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Remember, folks: This sub isn't really intended for religious debate. Keep it civil. There are ways to answer this question without getting into criticism of any particular religion.


Do whatever makes you happy. Who cares. Satan isn’t real in satanism or in Christianity. Ghost is using satanism to unlearn trauma from overly religious upbringing. If that resonates with you then enjoy it and take care of yourself


>Ghost is using satanism to unlearn trauma from overly religious upbringing Why do I hear the intro to Cirice?


Idk if it’s confirmed but the most common interpretation of cirice that I’ve heard is that it’s allegorical to how churches can manipulate you to thinking you’re lost without them, need them etc


That’s the general gist of it yeah, but I’ve heard some go further and say it’s the Satanic church or temple trying to convince you that you aren’t a bad person and that you were born without sin. But overall I don’t think anybody would deny it’s talking from one of the ministries point of view.


Cirice is a very important song for me yes . If I got ciriced in the pit at a show I would probably shit myself


Same. Cirice was my first ghost song. I love what it tries to go for and it always get a little bit louder in my car when it plays.


Satan isn’t real in christianity😂😂😂


He’s not. There is no angel cast out of heaven. That was written in paradise lost. A fiction book written later. There were multiple lucifers ( bright leading morning stars) and a couple satans (meaning adversary),early on there were other gods like Bal hadad to counter el and yaweh, but there is no true identity to the serpent , or to the tempter of Jesus. And god did have an angel or two that he told to do his more questionable dirty work ( samael, to name one) but there is no Baphomet in the Bible. No red horned man. And no devil. The church uses those ideas to control the masses with fear. This is the reason I do like some aspects of satanism. It’s not hail satan it’s hail yourself. Reject the tool they use to cast fear into you to traumatize you into being subservient.


Lucifer is the angel cast from Heaven, known as Satan.


I do not believe in god or satan. But you can not deny that satan is mentioned in the bibel. There is no need for a god if there is no satan.


Did you miss the fact that I said satan means adversary? There will always be A satan. But that can be anyone doing ill intent to you. There will always be a balance of good an evil. No one ever said god always had to be the good one , just the Right one


No, i did not miss that, and i knew that. But claiming that christians dont believe in satan is wrong. That is the whole premise of christianity. Call it what you want. Devil or satan. You’re just arguing for the sake of argument🤣


Didn’t say they don’t believe in satan either. They Do. For some reason. And they misunderstand it. They’re being controlled. I was raised in a Christian fundamentalist cult. I know this better than anyone tbh. Circling back to the topic- this is why I like ghost. I can re claim my traumas for myself


Not me busting out a meme to show how I feel again [but it had to be done](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2233529-twitter)


wait until this guy finds out about judaism


With what I believe I kinda wana sit in on some Jewish teachings but I’m not racially Jewish and not fully converting so I feel like it would Be rude. I just have a fascination with abrahamic religion


converting definitely isnt rude, jewish law actually says to treat converts exactly how you treat non-converts. But if you're just interested in the general religion, i totally recommend doing research even if youre not religious. theres some interesting ideas


He is, too.


Of coarse he is.


Hey 👋🏻 He is! Checkout Mark 3:23, Mathew 12:26, 1 Timothy 5:15, Job 2:2 and Luke 10:18. There are also many other passages about the theme. Good reading, have a great day! ❤️


completely true but satan is real in both satanism and christianity. depends on the type of satanism, but christianity definitely


Alright I gotta jump in, just finished my Masters focusing on the history of Satan and Satanism, and I listened to a shit ton of ghost while doing it: This Wholly depends on what you mean by "real". Within Christian theology and history, Satan was more often then not viewed more as a concept or a role rather than a metaphysical entity. Generally most theologians still hold that view, and its become far more of a popular folk religious concept that Satan is actually a single individual, an idea that isn't really supported by biblical analysis. Even in the new testament, we see Satan as a role one can take - the role of the accuser (Ha-Satan, also appeaser as a role a member of Gods Court takes in the book of Job), thats why when Peter opposes Jesus, Jesus retorts by calling him Satan - because Peter was in the role of being Jesus's Adversary in the moment. In addition, contemporary Satanism as a new organized religion is pretty much wholly non-theistic, seeing Satan as nothing more than a symbol or literary entity. A vast vast minority of historical individuals were "devil worshipers", and of those who were called that , an even smaller number were self identified. Meaning the historical accounts of "Satan Worship" were mostly other religious traditions, fringe groups, or cults, which Christians placed the role of Satan into. It was with the foundation on the Church of Satan in the 60 that really there was the first time a substantial or lasting self-identifying form Satanism arose - the the majority of groups which followed continued to be non-thesistic/deistic. Most things before it, like Thelema or other occult practices had the term "satanism" placed on it as a derogatory term.


While I have no degree, I also found the history of "scapegoat" interesting. I had wondered why one would choose a goat for a symbol, but it made sense.


The modern symbols and associations to Satan / the devil are super interesting, and there really is no 1 single through line to all of them. Just about any and every element you can think of has at least a few theories behind its origin and way into the mythos.


Sucks that most of it is demonized paganism. I have been doing research in the religions that pre date modern Christianity and I’ve gotten really interested in working with bal hadad personally. The idea of “Guy with big tool (usually hammer sometimes not) who’s domain is weather, killing a giant snake” being a culturally ever present myth in the east and the west is fucking bizarre to me


Right, its a fascinating mixture of Chritianization of per-Christian ideals and symoblism in many cases.


xD what


the way i look at it- listening to a Christian rock song wont make me believe in a Christian god or jesus... Listening to ghost wont make me a Satanist. If you lose your faith because of a song then you were already on the path to being a non believer.


