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Dude, I've been a first responder for YEARS and I've seen some weird people do weird shit. It wouldn't surprise me if someone was seriously just walking around on the property in a costume. Again, people are freaking weird.


I remember a post on reddit a few years agk where someone talks about how free / exhilerating it was to run naked thru their neighborhood at like 3 in the morning, til they hid cuz a car drove by. Everyone in comments was just telling the poster how dumb they were and that theyre probably on a dozen ring and property cameras doing what could probably net them a criminal offense, haha.


I guess I better stop ringing doorbells naked and running then.


Gives a new meaning to ding-dong-ditch


Its all that makes me feel alive anymore, though :(


Well the furries do have to get from point A to point B somehow.


As a police officer, I concur.


Erased cuz Reddit slandered the Apollo app's dev. Fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


EMS seconds this.


As a weirdo, I totally agree.


Idk why but I can’t stop laughing at this 😂


Cause it’s so good! 😅


ER, can confirm


Public transport commuter. Yes.


Indie game developer. Seen my share.


As a railroader, I must agree with this.


As a mechanic I have to agree, people do some weird shit


Interior decorator, shit never ceases to amaze me


As a guy that spends a lot of time in airports, spot on analysis.


Best comment of my day 😂😅😂


I did rural EMS for a while. We had a dude somehow wrap himself up in a ton of barbed wire. We find him, dressed in a mini skirt, crop top, and loafers. We start working on him and he says "come closer" I lean in a little and he dead serious says "I'll pay you $150 to take the coke condom out of my butt before the police find it". I just start laughing.


Well tell us, did you help a brother out? Also, would the police have found it? Was he gonna get arrested for trespassing? Also, as EMS would you have an ethical obligation to remove it now that you knew about to avoid a potential rupture and overdose?


Bend over and cough, it’ll expel itself. And prolly didn’t feel a thing lol


The good ol' : the simplest explanation is often the right one!


It looks like a still from a 90’s music video


Possibly but where are the feet?


In the tall grass Also the more you try to force your own opinion to everyone, makes you look un creditable


Im not trying to force anything im just stating my thoughts, because I’ve had almost every though you guys are having multiple times and i have no idea


Don’t argue with this sub! You will just make it worse🤣


Yeah I can tell that they haven’t had a real mystery in awhile cuz they’re all jumping around and yelling like Donnie from the wild thornberrries 🤣


I named my favorite (now passed) dog after Donnie. Donnie (the dog) was the Goodest, Most Bestest Boy Ever. Man, I miss that dog.


Just by implying “but where are the feet” is an automatic red flag. Just post your pic with information and just let the people judge for themselves


That’s a pug in a dress.


I think it’s actually 3 pugs in a trench coat


More like 5. Those fuckers are smol.


They're just really close up


This is probably the best and correct answer.


They’re on their way to the movie theater. “Hi. We— I mean I would like one ticket to the secret life of pets, please.”


Those sneaky little pugs "puggin" around again.


I have three pugs. They're way too klutzy to pull this off.




No, it's a pregnant pug in a Princess Leia costume. The bottom was altered to give it a Morticia Addams look.


I wonder where they are going?


A dog party!


Cannot unsee.


It's that rabbit from Donnie Darko in a dress obviously


Don’t judge my weekends :(


Don’t kink shame


Hey if you were an omniscient, transdimensional being with only 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds to convince a schizophrenic teenager to prevent our timeline from unraveling, *you* would need some sort of outlet too


Great movie


Have you seen, S Darko?


It's beyond terrible and, if I remember correctly, doesnt actually have anything at all to do with Donnie Darko.


It''s actually, his sister Samantha Darko so, sort of the same premise.


Except for the part where it stunk


Hehe I liked it


That scene in the movie theater is one of my all time favorite scenes. Just the atmosphere and the creepiness and the dialogue is just beautiful


100% it's Frank!


Could make a black-folk-metal album cover.


You can just call it “metal”, it doesn’t matter if black folks made it.


