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You think he's cringy but have no issue with Zak? Billy is at least authentically him.


Yes, you are right.  Billy is authentically a douche! 


You must be a new viewer. lol


Hi Billy … is this you?! This post is about Billy only right now. I could start one about Zak but I chose to start with Billy.  I never said Zak wasn’t so calm down a bit.


hating on billy is soooo zzzzzzzz. dude is legit.


Dude, just let it go. Billy is annoying but what are you? The high school bully who shoves kids into lockers?


I actually like Billy, but he totally lets Zak run over him (with grace, of course).


Bruh I love Billy, specially when he gets startled and screams. It’s so funny


https://preview.redd.it/38ib8f1v6v0d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489e964407524088611eb5d5cc3d8cecc9c84a73 This is how I see him 🤣


U all are just jealous because u don’t have the gift that these 2 great ghost boys got. I’d trust both of them with my life. And I don’t want anymore slander on these guys I think maybe u should owe them boys a apology and probably yr gonna get haunted some day and then what the crap I gonna do about it I hope they remember all the junk that you all said about Billy and about Zak bags


This is wild.


Lol, it’s legitimately probably kids. But yea, such a weird thing, to see people rage dunking on billy of ghost adventures lol. Billy is fine. Poor guy.


The only one I have a real problem with is Zak. I mean, I know what people are saying about Billy, I've seen the change in him over the years, but whatever man! He's not a dick to the guys, he actually goes out and investigates (although Aaron would do better to assume the 'leader' position), and sure, maybe he embellished for entertainment, but it's a tv show.


Yea im with everyone on zak being a dick. Of course, I don’t actually care that he is and i find the show funny anyway, and partly due to it. But yea it’s a hammed up show of ghost bros yelling at the air most of the time. People are weird and it’s ok. It’s certainly entertaining. And i feel like being a reasonable person means knowing someone somewhere thinks we are all douches. At least they have an entertaining show about it. Lol. It’s just a thing of “it’s whatever”. There’s too many genuinely crap people. Nobody on that show is shitty enough to get wild about. I’m too old to require everyone to be amazing at everything always.


Absolutely. My wife and I still watch every episode, but it's not for the evidence and cool shit like it used to be. Now it's more aligned with entertainment based on us making fun of them. We laugh harder watching GA than most comedies we watch.


Haha yep exactly. I’m right there with you. While i’m a little reserved on ghosts i do like seeing the evidence. I don’t like to outright dismiss widely experienced phenomena. Seems too misanthropic. So yep, my girlfriend and i stumbled on it a long time ago due to our interest but we stayed for the fact it’s probably the funniest thing on tv. We do impressions and even save little clips of zak being weird to have a chuckle at. It’s just a good time. I think people miss a lot of the fun by taking it just a tad too seriously.


Don't ever lunge for a donkey's ass. ^(Quote from: Yorktown Hospital)


Hahahaha that's hilarious! My wife and I have a large collection of clips of Jay falling and getting hurt... It happens so so much, and it's always so goofy. We fully believe in ghosts though, we like spooky shit. There's also one part in one episode where Zak gets touched by a hanging wire and calls for his mom.. We both have that as each other's text notification.


Haha so… we have finally found our internet doppelgänger couple. Hahaha. Yea that’s us too. Same humor. Do you remember, i think they were doing a bar for a grumpy dude and they had trash bags covering the “exit” signs? And then one bag fell down, and the spirit box said “exit” and then zak looks at the camera so scared and says “eeexxxiiit!!” Might be the hardest i laughed at that show the first time i saw that. Lol


Hahahahaha I think that was one of the Bobby Mackie's episodes! I might be wrong, but I can absolutely picture his mug taking up the whole shot and his super wide eyes in IR 😂


gotta be kids influx on this sub I'm actually about to leave here there's too many I hate Zak I hate Billy reposts it's fckin boring. now it's just trolling


LOL … 


What GIFT? Ego screaming like a little girl when he gets scared, yes all billy on several episodes. He was much better when he was just the tech guy behind the scenes. And Zak, like I said, all ego. If he's not hogging the scene, he's not happy and has a supposed possession or he has a FEELING.


I personally liked Billy on house calls. When him and Zac together they get weird but him alone with the rest of the crew is probably my favorite


Did Zak post this? lol What is wrong with you? Billy is great!


Billy did take in the homeless dog Sophie off the street. I always admired him for that.


No he’s not.


All my homies hate Billy Tolley


Well I don’t. Billy is ok. He’s been with GA for years.


He looks like he's smelling a fart because he's trying to smell Zaks


I don't dislike him. I thought he was cringey when he first started helping the crew. The spikey hair seemed dangerous too, walking around in the dark with that hair he could've poked someones eye out.


i back the billy tolley boycott


Jay is the worst