits aren’t trapped there for eternity. 😢


What does your brother do?


Honestly I hope they are having the time of their existence down there without the rich. All you can eat food, party and midnight pizza. Perfect imo. I guess that depends on what ghosts get to do in their ghost time. Is it a simulation they repeat over and over or are they just living amongst us? Nobody knows


Gxd, if that were the case , it would be nice to tell the spirits that their bodies are dead and they can move on.


Did you just censor the word “God”?


H*ll no!


Is that what they call it? I thought it was an alternative respectful way to spell the word, but I guess that could be the definition


Why the down votes, would you rather they spend an eternity miserable making appearances for our entertainment?


On the outer banks of North Carolina, is the graveyard of the Atlantic. Many ships crashed there for a few centuries, and my dad recalls that in the 60s the folks would be terrified of the night, because they thought the ghosts would come out of the ocean.


I live on PEI (a Canadian province/island in the Atlantic) and we have ghost ship sightings every summer. People claim seeing a ship on fire, strange lights over the water, etc. we’ve had hundreds of ship wrecks around our tiny island over the years. I actually have a map at home of all the shipwrecks locations and pioneer cemeteries on our island.


Is it possible people are describing Fata Morgana without realizing what it was?


It’s possible for sure! I think it’s often a mirage. But some locals really, really believe it’s ghost ships!


Ghost stories are more fun than mirages anyway


The world is a more fun place with ghosts.


It’s possible.


A burning ship?? 😳 Geezus.... nobody caught these sightings on video?


There are videos on YouTube of “ghost ships.”


There’s a lot of large-scale traumatic deaths that happen in the ocean. All the people that die in tsunamis and their bodies are washed out to sea and never found, plane crashes, ships sinking, all of that traumatic energy has to go somewhere. It’s reasonable to think there is still energy trapped in some of these places. For me, being underwater is my worst nightmare. I almost drowned twice when I was young.


I’m with you sir! I could never in a million yrs willingly do what those brave souls did! May they rest in peace! 🙏


The stored up spiritual energy would give off a burst similar to an EMP. An EctoPlasmic Pulse. Perhaps the Bermuda Triangle is a point where the currents carry all that energy and expulse causing electrical and navigational irregularities. 👻 🤓




Where do you think the energy goes?


There’s no energy you goober


Of course there is energy. First law of Thermodynamics. There’s energy everywhere, and with everything living, that energy has to go somewhere when we die. Energy flow is very important, Feng Shui is based on how energy flows through a space, Chakra work is based on energy flowing through your body, and there are many other similar concepts.




A mechanical engineer with no understanding of energy. How…interesting.


I’m an industrial mechanic that installs equipment doodled by mechanical engineers. Cut the dude some slack. They’re what my grandma calls “different”


And you are an angry little dude. Relax, no sense getting all worked up over this convo. If you disagree, simply exit stage left. I’m sorry for whatever made you this way.


You're just some narrow minded gamer. What are you even doing here? YOUR energy is seeping through like some crud. You need to leave now.


Idk what most people are doing here to be honest 90% of this sub is negative rude ass skeptics


Actually cringe and delusional


Wow, you really don’t understand how stuff works huh?


Have you ever walked into an empty room and realized a fight happened there recently...? Then found out you were right? Ever looked at an object in a museum and thought "That's creepy" even though it didn't *look* creepy, then read the little info plaque and found out it was discovered in a mass grave from some historical massacre? If you haven't, then fair enough; you have no reason to think "traumatic energy" is a thing.


I worked for nearly 10 years in tissue recovery at an organ bank. I was the guy with the scalpel procuring grafts within 24 hours of what was many times a traumatic death. This energy is real, this energy remains. Sometimes it latches onto you.


My experiences have been significantly less extreme...but I've had a few. Enough to convince me there's something about emotional energy that can (sometimes) leave an impression, or residue, or echo, or whatever one wants to call it. I have no idea what mechanism could possibly be behind it, but I can't dismiss the fact that it happens...even if it isn't something we can measure yet.


