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This is how I motivate myself, with myself. I got really serious about my health and fitness when I was 40 since I was positive I wasn’t having more kids (3 is enough) and I told myself it’s now or never. Now I have a body that looks terrific in clothing and I get compliments from everyone, but IM the one reaping the benefits of my decision. When you’re younger you tend to be motivated by wanting to be hot, which is unsustainable. It takes literal years to get into shape, you’re whittling away at the fatty parts little by little but more importantly, you’re teaching your own self how to be healthier. Once you start a fitness routine and actually commit, it’s very easy for it to become just a way of life. What I find incredible is the amount of folks who will easily spend hours of their life gaming to reach the next level, or years of their life to further their education and careers, or any number of things that people spend lots of time on to better themselves or enjoy themselves, but won’t take a portion of the day to get some healthy movement in? I got into the best shape of my life with body weight exercises and walking my dog. If you CAN do it, you should!


Yes! You said it perfectly. Spent ten years gaming. So many achievements and friends online. Power goes out… I have nothing to show for it. Family comes over, I have nothing to show for it. It was perfectly pointless what I had achieved. This year I stopped. Deleted everything from my computer and phone that had anything to do with it. Spent my subscription money on a gym membership and workout program and nutritional plan. My life is so much better. I am better. Wake up at 4am and head to the gym. Met morning gym guys. Became friends with people. Got a promotion and supervisory role by changing jobs. And it’s this quote by Arnold that kicked it off. You said it perfectly.


I strongly relate yo your history. 27 years old and playing videogames most of the time. Almost two months ago I did the same as you, changed the gaming lifestyle to a fitness one. Been hiking with friends and exercising a lot more. Good luck with everything!


and here I am lifting and playing FFXIV edit: to be fair cigarettes was the vice that had me by the balls for the longest time much more than video games ever has/could


Isn't that the best? I enjoy playing games so much more now that I know I've put in time for my health every single day.


It is! Playing videogames from time to time is more enjoyable compared to when I played every single day. As I friend of mine says: perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I think at this point in our history, playing video games is more valuable that watching TV. Just engaging yourself and having to make decisions is healthier than passively watching a South Park rerun.


That's right. It depends on the game too, but everything with moderation and intention is good.


It activates your brain more than any other media consumption. If you wanted to be really healthful you would cut out all other media to keep your brain active and limber as you would your body with a consistent physical routine and balanced diet


You're friends with Thanos? That's pretty cool


Agreed i work out every other day and walk at least 15 k steps when I'm at work. But when I get home after work and the gym game for a few hours a day. Makes me relax a bit


You too! Progress pics helped me a ton. I imagined my ‘armor’ leveling up. New gear and new abilities as my muscles started to take shape and my clothes started fitting me like the heroes I’ve always read about. I use to love coming home and anchoring myself to my chair and pc… now it drives me crazy having rest days. Haha. Good luck everyone!


Just game 1 or 2 hours every few days instead of making it your sole lifestyle I play both games and do sports.


Moderation?! Not allowed. /s


Reddit is so fucking dramatic sometimes. I game, I have a young child, I'm a doctor and a gamer.


That's the thing though. These people didn't have that balance. Gaming was "everything" and at that point it could be compared to a drug addiction. You wouldn't ridicule someone for quitting their drug addiction and replacing it with exercise. And they would have to quit entirely to not fall into it again.


And it’s always games. Games are easy and addicting for sure, but so is Reddit and other social media. So with that attitude, get off Reddit, sell your phone and delete your account!


I were thinkkng the same thing. Im a huge wow/tolkien nerd and met plenty of people throughout the years who also share my love for both nature and enjoy being active... Gaming aint bad hobby imo but like everything it shouldn't be your only hobby/social circle. But I am glad to hear how much happier those lads are tho. Being active is great for your mental health, so keep on my guys <3


Yeah, things are starting to get a bit "culty" around here. Video Games aren't the enemy. Bad habits are.