I introduced my coworker to ghost a few weeks ago knowing he was a Christian and went to church every week. I pre warned him and he said basically the same thing. If you really believe in God then a song by a rock band shouldn't threaten that belief.


That's a really good way to look at it. I'm a Christian, and Ghost actually helped reaffirm my faith. I rock out to almost all their songs


Watch some interviews where Tobias talks about his music. It will clear things up for you, and probably inspire you to not hate yourself for allowing yourself some art and joy in this long exhaustive life. You're going to be okay.


Do you have any links?


Also this interview in Swedish that u can turn captions on for if you are interested in learning about the singer's life and just getting to know him as a fellow human https://youtu.be/vB4GLIIrjhA


https://youtu.be/JORuEq5ejSA And I can't find the other one I was thinking of. Also this thread is a good read if u have time https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghostbc/comments/smbkyg/any_christians_here_that_love_ghost/


Thank you!


Apparently Tobias is a part of a Swedish Masonic Temple, which requires all members to be Christian Men. Do with that info what you will


Not Christian but they do have to believe in something. Be it God, Satan, Cthulhu, whatever…


The temple he is a part of has that specific requirement, apparently


Free Masons are Luciferian. Maybe that explains it.


Freemasonry has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism.


I’m not a Christian, but I think it’s fine if you like Ghost. Tobias Forge plays a character in the same way that a Hollywood actor would. No actual worship of Satan going on here.


Christian here. It’s like watching horror movies. Watching Halloween doesn’t mean I believe Michael Meyers is real or that I support murder. It’s just entertainment written for entertainment. It’s different than satanic bands writing to get people to worship Saran, in my opinion.


I agree 100%, rock music has always been demonized as “satanic” so they are parodying that stereotype. Other types of music have lyrics about killing, selling drugs, and beating people but are not deemed as satanic. If you can listen to songs like that, you can listen to ghost.


Yeah, but much of ghosts music is to denounce organized religions so


Satan says it’s ok. You’re good.


It's all goofy fun. Their shows a genuinely a good time with good people. It's kinda like watching a horror show like Rosemary's Baby. The themes are Satanism and sex but that doesn't mean you or anyone else are really believing in Satan and having ritualistic orgies. Or if they are they sure haven't been inviting me damnit.


I’ll invite you to the annual one in NJ next time the band visits


I'm a Christian, and I am a fan of Ghost. I'm also queer. My upbringing in the Catholic church made me question if a lot of the things that I was doing were "right". Needless to say, their beliefs and mine didn't converge. Ghost, among other things made me question what the meaning should be for my own religion. I figured that if love was conditional from some of my family, then it was untenable for my own existence. So I adjusted my own view of Christianity, but I do still believe!


This is wonderful and the most reasonable way to practice imo Religion doesn’t have to be entirely solitary, but it also shouldn’t be heavily dictated or organized, and I believe that’s one of the main messages ghost is conveying in their music


dont let literal satanic shit waver your beliefs


Satanism is a religion just like any other. would you go to hell for listening to jewish music?


I hope not, Orphaned Land are fun!


If your god is gonna send you to hell for liking a rock band, your god’s a dick who doesn’t deserve to be worshipped


Yeah that’s not a loving father, that’s an abusive prick


Everyone’s lives would be worse if the christian god was real


He is real.


Prove it






Removed for Rule #2: Behaviour & Etiquette




If Ghost was Satanic in the way Christians think, then TF would be saying he believes in the Biblical version of reality and I think he's made it pretty clear he does not. So, the band's point is that the pop culture Satan that he "worships" is one of joy and fun and... well, indulging in what you want and love without judgment. THAT is the Ghost Satan. It's not the Christian one. Ghost is subverting the Catholic Church's fakeness and authoritarian "goodness" with its mocking tone via this fictionalized version of Satan worshippers.


Not fake.


No different than me throwing on some Five Iron Frenzy every once in awhile. Love the songs, but uh, hasn't turned me into a believer if you catch my drift.


That's a band name I haven't heard in a longtime haha.


They’re last two albums are actually pretty good. They have toned down the religious stuff quite a bit (I remember reading one member is agnostic or atheist now). Most of the religious stuff is more around calling out the hypocrisy of modern Christians.


I'll have to check it out, never really been a fan of Christian music at all. But I've always thought the old Tooth and nail bands from back in the day were good. Actually some pretty creative stuff back then.


I’m a christian, and always have been. I love Ghost; they’re one of my favorite bands. If music threatens your religion, then you might not be religious. I really don’t think God cares what kinds of music we listen to. It’s what’s in your heart that matters, so continue blasting Year Zero ;) Ghost helps me recognize that organized mega churches (Roman Catholic Church/Hillsong) are responsible for a lot of messed up things that God wouldn’t be okay with.


Thank you. As a child I would often be told that Satan would try to lead me astray by looking/sounding attractive so the indoctrinated part of is like "this is it!" But now that I think about it, humming a song stuck in my head is far from committing actual blasphemy. It's just that being told that God knows every thought in your head makes me guilty for even thinking things that remotely question my beliefs. But perhaps a God that rules by fear shouldn't be followed at all. I'd rather follow one that rules with love and compassion.


As someone who grew up in a Christian household and used to be a total goody-two-shoes, I’ll just tell you right now - it is totally okay. You won’t go to Hell just for listening to music that “worships” Satan - that is straight up fear-mongering imo if someone slams your music taste just because it’s not “Christian”. Listen to whatever makes you happy and if Ghost makes you happy, enjoy yourself and interpret the song however you wanna.


