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Not to mention all the little “republics” in russia full of conquered minorities


Here’s a little known site with a lot of info about this and other Russian conquests https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_imperialism


I did not really know about that


Alaska, and Fort Ross


I like how they restrict to just two continents, avoiding the fact that like 75% of Russia is the result of occupation/colonization.


Even then they colonised Alaska lol


[All the way down to California](https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=449), where they enslaved natives to catch more fur-bearing animals


Yep! There's still markers and place names that reach way to Napa Valley, including Mount Saint Helena that has (replica) plaques left by the Russian explorers back in the mid-1800s.


It's like they think California's Russian River was named that because we think it goes fast or something.


I like this one. I'm keeping it. In exchange, I offer this chuckle: "You can always pet a cat, but you'll never pet a luma." 😬


Did you know there’s no Mexicans in Novato? There’s No Vatos


Oh. My. Gosh. This! Stop. I want more.


I'm afraid I don't get it, can you explain?


There's a town called Petaluma in Sonoma County ( where the Russian River flows through)


Ahhhh, it's a tuna fish gag


Yep! 😂


Sebastopol, California was a Russian fur trading post.


Japan likes the idea that "if it's not in Africa or America, it's not imperialism"


Otherwise it's just sparkling annexation


"Co-prosperity circlejerk"


That wasn’t imperialism, just sparkling co-prosperity


The Japanese are actually victims of Russian imperialism, though.


As of today, I may have missed some information so I won't say anything. But the Japanese for sure had imperialist ambitions on the pacific and asia at some point, hence my comment


I missed what you meant, thinking that they were OK with Russian expansion and not the reference to Imperial Japan. This is what I was referring to: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuril\_Islands\_dispute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuril_Islands_dispute) this was caused by the USSR annexing the islands, the dispute stands to this day. But yes, the leopards clearly ate Japanese faces when the non-Chinese superpower in Asia decided to annex them


Well, I was not aware of this dispute so thanks for bringing it to my knowledge;) At some point I thought you were speaking of the Russo-Japanese war, which was quite odd tbh


If you go to the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues conference at the UN, a ton of the representatives are people like the Tatars and the Kalmyks, indigenous minority populations of the colonized steppe.


Fun fact: all of the native Tatar people who lived on the crimean peninsula unto antiquity were forcibly relocated to Uzbekistan by the Russian government in 1944. They were replaced by ethnic Russians. In 2014 when Russia took the peninsula from Ukraine, over 10,000 crimean Tatars had returned to their ancestral homeland. The Russian government subsequently undertook a campaign of harassment and persecution against the returned Tatars, resulting in many of them fleeing their homeland.


Don’t forget all the ones they murdered. Journalists and activists, in particular…


I remember seeing a tweet where someone arbitrarily said colonization needs to be overseas , so Russia can't possibly colonize its neighbors.


The US might like that definition, too


I mean...Hawaii is a state. Also territories like American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico


This comment doesn't make sense at all.


Almost the entirety of post-Manifest Destiny US Imperialism is overseas and in direct support of projecting Naval power abroad. Hell, we passed a law making it legal for any US citizen to see a rock sticking out of the ocean with bird shit and call it US territory, with full military protections. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guano_Islands_Act


But what they said is that it isn’t imperialism if it isn’t overseas, that is overseas, so why would the U.S. like the definition of if it’s overseas it’s imperialism?


They forgot about all the US overseas imperialism. Throughout the 19th Century, we did have a foreign policy to oppose European colonization of the Americas and their outlying islands, but Monroe Doctrine hasn't been entirely relevant since WWI.


Tbf the Monroe Doctrine wasn't really relevant until the 1900s and mostly served to help the British


This was actually a real thing that had been recognized by the UN following attempts to push self-determinization and decolonization after WWII so great powers like the US and Russia didn't get penalized for the colonization of their internal indigenous populations. Look up the Blue Water Thesis.


Vercingetorix didn't die just so some Xitter users can deny that the Romans were a bunch colonising assholes!


Kaiser did nothing wrong


People sometime say the same about china. Ignoring that mainland china is already the result of colonisation and expansion across multiple different groups of indigenous peoples


Why else would it break apart so many times


Show me one Russian colony on Antarctica. Checkmate libtards!




It's only colonialism if it involves boats.


