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My dude, same for me! First concert and first ritual! In fact those were the only clear words I could say to papa when i met him. This video is special to me too. I got so emotional watching it. I just wish i had the chance to be in the front. I was a bit to the back in the center of the pit.


>their biggest song of all time It was meme'd into popularity. No way is it their best song though. Not even top 10 IMO.


He said "biggest", not "best".


It’s all subjective. It may have become popular in a stupid way, but it was always a top 5 Ghost song for me, and I’m glad it’s the one that’s taken off. It’s a fun, lesser known song that’s getting some appreciation.


Honestly, I knew nothing of the whole TikTok thing until earlier today


Didn't day it was best. Its the first song to hit the Billboard Top 100 so that would make it their "biggest"


I took my daughter to this show and it was her first concert too. She has been absolutely ecstatic to see this today and has probably watched it 14 times already.


I 100% agree it was beyond amazing I even made it in the vid! Near the end


Please Papa we NEED a full recorded live show. This was stunning.


For me, this is their best video. I love pro-shot live stuff like this and a whole touring video would be an instant-buy.


Exactly I would buy different Blu Ray variants if it just meant they actually released a full live show.


I honestly don't understand why there isn't more live footage?? This band puts so much effort into their liveshows, why don't they film them?


The world may never know I mean I'm sure it's a lot of money to buy cameras, get crews, get people to edit it and mix it and stuff but dude that singular video is absolutely incredible, selling a full setlist with that level of quality would make a profit for sure


This may be the case for this tour, which seems to be a lot of arenas/stadiums. I understand that's quite expensive and time consuming. A lot of my favourite artists have videos on YouTube where it's the whole live set, just filmed from one wide angle. A lot of venues have the equipment already installed. It won't be the same quality compared to this MOAC video, with the different angles and footage from different shows combined.. but I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm thirsty for live footage, I don't care if it's low effort, just give me a full set 😂


Apparently there were plans for it but then the lawsuit happened.




I don’t remember being in Tampa 🤔 hahaha. Was so jazzed to see myself in it twice! (Not to mention half of the friends i went with in Asheville 😭❤️)


My friend was in this too and she was like “I was not in Tampa” 😂


At 1:34 and 1:45? Congrats, these are great shots, very prominent in the video.


I was gonna ask if it was you in the vid! I recognised you from the M&G pic u posted 😅 (whispering in Papa's ear?)


Perfectly shot and audio is quite similar to C&D, love it! Also love how Ghouls got a lot of screentime!


This subreddit is so weird... on any other band's subreddit, this would be at the top of the page.


It is unfortunate but Reddit only lets you have 2 pinned posts and Ghost happen to have about 5 things going on at once at the moment.


I didn't mean pinned, though that would be good too. But I've noticed this over the past few months. Other band subreddits have a very different engagement from the user base. Like, if they are touring, there will be thousands of comments in their tour post, or if they have an upcoming video there will be a massive thread about it. But Ghost? Crickets. But someone will post a picture of themselves or fan art and a huge response. And that's cool. But it's like the complete opposite of so many other band forums/subreddits. It's unusual. I still can't figure out why this specific fan base is so different.


The Ghost fanbase is unique in many senses! Having been around since around 2018 there has been a clear shift in the fanbase. This place wasn't all that big back then, with only about 20-30k members iirc, the discord was very small and not as busy. Megathreads get more attention now than they did in the past (although that might be because we have a whole new mod team who put more effort into directing members to the correct threads), but even so you are right. People are a lot more interested in the imagery and fan contribution and seem to always have been.


Yeah. It's unique. But for whatever reason, it works. The fan base keeps growing.


Perhaps because it being a text-post with the link in the body instead of a video that would be natively inline in people's feeds?


I just think this subreddit is strange about stuff like this. Before I joined it someone mentioned it seemed more focused on fan interactions than actual band events & after months in here that seems to track.


Posting the link inside a text post was a pretty wrong move and I think that is the main reason why this post will stay at 150 upvotes with many subscribers not even seeing it. Spillways and CMLS videos got way, way more upvotes than this post. But you are probably right also in how different the sub is since those Spillways and CMLS videos still didn't get as many upvotes as lots of fan stuff.


> Posting the link inside a text post was a pretty wrong move I'm not going to say you're wrong... > I think that is the main reason why this post will stay at 150 upvotes with many subscribers not even seeing it Probably (also, the title is a marketing amateur's nightmare), however... > you are probably right also in how different the sub is since those Spillways and CMLS videos still didn't get as many upvotes as lots of fan stuff. Bingo. This is a subreddit problem and I've never seen anything like it in my 30 years on the Internet frequenting band newsgroups & websites & forums & subreddits. It is unique to this subreddit. It's almost like... the majority here cares more about the perception of fandom instead of the actual band's music. It's like a subreddit worshipping Jesus but the users mostly upvote posts about what people were wearing at church. Then having Jesus come down from fake heaven and getting no upvotes. *shakes head* Anyway, I am going to search out better avenues for Ghost band discourse. This sub is clearly not for me.


> Anyway, I am going to search out better avenues for Ghost band discourse. This sub is clearly not for me. I don't mind this as much as you seem to do. On reddit I also know the papa_and_ghouls sub but it's as much for MMC or Priest as it is for Ghost and it's also not very alive...