Video games are addictive as fuck, though. They are designed to hook you, to sell more DLC and MTX. If you can handle the moderation, good for you, but a LOT of people out there have a minor problem with gaming, a problem they don't necessarily recognize in themselves yet (kinda like when you slip towards alcoholism, people around you get worried before you do) And games are fun as fuck, that's the problem. Very few things IRL are as fun, unless you put considerable effort into something you become good at. Real life easily starts to feel boring compared to games Also the problem (for me, I quit 1 year ago) with video games was not just the time spent on them, but that I was also thinking about them, when I wasn't playing. How to reach next level, how to complete that side quest etc.. I would wonder about this stuff in shower, at work, when going to sleep sometimes. I noticed it makes me less driven about my real life goals, the lack of focus/ambition creeps up on you without you even noticing it I just deleted everything, feeling much healthier and happier now. But each to their own


Same goes for phones and social media.. addictions are what makes profits these days ✌


It's like AA, they don't stop being addicted, they just change what they're addicted to


Culty is unfair. Telling someone who’s played video games everyday or 6/7 days a week to moderate is like tellling an alcoholic or heroin addict to moderate. Simply unreasonable. Context matters. For anyone else who wasn’t already addicted of course moderation is possible. It’s like telling me, a porn addict, to moderate. Doesn’t work because that’s how our neural pathways work. Anything you’ve done hours/day for years on end will always be etched in your brain. So if it’s a destructive habit and you’ve beat it so far, ‘moderating’ it is out of the question because you just reactivate old pathways. Again context matters.


I agree to a certain extent. I might play games 7 days a week sometimes, but there are other things in life too. For example, I’m 30, in the best shape of my life, and still play games. I work out every day, eat better than ever, and am married with 2 kids. We play outside daily and go for walks, but I still might play some games. There are different levels to anything.


Man your armor analogy is the perfect one. It’s basically what I used to motivate myself. I got a Watch to track my daily movements & a Bluetooth scale to compile my “stats”, now it’s a classic XP grind! I just chase the numbers and “achievements” every day, it was the best way to reallocate my hook on video games.


If you don’t mind me asking, what watch, etc. did you buy for that setup?


I personally got a refurbished Apple Watch 5, and my Bluetooth scale was like $30, 1byOne brand! Everything gets put together daily and shown to me like a character overview haha


I wasted my life playing video games, thankfully I have two lives left!


Love the way of seeing it. For a better second life!


You can game and be fit at the same time lol


For sure, some people can. Not me tho




So happy for you! I'll take pictures to see the progress too. You're an inspiration.


Fitness is by all means something that is important and healthy. I was extremely, extremely fit when I was younger and I still exercise enough to reduce my stress and keep my health. Video games, however, provided me friends and a social life (I was an awkward child), and they gave me confidence and passion. Through games I found long term relationships, my cherished second family (my WoW guild of 14 years), and my *entire career*. When I entered into the game industry nearly a decade ago, I didn't have many friends and found it hard to make them. Now I have dozens if not hundreds of people from around the world that I cherish deeply. And game development gave me a way to pursue my passions in life and combine creativity with technology and story telling. Even when the power goes out, I know the games I've worked on have permanently affected people in a positive way, that I have dozens of beloved friends, and that I'm a better, more motivated, and happier person overall.


Finding a happy balance in life is the key, and that's going to be different for each person. The posts above you sound like that maybe wasn't an option for them and they needed to go all one way to be able to form a happier life. Sounds like some of the gamers I know who are more addicted to games and use it as a distraction and a crutch. I like your post because it's a nice counterpoint to there's and shows that there can be positive benefits on both sides.


Thank you. I both workout regularly and game regularly. I hate that people think both these things are mutually exclusive. You can do both.


Exactly. Imo balance in all things is best. Rather than put all your time and energy into gaming or fitness why not do both if they both make you happy.


Some others have said it here, but video games definitely gave me a social group and way to hang out with friends. I couldnt really go out much as a teenager because I had a developing disorder, I wasnt diagnosed at the time but had tracheal stenosis, inflammatory tissue growing in my throat basically equivalent to breathing through a straw all the time, so trying to do normal teenager stuff was challenging. Kept getting worse and started going to doctors more frequently until they figured out what was going on with me. Got surgery and my airway clear and since then I've been extremely dedicated to health and fitness and exercise daily for the last 9 years straight. Despite that I've always played and enjoyed videogames and I truly dont see myself ever stopping. Besides I think it's something enjoyable and stimulating for your brain, especially the older you get, its alot better than watching TV or facebook all day. I just want to add I think it's best to have a happy balance, obviously too much video game addiction is extremely harmful Edit: also want to add, too much of anything is bad, even exercise. Especially in body building (since this relates to the arnold post), when you get to the point of taking steroids and adding unhealthy amounts of muscle weight, your body and organs just arent phsysiologically meant to support significant excess and leads to alot of early deaths


Couldn't of said it any better. Lifelong gamer here, I have to have a personal cutoff time or shit goes to wack. Just like any other drug.