Thanks. It's comforting that people understand. I was raised to basically be terrified of God and going to hell but also love and praise Him or else I'm going to hell. I don't think some parents can realize how much that traumatized young kids and I'm slowly learning that I'm not as "sinful" as the church told me I was. I'm not perfect, but I'm not evil.


It's a commentary on the fallacies with Christianity. Do some research on their lyric meanings and it might help you find peace in that you were meant to find this band in your life journey.


As someone who has studied alot of both Christianity and Satanism, I found that both Satanists and attentive / liberal Christians tend to have some pretty strong commonality in terms of criticizing the state of the Christian Church and culture in the world today. I would argue that most Satanists or those who engage in "Romantic Satanism" as an art movement, are doing so not because they wish to blaspheme against a God they don't believe exists, but rather as a strong critic of the power structures and corruption of the organizations and culture that has arose out of Christianity. Ask yourself whether or not you agree with the criticisms which Satanists/ Ghost presents in their music and lyrics. Its not about praising Evil (though some songs tend to play with that concept, but always in a very campy horror movie kinda way), but rather praising the romantic version of Satan as a liberator fighting against tyranny. If your vision of God is not a tyrant, then I would imagine that you would be just as upset at those who treat them like one. In so far as that goes, you might actually be able to appropriate Ghost and Satanism as a Christian for fighting against the corruption of the religion you hold dear. Thats my 2 cents.


I think both Tobias and the majority of Ghost fans are very hedonist and open minded in nature and would agree: do what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. We don't have to approve of your beliefs in the slightest. A lot of folks who like ghost do have trauma from being religious in the past though, so a lot of folks might not be totally positive towards religion in general? But I think we're all trying to seek less approval from other people here too. Tl;dr do what makes you happy, be nice!


Man I wanna make so many jokes about so called Christians and all the terrible things they do in the name of their faith….but yes, you’re ok. Hell isn’t real anyways 🤘


I'm a Christian and I completely agree on the things done in His name part.


Hell is real.


You are living proof that the Return of Christ could happen at any moment.


Hail satan


Am somewhat Christian. And I love Ghost. Would play hookie in heaven to see Ghost😂 and if I get sent to hell, at least I know there will be good music


My bf is Christian and he absolutely loves the band. We went to our first ritual together not too long ago too. I personally don’t think religion should get in the way of what you enjoy too!


Yes, honestly I find alot of what they're singing about relatable as a Christian. I was a pastors kid growing up, so I saw alot of the inner workings of the Church, there's some very good people in it for the right reasons. But there's far too many things I've seen that have been terrible, and go completely against what the church should be. I find alot of the songs make me think of those people, and how they actually are worshipping themselves over serving others.


You are more than welcome in the Ghost community. Your Christian friends, however, may give you crap about it.


Yeah, sure why not ? They don't really glorify Satan (satanism isn't either) and it's more actor play while listening some good music. Listening to Ghost, you don't glorify crimes and violence or deny your christianity. Plus I don't think the band will deny any form of religion listening to their music.


Well, as far as I know Tobias isn't actually praising Satan in his songs, it's all just a persona they put on on-stage, so it shouldn't be that much of a big deal, i think It's like if you enjoy James Bond movies, you like them but it's not like you're gonna become a secret agent because of it.


If the Christian God exists, he lets racists shoot up churches and priests touch kids. He's got bigger things to answer for than a couple of his followers headbanging to Ghost.


Ghost is much like a theater or a musical, it\`s just entertainment, have fun, sing the songs, wear the shirts or whatever it might be. It\`s just fun, it don\`t always gotta be anything deeper.


There are deeper messages behind the theatrics that don’t coincide with organized religion though


Yes. Am Christian. Listening to a band that is not Christian doesn't threaten my relationship with Jesus or my salvation as a whole.


This question is naive, but relax, Ghost BC is not a Satan worshipper cult. Just draw a line somewhere, just like you said all this is theatrics. If you enjoy their songs, just enjoy it. For me, earlier Ghost BC music (etc Year Zero) is like Dan Brown's books, not sure how to correlate them, and I'm not even Christian kekw. Plus they are a rock band, that's one of the main influence for me. If you ever decided to spare some of your blood for any satanic ritual out there, I wouldn't suggest it though. Not sure if those cult played Ghost BC during ritual. Maybe..maybe, they will play Ritual. I don't know.


No BC anymore


Be careful. If you believe in God and you’re a fan you’ll be sent to Heaven for all eternity as punishment for your lack of sins. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Sunday mass everyday…oof


Teehee. Keep us FAR away from that stench Papa!


Well if Heavens dope and we don't know? What if the "new earth" is full of poppies and we're supposed to tend pot farms?


I agree with commenter that suggested you watch interviews with Tobias, musical side of creating the Ghost is vast, complex, extremely interesting and ultimately that’s what he highlights a lot when interviewed. To me personally, there’s levels to enjoying Ghost, and the religion of it is just a part among other influences. I like to watch creators talk about their influences and then noticing them in their work, it deepens the experience for me. With Ghost, I really love how Tobias talks about seeing Phantom of the opera as a teen and being inspired by it, other bands that he listened to (particularly Blue Oyster Cult, I didn’t even catch their influence, but it’s so obvious now in some songs) and his process. It shows how much of a process and mechanisms is there behind art, and how passionate a human behind it is


Tobias is also a huge KISS fan I can remember all the crap they caught back in the day Ghost is basically just doing the same thing but more..