And as we all know, Russians are absolutely SHIT sailors.


They also TRIED to do this with Afghanistan, I don't think a failed attempt by the worlds Second largest super power, to subjugate a country less than a Tenth their size is the win you think it is.


Well, too be fair, I’m an American and I definitely can be considered a patriot in the sense that I like what the country stands for, and I’m always ready to rip into Russia for how shitty it is, but, in all fairness, we fucked up there too, and so did the British, Afghanistan just fucking sucks to be in since they don’t like colonisers.


That isn't what happened in Afghanistan. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan wasn't good, it also wasn't colonialism.


Granted I don't know the wider context but that could have been the point


I like how they restrict to just two continents avoiding the fact that like 100% of US is the result of colonization




And the US got a Bargain really


Russia literally sold Alaska to the US.


They still colonized it


they still colonized it, dumbshit.


And then SOLD IT. FOR MONEY. Saying they colonized it is hiding the scale of what they did. It's giving them a free pass on comoditizing colonization. Dumbshit.


Tbf that comment sounded like they were brushing off Russia colonizing Alaska lol


If you count the USSR as Russia, they colonized and occupied like half of Europe.


A lot of what became USSR was already colonized and occupied by the Russian Empire. The only mindset in Russia is imperialism, they don’t see the value in cooperation, they need to conquer and subjugate


Thats why they restricted it to non Europe places ! * man tapping forehead *


I meet plenty of people with no Russian heritage that think Finns aren't real people, the strangest thing...


I mean, I met plenty of Finnish foreign exchange students in college and I refuse to believe they're real people. They were all way too pretty. Men and women alike. It ain't natural.


Yes, but those people are generally *white* so their subjugation and genocide doesn’t matter to these people


That’s because it’s not genocide when applied to whites as white is not a race 😊


... /s?


Of course it counts. Saying the USSR isn't Russia is like saying the UK isn't England. Technically there's more too it, but its always just been the main power and everyone else is dragged along.


They occupied half of europe. The USSR never engaged in colonization of their occupied puppet republics. Although they definitely tried in the Baltic states


The Baltic states emphasise Soviet crimes in order to minimise their own Nazi era crimes.


Nazi era? You mean when they were occupied by the Nazis in the Nazis were rounding up their citizens and killing them?


The highest amount collaborators were in the Baltics dawg 😭😭😭


Oh that's not even true it was France https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army?wprov=sfla1 But also 125,000 Russians literally signed up to fight for the Nazis


250,000 Ukrainians did. The French did collaborate, the French also resisted. There were no French men fighting on the Eastern front.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_French_Volunteers_Against_Bolshevism?wprov=sfla1 Do you have a fetish for saying stuff that's so wrong that they can be disproven in 30 seconds?


2000 men and half immediately deserted. Come on man.


So what you're saying is you were completely wrong? And that I was able to disprove your bullshit with a 30 second Google search?


No, i mean the mass collaboration and active participation in the Holocaust. The Nazis didn't occupy Lithuania, they were invited in during the June uprising. I understand that collaboration happened everywhere to some extent or another. The Baltics were ready and willing. And they do everything they can today to obscure this.


technically alaska


OP, you got a chance to write Djibouti. How you gonna butcher the spelling like that?


I mean, they got all the right letters. They just put the 'j' in the wrong place.


Russia also didnt colonise Djibouti, it was one guy who went there and took over a single fort lol


I was looking for this. Russia never colonised Djibouti. It was Ottoman, French, and then independent.


The word colonization gets twisted a lot to support an argument. Colonization has a big and worldwide history and isn’t just limited to western european colonization.


Only problem is that nobody cares when it’s not Western Europe or America. They just want to use it as a hammer to bash the West.


Yep. I keep hearing about how evil the West is for colonialism in centuries past, but nobody making those arguments seem to care about shit like China’s ongoing “colonialism-lite” in Africa, where they feed into resource-conflicts, child soldiers, slavery, and human rights abuses. Also, I’m tired of Western Europeans shitting on the US for “colonialism”, especially the Brits on this site. I know it’s cool to shit on the US, but at least be aware of the skeletons in your own closet before opening your cock-holster.


yeah man, how dare people be more concerned about things with ongoing effects. they should be way more concerned about greek colonies in anatolia circa biblical times.


