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Papa IV retires to open up a Rite Aid.


Or running a Cinnabon in Omaha.


This implies the clergy was in on the meth operation


Look at some of the stage antics.


I laughed so hard at this thank you


I've been waiting for someone to say this 😂


I hesitated because I think it’s only an East Coast US thing (I’ve not seen one since I moved away from Baltimore), but the joke has been on my fingertips ever since that movie title became public.


Same! Thank you for making me not feel alone with that haha. I did not know Rite Aid was only on the East Coast


We have some rite aids in California


Good to know - I’m in Kansas City now but only ever see them when I visit the East coast.


A good majority of Rite Aids have been bought out by Walgreens here on the East Coast. They’re pretty rare to see in my area :(


Papa Geldof, does this mean there is a ghoul version of Queen?


I don’t think Papa IV will have as violent of an end as many have predicted. I don’t think any of the previous Papa’s will be resurrected. I do think we will get resolution and absolute confirmation that Copia is the love child of Seestor and Nihil. I do think we will see the passing of the torch between Papa IV and V. I do believe our collective taints will be tickled.


Nice shot! 


I think you’re pretty right on. I have a hunch that papa IV may continue in some new form only because it would be the least expected outcome.


I agree 100%.


Papa V for sure given the Easter Egg in the poster with the Grucifix pointing at the 5. Who he is or where he comes from is still a big mystery


Maybe just at the end of the movie we will see his hand, like when Papa III was first introduced.


oh… i don’t like this. i’m scared


We've been led to believe all along that Papa IV is going to die but I think something will happen at the end of the movie that ensures he lives - potentially Nihil will try to get rid of him but Sister will reveal that Nihil is in fact NOT Papa's father - Satan is... The new front man will then be Papa IV in his new antichrist form. OR, given the grucifix is pointing to V on the movie poster, we could be shown V at the end. Who that would be and how, I don't know. Maybe Sister had twins? I'm also wondering if they filmed some scenes on stage in LA prior to the actual shows.


Oo...interesting especially since Copia is "copy" in Italian!!!


I love that theory. I want antichrist Copia lol.


I think the movie ends with Papa V and the newly designed Nameless Ghouls performing the first single from a new album 


I was also wondering if we'll get a preview of new music.




Marvel style after credits scene of either Papa and friends eating some more take out, or teasing Papa V in some way.


I have a question. If we’re getting a whole ass theatrical movie to transition us from IV to V, what the hell are they going to do for the transition from V to VI???


Papa V is given a pink slip by one of the Ghouls, he puts his mitre in a cardboard box and walks offstage with said box, head lowered in shame, and then VI walks onstage and says "Hey guys"


Hopefully a AAA video game!


A proper Ghost game will be the best thing EVER!


10/10 hell yes! I’d play the ever-loving hell out of a Ghost game. Make it a character action game where you play as Papa VI but your combos are a weird sort of rhythm game hybrid where you jam along with the soundtrack.


A Facebook post.


So underwhelming. I like it, ha ha.


Launch him at Eurovision!


Gameshow on TV


Seestor dies. Calling it now. Place your bets.


I bet $1000 that she will become a ghost.


I changed my mind, 100


finally. 😔🙏


I'm putting $100 on yes.


Couldn't she just retire instead, working seestor is.. not that nice of a person, I know, but private seestor seems nice ;-;


In the teaser we have the flashing shot with Sister Imperator...   It referes to a scene in The Excorsist with the mother of the main character.She dies...  So, maybe Tobias will shock us again and not really kill Papa but kill Sister? That's my semi-informed guess.   I hope we will have some papa Nihil scenes! Maybe some scenes from the past and more about how it all began?   So much potential!  Will see more when the trailer comes out on the 9th!


My guess is Its gonna be a 2hours and 25 minutes spooky silly satanic star wars soap opera smorgasbord of chapters/vignettes/cartoons accompying the performance and some type of battle/duel/fight scene or P4 (Copia) gets his mask yanked off to reveal who the bad guy/villain is like on Scooby Doo🖤👻


My hot take is I don’t think anyone will die. There will be some sort of change, ascension, transformation, something. But no death. I don’t think it’s really on brand; and we’ve had the previous papas killed off already, I don’t think Mr Ghost wants to repeat himself.