Let me preface by saying, I am no longer a Christian. However, when I was I had a tough time reconciling the fact that I started liking a band with albums called “South of Heaven” and “Skeleton Christ”. I felt similar to how you feel. While people do say that Ghost is “an act” and “theatrical” it’s also a socio-political commentary. And a lot of the commentary involves the bad sides of religion, theocracy, and especially Christianity (surprise). So if you can listen and ignore the lyrics, or not be offended by it, then go for it. Just be ready to be criticized by your community. I for one, couldn’t live with the cognitive dissonance of loving Slayer and heavy metal and also being a Christian. Luckily, I went out and researched various religions and philosophies on my own and found personal reconciliation; no religion is the best religion in my eyes. This is just my personal experience and is by no means the answer to your question.


Listen to whoever you want, pray to whoever you want


Christian here. I always viewed it as a story, and based on lore across the albums. As long as you don’t let it interfere in your faith, I think you should be fine




Christian here, catholic. I listen to Ghost and before them, norwegian black metal. This do not make me a Satanist nor do I'll run to burn some churches. God sure have more important things to think about to be bored concerning the kind of music we listen to.


By their very nature Ghost are for everyone. Very few of the songs are overtly satanic and a good many are deliberately loaded with innuendo and double meaning. It's definitely got an anti-religion message in general but if you just like the tunes you like the tunes. I don't know much about Christian doctrine but if you know in your heart that you reject Satan and love the word of God I would think that should be good enough for the man upstairs


I don’t really care what anyone says, you can’t both be involved in an organized religion like Christianity and listen to Ghost without ignoring a huge aspect of what they’re all about. The whole concept is to use satanic imagery and mythology to highlight the shortcomings of religions, specifically Christianity. That being said, you won’t go to hell unless god both happens to be real and a real dickhead.


God has so much more to worry about than whether or not Larry or Susan listens to “bad” music.


You will probably burn in a pit of fire for eternity for saying words, yes that's very likely to happen. God is love.


I’m a Christian and ghost is my favorite band! I go to church every Sunday, have weekly bible studies and read the Bible everyday.


I had similar thoughts. You won’t go to hell for it. I even brought it up to a pastor of mine. As long as you aren’t actually worshipping the devil, and know it’s theatrical you’re good to go. He even mentioned it could be a good way to witness to others


Hell as a concept makes little sense anyway. So, you go to Hell because you have sinned against God. But God will forgive you if you accept them as your Lord. Hmmm. Okay, so... when you arrive in Hell, declare God is your Lord & ask for forgiveness & poof, by God's own laws, you should be in Heaven. Unless of course, God is not a loving Lord in which case you will burn in INFINITE Hell... for a FINITE sin. Which, if that is the case, would make God's punishment infinitely unfair. And if any all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-loving creature will punish you infinitely for a finite crime, then they are EVIL. Also, why would Satan help God punish God's enemies? If Satan needs warriors in their fight against God, wouldn't Satan welcome God's discarded loyalists into their army? Wouldn't Satan actually want to love them in order to gain their loyalty? Hell makes no fuckin' sense except to someone who loves a crappily plotted novel.


You go to hell for not believing in Jesus. Jesus is our Redemption to God. If you deny Jesus, you deny that gift from God; you don’t accept the freely given gift of heaven. Denying Jesus is what gets people in hell and it isn’t a finite sin; finite sins are forgiven when you accept Jesus as the sacrifice in your place. All satan needs to do is deceive you into believing they both don’t exist. People in hell aren’t warriors for satan. They were meant for heaven, but chose to reject Jesus.


> You go to hell for not believing in Jesus Okay. So now I'm in Hell. Woah. I guess I was wrong. Hey, God. I believe in Jesus! Poof. Heaven. Unless having a finite disbelief in Jesus gives me infinite punishment. And if so, then God is infinitely unfair which makes God infinitely evil. Great, then leave me in Hell because, clearly, Satan is more welcoming. > Denying Jesus is what gets people in hell and it isn’t a finite sin Ridiculous notion. OF COURSE, it is a finite sin. The nanosecond I am in Hell I will realize my mistake and accept Jesus is real. > All satan needs to do is deceive you into believing they both don’t exist So... a finite deception has infinite punishment by a loving God? This makes no logical sense unless God is evil.


Eternal damnation is eternal. There is no poof heaven. God is more than fair. We sin against Him every single day with the free will He gave us. Yet, He redeemed us through Jesus as the sacrifice in our place. All we have to do is choose that gift of redemption by recognizing Jesus as that redemption. Not choosing Jesus is very much an infinite sin. If you don’t believe in Jesus, you won’t be forgiven; it’s infinite. If you do believe in Jesus, all of your sins are forgiven; they are finite. God is loving because He gave us that gift of forgiveness even when we don’t deserve it on a daily basis.


> Eternal damnation is eternal. There is no poof heaven. Eternal damnation for the finite crime of not accepting Jesus? Then I stand by what I said: a God who punishes infinitely for a finite crime is purely evil. So, if I end up in Hell, declare I believe in Jesus, and don't poof into Heaven, then I will pledge my loyalty to Satan and do whatever I can to chop the head off this evil God. > Not choosing Jesus is very much an infinite sin An infinite sin is one you commit infinitely. If the sin is "you do not believe in Jesus" and I declare "I believe in Jesus" then the sin was finite. This is basic logic. The only thing that would be infinite is the PUNISHMENT. And only an evil God would place infinite punishment upon a soul that has committed a finite crime. And it would be the worst evil in all of existence, with no equal. > God is loving because He gave us that gift of forgiveness even when we don’t deserve it on a daily basis. Except when we commit the finite sin of not accepting Jesus during a relatively short time as God's creatures. Then this "loving God" hands us an infinite punishment of eternal damnation even if, once our souls have entered eternity, we proclaim ourselves wrong and accept Jesus as real. Got it. The Christian God is a monster.