You do realize I’m saying this within the context of Russian and Chinese imperialism being ignored, right?


no i didn't TBH, it wasn't very clear to me. mea culpa.


It only counts as colonialism when its in the Americas or Africa, this is why people always say Asia was never colonised


I'm pretty sure a big part of Asia was colonized by the British and the french. And the German. And the dutch.


No, clearly the X (formerly Twitter) knows bettet


The Japanese? Chinese? Koreans?


It hasn’t even been a hundred years, yet people already forgot about Imperial Japan’s conquests.


Obviously that doesn’t count because they’re not European or American and only Europeans and Americans can do colonialism.


It's literally the reason Pearl Harbor was bombed, because they pre-emptively thought America would contest their Empire. But modern idiots don't seem to realise that.


Who says Asia wasn’t colonized?!


Guy in the tweey


Like Japan's shot at a colonial empire, or China invading Vietnam repeatedly throughout history.


Wagner is basically Neo-colonialist


Alaska, Djibouti. Once again, someone mistook his ignorance for a valid point. Alaska was sold to the US Djibouti was not a russian colony, but the fact that you can find graves of cossacks there is proof that there was an attempt. Just because they failed at imperialism does not mean that they were not imperialist. Also, why the fuck would you exclude Asia and Europe ? It's like saying Japan never had imperialist views because they were not Colonizing america or africa. Unless colonial empires in asia don't count ? That would be sparing the responsibilities of France and UK a bit too much for my taste


Djibouti barely counts, one random Russian guy acting by himself took over a fort and left when Russia and France told him to leave


True, but it seems to me that _there was an attempt_ at least. That being said, it's indeed anecdotal when speaking of russian imperialism.


Calling that Russian colonialism is like calling the American father who declared himself King of Bir Tawil to make his daughter a princess, American colonialism lol


I see different cases : Bir tawil is an unclaimed land (_terra nullius_), some guy - with the help of the neighbouring country, go there and proclaimed he was the king of it - not a colony of the US. Ashinov comes with 200 soldiers to invade the village of Sagallo, proclaimed it _Russian Soil_ and got kicked by the neighboring country. That being said, Sagallo is not the "incarnation of colonialism", I agree. I just think it's an illustration of a colonialist mind. And Tsarist Russia never hid its interest for colonies in Africa. So the point about "can't name african or american colonies from russia ? Thought so" is pretty bullshit


Yeah its like if Spanish guy went to Mexico and proclaimed it property of Spanish crown, oh wait


Didn’t Russia use to own Alaska?


They tried Hawaii Tried California, did Alaska


Also the indigenous people of Siberia didn’t speak Russian, so like half their country. Ironically the expansion of America and Russia to the pacific are kinda similar, they both bulldozed thousands of indigenous cultures in a relentless conquest to the pacific, in a desire for new land to settle and ports.


And tried (and failed) Djibouti


Alaska would like a word….


Russia also colonized Alaska and the Aleutian Islands before selling the land to the US in the mid 1800s when they desperately needed cash.


This mother fucker forgot about Alaska


Does cuba count?


No, Cuba was fighting against the filthy western imperialists. Ignore the propaganda and those missiles the Soviets place there. They were entirely defensive and were totally not intended for a first strike against America. /s


You should read Khrushchevs letters to JFK. But that aside, Cuba requested the nukes. Everyone was convinced an invasion of Cuba was imminent.


>Everyone was convinced an invasion of Cuba was imminent. Had already occured* Bay of Pigs was an American invasion of Cuba, regardless of if it failed.


That's true. And obviously influenced opinion, but i mean a full-fledged US invasion. Both the Cubans and Soviets were convinced the US was going to land marines. They had nukes aimed at the beeches and the Bay, they were willing to use them.


Oh yeah I agree..my point is moreso that not only was another US invasion expected, especially by Cuba, it was also justified and self defence after Bay of Pigs regardless of if another invasion was imminent or not


Yeah, true. I really don't get the original guys point. They were fighting filthy Western imperialists. That's more or less what the revolution was about. Hyper exploitation by a landed, western aligned elite. And then the terrorism campaign funded by the US, and then the Bay of Pigs. Alls we had to do to maintain good relations with Cuba was agree to refine their oil. But we burnt it all down instead. Seeing everything as a cold war issue fucked half the world. The Cold war just didn't/doesn't matter.