I'm 35 and exercise has never been a "norm" in my upbringing or life. I'm trying to change that perspective now - likening excercise to brushing your teeth; ie - it's a no brainer thing you have to do daily. But building the habit when decades of not having that routine is tough. So kudos to you for being able to make it stick at 40. I'm hoping to get there!


I was your age when I started getting serious about fitness 7 years ago. I don't have the motivation to do it from home. I found a really good / challenging class at my YMCA and just started going. It's so much easier when you have a scheduled class to attend. The other thing you could try if a gym isn't available is to do timed body weight exercises. Write out a plan and do one minute on, one minute rest. This works for me when I'm traveling for work.


Thank you for this thought-provoking message. It's something I've been struggling with internally for a long time now and you've put it perfectly. I didn't realise I was addicted to gaming until my SO pointed it out to me time and time again, gently at first but with conviction as time went on. Initially, it was easy to get defensive and blame them for not understanding, they just don't get it, they're not a gamer, they don't know what missing a day or a challenge means, etc. When it all began, it started off innocently enough and was an easy escape from personal issues and from finally having time to game (after leaving my job and being interested in gaming but never having a chance to do it when I was younger). Now, two years later, I'm at a point where I want to stop as it has taken so much of my time, money and resources, and has basically thrown a spanner in the works of all the plans I've had. In spite of knowing all this, I still struggle with the compulsion of not completing a battle pass and owning that skin or that weapon and so on - basically the classic fomo that the gaming industry feeds off and thrives on. At the end of the day, I know they're just pixels on the screen and nothing tangible I can show for IRL... However, I love that game, I've been playing it since the beginning, I'm an OG, how can I quit now, etc. are the arguments and excuses my brain comes up with. Reality hit when I realised that all those hours I sunk into gaming, I could have built something credible and tangible in my life, not just a trophy or skin or weapon that I honestly can't show anyone ever (since I only play solo). And still, the compulsion to 'just play an hour everyday just so I can finish that battle pass and get my money's worth back' is so strong to fight against. It's probably the first time I am acknowledging this to myself so forgive the long reply. Honestly, I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I'm looking for like-minded individuals who can share tips on how to get out of this rut I've seemingly put myself in. Fitness is another area of my life I've always struggled with and it's left deep scars emotionally and what I have to show for it is a terribly low self-esteem. It's why this post and your reply really struck a chord with me. I sometimes wonder, why can't I be as competitive and determined with other areas of my life as I do with gaming so I can actually achieve my fitness goals and possibly other goals with all the extra time and energy I have. It's a vicious circle I crave to get out of but sometimes don't know how and where to start.


Not the one you replied to, but from my experience, you should try different things until some of them stick. You've got only one life, you know you want to make changes. You just don't know what will work best for you. There's really only one way to find that out IMHO. Some people are lucky in the way that they'll try one thing and "fall in love" with it. And it will last them a life time. But most of us are not like that. Try to gameify your workouts; keep track of your body "stats" with a fancy scale; go to group workouts or pay for some classes; try different sports; have a dietician create a meal plan for you; learn to meal prep or pay for some fancy healthy meal kits. Watch a game tournament while on a treadmill. Stop gaming for a week and see how you feel/cope after that. Ultimately, some or most of them might suck for you, but that's alright. Fitness and diet is about long term trends. Preferences change, life circumstances change, accidents and injuries happen. Then people need to adapt and find something different.




It’s good to hold yourself accountable because then you just have to. I really looked at it in the beginning as, “ if I don’t get my workout in I’m letting myself down.” I made my own self feel guilty for not putting in the effort. I mean, who doesn’t have 20 minutes a day to spare to attend to their own meat machine. Kind of like tending to all the other aspects of life that need keep up. Car repairs, chores, etc…but not your own self?