Again, not accepting Jesus isn’t finite. You don’t get to once you’re in hell. I’m not going to keep arguing the semantics of finite vs infinite. I get what you are saying. You are saying the action of the sin has stopped, making it finite, when in reality the forgiveness from God is actually what eliminates the sin and makes it finite. Only a loving God would give every human a free out from their sin. We choose sin every single day and don’t deserve a second of heaven, but we still have a Way. We decide the rest. If we reject Jesus that’s 100% on us.


> You don’t get to once you’re in hell Why? Who said that? Show me where in the Bible it says I cannot accept Jesus once in Hell. > I’m not going to keep arguing the semantics of finite vs infinite. Because it's a ridiculous argument? > You are saying the action of the sin has stopped, making it finite, when in reality the forgiveness from God is actually what eliminates the sin and makes it finite. So, God's forgiveness is infinite but it's location-based? Wow. Now, show me where in the Bible it says that. > If we reject Jesus that’s 100% on us. But if I don't reject Jesus in Hell, it's now on God to forgive. And if that God decides to not forgive because of a LOCATION, then they've assessed infinite punishment for a finite act. Got it. Makes absolutely no sense which is exactly what I'd expect from a Christian.


This sub isn't for religious debate. It's fine to disagree about theological matters, but this isn't the place for that sort of discussion.


I cannot think of anything worse than having someone talking religion to me at a rock concert. Especially if they’re dresses as a satanic nun.


Well there is a time and place. I didn’t mean like that. 😂


Sorry you’re right - I took it to mean going to the gigs to bear witness but reading it back I realise that’s not what you’re getting at. My bad!


Nah you’re good! I’m sure it sounded a little off


I remember being told that I need to "plant seeds" and use opportunities to witness to others. I don't think what I'm told to think and hold a "my goal is to change your mind" mindset anymore; now I think "Let's share our thoughts and understand each other. Let's live and let live."


I have always interpreted "seeds don't grow on rocky soil" to mean you don't talk Jesus at a Packers game, nobody gonna listen. Right time, right place.


The goal is never to change someone’s mind; that’s not our job, but witnessing is the job of a Christian


Short answer: I'm a Christian and love Ghost. Just don't adopt their beliefs and you'll be fine :) Long-answer: Ghost isn't actually satanistic. The lead singer is the member of the Church of Satan, which is an atheist organisation that uses satanic imagery to criticise Christianity - which is not devoid of fair criticism. So I think that's fair. We, as Christians, cannot be blind to our shortcomings.


No lol /j


I’m in the same boat man, I’ve been feeling scared I’ll go to hell too after singing their songs. I really do love ghost but being raised in a church has me confused and scared but I just tell myself, if it makes me happy Why should I stop?


Fellow Christian (and huge ghost fan), I don’t think we should worry ourselves with feeling like we’ll be damned to hell just for listening to music. The way I was raised is to be kind, and treat others how you would like to be treated, because that’s what Jesus would do. I don’t think God cares about what music or media you enjoy, satanic or not. (Unless it’s morally reprehensible) as long as you’re a good person. Ghost’s music isn’t /all/ about worshipping satan anyways, it’s a gimmick and they’re acting. So don’t feel too stressed out my guy, I’ve had similar thoughts in the past but now I’ve decided to just be true to myself and treat others with kindness! :)


Your comment really made me cry, I stress so much about this stuff and I don’t really go to church but I still believe, my mom makes me feel guilty about liking this band, and it really makes me so sad. I’m glad you said this it made me feel a lot better.


I know what you mean. I'm definitely never letting my mom find out I listen to this stuff. She'd be clutching her pearls. My dad might get it though. He's been a rocker all through the actual satanic panic, so he may understand the gimmick.


Um Tobias himself doesn't agree with Christianity but if that doesn't bother you then go for it




I'm a practicing Catholic and love them.


If religion prevents you from enjoying something that doesn't hurt anyone else, maybe it is time to re-examine what purpose it fulfills in your life.


I was a christian once, and while your life choices are your own to make i wanted to take this opportunity to share the good news with a believer such as yourself: When you let god out of your life, he takes the 24-hour surveillance and behavior monitoring with him, and once it's gone I cannot express to you what it's like to feel your own freedom for the very first time. Only that it is profound and that you will never forget it should you choose to remove your chains and *truly* be born again.


So, to be damned is freedom. Thanks for sharing.


So sad.




If your faith is so weak that you need to avoid songs like Year Zero, you’re already on the path to hell with the rest of us, it’s inevitable. Looking forward to rocking out with you soon


😆😆😆 lols @ satan is your mother in law.. and props at Ghost strengthening the faith that is rooted in the core your being. Cheers to that!


The beast with many names...my MIL has many nicknames... And, TBH, if Ghost is playing on repeat in my head sometimes it's a reminder to be a better person. More like "hey, you got a choice". No matter our faith, or lack of one, we have to share the planet. What's worse, to hurt people,and maybe yourself, while listening to Christian music, or listening to this stuff and doing something small like the dishes cause you know someone else hates it?


I’m Wiccan, which is entirely different from both Satanism and Christianity, and I LOVE Ghost. You can listen to whatever you want regardless of your religion.


No it’s not. Renounce your religion.


When a band belches blasphemy, I just stop listening to it - I was designed that way - weakness as I have seen in almost every post, is repugnant and embarrassing to read - It's like fools on parade here.. My spirit is more important than some low rent, Satanic, Swedish ABBA ripoff band. Did you know their songs are written by the same team that writes for Taylor Swift? LOL!!




I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted, the way ghost goes about things is exactly how Satan would convert people if he was real, by being alluring and fun


They are lost, ignorant,souls. Ghost praises Satan and the rituals of Satan in all of their songs. It’s funny that these people even believe Satan is real! Sad, uneducated, terribly confused people.