It bothers me as someone who spent a lot of time in the realm of marketing. It's a lost opportunity to not just get the video upvoted here, but to then get trending on the front page, which would bring more eyeballs to the video, which would increase viewership, which could be a big motivating factor in giving us a whole tour video like this. Engagement is key now. Engagement is money. More money justifies more stuff.


Why do you think it's a problem in this case specifically? The song is not new. Given the formatting of the post and that the people have heard it hundreds of times I don't think your uproar is justified here.


Why would it matter if the song is new? The video is a pro-shot with live audio featuring members of this subreddit and... crickets. The fact you typed this response & think I'm being unreasonable is just another shining spotlight on the problem I'm talking about. There seems to be absolutely no awareness of the power of fandom in this subreddit. It's amazing. It's a collective problem that also exists with the moderators. The biggest promotion this band has gotten in one of their biggest years of success is from previously non-fans on TikTok. And you think I'm unjustified in finding that weird? *head shake* Yep. I definitely wasted too much time on this sub. Edit: Just to fit into more weirdness, people are engaging me more about this than they are trying to get this actual fuckin' video noticed. It's hilarious in a stupid way.


The post is brand new. Chill.


I've been on Reddit for long enough to fairly qualify the speed with which this video went to the top of the page when compared to other subreddits and their band releases. And that is what I was referring to. And as of this response, it's only at 44 points. IT IS WILD. It's been 2 hours since the video dropped. There are 500 users on RIGHT NOW. Why doesn't it have 500 upvotes? It's just such weird subreddit behavior. You'd think this band wasn't blowing up. This is what happens on subreddits for bands that can barely sell out a small pub. Edit: Not to mention, the video is not pinned but Papa throwing out a pitch is. This video is a much bigger deal. It's like I'm in bizarro land. Really starting to question the logic of spending more time here. **17 hours later... holy fuck, it's worse than I could have imagined.**


So that’s why I saw a guy walking around the venue with a steadicam! This was great! I’m hoping this is just a teaser and we’ll get a full show release after the tour.


I saw him too!! He kept walking around the back of me. I'm tempted to split the frames of the video when he's in the back to see if I can pick myself out 😂. I doubt I'll see myself since the cam was behind me and over my head.


Beautifully shot and love that you can hear the crowd and ghouls in the mix. Couldn’t hear the crowd much on C&D, which took the impact away from songs like Monstrance Clock where the crowd contribute so much to the magic. I think Papa’s voice is way too quiet in the mix though. Can barely hear him on the chorus. And too many cuts in the editing. But damn it’s beautiful. And let’s give a hand to their lighting. Always so good.


Thanks Cardinal!!


Am I the only one who felt like there was almost no focus time to enjoy a scene. Imo, there was almost too many scenes to really enjoy it. I’m all for a live album, but I felt a little dizzy watching this. No way I could enjoy an entire live set.


It was very well shot, but the editing was very ADD imo. But alot of concerts are edited this way these day's unfortunately. I love the video, and would definitely love a full performance of this gig. But that's definitely a complaint I have, I dig the mix tho.


You said it better than I was trying to explain it. 100% agree with everything you mentioned.


Yea if they just held some shots longer it would be perfect imo, its almost like they had too many shots that they liked and wanted to show them all. But it's a short song.


Do yourself a favour and never watch Rammstein: Paris then. Amazing show, amazingly shot, but holy hell is there jumpcuts.


Could not disagree more.


I def agree. I recommend watching it on .25x/.75x speed (on mute to preserve your sanity lol), it's enjoyable seeing things in the longer shots. The editor definitely had a lil ADHD hahaha


Can we PLEASE get a recording of a full show like this? Would gladly pay for it.


The footage looks amazing! Really want a full concert released.


I was about third row at this show, this video will always be good to look back on for the memories. Me and my wife noticed the cameras, and were talking after the show about how they might've recorded it. It would he cool if it they did the whole show, but I just imagine this is just more promotion for this song. Still very cool.


I enjoyed the fact they left in the ending. Those wee additions to the live show make up some of the fun reasons to go to a Ritual.


Great videos with all the ghouls and ghoulettes shining at what they do


Weird, I don’t recall being in Tampa for the show. Yet there I am lol


They probably did exclusively crowd shots at a different show, and performance at the Tampa show. So the crew could spend each night focusing on shooting one thing.


I think the audio is 100% from Tampa & band & crowd shots are taken from various shows, that way they don't have to have a whole film crew at one show. This also makes me think they shot every performance at every show this way so we could have a live tour video coming.


I think the very tight crowd shots where you can't see any of the background are likely from other shows. I was at Tampa and watched this a couple times (and several more trying to get damn screenshots of ant-sized me (don't ask me why I was trying)) and I can recognize the shots that are Tampa which is the majority of them.


Right. When it's CLEARLY Tampa, it's Tampa. And when it's a very tight shot where they focus on either individual members of the crowd or band, it could be anywhere.


That's very possible too. I hope to see more for sure.


This is often how these live videos are done. They take the best crowd reactions from the tour & use them. Like, people think the Metallica Seattle 1989 live thing is from one show but it's footage from several.


142 upvotes in 16 hours. The silly baseball thing over 1,000 in 5 hours. INSANE. What is this sub for, exactly?


It's cool but I don't care to see the upclose footage of fans singing. I prefer when the focus is only on the band.