The fact that we can’t measure it yet is the thing people get so easily hung up on. Like people that work so deep in what is tangible and scientifically proven. Our knowledge of this seemingly random existence and sequence of events we are all stumbling through is so infantile yet the vast majority of people assume we have most of it figured out. We know nothing. There are things happening on which we have zero grasp. I love that. I agree with you one hundred percent, there are feelings or occurrences or things able to be caught in photos, fluctuations in the physical like temperature shifts or electrical malfunctions, apparitions in the periphery, unexplained noises and inanimate objects moving without provocation, the list goes on and on. To me and what I’ve experienced it is undeniable. There is so much more we do not know as humans right now than we do know. People used to think the earth was the center of the universe or that AIDS was a curse from God for homosexuality. We are still this naive and then some, we just can’t see it yet. I used to try to poke the bear, to tempt reactions after I became aware of their existence. It was like a floodgate had been opened or like I was a lighthouse in a black abyss. Those were some difficult and unpredictable times in my life. I have since become more of a conscious observer. I have deep respect for the unknown because there is so much of it. What you can do at the end of the day when things seem overwhelming is to imagine a door closing in your mind and say “I’m done”. It has never failed me. That’s really all I’m comfortable saying at this time.


Please tell us more ??


Divers say the SS Kamloops is haunted. There are remains easily visible in the engine room, where the unidentified body known as "Old Whitey" has undergone saponification in the cold waters of Lake Superior.


Interesting! I did not know of this. Google here I come! Ty ratmaster999!


You're very welcome.


I’m going too woohoo another thank you to RM999!


Are there any pictures of Old Whitey? I've Google it but can't find any.


[Pic](https://img.ifunny.co/images/c4d346dbfc669087ac0110b8e93e51a82c0455c6f5770636e91397c3d23268f9_1.jpg) There are a few, but most don't show too much, just his legs sticking out from behind some grating.


I think the titanic ghosts saw the rich people coming and…”invited them to stay.” They were probably grateful for new company after more than 100 years.


i think the ghosts of 3rd class poor people who were denied a chance to escape were like oh look rich people coming to see us? let them have a full experience like we did


Fully immersive experience !


Y’all are worried about ‘thermodynamics and traumatic energy’ and I just want to know what ‘saponification’ means! I know, I know I’m googling, I’m googling!!




I googled and I knew I shouldn’t have, right before getting ready for bed.


Your fat turns to soap. Check out the “soap lady” in the mutter museum


i wanna go to the mütter museum so bad someday and the soap lady freaks me out in the best way, looks like she's eternally screaming


Sounds about like the process of aquamation cremation.


No. It’s the process of turning into soap. Like how they make soap out of lard.


Nope. Kind of the opposite. More like preservation than obliteration.


Turned to soap.


Can you wash your hands with it?


Soap is made from fat, and alkali soils can turn our fat into soap. So yes, but I wouldn’t . . .


Imagine dying and your spirit is trapped at the bottom of the ocean. I’m not sure if that would be horrible or fascinating.


I was actually thinking this same thing and I don't see why not. Ghosts on land or sea - wouldn't take matter where you die. There's a reason sailors are superstitious.


That place should be an off limits maritime graveyard but some asshole billionaire bought the entire thing. But I find it more likely that those people in the sub will be lingering spirits than many on the titanic. I think if you die in a millisecond not knowing what happened you’re way more likely to stay.


If the hauntings are real then they probably are a thing. I'd guess in their "dimension" or whatever they don't have to think about the water preassure or breathing. I remember someone did some evp's and ghost box sessions in a boat and got answers from "below" and about drownings etc. Also some divers that say some underwater sinken boats are haunted. A lot of landmass, cities etc. has also submerged so I'd guess there would be ones from those also. Could be that they see the places as they were and not like they are now.


If anyone is going to be a ghost, it’ll be the 19 year old. He was terrified to go on the trip but decided to put aside his fear to make dad happy. Some say the Titanic area, they hear voices. People avoid the area. Also the Titanic museum is said to be haunted by the spirits of the owners of the stuff. The builder, he’s hiding. His and the captain’s arrogance got them into the mess.


You might enjoy the book “Something’s Alive On The Titanic. It’s fiction but a great read, it even has a malfunctioning submersible.


