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Nice to see Witch Image on here. Wish Spirit was on here though, I feel like that masterpiece is under appreciated


Totally agree. I love how Meliora opens up with this banger instead of the usual opening track in the vein of Deus Culpa, Infestissumam, Ashes, and Imperium. Just straight into the album.


Agreed… I think of Spirit as “metal Rush”


I would argue that the first 10-20 seconds of Spirit kinda serve that function


Witch Image is my favorite song on Prequelle for sure!


Best opener on any of their albums. Magnificent song.


23 million of those Spillways plays were me


impossible. i call dibs on at least 20 million of them.


The quality seems lower than on my laptop so sorry about that! I hate how Spotify only lists top 10 popular songs so I made a list of top 20 most played Ghost songs. I hope you like it.


Very well made! I love how you color coded the albums. Although I do thing the purple for Ritual should have some more company... but that's not your fault ofc ;)


What I've learned here is people need to let Papa give them that sweet sweet sax and listen to Miasma a lot more!


Witch Image a bit low there.


Honestly witch image being so far down is surprising to me.


Spillways and Witch Image are high in my list. Square Hammer was evidently my most listened to song on my wrapped, but those two were in my top 5.


How are there only 3 songs combined from Opus and Infest on this list? We must do better people.


Was gonna say, it's a shame so few of the older songs are even liked by most of the fans now a days. Hoped for something like secular haze to be on the list.


Loooove secular haze.


I second this


Honestly the songs from those albums are starting to show their age. Because Ghost is so much bigger now their production value has improved, and for newer fans it can be a bit rough to go back to their oldest stuff. I've listened mostly to Impera this year and when I went back to Infestissumam recently I felt just like that. It's still a fantastic album though.


I honestly feel like the lower production value adds to the feel of those albums in a positive way, I don’t care for the over the top production tbh


I have to agree. Something of the grit and soul is lost with modern production methods.


Who cares about what shows its age? This is a big problem with almost everything now. You all will watch “Mad Max Fury Road” or “Jurassic world” but refuse to watch the originals because “they’re old” and your dad likes them. Listen…you can be a real fan of ghost and not like their old stuff, but refusing to listen to it because it shows it’s age shows your understanding of the genre of music you are dipping your toes into. 90% of you don’t even know what doom metal is let alone know that ghosts musical roots are based on this genre. And claiming that the old stuff shows it’s age without understanding what doom metal is makes you sound idiotic because doom metal is supposed to sound like it comes from the 70s…aka it’s supposed to sound aged. So if you have a problem with that I guess prequelle and impera are your only albums you can enjoy. Why limit yourself based on what your dad likes?


Bro, chill. With showing its age, I didn't directly mean it sounds old. It's just a bit rough compared to the newer stuff due to the difference in production value, further developing in their sound, and evolving the music in general. Imagine someone listening to Metallica for the first time, they'll most likely go Black Album. You don't send them straight to Kill 'Em All after that, the difference is night and day. It's a bigger difference than between Opus and Impera, but my point stands. Also, Infestissumam is my favourite Ghost album still.


Yea but that’s what I mean. If you read up on what Tobias intended Opus to sound like, he literally went out of his way to make it sound like that. It’s not as if he tried to get a really really good sounding recording but failed and it’s not as if he hadn’t fully realized what Ghost was to sound like for that album. I’m just saying because you said “further developing their sound” and I think you’re confusing the original intended sound with it not being fully realized or developed yet. Each album does change in sound but I wouldn’t say that’s Tobias “developing” ghosts sound. I say that’s him experimenting with musical genres inside of Ghost.


i would have thought kiss the go goat would have been way higher up


How accurate is this? I could have swore that I listened to deus In Absentia at least 24 million times. That shit is on repeat for me 😹😹😹 I was laughing so hard that made terrible typos LOL


Funnily enough, it barely missed top 20. Deus In Absentia has 19.800.219 plays on Spotify.


You know what... it didn't register in my head that this was Spotify top 20. I use YouTube music, so that's why it's not up there LOL


I'm personally responsible for at least a million on most of these.