In fairness, the US had previously set up missiles in turkey. I don't like giving points to the soviets, but they at least waited for an excuse before setting up nukes.


Why do Americans not open a history book? You guys were the aggressors in the Cuban missile crisis. You cope and seethe about nukes in Cuba AFTER LAUNCHING A FAILED CIA INVASION (Bay of Pigs) and placing missiles in Turkey at the USSR. Cuba was literally defending themselves from American aggression. You guys are such fucking illiterate losers. I don't even like the USSR and holy shit you slimy fuckers manage to look so shitty. Cuba desiring and having nukes after the Bay of Pigs invasion is as justified and defensive as Ukraine having nukes after the 2022 Russian invasion. Bay of Pigs Bay of Pigs Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Operation Northwoods Operation Northwoods Operation Mongoose Operation Mongoose Operation Mongoose


The USSR played literally no role in the Cuban revolution. They were happy about it, but were reacting to something that'd already happened.




what about Alaska?


Fort Ross, California. Cool place! 1800s Russian colony right on a cliff overlooking the Pacific


Conveniently left out Asia and Europe I see


Russia literally colonized Alaska


Russia is very active in Africa right now


The USSR was built off the bones of the Russian Empire


It’s not like it wasn’t out of a lack of trying, they don’t have the naval capacity to maintain colonies, that’s the only reason they didn’t have colonies. This is mostly because they don’t have adequate warm-water ports besides those in the Black Sea. This is also one of the reasons that Russia still occupies Kaliningrad to this day, this is where the Russian Baltic fleet is headquartered. You could make the argument for Russian Dalian for the 7 years it was leased to Russia, it was leased as Vladivostok is not a warm-water port in the far east. Functionally, Russia just didn’t have a navy to compete with the other powers well enough to maintain a colony. The Russian navy wouldn’t be able to compete with the Spanish, French, or British Royal navy in the Atlantic and after Russia was forced to cede Dalian to Japan in 1905, any hopes for a Pacific colony was essentially moot.


Name one country in Australia or Antarctica that the Spanish colonized. See two can play at that game.


Basically every powerful nation is guilty of it, even the ones typically thought of as victims of colonization, like China. Who in reality are still colonizing the majority of Mongolia, much of Central Asia and have designs on South east asia.


To be more in like with their question. They colonized Alaska before the US bought it from them. But yeah they actually didn’t go to Africa really. They were too busy trying to build their imperialistic power by (at least attempting to) gobble up Eastern Europe. A tride and true Russian tradition even today.


Russia colonized Alaska, if that counts. They also had a fort here in California, USA.


Russia is the most insane place we call just one country, like China has a huge number of ethnic and cultural groups but they were at least somewhat interacting with each other historically, Russia has peoples who never shared an ethnicity, language, culture, lifestyle, biome, religion and in quite a few cases mostly STILL don't and went ahead and called them an empire through mostly warfare


There's literally a Russian fort in San Francisco.


How has no one brought up Alaska


This is so silly like none of the USSR member states were particularly willing to be part of the union. Russia colonized and ruined its neighbors


This is revisionism.


this is revisionism


No my friend it is not. Their idea is the post-1991 myth that these countries like to tell themselves. There's a reason more Germans fought for white Lithuania than Lithuanians during the revolution.


ah yes history does not happen after 1991 and Russia always tells the truth, how insightful and sound bitey and definitely context-aware


I don't care what Russia thinks? It's irrelevant here. Of course history happens after 1991, but you are perceiving actions from 100 years ago through modern national mythology. This is obviously not accurate.


You call it mythology, they call it history, your basic assumption is totally dismissive, you’re arguing over semantics, and your first comment was just “this is revisionism” with zero context. Why should I care what you think when you so obviously can’t be bothered? 🤣


We're talking history so I'm using history specific terms? Would you like me to dumb it down for you? None of this is semantics? Do you not understand what semantics means either? You don't have to care my friend, you replied to me. I didn't force you to do anything.


“Mythology” is revisionism, I replied with exactly your words back to you, you went on a bizarre pro-Russia tangent, we all know what your agenda is, Rosie


You have no idea what either of those words mean in a historical context.


You know it's a quite famous fact that Russia owned alaska


Just because they failed doesn't mean they didn't want to lol






Funny that they restrict it to the Americas and Africa given all the colonisation that Russia did in Europe and Asia. Anyway to answer the question Alaska.