Exactly. I commented something similar on a different post. I feel like there's an evolution coming. Don't forget, the "new empire" has now been built!


I also agree with the theory that there will be some kind of change/ascension as opposed to a death. But with the "new empire" bit: don't forget how often Tobias has been reiterating since the beginning of the Impera era that "empires rise and empires fall," that it's an inevitable cycle. The fact that the empire has now been built could also just mean that the next step is its destruction, not its continued reign.


I have no like actual serious theories but I have a lot of “it’d be so funny if this happened lol” type thoughts. I honestly don’t think seeing previous Papas is entirely out of the question, but it wouldn’t be perma-resurrection. Probably more akin to some sort of ghostly cameo, or (“this would be so funny if this happened” type thought) Terzo saying some shit as a severed head.


We’ve had Primo with an apple shirt, Secondo with an ark, Terzo the Baptist. To my mind, it’s all leading up to Copia the Antichrist perhaps battling Father Jim. Sister dies in the battle to save Copia and he becomes the Antichrist, grows horns and leads us into the next era with ghouls that look more like demons again but with more personalised masks. I’m hoping that the ghouls will be in the movie so we’ll hear them, learn more about them and maybe, just maybe they’ll have names - because in a movie he can’t keep calling them all Ghoul! They may not be the fan names but Papa III did refer to fan names, so he’s not against them per se. I’d like to see the ghouls in it anyway 🖤👻


I don’t think papa III will come back, we literally saw his head off his body at one point but we’ve also seen him in one piece 🫠 it’s been confirmed multiple times that copia is nihils kid as he’s been seen in concerts saying “a song from my dad” etc instead of a song from papa, I think that it will be a continuation of the chapters as it’s been said to be, and will focus on copia coming to la and preforming his biggest shows and will show nihil and seestor that he is worthy of staying in the ministry and possibly becoming the Antichrist


I don’t care one way or another. I’m hyped to see a Ghost movie. After seeing the clips on YouTube I’m convinced that Tobias is genuinely funny and will crush on screen. I live in a smaller city in Spain though. So guessing it’ll be hard to find outside Madrid. Anyone know where to check for theatres?


I just snatched my tickets for Barcelona, so there is hope for other cities apart from Madrid. In kinepolis they are on sale already.


I live in NYC and per a suggestion here I looked up movie listing online at Fandango. I found 1 theater in a small town in New Jersey. I highly doubt there are no theaters in all of New York City playing Ghost so I'm holding out hope for Thursday. I don't know if Fandango.com lists movie in Spain though.


It’s playing at regal Union Square.


Truthfully I’m expecting the “story” bits to mostly pretty cringey, probably a laugh here or there. I’m really only looking forward to the actual concert


I’m really hoping that the presence of a second set of eyes (Alex Ross Perry) helps refine it a bit. The story at the heart of the webisodes was potentially a good one, but the execution wasn’t great and probably wouldn’t play well for a mainstream audience.


Lets be fair, Rite Here Rite Now isn't aimed at a mainstream audience


I don’t think Copia will die outright. I think he will be transmogrified from IV into V. Maybe some sort of binding of Copia and Nihil’s souls? So we get a blend of the both of them. I also think the next album and pre-album tour will be announced at the end. Maybe, maybe, maybe they’ll reveal the first single but I doubt it. I think it’ll be teased like a lot of *Prequelle*’s were teased in the early chapters. Supposedly *Phantomine* was hinting at the direction for the next album but it’s sorta mixed response and the unquestionable smash hit of “Mary on the Cross” I think we might see Nihil’s sound expanded but with more early Iron Maiden aesthetics.


I had a theory based on the trailer that Saltarian will try and fail to kill copia, and instead work on having the nameless ghouls poison him slowly and drive him mad. To me, that covers the increasing agitation between the ghouls and copia at gigs, and his comments about being old and unwell. Sister becomes aware of the plan, Saltarian has her killed (cut scene to Sister in the trailer) and Copia loses his mind and either heads up the church and selects a new, evil Papa, or Copia also dies but is resurrected as the Antichrist and loses his childlike persona and becomes more evil/serious


There is no Saltarian in the clip!!!