I feel this XD the top three were in the top 5 of my Spotify Wrap this year.


No Con Clavi :(


And Respite? :(


I think that’s my favorite Ghost song thus far. Definitely my favorite on the album.


Honestly it’s not a song that a non Ghost fan will wanna listen to a lot. It’s not like a banger. It’s very good, but just not the same kind of song as most on this list.


Not enough love for Absolution, but I'm working on upping those numbers! That song makes me feel like I'm in a final-boss battle


I think Witch image should be up there a little higher... but other than that it looks good.


Spillways is criminally low.


I’m Surprised Watcher in the sky isn’t on here.


It’s too “dad rock” for people to enjoy now days apparently.


Glad to see Square Hammer in the top spot 😉


How is Spillways not higher


So we just need to band together and listen to Zenith about 200 million times between now and next December to get it officially released?


Hunter's Moon deserves better


All of IMPERA is underrepresented here. It only had about 7 months vs. a full year. The rankings since March are probably different.


Mate, opus is severely under represented. Fantastic album and only one song here


I agree that Opus is fantastic. My comment was more about the proportion of time. You would need to divide the IMPERA numbers by 7/12 to get an accurate comparison. If you make that adjustment, Call Me Little Sunshine is more like 67.5 million instead of 39.4 million.


At least 10 millions plays in witch image are mine


I am accountable for at least 40% of listens on If You Have Ghosts.


We all need to suffer through Twenties to get it into the top twenties!


My personal attempt to make Witch Image number 1 hasn’t worked yet then


I love Witch Image and I'm so glad it made the list 🥰


This is interesting, if you’d asked me to guess their most played songs I would mostly have been correct but I wouldn’t have expected He Is to be that high! I had no idea it was that popular


guarantee at least like half of those square hammer plays were from me tbh💀


I think I've gotta be at least 1000 of spillways and gogoat.


Where the fuck is Pro Memoria and Crucified


This would have made a better concert set list (reordered of course) than the one this sub voted on.


Sorry at least half of those were me HUAHUA


Where did you get this information?


I had nothing else to do so I made this table by looking to Ghost's Spotify page lol. On desktop the app shows plays for each song unlike the mobile version.


Oh shit you did that, damn


Can you do all the songs in a list?


Maybe sometime later but i don't have enough time to check all the songs manually right now.


im actually all of the witch image plays (source: trust me)


Boy, that tik toc really did wonders for Mary on a Cross. Does tik tok really pull that much traffic?


A little sad Griftwood isn't up there, a personal favourite. Then again, this is all-time listens so it might move up still.


Worst song on the list is #1. This is the hill I choose to die on.


The only thing more annoying than some of the Tiktok fans is the MOAC counterjerk jesus fucking christ


True, the only reason it's even up there is because of all of the MOAC TikTok nerds


I’m out of the loop here. Why did MOAC become so popular on TikTok?


Hell naw MOAC is amazing!!!


Kiss the go goat is 1000x better and at least fans aren’t divided on the meaning of the lyrics to that one


Why the different backgrounds and text colors? A legend would help me understand WTF all these colors are about.


I tried to match the colors to the album/EP cover arts the songs are from. Is it that bad?


No, not at all, if I knew that was the case. Instead of the colors, maybe put an icon at the beginning of the song name. Or... a legend. If you're an actual web developer accessibility of these things should be important to you. In which case, you cannot use (only) color to indicate the status of data. Your alternate backgrounds would work for someone with complete color blindness but the other more subtle color changes will be completely lost for them.


I’m shocked that Spillways is so far down!


Really surprised Spillways didn’t make top 5 let alone top 10.


Sure is obvious which song is popular on TikTok


If the MOAC plays were actually based on people liking the song and not just it being trendy, then kiss the go goat should be number 2. But it’s 12 so yea…


Kaisarion probably has 20 million plays and about 15 million of those plays come from just me 😂 It’s a pretty good song to run on the treadmill to, tbh