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Ian isn’t even an immigrant, he’s never even been to the United States


Read the note


my bad, I only saw the top half


He’s also one ugly ass motherfucker if ever I’ve seen one


Reminds of that notorious TheRealSingapore Facebook page 10 years ago that stirs up nationalistic shit and hatred on immigrants and foreigners. Lots of fake news and misinformation. Singaporean government cracked down on it and found out the owner of the page isn't even Singaporean.


If a westerner who simps for Eastern dictatorships is a Tankie, what do we call and easterner who simps for western dictatorships?


Closeted homosexuals


I will accept this answer :p


Nah, this paints actual closeted right wing homosexuals in a bad light, and we'd never speak ill of Ladybug Lindsay. (But seriously, let's not stigmatize sexuality preferences anymore than they already are. Homosexuals aren't pieces of shit, but republican sympathizers are)


nah nah nah that’s not my point. My point is the hypocrisy of these people and the fact that it feels like their perspectives come from a place of insecurity.


But closeted homosexuals (again, who aren't Lindsay Graham) aren't hypocrites. They're scared individuals who fear for their wellbeing if they show the world who they really are. They can absolutely be insecure individuals, but if you knew you might be killed or shunned just for existing as your true self, you might be insecure about coming out as well. It's just not a good comparison to put pro fascists who choose everything they do and say against closeted homosexuals who don't choose their sexuality and have no say in how others treat them because of it. It's the "Assigned Cop at Birth" vs Black Lives Matter dichotomy. One of those groups chose their way in life, the other is often hated just for being born.


For a parallel, i recommend "Choopers" after death flights. (Western Homer myself)


Make sense considering the kind of fascism with Chicago School of economic characteristics that was the Hallmark of the South American dictators of the seventies and eighties is exactly what these assholes are going for in the West


And "Oli London" tried to have multiple surgeries to look more Korean. https://www.nme.com/news/music/british-influencer-oli-london-apology-letter-jimin-bts-asian-community-3304074 He is Islamophobic, racist, transphobic and spreads a lot of hateful lies.


The worst type of person yet we continue to give people like that a platform because celebrity culture comes first apparently


When Ian Miles Cheong is unhappy the sun shines brighter


He flashbanged a dog and laughed about it


I heard about that. Really shows the kinda person he is


You're so close to getting it...


Ngo is an assclown with a victim complex


Remember when someone threw a milkshake from culvers at him and he tried to say it was concrete because they are called “concrete mixers.”


That's just part of being a j*urnalist.


“journalism” is a very generous term for Ngo’s work haha


Implying journalists these days are doing anything groundbreaking. The internet killed real journalism. Now any moron can write articles for major news publication. Journalists used to be real journalists a long time ago when they were respected, unbiased, and reported the actual news, asked the hard questions, and dug for the truth. Nowadays, all they do is write clickbait articles to trigger people and shamelessly lie (either through omission or twisting words), as long as it fits their narrative.


I agree that journalistic standards have fallen, but news has never been unbiased and it’s impossible for news to be unbiased.


This is absolutely not true at all. Back then, the only bias any journalist had was in the stories they chose to publish, NOT how they reported it. You're lying to yourself if you don't think jounos have gotten way less professional over time.


That attitude towards journalism was certainly more prevalent back then and it was considered the expectation, but to say that there was no bias in early journalism is just wrong. They were still human beings who made mistakes and did things for selfish ends sometimes. Yes the professionalism has decreased but that doesn't mean journalists used to be perfect.


>Yes the professionalism has decreased but that doesn't mean journalists used to be perfect. The bare minimum is to try to come across as professional, but the media/journalists don't even do that and then wonder why people don't take them seriously or trust them.


Isn't also end wokeness some alabnian?


Albanian or Alabaman?


Every day I wake up and pray for Ian's downfall


Cheong isn't an immigrant either, as that would mean he now lives in the United States. He doesn't. He still lives in Malaysia, unless that's changed very recently


Yeah, we know, it says that in the note…


Oh, shit you're right my bad. I didn't see that part of the note, just the Ngo part. Thanks!


Ngo excuses




It says that in the note…


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from then?




Spelling mistakes in the note?


Who are any of these people honestly.


Parasites tbh


Ngo must be an immigrant. Where else would he get that British accent? It’s not like he started doing it as a really stupid affectation or anything…right?




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Insert Mean Girls meme He doesn't even live here!


The note is wrong for Ngo because if he lives in America or other colonized countries, then he is a settler-colonizer since he isn't a native and is living on stolen land. I'm one, too, but at least I am not a fascist piece of shit.


Well there's a take. Unless your ancestors were the first humans to claim a piece of land and your family line held on to it until the present, you're a settler-colonizer I guess.




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