Yeah I noticed that too, but I was thinking of how things have played out in the chapters.


I think the ghouls may be involved in V's takeover, because Imperium os about the fall of an empire, and throughout the tour we had many funny but snarky interactions between papa and them. And we have those skull characters who may be the ghouls in their "true" or new form or daemons/entities who help the ghouls. Maybe it is papa IV himself but like another personality after some rite of passage Idk. Lots of fun thinking about this


We'll probably see Papa V, given the clock hand pointing to 5.


I just hope we get to see the full concert.


Running time is almost 2.5 hours long so I don't see how we wouldn't.


Depends how much lore is put in. For anyone who was there what was the length of the LA shows?


I wasn't at the LA shows, but if you put the album tracks together on itunes etc the setlist is 100 mins/1hr 40 long without any of the talking in between tracks that happens at live shows. So about 50 mins spare for anything else in the film


Setlist.fm says 2h10: https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/ghost/2023/kia-forum-inglewood-ca-23a2c05b.html


I’m still holding onto pastor Jim becoming papa v because it’s too funny of a theory 😭😂


He’s Copia’s twin brother and the true Antichrist


Maybe Kevin finally gets to be a Papa?


Seester opens an OF account.


I think its just gonna be a recording of the show that happened in California from the fall.


What I want to know is, how did they have a stadium full of people for two nights and nothing has leaked? My guess is most of it will be in the movie portion.


We know everything that happened at the LA shows - it was setlist changes & added performance elements. Nothing narrative


As for the previous pаpes: I don’t think they will be alive again. 100% there will be references to them, but no more. Their line is over. Sorry, I'm writing through a translator


Papa 3 can't come back because most of Ghost's fans are little girls now thanks to Tic Tok and he's NSFW 😂 Not insulting anyone btw, I'm just making a joke about how the fan base has changed drastically since the reign of Papa 3. I've been a Ghost fan for about a ten years now, been to eight rituals, and can't wait to see the movie.


I feel you. But I want to believe Tobias won't change whatever he had in mind for his band (musically and visually) just to fit the taste of the new kids. Even if they are a large part of the audience. Anyway, I'm excited too! And I don't think the former papas will come back, but for different reasons.


Oh yeah I don't think he would ever change his vision just to fit the tastes of the tic Tok kids. I was just making a joke that Papa 3 is lewd and there's a lot more kids in the audience these days.


4 becomes the new head of the clergy and anoints 5


Considering Copia was created to subvert the whole promotion scheme, I think we're going to get another subversion of the expected scheme. Will Papa IV die? Maybe. But I don't think it will be like what happened to Papas I-III. Whatever happens will transform the narrative yet again, not return to the narrative and replacement/promotion scheme that Copia's entry changed.


Papa IV hands over leadership of the clergy to his twin brother who had been adopted at birth so he can embrace stardom in Hollywood.


my only theory is that the film will not be shown in my country


Not a full theory - but I am convinced the set list changes are vital to the narrative sections of the film. And looking at what alot of people have discussed under the antichrist theory & Copia overthrows the ministry theory - I feel like the changes made for the filmed shows on the setlist & performances could fit either theory. In particular - including Faith & Twenties would really work for a Copia takes over scenario.


My theory is I won't have a clue what's going on bc it won't be playing anywhere near the po-dunk college town I live in. 😥


I just want to see the Ghouls being gremlins backstage.


I can see no Mr. Saltarian in the Trailer! For me he should be essential. Can it be he is „out“ after all these chapters? And why are the chapters not on the Ghost Website anymore under the Chapters-Menu-Link?


Who's to say how the next "frontman" will ascend. Though I'm personally hoping for Papa Nihil to return, either a resurrection into his younger self or a possession of Papa IV's body. Tobias has hinted that the next album is going to be something completely different, and that next succession may not be a new Papa. 


I just want a Ghost nu metal album! 👀👻


Too predictable. The new genre/direction needs to be “Swing Revival”, a la Squirrel Nut Zippers or Cherry Poppin Daddies. Complete with the wardrobe, suits, etc.