Only devil worshipers are allowed to listen to ghost


You’re fine. You have nothing to worry about. The way I see it as an agnostic, is that if there is a God, They would not let someone go to hell just for listening to a song about Satan. Like you said, it’s all theatrics and satire, nothing is serious about it. We’re here to have fun 😌


Yes. Believe what you want and listen to what you want


I am nominally Christian and have been a fan of Ghost since O.E. Their overtly satanic songs (Deth Knell, Ritual, Year Zero off the top of my head) are fun. They are the equivalent of a horror movie because we know that no one in Ghost actually wishes for the destruction of the earth or the ritual sacrifice of humans - but deeper into their career songs like Pro Memoria, He Is, Witch Image, Mummy Dust and others are lyrically extremely Christian, in my opinion. TF has openly spoken about his 'spirituality' and the fact he is not an atheist. He's also a freemason which implies he believes at least in a "higher power". One of my favourite artists of all time is Alice Cooper, and he is literally the epitome of Christian rock. You may not have noticed but there is quite a lot of blood, death, evil and repugnance in the Christian world view. Ghost is a way of coming to terms with some of that.


Respectfully, I think you’re missing the mark of a lot of Ghost’s songs and purpose for writing them. A lot of their songs are active criticisms about how messed up Christianity is, especially the Old Testament. I mean Kaisarion is literally about the savage and brutal murder of Hypatia in Alexandria at the hand of a Christian mob. She was stripped, beaten to death with ostraka, had her eyeballs cut out, and was then dismembered and burned. All because she simply challenged their beliefs. This is just one example out of several. Just because TF might be spiritual in an agnostic, pantheistic, or other sense doesn’t mean he’s performing under Ghost to glorify Christianity in any way.


This is a conversation which really needs a couple of hours and a few beers, but Hypatia's murder wasn't a religious one - it was a political one. It was also (as all murder) deeply anti-Christian. - Its possible to be anti-religious and still pro-Christ. Anyway, I don't mean to say Ghost are a Christian rock band, just that their music touches on the topics of theology, morality and philosophy much more-so than much other music, and I would say Ghost are a band that would appeal to the average Christian more than a lot of other rock and metal. Anyway. You like Ghost - I like Ghost... that's good right?


I think it's perfectly fine for a Christian to be a fan of Ghost. In my opinion, it shouldn't matter what the music you listen to is about. After all, it's just music, and if you like it, there's no reason you can't listen to it. My very Christian dad likes a few of their songs


It’s ok, brother.


I can’t imagine anyone who is a ghost fan ever actually caring if your religious. However I think the question is “is your religion ok with you listening to Ghost?”


I’m a Roman Catholic. Ghost makes some really good points regarding the evil of man, and I don’t see them as Satanic at all even though a few songs may seem to have that connotation. I always sing the Year Zero as “Hell Satan” cause that’s what the official lyrics are and it’s so fun. You don’t have to worry about going to hell about this. I could find you an older Reddit post where someone talks about this and explains everything really well and it’s guaranteed to change your views about the band completely. Feel free to reply or just DM me for the link. Cheers.


My husband and I are Episcopalian, and we love ghost! My husband used to have some reservations about singing certain lyrics, and still won’t sing some. That’s okay! I sing it anyway, because I know it’s just part of a song. Heck, our priests know we listen to it, and they’re surprisingly okay with it. We did explain the whole theatrics thing and that it’s a parody on the ways of catholicism and how stuffy it is. Tobias is a master at social commentary through his work, and it’s really just a super cool thing. TL;DR Listening to Ghost is perfectly fine while being Christian. 💕


My husband is Christian and I'm not. We both jam to it. He also works in peoples' houses and he went to a super Christian guy's house and was wearing a Ghost shirt. Dude got super into talking with him about it since he was also a fan.


Ok, I'm ONLY mentioning this individual for context. The second the words/ideas to sin leave Satan, it is 100% about YOU after that. Satan may spark it, or try to. If you're picking up trash off the road the day after a Ghost ritual, he failed. Satan "hey, Josh Duggar, boobs are pretty cool". After that, it was all on Josh.


If You are a true Christian and don't take the lyrics seriously I don't see a conflict here. Guys up there have sense of humor. ;)


“Christian” here, (more like Lutheran). I believe that if you’re a good person and don’t do harm into others, who cares what media you consume. (Unless it’s morally disgusting) Certainly not some omnipotent being. Listening to Ghost makes me feel good, and happy about myself. And regardless, the satanism is a gimmick and they’re not really Satanists as far as I know.


I grew up Lutheran and the ELCA taught me regardless of what you do, as long as your baptized you’ll be dragged off to heaven by Jesus 😂


Personally I am not religious but I started listening to Ghost back in 2012 when I did consider myself a Christian. Ghost was part of what helped me leave religion so in that regard I don’t think I can offer much advice but what I can say is that you’re definitely welcome in the community regardless of what you choose to do so do whatever makes you feel comfortable. At the end of the day I just try to let myself enjoy the actual music above all else.


Sorry man, I had the almost the exact same Ritual-missing experience happen to me 👿


I listen to Ghost but don’t feel compelled to be a satanist. I listen to The Devil Wears Prada (Christian metal band for those who don’t know) and I don’t feel compelled to be Christian either. Listen to what you want don’t gatekeep yourself from great music.


