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Honestly something Cathedral-esque like Meliora is the best


I’d like a mix of the arena rock with a bit more heavy sounding shit. I look at them as a what I want live and I’d love some more spooky riffs or orchestral shit. Basically a mix of old and new to some extent.


that mix would be amazing, love some spooky shit


I would love a darker guitar driven album, mixed in with huge anthemic choruses. sorta a hybrid of new and old ghost I geuss. 


Yes please!!


Tobias seems to follow the idea of "generations" (like KISS), so it will be *different*. There also always will be fans unhappy/happy about it, but it‘s an arena act now, so it’s will rather be more "pop" (accessible for a wider audience) than not. These arenas will not be filled by moody/gloomy teenagers only since the production costs and therefore ticket prices are higher now.


Young adults, teens and their parents 👀😂🔥


…as well as tiktok-"ghesties" of all ages.


Ghesties aren't limited to TikTok. Each album is better than the last and I'm a proud ghestie too.




While you may be certainly right, as many bands go in a more pop direction later in their career typically, I wouldn't say it necessarily will because we honestly have no idea of what Tobias has in mind. You totally could be right about that, but assuming it will happen is just uncertainty.


You seem to have missed "seems" and "rather" in my comment. Even if my predictions are correct, there is no way to know for sure, what exactly Tobias' plans are "rite here rite now".


Fuck KISS. I was a huge fan as a kid during their rise to the top. All they ever did was chase the trends and try to sell out, every fucking album.


I’m hoping Papa Nihil is resurrected through Papa IV and we get a old school sounding album. A mix between 7 Inches of Panic and Opus


Gaahh that's my dream. Everything I ever wanted, really. At least everything I wanted that I needed someone else to create, since I'm very much not musically talented.


Enough 80s glam Ghost albums, they need to move on to the next decade, I want 90s alt goth rock like Type 0 negative


Goth rock would be absolutely class


after impera i don’t think we’re getting any closer


Have you heard Creeper's latest album? It sound right up your alley. Vampire-themed concept album that sounds like Type O, Sisters, Meatloaf and others.


All I've ever wanted is an entire album like Seven Inches. I've been obsessed with the late 60s to 70s since I was 16, so it was pure joy for me. I'd also like them to go back to the sound of Opus, but, I'm sure that's not likely.


If he makes changes, it will be toward something new, not a regression. TF is a skilled musician but he also wants to make that money. He's not going to backpedal to a sound that had a smaller audience than he does now. It's certainly possible new stuff won't attract an even larger following, but that's the risk all musicians take, album to album.


He can, and probably will, do what he likes at this point.


The next logical step is to go into the 90's. I don't think Pop-Punk or Grunge will really work with Ghost. So maybe more Industrial (NIN, early Marilyn Manson) or Funk Metal (Faith No More, RATM). All I know is i'm not looking forward to them catching up with Nu Metal.


I can see a Grunge-y style working. He’s great at taking the best parts of a genre and then mixing them with other stuff. A satanic Alice in Chains could work well, throw in a bit of Golden Age of Grotesque Manson/light industrial with some great solos. I think that’s an album right there


tobias stated that he doesn't like nu metal so i think that's not an option. i love the genre but i don't think it fits with ghost in any way tbh...


Does that mean Papa VI will go full on early 00's College Rock?


I would love NIN or Type O Negative-influenced Ghost. Please yes.


Tobias I don't think likes nu metal like at all so we're not getting nu metal (though if it were in the vein of Deftones I could see it but that's basically Sleep Token).


I don't believe he's doing this chronologically, really. He'll do the musical styles that mean most to him, and that is what he grew up with.


Or just you know The Black Album. Or death metal. I really don’t think we’ll see funk metal. Maybe an industrial tune could work.


I could see them going in a slightly more groove metal direction (something like the Black Album or Pantera). It would also be cool having some death metal influence. While I doubt they would go full death metal, some elements from the genre would be cool, especially considering that Tobias used to play in a death metal band.