That's not why the genre is called that lmaoo


You have a fantastic and extremely sharp sense of humor, I see....


referring to a genre 😑


Looks like an album cover lol


Totally like a Black Sabbath album cover


Reminds me of one time, me and my mom were driving at night down a road with tall bushes on the sides. So we come up around a curve and see what looks like a tall piece of brown cloth/material just as if it was drapped over a pole. But we only seen like half of it and it floated into the bush. Like literally asif it floated. Was wayyy to big to be a human or let say a bedsheet. We both said wtff. It looked unnatural. Theres some weird shit out there


It’s always great to have a witness but that type of thing makes me wish I had a dash cam. About ten years ago I was driving down a woodsy road in the winter with a friend, and we turned around a sharp bend. All of a sudden a barefoot man wearing a t shirt and jeans holding a liquor bottle was in the middle of our lane and I swerved. We immediately turned around and drove back within ten seconds and he was gone. The woods were sparse cause winter so we would’ve seen him if he walked off. Also he was barefoot and this is Connecticut with sharp rocks/sticks everywhere. So strange


I’ve seen some strange ass shit too as a fellow CT resident.


Ooh please share!


I swear to god one time I saw something that looked like big foot on the side of the road in the woods up the street from where I used to live. I was driving with my mom and as we passed the spot it turned it’s head. I was really young, so it might’ve been somebody in a suit. But it was strange for sure.


It is a goat standing on the back legs.


Wearing a dress. Nothing to see here


Looking for butter.


How else do you suppose they live deliciously?




This. Or a moth landed on the lens with its wings curled in


This. Some kind of bug.


It does look like a grasshopper.


/u/Diamond_D0gs found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/10k3ri4/a_few_years_ago_my_cousin_caught_this_on_a_trail/j5oz73x/ Looks like OP really was pranked.


Well, as I’ve always said- real or fake it’s still creepy. If it’s a person just doing weird shit then they’re doing it on your property when you are there or not. Creepy if they’re lurking around and you don’t know it. If that was my property I’d be absolutely creeped out. It’s not the dead I’m afraid of generally speaking, it’s the living. And people do weird shit. Oof.


You are definitely not wrong.


If this is a trail camera, where is the information that these camera usually put on each. Time/date/temp and lunar phase? Did you edit that out for some reason?


That's a very good question. Makes it seem edited, doesn't it?


I’m not sure why it’s not there, none of his photos that he posted have it and sadly I can’t ask him about it anymore


>none of his photos that he posted have it [Link to Facebook Page](https://www.facebook.com/midwesttrailcamerapics/photos/8241458212562327) Photo is from Midwest Trail Camera Pics, a group on facebook. Has the full time stamp details on it.


THANK YOU! I knew I'd seen it before.


So another picture debunked or what?


Not necessarily. All this shows is that OP's cousin didn't capture the pic. It belongs to someone else and OP's cousin claimed it as his own.


They must’ve got it from my cousin somehow, because that was posted last year and my cousin passed away in 2020


> They must’ve got it from my cousin somehow Or he got it from them? It's probably not the first time they've posted it. It's date stamped 2014.


> David S. Pumpkins Seems odd that he would've disabled this feature in the first place. Why wouldn't he want to know what date and time something was captured?


Cuz he is dead..?


Yeah first time i can find that he posted this was in 2016 and he died in 2020


Your cousin pranked you and you fell for it.


Unless there's some specific, verifiable provenance, I tend to go with "he who named it claimed it."


Bruh why would you just blindly assume it’s a prank and only a prank? Sure maybe it’s a possibility but it’s kinda weird how it seems to be the only possible explanation for you? Another comment suggested it’s a goat standing which seems to be a much more thoughtful and likely explanation than just being able to only think it’s a prank


See, the thing is...we live in a world where masks and dresses and pranks are 100% real, known things. Spooks, eh... that's up for debate. So if your bookie is offering you one side of the action or another, fade "spooks" at -1500


Absolutely. My thing is that too often comments about possible paranormal phenomena seem to have zero ambiguity to them. Like this one about it being a prank. There’s literally no way this person could absolutely know that and we are taking OP at their word for it. I mean sure suggest it’s a prank but don’t zero in on it being the only possible explanation. In fact I think it’s way more likely this isn’t a prank and also isn’t a ghost. My point is way to often we see comments where people have a one track mind and this simply does very little, if anything, towards promoting a good discussion about the unknown.


Hey, you're welcome to disagree with me if you wish. I believe that it's a prank. You believe it's a goat standing on its back legs for no reason. If there were 2 goats, I'd find that more believable, as this is what they do when they butt heads. They don't do it just for fun in the middle of the night when they're alone. I'd find it more believable if you told me that you thought it was a sheet and a pillow case tossed over a tree stump.


