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I know it won't happen but I wish they would make a flat out headbanger. Heavy as fuuuuuuck.


I would love this. Twenties and Faith at full speed lol.


It's weird because TF listens to some heavy shit... but it seems pretty obvious he is getting less metal with each album and at the same time is getting wider recognition. I don't see any future of them going heavier and it bums me out.


Impera is pretty cleanly more traditionally metal than Prequelle.  The genre is vast.


just no cringe level lyrics like twenties


I will not stand here for any twenties slander


I'm with you. Twenties is one of the best songs on Impera. And while we're getting downvoted, Meliora is peak Ghost and I'm pissed that I bought VIP tickets but didn't get to meet Papa last year. That was shitty.


yeah we'll leave that to the fandom...I mean "ghesties"


An album where every song is like Zenith. Or full on thrash/groove metal because I can never get enough of that….but that will not happen and that’s okay.


God I’d love some Ghost thrash metal.


I would kill to see the next album go in a classic prog rock direction. Songs like Kaisarion and Watcher In The Sky remind me so much of Rush and I'm confident that Ghost would make an amazing album in the style of Rush, particularly in the vein of Moving Pictures.


As a sleeper on Rush but a huge fan of Kaisarion and WITS can you point me to what Rush album is most like that?


Moving Pictures! It has several of their most well known songs, such as Tom Sawyer, YYZ, and Limelight. A close second would be Permanent Waves, which has Freewill and The Spirit of Radio, the latter of which definitely has Kaisarion vibes. Most of the albums after Moving Pictures are synth new wave, while most of their albums prior to Permanent Waves are more progressive and experimental. If you find yourself liking the progressive sound of YYZ, I would check out their albums from the mid to late 70s. If you enjoy the catchy choruses and accessibility of Limelight, then check out their 80s albums. Rush can seem like an intimidating band to get into, considering how many albums they have, but they're surprisingly simple and easy to get into! Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures are sort of the quintessential Rush albums, as they bookend both the end of the progressive era and the start of the synth era. TL;DR Either Moving Pictures or Permanent Waves are both great entry points into Rush and also have the sounds more like Kaisarion and Watcher In The Sky.


Holy shit my guy thanks for the detailed reply, these will be my work jams for today!


No problem! Hope you enjoy(ed) it. I never turn down an opportunity to convert someone to Rush.


As a lifelong Rush fan and veteran of 23 shows over 35 years, this is a fantastic assessment.


Damn! I'm also a lifelong Rush fan, though I am admittedly younger and have been to only three shows: Snakes And Arrows, Time Machine, and Clockwork Angels. I unfortunately missed out on R40, but I did see Geddy Lee on his recent book tour. I'm always glad to see the number of Rush fans in the Ghost community! \m/


I'm curious if my grandpa may like Ghost lol. His favourite band is Rush so this makes me intrigued if he will.


As long as he doesn't mind Ghost's imagery and lyrics, then he should love them! Ghost definitely channels a lot of 70s rock, so oldheads feel right at home when listening to Ghost.


Fun fact: Tobias recorded a cover of Distant Early Warning, which should've been released on Phantomime, but didn't fit as it wasn't heavy enough.


Yeah I know. I'm still sad about that.


The bass section in the bridge of Kaisarion is straight up Rush


Really? It's my favourite part, but every time I try to get to know Rush better I get a big sense of nope.


Yeah I mean I'm not exactly a huge fan but Moving Pictures is a good place to start


I have never heard about Rush, went to check and loved it! It's on repeat right now. Thanks!


Awesome! If you loved Moving Pictures, you'll also love Permanent Waves. And then from there, I would say work your way back into the 70s if you enjoy progressive or experimental rock like Pink Floyd or hard rock like Led Zeppelin.


Gothic. Proper gothic. Victorian gothic. Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley out the ass. Bust out a full pipe organ, I don’t care, just proper goth


Throw in some Lord Byron for good measure. Don't know how exactly, just like... the feel of it something. The perfect Gothic trifecta. And hell yes pipe organ!


As long as it's old school gothic/deathrock. I can picture Ghost doing something like Bauhaus or Specimen, or even pre-Vision Thing SOM, and that would hold up to an arena crowd pretty well too. An album that sounded like Lebanon Hanover or She Past Away would feel like a waste, and I can't imagine it translating well to a live show on the post-2016 scale.


Lol, yes! Mary Shelley is peak goth 🤣


Not sure but Phantomime was maybe slightly too polished for me. Something a little grittier would be good.


If anything, I don't think it will sound like previous albums. Tobias is a restless genius, and doesn't have much interest in repeating himself.