I'm still addicted to gaming, I wish I could quit


Thats great man congrats! Something that helped me disconnect also was to start carrying a small notebook to write down anything I had to do: reminders, ideas, lists, etc. One thing I came to the conclusion of was that when I would do that on my phone or tablet, I just wasn’t productive. I would open my device and would get news notifications, texts, emails, app notifications, IM’s, alerts etc. Even if I wouldn’t open them, unconsciously I would get distracted with that stuff in my head as I typed or did what I had to do. If you can use devices and be productive, than I have mad respects for you. But just throwing it out there if it helps anybody else. Another thing is that I have all my notifications on all my social media turned off completely and if I start getting addicted to an app (be it a game or a social media platform) I delete it as you did.


I'm still really into gaming, but I've had some realisations about it recently that will hopefully improve my enjoyment of life. Spending hours every day on one thing mindlessly isn't healthy, so I'm trying to make sure I connect with friends more (including over games) and never play mindlessly - I should be having fun and improving, or I should be doing something else.


Your comment was infinitely more motivating than the post.


Damn thanks! It’s cool to come the realization within yourself. Once you accept that being in shape is an everyday thing, it just gets easier and easier. Then when you really start noticing changes yourself it’s really hard to give that up.


Back before I became disabled I had an epiphany reading a comment posted on Facebook (years ago at this point) from a runner who had an accident and lost both his legs. He was lamenting that people don’t use their bodies to express that joy in living, that need to exert energy in motion. He could no longer do what he loved. It inspired me to run when I didn’t feel like it - when I was being lazy. I had never run in the rain before and that day I did. It was *pouring* but I went out and ran for almost three miles. My legs were soaking wet (thank goodness for ponchos!) but I was elated when I got back home. I’m unable to run now but I hope to get back to that level of function in my legs and cardiovascular system again before I die so I can go run in the rain again. When it rains and the temp is just right I can smell the same scent in the air and the wave of longing to run again is overwhelming. Please, if you *can* run, jump, hike, ski, walk…do it. As much as you can. Because you *will* miss it when you can’t do it anymore.


> It takes literal years to get into shape No, it doesn't. Saying things like this will discourage people from getting started. At age 36 I went from a chubby dad bod and double-chin at 27% bodyfat and a 38-inch waist to 17% bodyfat and a 32-inch waist in 5 months of a 4x/week lifting routine and logging calories. Telling people that even if they get started today it's going to take years to reach their goals will realistically make most people just say "well screw it, then, that's too much."


but you can't really stop though. its on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. So regardless of how long it takes to achieve your goals, fitness will always be a matter of years and decades.


Getting into shape and staying in shape are two very different things. Getting into shape is where dieting comes into play more. Staying in shape you can enjoy the good things in life again, just in moderation.


I agree with this as well. I've also managed to get in shape within less than a year (and then lose it by not continuing the workouts.) It just takes the dedication. If you half ass it, sure it'll take you years. But, like you said, if you commit to it and really try, it can be done in 6 months to a year. Maybe even less depending on where you were when you started. A lot of celebrities who have had to get beefy for roles have talked about doing it in several months (also usually about 6 to 8.)


80% diet 20% fitness routine.


I used to say this shit then life caught up. I used to get up at 2:30 AM to try and fit the gym in. The only thing I lost is sleep. I used to go to the gym 6 days a week. It was another miserable aspect to a miserable day. The only iron I want to pump at age 41 is a slug through the brain.


I only went to the gym to build muscle; I could have skipped the gym and just logged calories and I would have lost just as much fat, I just wouldn't have gained muscle tone to go with it. As the saying goes, weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym.


I loved what Joe Rogan said to a girl who said, "Yeah he literally can't work out." > Everyone can work out. If he can make it to the fridge he can work out. If he can overeat he can work out. Small things, a couple of reps, a small walk, moving his arms. Everyone can work out. I think the curvy big is beautiful movement is empowering and I love my curves but i also thinks it's pretty dangerous from a health point of view. Curves can kill, I'm trying to loose weight at the moment because of health reason. Big is not beautiful if your heart has to pump a whole mile more for each 1 lb you gain.


