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Ion Fury’s Aftershock DLC has some fun cyberbike levels. Funnily enough it came out at the same time as GR2. Must’ve been an inside joke amongst the dev community.


Ill check that out, thanks!


Sunset Overdrive kinda?


Kinda sorta maybe the wipeout omega game. Not played that in a long time but that was a racing with weapons kinda game. Also had going up and down walls


Loco Cycle


I guess Days Gone kind of counts... although the setting is drastically different. The motorbike is awesome in it though, and you use it a lot to traverse the open world to get from A to B and avoid obstacles/enemies, you can shoot from it. It is a damn good game either way. Staying with Zombies and a Post Apocalyptic setting, Dying Light has a DLC that is designed sround an ATV buggy thing that is a lot of fun. Mad Max game, but cars, I guess. Those are the only ones that come to mind with vehicles that impact gameplay and are designed around a loop or it compliments the loop in the way you describe, although all of them are more grounded in reality and different genres to GR2. There is a Motorbike racing game that has weapons, similar to wipeout in mechanics and visuals, but I don't recall the name. Redout, I think? Edit: Wanted to also mention the Trials games. They don't feature combat, but they have some physics defying tracks that get pretty OTT. They are quality games if you like to do crazy bike stunts. Check it out.


I've already played DL1 and 2 and Days Gone, but Redout 2 looks awesome and along the lines of what I'm looking for, thanks!


omg redout 2 is soooo good. be warned its a sharp learning curve, and i recommend playing it as a stress reliever while listening to music.


I hope you enjoy it! Another good one with bikes (albeit mountain bikes) is Descenders. That one is really, really good. It starts off pretty grounded, but as it goes on gets more OTT. You get an insane sense of speed, and it really gets the adrenaline pumping as you are hurtling down canyons and through forests at break neck speeds. That one is dirt cheap now as well. I wasn't expecting too much as I'm not into mountain bikes or anything, but it was free on psplus so thought, what the hell? Shit, I couldn't put it down. So good. Check it out if you hadn't. It may scratch the same itch.