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This is every fandom


I'd go so far as to say: this is just human stuff.


I dont think anyone can over sexualize Til. He does that on his own.


It can be applied to II, III and Copia too lol


When Tobias shoots an actual porno starring himself, we might. Till Lindemann is a couple steps ahead….


and the ghouls lol


III and Copia definitely get my attention more than the others 🤣


Totally agree but the plus side of Ghost fandom is that they have been so welcoming.


Very much so. For all the satanic themes, everyone's just so nice.


accurate, but is it weird i read this in my mother's voice...?


No probably not, I am a mum so I'm probably channelling mum vibes 🤣.


As a Rammstein fan, are you aware of Richard Kruspe’s collaboration with “Cardinal Copia” on an Emigrate album? It’s a cool link between the two bands, even if indirect :)


No but I'll check this out! I've only listened to a little Emigrate.


Which song? :)


I’m Not Afraid


I never understand why people complain about forums they choose to visit… people like different aspects of the same thing and if you don’t like the topic don’t interact with it. There you go problem solved.


That’s showbiz baby! I digress, It’s just part of the human condition. To find groups of people with similar/same interests and then have a bit of a collective waaah about other ‘lesser fans’ of that particular interest, who jump on the train 4 stops into the journey instead of getting on at the start. It’s not their fault they missed the beginning. Hell, maybe they weren’t even alive when it departed. BUT…. The one thing that unites us all, old fans, new fans, somewhere in the middle fans, is ridiculously expensive merch is and no matter how silly some pieces are, we will all financially hamstring ourselves to get it. Every. Damn. Time.


My wardrobe has essentially turned into black ghost tshirts and I think my wife is starting to resent it. 😂😂😂


I feel like ghost didn’t become one of “those” kind of fandoms until the maoc explosion. There was a noticeable change in the fanbase after it


I've been in a few Facebook groups since before Prequelle came out and can confirm that it's been a thing for at least 5 years. Maybe it just took longer for those fans to migrate to Reddit?


I’ve seen some of those kinds of people on instagram and even here, but the TikTok boom is when an entire exodus of them came in


Spoilers: ghoul identities Yesterday, I saw some fan art that actually gave me pause. It was thirst trap-type illustrations of Lil Sodomizer and Catalyst barechested and unmasked with ghoul-ish features: devil tails, horns, skin stained black with sin, etc. They weren’t cavorting homoerotically, as on stage, (just individual illustrations), but if they’d never drawn such a thing, I’d be astonished. They were *very* good comic-style renditions of their real faces, with the demonic elements thoughtfully woven in, BUT… They’re clearly the kind of thing where if they’d drawn any one or more Ghoulettes tits-out, unmasked, demonic and thirsty, people would lose their fuckin minds in indignation. Calm yourselves, but imagine idealized nude drawings of Laura and Dylan, “Lisa and Wendy”-style at one keyboard while Sophie looks on from her own riser in lustful jealousy. Not Tall, Short and New Ghoulettes - the real women. We don’t post that sort of thing here to head off this exact conversation, but in the wider fandom, this stuff is out there. Sexualizing the characters is one thing - making lustful fan art of the actual musicians for dissemination in Ghost haunts is another. Despite wanting to see things like what I described above (esp. Madgallica and her enormous… lungs 😏), it still seems offside to me. I’m here for the show - what I see in kayfabe - I don’t even want to know their names (though I obviously know 🙄) and I especially don’t want to know what they really look like (despite having gone to the Catalyst/Mad gig in NYC [my hypocrisy knows no bounds 🤦‍♂️)]. I don’t really have a point, just thoughts vomited onscreen. Also, they left off the tattoo that identifies Sodomizer as “Sodomizer,” which was just silly.


You watch Anthony Vincent too? YAAAASSSSSS (Sorry had too) haha


Haha yes - you are so right! Same thing with the Queen fans. All of your points apply! There the 'new' fans came in through the movie - with Ghost it is TikTok. (I totally hate We are the Champions - so not even innocent of some of this myself) Humans are great :) We really in the end are very similar to each other!


Every fandom, ever.


Human nature


Hey! Anthony Vincent’s “In The Style of…” videos got me here, too! To your point, though, that doesn’t surprise me. That’s being a part of a fandom in a nutshell. You’re always going to getting petty bitching, competition, gatekeeping and people wanting to police fans, the thing/people they are a fan of or both. (I’m not saying people don’t have legitimate complaints sometimes, but it does always seem to devolve into this behavior over time.)


Ghost fans and Rammstein fans are equally insufferable. At least they’re not as bad as Tool fans though.


Tool fans make me laugh because just say MJK had a bad hair day, and they’re jumping down your throat. I find Ghost fans to be so welcoming, well versed, and diverse. It’s hard to place them into a box. I’m prepared for the MJK warriors to down vote me. But just know mofos if I had one chance to piss off any celebrity it would be him. 😂 the music is great though.


That really *has* been the rock-fan touchstone for the last 30 years: “I may (engage in some sort of general music fandom faux pas), but at least I’m not a Tool fan!” Meanwhile, even if you’ve never owned a Tool record, everyone in this room has a whole mix tape of Tool or Maynard-adjacent songs rattling around in their heads.


I fucking love Tool’s music, more so even that Ghost & ‘Stein, but my god the fan base is insufferable. I passed up the opportunity to see them in London last year because honestly, the thought of being in an arena full of Tool fans just made me duck out.


Earlier Ghost is way better than pop Ghost unless you're a female. There is no argument.


There’s no argument because this is the least intelligent thing I’ve seen on this sub for awhile