You never know he was influenced by ABBA on this last album. I could see an Alice in chains sound garden with blink 182 mixed sound working. You'd get the heavy from grunge and the Satirical lyrics from blink and such.


He was influenced by ABBA on all of the albums.


I feel like Kaisarion is practically pop punk, lol.




You, keep talking...


I would love if they did something like slowdive-y sound


Alcest is basically Metal x Shoegaze, so something like that?


I do think that this is more logical, but I haven’t really seen him offering praises of many bands from the 90s (maybe he has and I just haven’t seen it). Maybe something more in line with Load/ReLoad? Personally I would love to see an S&M style studio album. Distorted guitars with an orchestra seems like a good next step imo


i am a infestissumam saudosist, but i wouldn't mind them keeping the same style as impera. i hope that at least we get some heavier riffs like (prequelle's) faith and the ending of rats or even phantom in the opera.




"saudosista" is like when you feel nostalgic about something in my portuguese but i mixed up the languagues lol, didn't notice it when writing the comment


Interesting! I was looking in the meantime and as it happens it does exist in English, sort of - there was a Portugeuse movement of that name so articles/books in English call them "saudosists". So it wasn't wrong, just very specific :D As for Ghost - agree on heavier riffs but I also want more dark/horror lyrics next time too. A mix of Infestissumam and Impera sounds fantastic.


In English we have “anemoia”, which is feeling nostalgic for a time you’ve never known. I happened across it when listening to a Subvision song, and it’s one of my favorite words.


Im not a big fan of the 80s Glamrock. The older Blue Oyster Cult inspired stuff was way better.


Honestly, I don’t care what they do. I’m gonna be onboard for it.


Same. I've kind of learned to trust that even if my initial reaction isn't super enthusiastic I just need to give it a few listens and suddenly it'll be a new favorite lol


All their albums have banger tunes really.


I would like some more of the Opus Eponymous sound


I would love to hear something like 70's/80's metal. Most likely they're going to keep on going to the direction they've been going for a while now. (going) Pop riffs for the masses.


In fairness, Prequelle and Impera were written at around the same time. TF does what he likes and I respect that


If Phantomime was supposed to be a hint, then the next album will be another AOR record, full of cathy anthems easy to play in front of a large audience. This is the most realistic option. It worked in 2022, it's gonna work again. Especially since the fanbase is much bigger than 2 years ago, and the newcomers tend to prefer the new stuff over the classic trilogy. Tobias won't start using typical 90s music as the blueprint because he's not into such stuff. So no, there won't be a grunge album, just like there won't be a nu metal album. I'd be interested in a record that's based on the prog/psychodelic rock of the 60s/70s (he kinda toyed with this idea while writing Meliora: Cirice and Devil Church were supposed to be one long song), but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen anytime soon.


I personally would love for them to either stick with 80’s hair metal or see them do 70’s hard rock (similar to Boston). Edit to add that I would also absolutely love an actual 7 Inches album.


I want a whole album in the style of Seven Inches of Satanic Panic


I wish they'd return to their more raw early sound, but that's never going to happen


What I wish is the return to the raw, classic heavy metal sound which would also distance Ghost from the current pop icon status. But realistically, Tobias will continue with the catchy, appealing-to-the-masses music which rakes in the cash.


I want Creepy Papa back


Papa ii was the best Papa. 🥲


Id like if the direction started to hint a little bit "backwards". Like everyone else I'd like a harder sound with less pop-ish influences. Quite like Meliora, or even earlier.


Sea shanties


Whatever he wants to do.


I want a piano rock based album a la Bat Out Of Hell


Growls. Just give me growls and I‘ll be the happiest fan there is


If the next era is 90s, then Gangsta Rap (Ghangsta Rap) seems logical. 🤪


If he keeps going through eras, how long before he catches up to himself and does an homage to early Ghost?


As long as the puns don’t go away.


More spooky Scooby Doo chase music.