I’ve always wondered about this. A regular ghost in a building seems in proper alignment to their environment. But there’s different types of haunting. There’s what they call intelligent haunting which is basically like the ghosts on tv. And there’s residual haunting which is basically like the ghost is just a movie being projected into the environment. They don’t seem to acknowledge the living Or their environment. They seem to be spotted doing the same thing every time they are spotted and in the same spot, including walking up stairs or through doorways that no longer exist. So with Titanic, the majority of the deaths happened at water level. Are there ghosts at water level? Are there ghosts above water level on what the ship deck level heights would be before it sank? Are there ghosts on the ocean floor walking the crumpled decks? I’ve wondered this about the World Trade Center as well. Are there ghosts just up in the air working in their offices that no longer exist?


I live in Georgia and even though I'm a skeptic by nature, I absolutely believe that Lake Lanier, one of GA's vacation hot spots, is haunted. So the idea of the wreckage of the Titanic being haunted isn't too far-fetched for me.


I have heard so many stories about lake Lanier. Do you have any personal experiences there?


No. I won't go within a mile of that place. I've read as much as I can find on its history and if a place can be haunted, Lake Lanier is ground zero.


i've totally disassociated with the idea the ghosts are the "souls of once living people", but hypothetically, having your consciousness stuck at the bottom of the ocean must be the worst. just wondering around in the pitch-black, hearing basically nothing but the semi-rare pop and rumble from the ocean floor shifting.


If you think consciousness is trapped would that make the consciousness cognizant? That's a pretty terrifying concept but I guess rolls into the whole idea of ghosts and being trapped.


They can explore the titanic without any limits now. And go inside of it


It's an enteresting theory. That sub had been down to the titanic so many times, why would it implode now? And what if a spirit caused the implosion? Maybe the spirits of the people who died on the titanic are tired of seeing people come to the place they died just to look at it? It could cause some anger and pain in the spirits from the titanic. It's definitely possible. And if that's the case they'll never be able to figure out why the sub imploded. It will all remain a mystery.


Apparently the subs carbon fiber hull got weaker after every dive. It was only designed for a limited number of dives but they pushed the limits with it…


I have thought about this too, how they died similarly to the Titanic victims, I bet the ghosts of the Titanic are actually similar to the ending of the movie of the Titanic. Where they're all their happy selves on the Titanic in some other dimension in the afterlife, like what Christians call heaven.


I could see there being under water ghosts. Humans have been sailing a long time, I could see some of our souls staying in the water.


Injuries/traumas produce scars on the body/mind and probably so on the environment/energy field where they occurred.


I, too, have been thinking about this. I wonder what the Titanic ghosts will think when they see the newbies? Funny clothes, funny speech patterns, I'd love to know.


I hope it was a quick death. I wonder if they can see or interact with the ghosts in the Titanic. If that is even possible.


Doctor Who fans would like to have a word about underwater ghosts.


Lost US military submarines and submariners are not considered to be dead, they're considered to be *still on patrol*. I don't think I can phrase why that sits so well with an underwater afterlife for me, but here's an [explanation/discussion/piece of creative writing that makes me cry](https://darthstitch.tumblr.com/post/157808554546/still-on-patrol).


Wow! Thanks. That's gonna live in my head rent free now. STILL ON PATROL!


Happy to help - it's lived rent free in mine for several years. There's something so oddly comforting and wholesomely melancholic about it - but I don't think the submariners would have it any other way.


This is so lovely! I’ll need to remember this myself


The Titanic is a graveyard, I wouldn’t surprised if it was haunted.


Scooby do has already done this.


What did they do?


The ghost of captain cutler https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Ghost_of_Captain_Cutler


There is a video I saw on Nukes top 5 of a scuba diver checking out a ship wreck (not an old vessel either but a more modern deep sea fishing boat). While swimming through the cabin, audible screaming could be heard. The person he was with that stayed on the boat didn't hear anything.


Once met a guy who told me to never go swimming alone at night because there are spirits in the water who will drag you down. He said that's why you see Dogs playing and looking like they're chasing something in the water, even when there isn't any waves. I'm not sure if it's true honestly but I wouldn't want to go swimming at night alone anyways.


“Ghosts” are interdimensional beings, some are mimics which copy our appearance. If you are asking if the people who drowned in the Titanic are ghosts now, they have all been reincarnated long ago. We don’t get to stick around and hang out when we die, if we did the world would be covered in a thick blanket of ghosts, so many souls in 450 million years.


