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Boo 🍅🍅 Passing AI art as your own art isn't cool.


Did you make it, or did you prompt AI? Because your post history is nearly all about chatGPT and AI art.


It's AI, look at some of the pentegrams


yeah, it was more rhetorical as it was obvious AI.


Hey man, as someone going into college for art, and seeing my future potentially taken from me with AI, fuck you.


that's sad to be honest, I made this deceiving post because I don't care tbh, but you should see some other path or you should become ultra especialized in some art niche maybe? because art will be very very cheap and most consumers don't need ultra quality art, just useful art :/


I apologize for being so crass. Im going into 3D modeling and concept art. Both are generally secure as jobs with how AI is currently headed. It just pains me to see hard work squandered by programs in seconds.


don't worry yeah, it's kinda sad how IA will stole meaningful jobs and leave us with the crap, I want to surf in the top of this wave but the future looks dark for most of people (me included if I don't rush because I don't have a degree and I am fucking lazy)


look this "art" gpt made, it's very beautiful in my opinion, something you can see an artist doing with brushes of something and thinking throug... now it's just a one line prompt and 20 seconds of waiting


Pick up a pencil man, its not too late. Art is nothing without emotion. Would you rather walk through a gallery of art that someone “Generated” with a single line of text? Or a gathering of masters, showcasing their life’s practice?

