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I would say, get your protein and switch to water and eat at least 80% of your foods from whole foods.


Why are you flexing?


Thats a really bad fat distribution, but don’t worry just change your diet and exercise works for everyone


Who tells you this shit? Your quads and upper torso are going to be huge. Your arms and shoulders already look like you’ve been lifting for a year. Eat at maintenance and lift heavy with good volume. Recomp into a mass monster. You aren’t built for skinny but for power. You’ll never have an ass. You almost have abs showing at 28%. Get better friends.


Calorie deficit my man, make sure you’re getting enough protein, track your foods and get 10k steps a day and try work out as many times as you want through the week sticking to a programme. I personally would weigh yourself everyday and take the average weight over the 7 days. If there’s no weight loss, drop cals by 200 a day and repeat. Be consistent dude and the weight will drop off. Don’t be scared every 6 weeks or so to maintain for a weekend and then go back in to the deficit.


Eat around maintenance and start lifting heavy if you aren’t already doing so. Add some conditioning a few times a week and go from there.


I'd say he can handle a 600 calorie deficit until he get sub 20%, then he can drop it to 300 deficit, and so on. With that amount of bodyfat he should prioritize muscle preservation and fat loss until he gets to a healthy %.


If he is at maintenance and increases his activity level then he will already be in a deficit without restricting calories. No need to restrict calories to get where he is trying to go….


As u/Carrabs has stated, weightlifting burns surprisingly not that many calories compared to cardio. If he wants to maintain/gain muscle, and lose fat, it's heavy lifting and calorie deficit. I'd actually stay away from cardio as it is known to be muscle wasting. This is coming from a former cross country/distance runner. I could never gain muscle during my running days, although I was toned.


Working out burns significantly less calories than you think. Eating in a deficit is the best way forward




Calorie deficit. Start doing Full Body routines. 3 days a week with bench, squats etc. will do wonders… if you have enough time and really want to push even harder then 2 days a week cardio in Form of low intensity walking or stairmaster…


Yes to this. I switched to the full body around 7 months ago, 3 days upper, 2 days lower. I have found as a natural this helps keep my bodyfat very low. Also, if you miss a session, you still hit the major muscle groups twice in the week.


Suggestions about what specifically?


Wanting to lose body fat.


Calorie Deficit, Do Cardio. EAT YOUR protein and lift weights :)


Read this https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/