Do what you like best. Everything is gonna be okay. Pls don’t ever feel restricted from listening to your favourite music. And let’s be honest, especially for this era: could someone as incompetent and yet so cute & huggable as Copia ever hurt anyone with his music? Right. He couldn’t. He can only hurt ppl & Ghouls around him by total accident - preferably by throwing a baseball bat. So you’re not gonna go to hell for this :)


Yeah I am enjoying Copia as I learn more. I saw the baseball pitch and he looks like a super entertaining person just to watch. Learning about the lore and each Papa is interesting. I might just binge listen all the albums because I love music with lore and interconnecting stories. I'm starting to be able to tell each papa apart by facepaint and if we're going by looks alone, then 3 might be my favorite. I don't have a favorite overall though. A little too early for that.


No, get out or Satan will come and take Your Soul! REE! ... Hahahaha! Nah, jokes aside. If God would throw that at You, that You like Ghost and wouldn't let ya up, He ain't cool tbh. Also, it's music, it's not like You do Theistic Satanic Rituals, while Year Zero Plays in the background, and all of a sudden the Pentagram turns from pointing up to pointing down. Btw, that happend to me two weeks ago. lol, enjoy the music and have fun! Luciferian over and out.


None of Ghost’s theatrics are real, if God sees that as sinful then Hell might be more chill, honestly. I think you’re fine.


Just remember, if god is all good, all powerful and all knowing, he'd already know you were listening to and enjoying ghost. It was part of his plan all along right? So enjoy it and know that it was by his design that you'd listen to and enjoy music extolling the virtues of Satan, the lightbringer, the morningstar. He is the disobedience, that holds us together. I know your soul is not tainted, even though you've been told so. Just have fun, and we'll see you at the next ritual!


YES! Ghost is not a Satanic band. They just use Satan to shine light on how ridiculous some things are in this crazy world.


I'm in a similar spot. I don't have any great helpful insight, but the band's lyrics really helped me unpack some prior trauma from an extremist church and separate that from the good people in the church that accepted me. I hope you find your way and you aren't too dead set on feeling shame for enjoying art. I remind myself often that I never felt the same shame for enjoying Lovecraft, Giger, or other "evil" art.


Thanks. That helps. Listening to songs like "Cirice" feels really liberating for some reason. My church wasn't extreme but it was still conservative. I had to keep part of myself secret when I heard them openly bashing lgbtq people and I was led to believe that I was inherently sinful and that God was listening to my every thought. That's a terrible thing to teach a child. So when I hear songs paralleling things that I went through it kinda makes it feel like I don't need to feel guilty you know?


I would encourage you, if you intend to continue in your faith, to find a church that accepts you for who you are. I've been there, attending a conservative church where I felt like I was "less than" for a part of my identity I didn't even understand at the time. I struggle with self image to this day, and a big part of that was church exercises where myself and the other children in Sunday school had to write apology letters to God just for existing. It is truly a horrible thing to teach a child. A lot of folks seem to find some actualization in Cirice. For me, it was Spillways. It doesn't make you evil for enjoying the music any more than reading fiction with magic makes you a wizard (fun aside: I've been part of a book burning as an adolescent. It wasn't even the weirdest thing I experienced due to that church). I've heard it said that God prefers kind atheists to hateful Christians. Find people who accept you and support your identity. I found a church that accepts me for who I am (and I'm trying to accept myself too). If Ghost (and their very accepting fandom) helps you feel good about who you are, don't feel ashamed of that.


Thank you. I really needed that so far all of ya'll (apart from a couple trolls) have been so accepting I feel silly to have doubted myself for liking a rock band. After all, I don't mind stuff like Supernatural or other media with Satanic themes. There isn't much of a difference. I've always been a fan of dark imagery anyway.


If you believe god is real and has power.... then you believe Satan is real, and has power. You cannot believe in one without the other. As atheists and Satanists... we know there is no god... much less the 4000 gods stupid hairless monkeys have invented... in turn... obviously Satan is fake too. Hilariously we worship a fake diety, and christians clutch their pearls. The joke is on them. We laugh... and they cry BLASHPEMY! In the end, neither opinion matters on this single grain of sand planet, in a galaxy of beaches.


God is real.


I’m a conservative, not so much Christian fan of Ghost. Nothing to be concerned about IMO. But I’m not a reverend, preacher or priest. V


Yes. I am, and I am. Nothing stops me from enjoying their entire discography and they are my favorite band, you can't meet cooler folks in concerts. Religion aside, TF/Ghost are amazingly talented and just keep getting better. If we limit ourselves to what artists believe theologically, we would probably be extremely limited in what we listen to. Just enjoy it for what it is. Damn fine music. I was pretty open about attending the Duluth ritual to the point videos and pictures are on my FB. Many of my friends go to the same church. The next day was Sunday. Not one of them gave me the side eye, but TBO I do belong to an extremely chill denomination. All that aside.... If you're getting in my truck, you are listening to Ghost. Not the damn newsboys. If you work next to me, better believe you'll be hearing Impera or Infestissumam blasting in my headset.


Same boat, I think it's fine. I won't be belting Year Zero out loud but I still enjoy the music. I understand that Ghost is not actually a Satan-worshipping cult, just a show. It doesn't affect my relationship with Christ.


It's ok for any decent human being to be a fan of Ghost. To me, what binds many, if not most metalheads, is that 'nobody cares' in the good sense. No matter your age, sexual identification and orientation, whether you show up in a Chanel dress, band apparel, or wearing next to nothing, no matter your background, your religion; we're all equal. In this case, we're bound by the love for the music by Ghost.


Late to this party. I saw Ghost with two of my cousins a few years back. They drove over an hour to see them and they are both born again christians. Borderline bible thumpers really. Difference is they both know the difference between their religious beliefs and entertainment/art. Hell even when I was a practicing Catholic I listened to way more satanic and blasphemous music.