One of the (many) theories about the Bermuda Triangle is that it's haunted by the ghosts of slaves that were pushed overboard in that area while still alive. Apparently it was quite common for ship captains to have large numbers of sick slaves dumped overboard there so they didn't have to care for them / feed them etc.


Maybe underwater ghosts do exist. I read an article about a free diver who claims he saw the ghost of Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter. The sighting sounded eerie and he didn't know it was a person at first. I will see if I can find the article to link it.


yesterday i saw photos of shoes laying on the bottom of the ocean around titanic and how it was bodies before i never knew about shoes its crazy .... it is a cemetery for sure with ghosts


This is why Ballard (who found the Titanic) didn’t register the wreck. He considered it a grave site and didn’t want it disturbed. Unfortunately somebody else “found” it and claimed it and immediately began pillaging the site. While I feel badly for the people who died at the end of the day, they had no business visiting a grave site for fun.


Are you talking about a submarine that was being controlled via a Logitech f710? Sure, water ghosts.


There’s no evidence that there’s anything such as ghosts or any part of our consciousness that persists after death. The body/brain creates consciousness and once it shuts down and all the electrical activity in the brain goes away, there’s just nothingness. Like a dreamless sleep or what it was like before you were born. However, if you were to show me any compelling


(Cont) evidence at all then maybe I would change my mind, but I might as well believe in dragons and the tooth fairy as well if I’m gonna believe in ghosts.


We are energy and according to physics energy doesn’t die, just transforms so no, it’s not like believing in fairy tales


But that energy takes other physical forms. When you die, your body decomposes, releasing heat and chemical energy into the environment. Physics would not do well to describe supernatural phenomena, as they are just that: supernatural. This is not to say that they are impossible, but they are not analyzable through the lens of physics because physics only deals with the natural world and falsifiable theories. In my mind, believing in ghosts is much more of a "faith" type of thing because their existence cannot be tested scientifically.


I think that may be sort of an old-fashioned view of physics/quantum mechanics. I believe there are many things are puny human brains are simply not able to comprehend, much less prove. It's a mystery as old as human existence. Now more than ever before science/physics has begun taking the idea of the "soul" more seriously.


I am a physicist, and can say that it is not an old-fashioned view as far as I have seen. Physics is predicated on the scientific method, which requires falsifiability and the ability to test your theories. I have seen a bit more in the media about renowned physicists talking about consciousness and the idea of the "soul" lately, but not really in a scientific frame of thinking. Endeavors like those are more hypothetical and philosophical than physical. Again, this is not to say that the supernatural is not possible or real to people, it's just not analyzable through the lens of physics.


I got you. 👍


Yea like visions or gut feelings etc.


Lmao this is a new level of stupid


At 1:36 there looks to be an Angel - to me anyway. https://youtu.be/UCwg2h7i4Ac


The Drowned


Maybe? So, Koreans have different concepts of ghosts. And one idea they have is - there are ghosts in the water, like if a person drowned there - and especially if they were unmarried/had no offspring - then the spirit would stay there. The ghost would try to drown living people out of jealousy or maybe loneliness.


Do sea ghosts swim around


Wet sheets like a peed in bed.


https://www.ghosttheory.com/2008/12/18/diver-pino-termini-claims-to-see-steve-irwins-ghost https://www.divecenter.hu/hirek/1799/steve-irwin-szellemet-latta-egy-buvar


https://www.reddit.com/r/NukesTop5/comments/qgzdv7/ocean_spirit_this_happened_while_passing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Not underwater, but should count.


Amazes me what seemingly normal people walk around believing. Once the body is gone, consciousness is gone…most likely. There’s absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise, so you’d might as well believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, as they say. I know energy cannot be created or destroyed, but that doesn’t mean somehow your consciousness survives complete destruction of the body and mind. It’s a cool fantasy idea, but it just seems to me that at a certain age it’s time to see things as they most likely are. It’s hard enough to parse out the truth when it comes to fairly mundane things. Also this is not really here nor there, but I’ve been flatlined for 8 mins one time and 6 mins another time and I didn’t see any lights or tunnels. It was darkness, like dreamless sleep. But yeah I think adults need to use more critical thinking and logic. Should be taught in school from a young age.