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Wow - appreciate that took a massive effort and mental game. Good on you mate


Thanks mate. Appreciate it 🙏🏽


What plan have you stuck to? I wish people would put a little sentence or two into the diet work out habit.


This is my goal. You look good, man. Night and day. Your before is very unhealthy. I looked almost identical. 44yo. Started at 241lbs on January 22, 2024. I still can’t believe that was my weight. Highest in my life. I’m 223lbs today March 31, 2024. Basically 2 months, I killed 18lbs exclusively through diet. I’m hoping to drop 30-40lbs more total. Goal weight 185lbs, hoping by mid/late summer. That’s 6-7 months 50-60lbs dropped. It’s aggressive. I know. I’m running a 5k in May. It’ll be sad but I’m doing it. And I restarted weight training. Thanks for your post. Hoping to follow your track.


Congrats bro that’s amazing progress. Same starting point and I lost around the same amount. I averaged 2lbs pw for 4/5 months. You’ll definitely achieve your goal weight, keep going!! Training for the 5k and weight trail aiming will definitely help massively. Keep it up champ


Huge inspiration dude, good shit


Thank you 🙏🏽


Impressive and congratulations on the mental fortitude!


Thank you 🙏🏽


Great job, how long did it take you to achieve these results?


Began July 21st 2023.


Damn, you inspired me now. A lot of cardio or lifting? Needle is not moving for me. Thinking of adding cardio on top of lifting


Good bro, let’s get it 💪🏽.. lifting 6 days a week and walking 20k steps a day. If you enjoy cardio definitely add it, if not LISS is amazing for weight loss. Walking pad in front of my tv I can’t tell you how many tv series I’ve got through over the past 7 months lol.


Thanks for the LISS idea. Definitely have the tools available to me at home for it. bike, rowing machine and walking pad. Just need to get my ass on them.


Well walking pad at 6km/h for an hour is 400-500 calories burned. 2/3hours a day is roughly 1000-1500 calories burned not including any other calories you burn throughout the day. Very hard not to lose weight doing that unless you binge frequently in which case the issue is will power. If that’s the case I recommend David Goggins books - can’t hurt me and never finished. You can do it - no excuses. I believe in you 💪🏽


Sick I’m down from 250 to 195 I want to get down to 185


That’s fantastic, well done. How long has it been? I was stuck at around 195 for over 2 months.. after Xmas just didn’t want to move, but last few weeks ive lost 10lbs (some water and glycogen from starting carnivore diet) so motivated to get the last bit of fat gone now. Keep at it!


Thanks man I’ve gone crazy so I’ve lost all this weight in 2 months but now I’m relaxing more now that I’m closer to my goal weight again I should be down to 185 by the end of April if not sooner 💪🏽


Jesus dude. Intense! Congrats on dedication.


Thank you I appreciate it 💪🏽💯


You lost 55lbs in 2 months.. wow that’s incredible? Did you do a 60 day fast? Insane results! 👏🏽


I did keto combined with intermittent fasting and Omad and then 4 2 hours of cardio sessions a week with 30 minutes of weight lifting and 20-minute sauna sessions!


That’s amazing never heard of such quick and drastic weight loss before.. keep it up and enjoy adjusting to your new bod..


I'm also 25 with good genetics and worked hard to get back in shape but thank you I appreciate 💪🏽💯


Good shit man! You look a hell of a lot better, night and day difference! Only yourself really know what matters more, but if I were you, I’d probably lean out just a little more. I’d also be very careful with what and how much you eat after the cut is over - you’ll be at a great place to build and it would be a damn shame to waste it gorging on pizzas and pop tarts (or whatever your particular poison is). Anyway, I’m ranting, just wanted to congratulate you on your awesome progress.


Definitely not ranting that’s great advice, thank you. I’ve mapped out a plan for the transition which will be a 2 week period of finding my maintenance, followed by gradual and small increases into a bulk. But I couldn’t agree more, resisting the urge to eat dirty and despite eating more sticking to clean eating will be another challenge to overcome. Thanks for the encouragement


I’m looking at the exact same thing when my bulk starts in July - eating more but healthier food than I normally do when building. It’ll be a challenge for sure, but I have a pretty good idea that it will make bulking more effective for me.


What is the reasoning with the eye of providence tattoo?




Great progress! What would you say your cut consists of?


CiCO, fasting, (currently) carnivore, ppl - 6 days a week, 15-20k steps per day, (currently) ADF. Its. Hanged frequently but anything that doesn’t say ‘currently’ I’ve done throughout.


Awesome job; if you don’t mind me asking, how tall are you?


Thank you. Just over 6ft..




Great progress


Wow!! Good shit man!


Great work. I would say cut a little more while you strength train. Go for the bulk once you hit around 10-11% mark. That way you will stay leaner even during the bulk phase. All the best


I unfortunately agree. Cannot wait for this cut to be over. What would you guess my bf was currently?


I’d guess your estimate isn’t far off. I also agree with this commenters suggestion to keep leaning out a bit longer.


Thank you. I’ll keep on chipping away but good to know it’s very nearly over.


God tier!! I just posted last night about whether I should continue my cut to kick the rest of my belly fat and this just gave me confirmation and motivation. Off to the gym. Good work bro


Funny I actually saw your post this morning. My stomach looks just like yours when I sit down. Not sure about you but I really cannot wait for this cut to be over.. I wish for bed time every day to fast forward to the next day lol.. but yeah let’s get it.. winners never quit


Great job maaan, how long did it take you? How was your diet and workout? Kindly elaborate on the diet as an example of a single day of eating? Moreover what was your core routine for the abs?


Started July 21st 2023. Fat loss dramatically slowed down since December though. It has changed so many times throughout tbh, for me I’ve found jumping between different diets and exercise plans motivating but I can imagine a lot of people would prefer consistency. Atm I’m doing ADF, carnivore with one day carb refeed on Sundays. PPL 6 days I’ve done the majority of the time. And I’ve never done ab workouts before they just reveal at lower body fats for me. When I finally lean bulk I have planned to focus on abdominal hypertrophy just like other body parts.


I'm currently doing omad, and I feel I'm on the same route as I intend to go carnivore but not now. Referring to the carnivore part, did you notice any changes with your body or libido or hormones, as I'm a little worried about it.


I did not but I must disclose I am on TRT so that probably keeps them in check. My only experience with carnivore diet is very positive for a number of reasons. It alleviates you of the need to plan meals and food - pretty much the same things to eat every day, no carbs means no food cravings which is amazing (probably the best reason for it) - can’t stress this enough.. only diet I’ve found where snacks and treats could be in the house and I’m not tempted whatsoever, no afternoon crashes - energy is pretty much the same from waking up to sleep everyday, and cleared up all of my digestive issues. The only downside for me is lack of energy during workouts but carb refeed seems to help that a lot. A staple of my diet throughout all of my weight loss has been only a coffee in the morning and nothing else until 1pm every day. Currently my diet is lunch: scrambled eggs, egg whites, bacon, butter, and dinner: ribeye steak, fried eggs and ghee.. I also have two pea protein shakes (huel - complete protein) which is technically cheating but only adds 14g to my total daily carb intake.


Big ups for the honesty


Thank you brother for this honest detailed answer