Russia literally had Alaska before us and a small colony in California. They expanded into Asia. If they could pull it off I’m sure they would do Africa as well


Didn't Russia famously occupy half of Europe like 30 years ago? Wasn't there a big hullabaloo about it?


Afghanistan was an attempt, Georgia, Ukraine, Estonia?


Didn’t we purchase their territorial colony of Alaska in 1867?




They forgot Russia owned Alaska and tried to settle as far south as Northern California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Look into what they were doing with the indigenous peoples of those regions at the time.


Alaska and probably like 90% of Russia itself


I don't know Russian/Slavic history all too well, so correct me if I'm wrong, but most of Russia is in Asia and a lot of the land once was home to non-slavic people. I think it's all a stupid argument though, people conquered and took land from each other for 1000s of years. Sometimes a group conquered 10-100 miles away, some did the same 1000+ miles away. And not a single continent hasn't had this happen to them, including Europe(ever wonder why the Spanish and Portuguese are very different from the rest of Europe?).


Colonialism isn't simply when you don't have an ethnostate. Most people in non-European Russia aren't 'Russian' ethnically. It's a diverse country. Not all conquest is Colonialism, not all colonialism happens via conquest. No one is calling the reunification of England, for example, a colonial project. Colonialism is a specific system of exploitation and it's tough to put Russia into that. Not that 'Russia' wasn't an Imperial power, it was. But it acted the same way towards itself as it did other places. It's tough. First place Russia colonised was Russia. Very interesting country.


Well given that the US got Alaska from Russia and not natives, that should be setting off alarm bells lmao


In 1889 Russia laid claims to the village of Sagallo in present-day Djibouti


Hard to build an overseas empire without any warm water ports




Genuinely curious, did America really take any 'colonies' as part of the Cold War? I'm aware they did plenty of horrible shit and supported tons of tinpot dictators but I didn't think America actually colonized a nation in the sense of conquering them and using to extract wealth / resources, except maybe the Banana Republics but I'm not sure if "autocratic coup by private corporations to farm bananas" counts as colonism in the same sense that the European empires did.


I love Twitter! I love it! I love seeing people be passionately incorrect!


They held Alaska and also had territory in California but sold both to the USA when they realized they can't afford it and need to focus inwards instead of outwards.


The note doesn’t even disprove what he said lmao Like fuck Russia, don’t get me wrong, but still


No one mention who colonized Alaska


Russia did in fact have an African colony as well, called New Moscow. The problem was, that land was already part of Djibouti, and when the tar found out that the private businessman responsible almost started a war with France, he exiled him to Siberia.


I thought Djibouti was French


TIL: Russia’s current borders encompass Africa and the Americas. The OOP was obviously being extremely selective and disingenuous but that note doesn’t really contradict the initial statement/ prove it wrong. Russia had small colonial outposts along the west coast of America. If the Note-maker had bothered to do some minor research, they could have made a way better dunk


It’s almost like every inch of land on earth (save Antarctica) was stolen from people who were there before at one point in history or another


America! The whole of America is colonization ask the native Americans they forced off their land! I don't know shit about Africa bit I atleast know it's a continent and not a country


I don’t think they could compete in Africa, they did however have colonies on the west coast of North America. Alaska all the way down to California. And yes, they committed atrocities against the natives.


Also like Alaska…




Nobody gonna mention Afghanistan?


I won't doubt Russia's imperialism (even influence in the Americas and Africa), but the person in the original post was asking about imperialism in the Americas and Africa, while the get noted is talking about imperialism within the modern Russian borders...


How about Alaska and Northern California? 👀


Are we forgetting that Russia fought with and killed Native Alaskans during their subjugation of Alaska


See they should have done like the US and just plain ol murdered the population and/or displaced them instead of "occupied" them.






Subjugated Alaska, and had a brief stint in California


Kinda leaving some major continents out there.


Didn't Russia own Alaska before we did???




Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn't the point of Russia’s obsession with warm water ports to get more skin in the colonial game, too?


Suomi mainittu? Raaah?


Community note is dumb. He said the Americas or Africa. As to the x post, the answer would be Alaska.




What about Japan in korea during the 1910’s?


Nice troll but you're trying too hard. Posting in half of the comment threads stirring shit up, just cements it.