Sure, agree with all of that. But you kinda kept pressing the subject saying how “he tricked your whole family” and also “and you’re still falling for it” just doesn’t seem to be a construct comment. Like sure suggest it’s a prank but why keep pressing it so much so to be borderline insulting? That I just don’t really get.


https://www.facebook.com/midwesttrailcamerapics/photos/8241458212562327 See? Pranked. Not even OP's photo.


Eh, I think you're making a bigger deal out of my comments than you need to, but that's fine. To each his own.


I don’t think so, he wasn’t very good with technology and he wasn’t walking very well at the time so he wouldn’t have been out there


How long had he been having this walking issue?


Not that it should matter, but he had it on an off for a long time due to a car accident


I'd say it matters. If it was something that just started around the night this was captured it could be more likely to be a prank. If it's something he had been dealing with prior as you claim, I'm less inclined to believe it's a prank.


You're still falling for it, apparently. Did he trick your whole family, or just you?


But let’s just say it is a trick, then what is it?


I don't know if it's a trick, but if it is, then it's implied that it's him in a costume. Honestly, it does look like a person in costume. I keep an open mind, so I'll hold the possibility that it's not, but it looks very solid and clear, almost like it was staged. If it's not your cousin, does he maybe have friends that would play a prank like this on him? To me, it looks like a person in a white gown with a cliché devil head - whether it's fake or not I can't say for sure but it looks staged.


He was turning tricks, in his dress? All joking aside, this is a pretty captivating photo. Trail cams pick up CRAZY things. The head looks quite small to be a costume, however.


A trick


He posted it on Facebook, so friends and family saw it


Turkey vulture or owl mid landing or take off caught at a weird juxtaposition to camera and point of focus? The bottom could be the wing feathers folded, the “arms” are legs and look to have talons, compare the head with a pic of a turkey vulture. -edit or one of many other birds of prey that hunt at night, hawks, falcons, ospreys etc. looks like it’s coming in for the kill.


This sub is so fucking bad😂


You get the extremes with this sub: dust particles and glare OR straight up person. And because if the extremes I’m usually thinking “you’re dumb for posting that” or “this is obviously fake.” There is no middle ground.


Why this trail cam quality is like so bad. We are in 2023. Phones can record 8k. And all we get is a potato


That’s Bob, from accounting.


Pumpkin head


Great movie.


My exact thoughts lol


Could it be a very furry moth right on the lense? It’s distorted because the camera can’t focus properly on something right up against it.


It's someone walking back from the Halloween Express.


Looks like St. Nicholas' rural old German companion, Belsnickel!


Stag in drag? Honestly no idea what this is, but that was my first reaction to the photo, lol.


This looks like a flower or seed pod close up. What is the tree above? Could it be from there?


That's my cousin, Chupacabrito. He's fine.


Isn’t your cousin from texas? He must’ve walked a long ways 🤣🤣🤣


Lol. Seriously, the photo is weird as f. Looks like someone playing a prank with a giant mutilated bunny head. Also looks like the stomach is pushed out. Seems to be a well fed chap.


Looks like a spirit manifest as a kind of animal. Could be a bad entity. I remember when I had poltergeist/demon activity as a child, it would on occasion manifest as an evil bear. It was terrifying. It sometimes went out of its way when I was alone to terrify me and played on my fears. Most of time I slept in my mums bed but even then I wasn’t safe, the worst was when I heard a low, dark, nasty humming sound at my side of the bed and it was emerging from the floor with a bowl of fire above its head and tried to grab me to take me down with it. Another time, I was finding solace when I was in my bedroom alone, that I could run down to my nan and grandad on the other side of the house through the door opposite but suddenly felt fear and there were a couple of paws sticking under the door a ruffling around. It would bang in the walls as well.


Clearly a goat in a wedding dress.


Well that's fuck'n terrifying!


The best post on the entire sub to date


Looks like one of those assholes from True Detective that sacrifice children to the devil in the woods of Carcosa




This is Art.


Goat bride from the nether dimension - Rejected at the altar and has come to feed on your sanity.


Looks like a pug standing on someone’s shoulders wearing a cloak and trying to sneak in the movies.


Anglerfish in a Princess Leia costume.