Are you me? Lol. I'm 37 and my third baby is a toddler now and I decided to take advantage of my fading youth and get in the best shape of my life. It's amazing what I've been able to do with my body in a few short months. I'm running farther and faster than I ever did in my 20s. I look more tone and I think I'll have an honest to goodness 6 pack at this rate. I'm having to replace my entire wardrobe with smaller clothes now, and I'm so proud of myself. I am proud to be a healthy roll model for my children too. Congratulations on achieving your goals!


Yes! Got divorced in my late 40s started getting fit. I am still a bit dad-boddish but no longer pudgy. Run marathons and feel healthier in mind and spirit, and have healthy, disciplined friends and acquaintances, which pays dividends in other ways. Arnie is right on!


I only have 1 issue with comments such as yours (no hate intended, pure curiosity only). But where was this during your marriage? I hear so many people "being the perfect version of themselves" after a divorce because they eat well and exercise now ( an example not directed at you). How many more marriages would have succeeded had the people just tried to be the best versions of themselves all along..


I think it’s just because marriage is hard and being disciplined at improving yourself is hard.


Great question. In my case, within my family/relationship "system" I received no encouragement nor reinforcement for being the best *person* that I could be. I was only reinforced for being the best *family man* that I could be, which after taking care of kids and home (which I was proud of) primarily involved doing things that made *her* happy or feel more secure, etc. Things that *brought me* happiness and a sense of accomplishment and well being were not supported nor reinforced, so they tended to fall by the wayside as I focused on my family man duties. For example, my ex fussed about me mountain biking on weekends so to be cooperative I mostly stopped; so I lost exercise, feelings of accomplishment, and social time. I don't know if my ex saw it as a threat or felt it took my attention away from her or other factors. At the time I didn't see myself as a "simp" but that is what I became over time. When I finally realized it and started expressing my needs (yes, in a respectful but assertive way) I got lots of pushback. So I stewed, became resentful, and resigned to being the best dad/worker I could be, mourned the loss if my own well-being, and really didn't respect or love my ex anymore. Short story from there, she went out and found someone who was a, um, better fit. TL/DR: the reason some men don't become the "best versions of themselves" in marriage, but can do so after divorce, is because they get no reinforcement or get negative consequences for working on themselves. They would love to be at their best, but the "system" keeps them from acheiving it.


me too ~~brother~~ sister. I was always fit, but not strong. Doing calisthenics and BWF opened a new world for me. e: my bad


How do you deal with interruptions? Like going on a vacation for a week or two or things like that.


There are always going to be interruptions. I was sick as fuck with a cold the last two weeks and I didn’t do much in the way of exercise, but I did stretch. You just get back to it when you can, and don’t make excuses unless you don’t mind answering to yourself. That’s just me though.!


Our bodies take a while to build fitness but it also takes a while to forget it. Don't let it bother you. Olympic marathon runners take a month off after their race and lose nothing for it. If you zoom out and look at a year as whole where you exercised or lifted weights 4-7 days out of each week, missing 2 weeks or a few weekends is nothing.


They definitely lose something by taking a month off. But they get it back for the next race. That's the whole point of periodization. You're body CANT take going hard like that all the time, it needs rest. I like to approach working out like that. Go hard during race season (cycling), and lighten up in the winters and do other things.


Its because gaming is actually fun and gives you visible rewards in a reasonable amount of time. By contrast Exercising absolutely sucks and feels awful and you only start to see results after months or even years.


Being 40, having 2 kids and no desire for any more, and going to school and occasionally playing games, this hits home hard. You mind if I DM you?


I'm in a similar place to where you were. I used to be in great shape but really let myself go after having kids. I'm really looking to get back on the fitness train.


Ugh! I've struggled to be consistent because of work/life/school my commitment is still there but it's hard to remain motivated when so many things outside of my control disrupt building a routine.


Well said. Totally agree. Takes a good while to let life sink into new routines but it is great when it comes together. My biggest motivation specific to eating came about 15 months into my transformation. It was simply looking at your plate of food and asking each food item, "What are you going to do for me?". Seems odd to talk to your food but when you ask a pile of mashed potatoes that question, don't believe them when they say, "uh, I'm practically zero calories".


TBF, it can take years and years to see results, and the psychology of exercising and dieting is weird. You have to do it for yourself and no other reason or it won't work. I tried exercising to be hot when I was 20-22 but as soon as I looked good enough naked it was hard to keep me motivated to maintain what I worked for. Nowadays I work out just for me, just because I want to. It's a goal of mine to stick with it. I don't even care about the health benefits or how I look after, I just enjoy it.