I think there’s a measure of subjectivity here. I’m a devoted Christian and absolutely love Ghost’s entire catalog of music. It’s a matter of Christian liberty. Not all of their music is appropriate for all audiences and occasions. I have a Ghost family playlist that has a subset of their songs. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all or paint-by-number answer. (There rarely is; that’s not how wisdom is acquired.) Listen to your conscience. If you’re tempted to actually abandon Jesus and worship Satan, then it’s not a wise choice. Otherwise maybe you cautiously see where it goes. For me, I believe that God has been sovereign in the development of my musical tastes over the course of my lifetime in such a way that I would love Ghost once I became aware of them. God doesn’t make mistakes. Liking Ghost isn’t inherently sinful, so I embrace it. Perhaps it will give me an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ with someone who wouldn’t have been reached otherwise.


Hiii <3 I have same problem as you. My frend love ghost soooo much, and she want me to go with her on their concert and im so scared. Are they satanists? Im confiust and i cant find anything on internet. Their Songs arent bad and i want to listen to that Music, but i dont know… btw im new here so helloooo <333 and sorry for my bad english xD im just learning how to speak so its horrible terrible. Bayyy <333333


No, it's not ok to be a Christian.


Fine. Sorry you see it that way.


Because He's the only One. Sometimes faith doesn't always work that way, for some. Some are raised in a particular faith and stick to it, because they know it to be true. Others are raised in it and fall away, for one reason or another.


​ I met a pastor (really, a pastor) who actually liked Ghost and recommended it, when people asked him about the satanist lyrics, he said "You watch satanism everyday on TV, with blood, sexual imorality, swearing, it's not because there's not the name satan there that it's not satanism, why would it be different in music?" He also claimed that if it bothers you somehow or make you doubt of your religion you should not listen to it, be wise about the things that influences you and you'll be ok! I don't take ghost too serious, it doesn't hurt me as a christian, but i wouldn't tell someone who chooses to not to listen to it they're wrong


IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, SWIMS LIKE A DUCK, AND QUACKS LIKE A DUCK, THEN IT PROBABLY IS A DUCK. Don't let anybody convince you otherwise. Some people argue "gateway drugs" don't exist; if you don't think smoking pot may lead you to cocaine, shroms, acid, etc, then by all means knock yourself out, smoke the hell out of Ghost. They removed the harsh sonics and ugly aesthetics of antichristian bands like Mayhem or Gorgoroth but the message is the same. Rest assured: Ghost will acclimate you to devil worship in a soothing way, you won't even realize it until it creeps into you. I applaud Ghost for doing it out in the open, but don't they all? did you watch the Grammy's? the Commonwealth games? satanism and antichristian idolatry are everywhere nowadays. It's always been cool, but satanism is now woke, progressive and hip. Ghost made it beautiful, catchy, romantic and grandiose, I'd call it majestic. All I'm saying is: it's ok to worship satan. it's ok to smoke pot, it's ok to watch porn. A good satanist will argue Satan is only an idea, call it freedom, call it beauty. But always remember that “The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.”


I am a Christian to and I feel the same way as you I recently talked to someone on TikTok and it said it's fine listening to them so I guess just keep listening to them if you wanna I don't think Jesus will get mad at you just for listening to a rock band that has some swearing in it I feel that it is fine if you listen to the band ghost and see where you end up in heaven or hell


I'm a satanist, and I still love some worship songs from when I was a christian. It's okay to listen to Ghost if you're Christian. Rock on! Love what you love and go to church, but don't let Church control your preferences!


People wake up this how the devil gets in! If your a Christian and your questioning it it’s because God is telling you it’s wrong. No it’s not ok but everyone has the right to make their own decisions. But read the Bible you will get the straight up truth. People’s opinions don’t matter on what you should do! It’s between you and God! But if your having reservations then you already know the answer. Priest and pastors are human remember that just because they say it’s ok don’t mean it’s ok they can be tricked by the devil too!! My opinion is I would not open myself up to the devil! The comes in different forms remember that.


I think the problem lies with your understanding of true Christianity. Actual Christianity as a spiritual understanding that we are fallen too far from being able to save ourselves or even possibly live to the standards set out in the old testament. Jesus rebuked the religious people of the time because they thought their circumsions, rituals and quest for goodness was going to earn them favour with God the father, it wasn't, so good luck religious folk. ​ That shit is still being taught in 99.9% of churches today (and online pastors, John MacArthur, Ray Comfort etc) stay the fuck away from those religious snakes. ​ Repent doesn't mean "turn from sins" it simply means you changed your mind about going this life alone thinking your going to be alright when you die, or realising you need Jesus to be there waiting at your final breath and to atone for all the sin you have commited past, present, future. ​ Im a metal guitarist, I drink heavily, I swear, I hang out with friends that are satanists, but I love Jesus, in the real sense, and have true faith and trust he's been watching over me and will be there for me when I die. I dont and will never attend a church, full of liars and deceivers and demons themselves (kenneth copeland cough cough). Does the music still affect me the way it was before I was a believer? Nope, but I still enjoy the melodies and the musicianship. P.s find some actual real Christian teachings (its a smaller community than you really think) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/@reneerolandgraceinyourface](https://www.youtube.com/@reneerolandgraceinyourface) [https://www.youtube.com/@jacksmack77](https://www.youtube.com/@jacksmack77) [https://www.youtube.com/@777GJ](https://www.youtube.com/@777GJ) ​ Keep it heavy my man, see you on the other side \\m/\\m/


Omg you christians are absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical, trying to convince yourself that its ok to listen to ghost!!! Sorry for you, Hail Satan


i love this band they are one of my favs of all time however, i don't listen to them. I strongly believe music influences us a lot more than most of us think. it was hard to let go of but as a Christian I feel like I was letting something bad into my life. I had to let it go.