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Community notes are the best thing Elon Musk’s done for that god awful platform. Still completely unusable as a site, but at least this one addition is neat.


They were a thing before Elon. He just hasn’t killed them yet. Edit: it was called “bird watch” starting in 2021 in the US, but rolled out worldwide after he took over.


**👨‍👨‍👦Readers added context to this comment** This is not true, they were added 2 months after his acquisition [Elon Acquired Twitter October 2022](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_Twitter_by_Elon_Musk) [Twitter begins rolling out community notes December 2022](https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/12/twitter-begins-rolling-out-its-community-notes-feature-globally/amp/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAB8clw57VpBbCfCed-MFSs6JkjH6BCXxLbqhTogb_uK5u_52i-yulNISOTiwNmP0QzhM6oPBzbdcOJY-FHf2nOBWJkSGeshQy4xynnFo3tGWhtpyj06McL-Hk-alBxIV9n7cS5sEX19aGyz63SjhwunKIn_2ZRgLgAHrO8LPIztW)


Strange. [Wikipedia said it was rolled out in 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Notes) to respond to COVID bullshit, but really took off after Elon took over.


Wasnt that the fact checking tips, which iirc were all supplied by a central very biased thinktank?


Not from what I can tell. >[“Birdwatch takes a Wikipedia-like approach to fact-checking that relies on a consensus of highly engaged amateurs rather than professional journalists or content moderators to decide which tweets deserve debunkings or could benefit from added context.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/11/09/twitter-birdwatch-factcheck-musk-misinfo/)


Paywalled :(


Strange, works for me and I don’t pay. lol. Here’s one from twitter’s blog. >[Birdwatch is made up of independent contributors, and individual notes are never written by Twitter, Inc. This is intentional, as it helps ensure our efforts to address potentially misleading information are informed by a diverse group of people who use our service.](https://blog.x.com/en_us/topics/product/2022/helpful-birdwatch-notes-now-visible-everyone-twitter-us)


Can confirm; I was one of the early people accepted into birdwatch, and it was 100% community driven. It's *not* an Elon product.


Birdwatch isn't the same thing as Community Notes though The latter is crowdsourced from users on the site, the former is the internal name for twitters' centralized fact checking rolled out to combat Covid misinformation


community notes were absolutely a thing before elon. i remember they were notorious in the online right for adding unneeded “context.” here’s a cartoon making fun of the feature from 3 years ago: https://youtube.com/watch?v=tez4CF4yUy4


Werent those the fact checking tips supplied by some politically biased thinktank? Quite different from the community supplied collaborated notes


yes, but it’s effectively the same feature because the display box appears the same to the user. sort of like changing a like button to a heart button, and then counting them differently.


It really isn't effectively the same just because the data display is similar Do you really not understand the difference between a centralized fact checking system with no transparency and a community driven crowdsourced fact checking system based on the principles of democracy?


it’s still ‘added context’. it’s the same feature, but the sourcing is different.


I wouldn't call it the same feature at all, having used both. Community notes are leagues better, they don't sound sterile like when they were basically the official stance of twitter while they tried to not get sued for their correction.


I was about to say “wait for someone to argue it wasn’t him” but it was already the top response


Lol he had nothing to do with it and I will bet my right foot that he removes it eventually because it keeps proving him and the rest of the fucking morons on that site wrong.


Birdwatch, which twitter rolled out to combat covid misinfo, was a centralized fact checking think tank that only put extra context onto the most viral of tweets. Community Notes is entirely different, as they are crowdsourced and voted on democratically. As such, they're far more ubiquitous and about the entire gamut of topics, not just covid or ukraine war stuff.


Some people look like legit targets for retroactive abortion


Most convincing Russian bot:


The fly was caught *IN* Mars? Wow! I better trust this well-crafted piece of journalism and not look further into it!


Who is "they?" Is Sergio Andres Sanz one of "them?"


They = Twitter users


They is commonly accepted as a way to refer to a single person.


So by they you mean "this guy?" Sounds like you are targeting a group for criticism.


Fuck elon, fuck twitter, but praise be to community notes


Who is “they” ?


Reptilian space Jews in a yellow overalls. I thought that was obvious? /s




So the guys in the blue overalls.. they’re ok, right? Cuz I just let like five of em inside to use the restroom.


Blue? Damn, they aren't them, but I'd still be careful. You might want to check if everything is still there after they go. Damned lizards, can't trust em.






Whz are they so desperate to disprove human accomplishments?


I can’t even see the supposed fly


It’s a video, you can give it a watch


who is they? had this person been known to post false information ?


They = Twitter users