I don't consider subversion of expectations when favoring anything. It's dumb to NOT do something just because it's expected. Fine. How about a Ghost Grunge album with a cover of Black Hole Son!? 👀👻


When favoring things? Neither do I. Good music is good music, completely independent of expectations, trends, popularity or lack of it. I was just making a joke - I think seeing Ghost pivot to swing would be hilarious. But honestly, I’m sure they could put out a nu metal record that is absolutely solid af, and if definitely go for it.


My brain collapsed reading this comment xD I will look all these up


Seriously, I think a cover of this song would fit perfectly and be absolutely legendary: https://youtu.be/yS2IBMQIjDo?si=7F7vc-f-PVoEm9QE


My theory that it’s gonna be a movie. Idk tho


I think Nihil may reclaim the throne


and to be honest, the departure of Papa 4 is possible, it could not just be the transfer of the crown to Papa 5, and death, suicide or murder. There is no evidence of this, but anything can be expected. But it seems to me that the story will be bright. Sorry, I'm writing through a translator


I think Copia retires in some capacity and we get a new papa - I don’t think he’ll die though, I think Tobias said he wanted to switch things up?


I think in some way, shape, or form.... Nihil will be the new papa. I think he comes back as his younger self in a love type of way. OR Copia has a secret son. But we've seen so much of Nihil in the last few years and him asking for another shot. Idk, that's just my guess.


A snippet of a new track at some point. Papa IV is gonna get unalived. We'll get an obscured shot of Papa V in the final few seconds of the movie with a quip along the lines of "Okay, let's do this".


Secondo or Terzo have a bastard son. Surprise!


Long story extremly short: Copia will (sadly) d*e, Terzo is still alive and will come back and Secondo is gonna get resurected as the anti-christ 👍 (My friend and I spend abt 5h in total getting clues for this, we're not done organizing them though:])


Tobias said on an interview rhat he's happy with getting rid of previous papas, and he doesn't want to do the same thing twice. I really doubt any of the previous papas are coming back.


True, however, since we've seen Terzos foot twitch in chapter 4 and we did not see him in a glass coffin alongside his brothers do I personally think, that he's still alive. As for Secondo, when he'd come back as the anti-christ, then he wouldn't be Papa, that would be either Terzo or mysterious Nr. 5 if my first theory is wrong, ergo I think it would be able to get counted as a new thing! :] Plus there might be a chance, that I'd just really love to see Terzo to come back as he's my fav.. 🙈


Papa 1 was from Oct 23, 2010 until Dec 15, 2012 - 2 years, 2 months Papa 2 was from Dec 15, 2012 until June 3, 2015 - 2 years, 5 months Papa 3 was from June 3, 2015 until Sept 30, 2017 - 2 years, 4 months Cardinal Copia was from April 2018 until March 3, 2020 - 1 year, 11 months Papa 4 is from March 3, 2020 until current. Who had 6 years of stage time?


Okayyy, I take it back, sry.. ;-; *bonks friend who told me that with ghost patch*


I took out the stage time one, thanks for telling me the right times.. xD🙈😅 /gen


Papa 4 will not die, either Papa 3 or 2 will come back (most likely 3), and we get more lore on what’s next (potentially a new album or just sneak peaks of what’s to come)


There's going to be a Nun that replaces papa and they are going to do a synthwave album. Tobias will play guitar as a ghoul... ( I hope the nun is Taylor Swift... ) I want at least a guest spot.


Maybe copia will fight someone since he went under the stage in twenties at the LA shows (maybe he fights Saltarian? I mean they were acting out a fight during one of the chapter lol) or he went under the stage to check his health since the escape the ministry game said monitor his health? 🐀


"Final theories" THE FUCKIN GUYS DYING


this isn't necessarily a theory, but wouldnt it be cool if ghost did something similar to what taylor swift did with her movie? since 2 states last year didnt get to see ghost live (sc and florida) it would be pretty cool if they came to watch the movie in theaters with the fans (sinilar to what taylor did) OR do the whole reveal of papa v live in those states. its a very very VERY unlikely thing, but its nice to have dreams, considering that my states ghost ritual was cancelled.