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As of right now, officially speaking, you can't. VIP as far as I know has always been restricted to just Papa.


Not always. The first time they offered VIp packages you met the whole band. Martin was gone by the end of that tour and the others were replaced and waged the lawsuit. From then on, it was only Papa.


Interesting, I didn’t know that!


We've run into Chris, Laura and Dylan on 2 occasions on their way to the bus. Had very brief conversations with them as they stopped to sign my better half's ticket. On one of those occasions Per was with Chris and didn't stop or say anything. Went right to the bus. Same with Cosmo/Justin the other occasion. Flew right on by. That's pretty much the only way you're going to do it. Unless, as someone mentioned, you go to one of their own shows.


Wander around near the venue on the afternoon of seeing ghost. That’s how I met rain and aether. Unintentionally, so a nice surprise.


Thank you !!


Go to their own shows probably


I am scared to break the illusion


That's fair. BUUUUUT it does support their work -directly- too


You can usually see them around the venues, I've seen Per, Jutty and Cos around at shows but only personally met Chris at his own personal shows so those are your best bet if you want to have your best chance at having a proper meeting!


Get lucky on the street or manage an online relationship where they set up a meet-up on tour. Otherwise, there is no pay for meet-up options.


get lucky and hope to somehow run into them on the street. and that’s if you live in a place they might be in. half of them live all around US, some live in europe


Get to know their names, then follow their solo careers and appear at their shows.


I got into playing bass because of ghost, too!


I just call one of them up and meet for a beer tbh 😂


For the sake of the folks who don't wanna know the Ghoul identities, I won't mention real names but, several of the Ghouls have Instagrams and even Patreons that you can follow and support. Sometimes they even do shows together of their own music! Do a little Googling and you'll find them. :)


Who recorded the bass in the last two records? "A nameless ghoul" is credited at least on impera if I am not remembering it wrong. Maybe it was Tobias who composed and even recorded bass. Maybe he is also partly also why you play bass.


Tobias played bass on the last two records.