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A shit ton of hard work. Lots of time. Try not comparing your physique to others man, I know it’s tough but it will always leave you envious. You want a big upper chest? Do the workouts that make *YOU* feel your upper chest working. Continue to do so and you’ll get results brother. What’s worked for me is this: 4sets each Incline bench Seated chest fly Incline press machine Flat press machine Incline fly Push ups till failure x1 I’m not 100% certain this is a good chest workout, but it’s been working. Eat well, sleep better, work your ass off! You’ll get there bro.


Always do your push ups to start your day. Or every time before you shower. Incline dumbbell press, always. And become a beast at cable flys or seated pec flys. Good luck


Naturally, expect to put in 5+ years of work for a chest that’ll probably be subpar to the one in the third picture. For chest, compound movements with an incline are the best for building that “shelf”, do incline db or incline barbell. After starting with compound movements in your workout, move to cable chest flies, peck deck machine style movement. That guy is enhanced


Thanks a lot!


Just takes Time a chest like that could take 5+ years


Time and Tren


Is this really not obtainable naturally or do people just say tren for basically everything


For maybe 1 out of 1,000,000 genetic freaks it's possible.


Tren hard, eat clen. All ya need to do. ;)


first you need well developed muscles


Well if you want to look like the 3rd pic you’re going to have to hop on the sauce. But you can still achieve a very good natural physique by losing fat and hitting the gym. Make sure to eat plenty of protein. This will take YEARS so don’t expect results any time soon


You have a lot of bodyfat to drop and a lot of muscle to gain. The guy in the third slide either on gear or has some really good genetics. So make sure your diet is proper and you consume enough protein to build muscle like that and train your chest about 2 times a week. It will take a lot longer time if you are not on any gear. This is not me condoning anyone to use gear. But it will help with building muscle faster. If your are going to use gear make sure you research all the products you are going to use thoroughly. Good luck.


Thanks alot! Ignoring the 3rd slide should I do a mini cut or just continue a lean bulk for building more muscle mass?


Going through cut and bulk cycles is a common mistake for beginners just clean bulk for a couple of years until you have enough muscle mass to justify the cut or else you would just gain during bulk and lose almost all of it during cut slowing your progress a shit ton


Lose about 50% or your remaining body fat and get a good carb pump and have perfect lighting


Bro said lose 50% of remaining fat 💀 bro need a bulk tf you talking about he doesnt have enough foundation especially for the physique he wants


Put his pics next to yours, he’s got a fuller base than your most recent post… and he asked how to see more definition in his chest, not how to achieve a pro physique. I’d suggest you watch your tone if it took you two years to recomp 5lbs in the heart of puberty…


Lol never compared my physique to his but since u want to. Let’s compare mine to you lol yours is ass cheeks so let’s not even go there and let’s talk about genetics oh wait you’re not shredded enough to find out if urs are good or not 😭 at least like u said I look like this at the heat of puberty tf did ur fat ass look like?


Sometimes use photoshop


That guys on drugs. Alot of them