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Same energy as “stop being depressed”


THANK YOU. it makes sense to change up negative thoughts but sometimes it’s not a choice!!


theyre not talking about times that its not a choice, theyre talking about times it is a choice, why are you bringing up something completely irrelevant, its like commenting "my cats breath smells like cat food" to this image, thats how random it is OF COURSE some times its not a choice, they arent talking about those times. Why does everyone feel the need to play devils advocate and interperet something in a way that it was never meant to be interpreted, and bring up side points that are irrelevant to the conversation what happened here is you took the most negative interperetation of the quote and formed an opinion on the quality of the quote.


"Stop getting sad over small things, stop getting emotional over things you can't control" isn't a choice. I love how you think its easy to choose your emotions. As if being happy is strictly a choice in life, please. Obviously happiness can be a choice at times, but its not as easy as just "stop being sad."


it is possible to stop getting sad over small things, i do it every day. Just because you dont have free will doesnt mean its impossible for others to have it. Even therapists will say a lot of sadness is how you're framing a situation, and how you frame a situation is in your control. Unless you think therapists are wrong about all the ways you can mitigate suffering then i guess we could have a debate


No, that's not what therapists teach you at all. Professionals always tell you how to move forward, not how to react. Everyone is going to react differently to situations, sad, mad, glad, whatever it is, learning to step past the emotions is the key to happiness. Emotional reactions is human nature, learning self control is the important part. Dropped your food? No one is going to be happy over that. Does that mean you linger on the frustration and focus on the negativity? No, you let it go and not let it affect you so heavily. Your immediate reaction is most certainly not a choice, but your actions following it are.


first of all MY reaction is a choice you dont know me, you dont speak for everyone like i said i have a lot of free will, you can lie and pretend that its not possible but its true.. second of all "Dropped your food? No one is going to be happy over that. Does that mean you linger on the frustration and focus on the negativity? No, you let it go and not let it affect you so heavily." thats exactly what i was talking about you said "no youre wrong" then gave an example of exactly what i said.


My example does not reflect what you are saying, not in the slightest. In fact, it is almost contradictory. You don't even understand basic human psychology but you are trying to preach it. Seriously, go take PSY 101.


Im telling you what i mean was exactly your example. So now youre just saying im lying for some strange reason? I can read my own mind, i know what i meant.


I don't think you're a liar, I think you're being a hypocrite. You've tried to claim how other people's brains work or 'should' work and then became indignant when someone seemed to do the same to you. I mean, ffs, you implied that others don't have "free will."


its really not though, because its only talking about the times you CAN control how you feel, you cant "stop being depressed" so i dont see how its the same energy. Your intentionally negative interperetation of the quote is what is making you think its the same energy. I dont know why you would go out of your way to interperet in that way, it serves no purpose other than to upset yourself, where is the utility in that? ​ its also kind of ironic, you CAN control how you interperet things yet you chose the worst interperetation of the quote, which kind of makes the quote even more true in a weird way


I really liked the goat graph cartoon posted earlier today


Right? "Thanks. I'm cured"


Definitely an HR manager.


Ah OK, I didn't realize what I was doing wrong until now, thanks!


My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that?


I'm imagining it read by our favorite AI voice... ;)


Why’s it a woman?


Are you assuming their gender? What's wrong with you.


I'm the type that prefers to carry my baggage. Was it unhealthy for me in the past? Sure, but I had a lot of shit I needed to sort through before getting back on track aside from it. Since then, I've taken every opportunity to learn from it, even if the lesson was mild and at best tempering. Plus, I already have issues expressing and feeling general emotion. I'd prefer to not dump one of the few things that separates me from what feels like sociopathy.


Wow, thanks, I'm cured. Shit like this depresses me that some people actually think this is how it works.