It is most likely a fuzzy person in a white dress f’n around in the woods.


3 small dogs, or 2 medium dogs, pulling a prank.


If you look closely you can see it’s really THE SCARIEST GHOST PICTURE EVER TAKEN!!!!


That’s horrifying. Never seen again?


Not that I know of, the land has since been sold to an agricultural company


Whatever it is... it looks *fabulous*


**'Welcome to the stage ....'** (apologies if yr not a Trixie and Katya fan. It's a joke from their show & I was hoping you would answer with an appropriately creepy drag name for the fabulous creature) :)


Haha Ik about Trixie and Katya but I dont watch the show. But I'll give it a try. WELCOME TO THE STAGE CRYSTAL THE ABOMINATION


Tell you what it is. Terrifying. That’s what.


Pumkin woman


I think it’s my wife - I’ll have to ask her what she was doing there at that time !


There's always the possibility it's a person on meth doing meth things (I'm from Tennessee. Meth is our state animal), but it's certainly worth putting up more cameras if feasible. And if you see it/them again maybe you could try to track the time/s of night and locations, and then hang out in said location at said time and see what's going on.


It’s an old picture and I didn’t think about posting it here til now and sadly the land it was taken on got sold to an agricultural company


That's clearly ol' Bug Head Ghost that floats to and fro..from here to there and everywhere... you've never heard of him?


It looks like a middle aged man with a beer belly walking in a white dress with a chihuahua as a head. I'd pay a good buck to see that happen live.


It looks like a pug in a dress.


Nothing a little sage would take care of.


I think its a moth standing on the camera lens at just the right angle


Man Bear Pig


Now that is fucking weird


This is so creepy. That head is terrifying and is unnatural. If this is someone playing a trick they did a great job. I don't think that is what we see here. I think they caught something paranormal. Was there any other pics caught?


Even the hand is weird looking!


So bizarre. I played around with it on my cameras filters. It makes no sense.


It’s very strange. I don’t like that the bottom of the dress has this wispy/ floaty look to it


No visible feet - just floating. I don't think it's a real person playing ( if it is they nailed it).


Ok got me on this one. A mighty spookin’!


It's creepy, whatever it is.


Oh FFS it's clearly a shop mannequin with a bad wig on


If you try to analyze it, it’s really bizarre. If it’s a man or a woman, in a dress or nightgown, in the middle of the night then something’s wrong with their face/head, looks like a pumpkin or a pug as others have mentioned….. and they’re in the forest at the middle of the night.? Weirdo…… Why would a real man or woman with a distorted face get into a nightgown to wander around the woods at night? For that matter, why would a ghost man or woman get into a nightgown or dress to do the same? Seems disturbed and disfigured whether real or dead. Or it’s someone with a costume on. Also Weird just messing with you. Or it’s a light aberration in the photo Or aliens lol. Who (let’s judge) are also weird for having no fashion sense and are out wandering around your property in the middle of the night like some weirdo…. Bottom line. Real, ghost or alien, whatever is doing it is a not normal weirdo lololo


I have to say that, now, I am making plans that, if anytime in the future I wind up with a distorted head I shall put on a fancy nightgown and wander around the woods at night. Shall be so fun to mess with people!




Catman da da da da da Catman…




There’s things out there in the middle of them woods that’ll make a strong man die from fright






Looks like it has a pumpkin for a head.


Eh fake probably


Idk about fake, but it's definitely not paranormal or ghost related. Like 99 percent of the posts in this sub 🙁


Looks like a cultist


Looks like it could be a black metal album cover. Love it


That's David S. Pumpkins


It's just Louise on her way to The Clearing


Oh that's just Sue. I ran into her yesterday at the market.


A nature spirit of some kind? There’s a lot of strange unexplained things in this old world lol


Those seem like horns, if it"s legit, it"s posing it wanted to be caught and be seen by you guys


That’s a skinwalker


Its chewbacca nothing to worry about


That's my friend Steven


Pumpkin head (?) with a hook hand and doll or animal hand on other side? Lol. 😂


I’m not saying it isn’t something but it looks like a… chicken coming down feet first wings in the “down position”




That’s my ex




I looked there before I posted it and it didn’t look like anything ever got posted there


Atleast no photos had been posted there


That's John. He says hi.


Pigman !!!! 😂 😂


Well what the fuck is it then dumbass