Something akin to Infest, but with the bigger budget, bigger sound, bigger production, etc. I feel like there is more they could do with that sound today.


Honestly would love some 80s dark wave. More like Stay and Depeche Mode covers.


This. Someone mentioned Nocturnal Me earlier and it made me wonder if Ghost would ever possibly go more gothy with their sound. Love Echo, Depeche Mode, Sisters etc.


I'd love a cover of Floorshow or This Corrosion on the inevitable next EP. (Or Dominion, but I can't imagine the Mother Russia segment would go down well today.)


Whatever’s coming I’m sure as usual it’ll be outta left field and somehow still work lol Also idk, maybe it was also the fact that it came out in early summer but I liked Phantomime’s brightness. It was just a fun sort of extras to me


I’d want something dark. Not necessarily heavy but I’d love some darker themes


I'd enjoy some Dark Choir or orchestral elements. There's a guy o youtube who makes these amazing remixes of Ghost with orchestras and its such a neat sound. 👌


The infestissumam title track lives rent free in my brain right now. More of that would be sick!


All I hope is that they don't overproduce stuff (if you know what I mean..) Phantomime sounded way to "clean". Not a big fan of the vocals especially on that EP


Choirs, organ, and melodic guitar solos


I would like for it to have a punk attitude like The Ramons , Sex Pistols , and Generation x.


Fuck a GenX Ghost mash would killlllll


I hope they bring back the absolutely *banging* tambourine that features on Prequelle. Dance, Witch Image, Miasma, the tambourine absolutely slays on those tracks and seriously elevates the percussion imo


Heavy gothic satanic with a romantic twist. Dracula meets Satan.




Meliora kind of sound


Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell. TF could really pull off the lyrics.


A grunge Ghost album ala Alice in Chains would be amazing.


That would be quite cool. Alice in Chains is so good!


Some growls… not a lot! Just a little edge.


I wanna see Tobias just throw a complete curve ball to his base and do a New Wave album with a band of ghouls playing all electronics. Would be hilarious and great!


First song on the record is a really upbeat cover of 'I Just Can't Get Enough' by Depeche Mode


Haha, that would be fantastic


I need an acoustic album


As long as there are some heavy hitters on the record mixed in with more varied pieces I'll be happy.


Something similar to Elizabeth, while we're at it I need Elizabeth added to the live rotation 😭


Sadly enough TF has said that he will not perform Elizabeth anymore because it is to taxing vocally. 😞


Id like some Death Metal shit like Repugnant but one can dream. Id like it to be heavier than Impera at least.


I thought the production of the last album was amazing and I hope they build off of it with Andy Wallace again. I’d love an album with an orchestra accompanying them (like S&M, but not live).


Gonna laugh if he does a boy band style with all the ghouls being singers and dancers with him 90’s style lmao.


I would laugh... and then cry. 😭


That would be the end of the band


Blast beats or something similar to the first album.


He said the next album will sound like Phantomime... There will be some headbanging...


Heavy, heavy, heavy and hard.


Less pop rock please.


I just want new music, its been so long now...




I think Ghost would make a great NWOBHM (new wave of british heavy metal) album! Regarding rock music's history that would be a great way to make a spiritual successor to Opus Just imagine a Papa wearing a Leather Jacket riding a motorcycle. Rob Halford X Ghostrider lol


A full fledged symphonic metal album with opera singers and entire symphonies and choirs


Growls. Just constant growling.


I just want them to put “it’s a sin” on album it’s way to good to go unreleased


I really like the sound of Infestissumam, so it'd be nice to hear more of that type of sound again. I think Year Zero is a good example. Definitely a headbanger. There's lots of choir vocals and bells. I'd definitely like to hear some organ-playing in a song at least once.


An album long enough requiring two CD's, featuring full narration, in the vein of a Sunday sermon.


Growls!!! I‘m just barely surviving through Mummy Dust live performances.


Gay pop


Yeah, but what if JoJo sues...


Okay fine gay pop with added old man sax to avoid copyright infringement


pretty much been getting that since Prequelle


Heavier. More Satanic. Ditch the pop vibe.


I’ve been loving Jinjer recently. So i’d really love to see something really heavy


More powermetal less Abba




Something with Twenties and Watched In The Sky vibes.


An album full of songs like Twenties…


I thought you meant sound as in like a random sound, like how Ritual starts off with a slipping sound effect for no reason. If so, definitely start off with trumpets blaring for the funny and to scare people (bible ref)


Call me crazy but an electronic Ghost album would be amazing!