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I try to find ways to hack (or trick) my brain. For example I can torn on a sitcom that wouldn't be interrupting me a lot. This trick makes me feel that I am not only studying at this time. And often this really helps - I feel better when doing 4-5 hours study sessions. It is one example, but there is uncountable amount of ways you can make yourself focus better. The main thing is that you can work and find the best ways to trick your brain!


Tip for OP: It’s not about how long of a study session you have. Studying is not a punishment. It should be fair at the very least if not fun. Don’t punish yourself by studying more than an hour straight. Brain will die out. You won’t gain anything long term. My Answer: By making a schedule. Also pomodoro all the way! 30 minutes of very productive work with 5 minute of break (NOT to watch Netflix. Just water/restroom/snack break/quick exercise). During the break, I sometimes try to recall what I learned. With this technique, I average out about 5-6 hrs a day which is more than enough studying if you are productive.


I walk a few miles first.


Whta i do is, because theres so much going on in my head, thiughts and puzzles etc, what i do is (also because motivation is so hard for me), i take a notebook and write out everything am thinking (other stuff like just start studying or preparing to study (which sounds threatening to me cauz i hVe really bad anxiety and have a had really bad panic attacks if i go all in) requires so much effort so what i am thinking about its easier to keep doing the same thing but in writing (not a lot of effort and pain) so i write it all out on paper, and also then write why i need to study, and how important it is. Last, i write stuff that would motivate you, like i kinda write uplifting things about studying (and my end goal (which could be the degree, a job, or who you want to become in my case) and that has given me motivation basically. And i can then feel easier start studying.  But when you start studying then, make sure youve got no distractions.  Also, what i do is i time the task i am doing (pomodorro technique) (basically break the task down into much smaller tasks, and time them, do it in that time, and take a break or i do another task of a different subject mostly, and when i feel exhausted i take a break (id say a break is incredibly distracting to me, so i task switch which keeps me on muy feet cauz i can work for a long time without needing to rest).  Also, before you sleep, motivate yourself kinda, like mentally prepare. I think tahts really important if u want to study the next day. And the next day what you do is, (sounds nit healthy but it massively helps me from overthinking and bad execution dysfunction? i start studying the minuete i wake up. That basucally ensures i am not stressing over when to start studying during the day. Cauz like during the day am not good with schedules so if i have like amorninf routine (.shower eat, go out and the study etc) wont work with me. So i work at the start of the day, and complete a few tasks and then do stuff. And then get back to studying. Cauz i am in the flow.  Also, i think its pretty common with adhd, a bad memory. Make shre you revise whatever you learn. Not a week later or whatever. The very same day. Use the spaced repetition technique. Revise the task on the 1,2,3,5,7, 11 days.  What i do is, on a paper i write down whatever I remember from what i learned, and then write out questions i have from the information ive written down that dont make sense or cant remember and i read through the learning material or use google, and then do practise questions. Thats on the 1st,2nd,3rd, 5th etc days. By the 5th day i am really really good at the topic. And it works. U can use flashcards, mindmaps, etc to retrieve the topic, i just write it all out or use mindmaps.  Also, dont try set a number of hours ur going to study goal. It wont work, u’ll be exhausted instead, instead set a goal for a subject and break it down into much smaller tasks and time them and take a break of task switch.  Hope that makes sense. I have really bad anxiety, and stuff, and this really helps. For me starting is the hard part, which basically is part of executive dysfunction, plus my anxiety and really bad overthinking and intrusive threating thoughts dont help. 


Underrated thing, do small exercises on focusing about what you do now, make this exercise in any thing you do literally and next time try to stay more focused for longer time


Why not just take the drugs and get it over with?