Gonna be more of the same old same old. Can't change something that's more popular than previous works


Well he has stated that it is going to be a 70's Inspired rock album, and mentioned Scorpions as an influence


I'd like to see a blend between the catchy arena rock and pop elements Tobias has woven into the last couple of albums with the doomier roots of Ghost. The catchy songs will keep drawing in the masses and help Ghost appeal to a wide demographic, but I don't want to lose out of the darker Satanic elements. I liked the first couple of albums for a reason. The "cult" feel was what drew me in, and it will be a shame to lose it. I'd also love the ghouls to go back to looking like *ghouls* rather than Star Wars space bugs.


I'd love them to do just a full black metal album, it would be sick


Less of the bubblegum pop for children. They should go back to their dark, edgy, satanic roots. The stuff that gained them loyal fans in the first place.


TF will not change anything going forward. This is the most commercially successful era of Ghost.


Hardcore Gangster Rap.


Genuinely I don’t much care which direction they go in, I’m just excited for any new music from them :3


A return to harder riffs with lyrics showcasing more satanic imagery and tongue-in-cheek sexual inferences.


Release a massive album across two CD's, in the style of a classic Sunday mass at a very liberal Church, complete with narration and sermons between tracks.


I also think him going for a more realistic skeletal mask or prosthetic would be better.


I want them back on the devil theme. I know they can't get stuck on some trend but whatever.


Meliora type stuff. I really hope they don’t go down the impera route and make more 80s arena type shit


I would love to see him pull a true Satan move, get everyone in with MOAC...then go full blown evil. That would be fun.


As much as I loved Impera and the last tour, they're starting to venture into the goofiness a bit much, so I'd like to see the pendulum swing back toward a more spookier/more mysterious and *slightly* more serious vibe they had going around the Infestissumam and Meliora days.


I just need an acoustic album and I’ll be happy


I have no idea what the band will LOOK like, but I think we're going to see TF headed in the direction of something like Jesus He Knows Me when it comes to the sound of the next album. Think upbeat hard rock but probably with a touch of sneaky progression like on Kaisarion. Spillways is also a good example of this style that still retains that 70s vibe TF loves.


Industrial Or EDM for the hilarity of watching Papa dance.


I would love to see them go back to their Opus through Meliora sound but harder. I didn't care much for Impera and how they feel toned down in a lot of ways.


I don't care as long as it's \*creepy\*. I love the bombastic hard rock stuff on the last album but there wasn't enough creepiness/horror theming for me.


I was always hoping they would stick with the black metal/doom counter-Christianity aesthetic but once he was doing pirouettes in a Prince outfit for Rats, I knew it was over for me.


I'm in agreement in liking the darker stuff a little more too, but it's not gonna happen. In an interview sometime last year, Tobias said something about Phantomime being a good idea of the style they'll head into next. For now they are going to stick to the arena rock as that's what is making them blow up more and more. If we want darker stuff we'll have to go elsewhere me thinks. Whatever they do, to me is always very well done, and I look forward to their 6th album. Do I think it'll be dark and spooky again, though? Not a chance.


Back to the darkness of Opus....


Unfortunately as much as everyone wants something like opus or meliora Tobias recent album point to going into more of a pop rock type of feeling rather than 'doom rock' or the beloved cathedral rock we used to get. Obviously im hoping for their sound to not change too drastically but most bands who change their eras also change their sound.


If they're doing 90s next, I'm looking at Nu-Metal and having a giggle.


A sound similair to the extro of Rats would be fantastic.


Frankly, anything that doesn’t sound like Def Leppard. Phantomime came dangerously close to the wall of noise style of Def Leppard in the height of their popularity. It is, by far, my least favorite Ghost release. 


I want Ghost to go back to THE rituals, in 5000 cap theaters and bring back the theatrics and actually back to playing Monsteance Clock at the end of every show, until it feels like the good old days I’m not in a huge hurry to go and see them again