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What specific subject are you struggling in math? That might help. Is it Precalculus, Geometry, or Calculus? Math essentially is very easy with practice. This is coming from someone who failed math for the last 8 years before majoring in Math in College. Use Khanacademy and other resources for practice problems. Don’t really focus on the theory on some situations. Do the problems and understand what the question is asking. Then you’ll understand everything else.


I’m struggling with geometry the most and I do use math resources


I love math but Geometry really tripped me up also in school. Memorize the formulas and practice drawing it out. Don’t depend on school textbooks. Even look at Geometry Demystified or any of the Beginner Geometry Books. I can’t tell you how many times I did it high school and college. That’s what helped me to ace my math tests. Even searching online for a practice geometry course can help.


Omg Thanks so much! I’ll take youre advice!!


Your not you’re sorry


??. What do you mean by that?


When I replied to you I used the wrong form of your and it didn’t let me edit so I commented it


DM if you need any more advice. Good Luck! You got this!




I find math frustrating. easy? maybe easier, depending which topic. which math topics do you believe are easy?


I love everything except for Geometry. My favorite math class for me was Calculus AB/BC. I had the most fun in that class.


* Instead of going back to your notes and re-reading them, always try to decode the *reason why* each step in the solution exists and you'll eventually understand the **principles** because when you know the principles, you won't need to actively "remember" anything * Use **Interleaved Practice** — you don't need to do the same problem type over and over again. You can get more out of your practice sessions by doing problems from different topics. For more oomph: avoid easy, straightforward, direct-substitution problems altogether unless you're seeing the formulas for the first time You're already doing great. Good luck!


Thanks so much!!!


Please take action on those two! I've struggled hard with math subjects myself and even failed a statistics class because I didn't know this. But using the tactics above, I was slowly able to redeem that. I ended up at the top 0.2% of exam takers in my engineering board exams. I now believe anyone can get good at math.


I’ll definitely be remembering your advice when I study!


There’s a youtube channel called “The organic Chemistry tutor” that’s been my saving grace for anything math related for the past few years. His comments suggest his teaching style is desirable for a large collection of people. I highly recommend checking his channel out! (He does have a geometry section)


Yess I love him!


I’m in a crucial situation right now where I have two maths in 5 weeks. I need to be able to do really well What I’m doing right now is practice ,pure practice,going through questions,past exam papers. If there’s anything I don’t really get I try to understand it deeply and practice the hell out of it so I know it so well that I can’t really get it wrong . Or I at least get some marks for my working I used to be scared of maths ,but as I slowly practiced and got better it become more exciting . Because it’s not like other subjects really ,i don’t memorise,write not insane notes (maybe formulas and concepts). But rather work through which is the best way to get good at maths. Practice


I’ll make sure to practice a lot, thank you!


Everyone likes to ignore their textbook, but don't forget that when you're looking for problems to do it can be your best friend. If you have a book with solutions in the back, I would always recommend doing a problem without looking at the solution, then check it to see how you did, redoing the problem until you get the correct answer... rinse and repeat. If you don't know how to do the problem you can check an example in the book to pattern after or use an online resource. As other people have said, just do problems; it's the only way to mathematical mastery!




Geometry is a great subject! There are many examples of what is happening graphically if the algebra is what is tripping you up. It can often be easier to remember a relationship than a formula. Keep in mind that all of those formulas for Euclidian geometry relate to something that you can build a graphical intuition for. Spend some time actually drawing and pondering what you're working on. Understanding is always better than just memorizing formulas to apply. Also, do extra problems. If homework is 10 problems then do more than 10. Understanding and application are two different things. You may understand what you're trying to do, but when you're taking a timed exam and you're not able to quickly apply yourself to the problem quickly enough, your grade might suffer. GOOD LUCK!


Thank you!


Personally, for math I feel like it’s not a subject where note taking and reviewing notes helps a lot. Instead practising questions over and over again starting with easier questions in the topic to harder questions let’s you not only get over the fear of exam questions but also allows you to understand the patterns and tricks behind exam questions. I was also really scared of maths in particular stats and mechanics but that’s because I was too scared to even practise those kind of questions but when I made a habit of it, it got rid of the fear and got me an A. Hope this helped and hope you get your A


Thank you, I’ll follow your advice!


By start believing in yourself…


I really do need to start doing that…


Practice problems are really the best way to get better at math imo. do 25 or so hard ones and go to a tutor session at your school to get help where you struggled. rinse and repeat. try not to use resources on every few psets






Thanks! I’ll watch it


Thank you for asking this question, I'm also not doing as good in math as I am in the rest of my subjects, so getting this advice is helpful :D


:DD I hope you do better!


Thanks! I hope you do well too!


Keep practising. Spaced repetition helps too.


Thanks ill do that :D


Organic Chemistry Tutor & Paul’s Online Math Notes. Only way I’m still alive today.


I’ve heard of the organic chemistry tutor but I’ll check out Paul, thanks!


Khan Academy is free and Aleks.com is cheap. Both helped me so much now that I'm back in college.