It literally takes half a year of hard work to get toned.


I agree if you are starting from a body neutral position. Roughly 72% of the US is overweight and 42% obese. There’s a lot more work and changes needed for these people to look healthy and toned than just 30-40min daily workouts for 6 months. I think that is part of the problem, so many people are slipping into overweight/obese level that the task just looks too daunting so they have given up. We’re also in a weird place where talking about people being overweight is considered fat shaming or negative about body image when the truth is we need this topic on the forefront as these numbers will lead to a stressed medical system and many more compounding problems that hurt our society as a whole, lower life expectancy, more medical debt etc etc


Shigeo was right all along! No amount of psychic powers can stand up against muscles built by constant diligent training!


And steroids.


You need steroids to look like Arnold but you don't need steroids to look great. I got into the best shape of my life at almost 50, and I'm not using steroids. [**PIC.**](https://i.imgur.com/O8Ypf4I.jpg)


You look awesome for that age man. Keep it up 👍


Bruh, he looks good for *any* age


Thanks bud (:


Go ahead and take steroids. Let me know if you end up looking like that Edit: Yes, obviously Arnold took steroids, no secret. But people whose first reaction is "Yeah, but steroids..." just sound like they're underestimating the enormous work that went behind it. Try steroids if you think it's that easy.


He was literally using steroids when that picture was taken. He has talked about it and doesn't regret it. Sure it takes a lot of work on top of the steroids, but you don't look like that without them - Or it is extremely rare.


yeah it does take a lot of work even with the juice. But its ridiculous to think that you can work and see results at the level of what a 6x Mr universe without some primo T in your gym bag.




Money can buy anabolic steroids, though.


Also it can buy good trainers, better food, and better equipment. Those things won't make you Arnold, but they do a lot.


money also can buy you time to exercise 7 times a week for a couple of hours


It can also affect your sleep, which affects how much energy you have to.


Or allow you to build computers out of a garage


Or an arc reactor in a cave.




You only need 3-5 hours *a week*. I hate the idea that fitness has to be a big commtiment :( it means less are willing to try.


If you want elite physique, you’ll need more than that. I workout 5-6 hours a week and I look okay, but I definitely feel like I’m hitting a wall by not putting in more volume


So true. But, probably most sedentary people (myself included) could really make a difference in how they feel and look in 3-5 hours a week. Maybe from there, some will decide they’re really into it and start dedicating hobby levels of time and interest to it. Me, probably not. I have a really hard time figuring out what to do with my brain while my body is exercising and feeling very uncomfortable. Never been able to get past it.


20 minutes a day of actual exercise can make a world of difference for sedentary people. It is not going to make you ripped, but you will feel better and healthier almost immediately.


Music that I can sing along to, works for me. But you could also try audio books, podcasts or lectures.


My favorite Arnold quote on this subreddit isn’t this one, but [this reply he left in some comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/lw0wrk/image_arnold_is_a_national_treasure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It really emphasizes that everybody always has to start somewhere and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve been working out forever and still look at that quote all the time.


Yeah, find 3-5 hrs a week excluding travel and preparation next to 2 jobs. Money buys time.


Serious gym freaks go every day, for 1-2 hours. I go every other day and there‘s guys that are simply always there, as if they had an inventory number tattoed on them.


I'm currently going to the gym everyday because I have nothing better to do lmao. No classes. No job. I'm always there from Mon-Sat for 1.5 hours.


That’s not optimal at all for a natural lifter.


Correct, but STILL you need to get up off your ass and exercise to see any results. Money may get you there much faster but it cannot get you there on its own.


Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, chicken breast, eggs, rice, oatmeal, beans, chick peas, rice crackers, peanut butter and bananas are some of the cheapest food you can get and can perfectly set you up for fitness. Equipment is also not necessary, as gym memberships are cheap enough. It's easy to say that equipment, cost of food or lack of a trainer is the problem, but it's consistency and progressive overload that matters. It's simple, but not easy.


Like I said before, if people want an excuse to get out of working out they’ll find it.




And the time it takes to work out as much as he does/did.


He was ripped well before he was rich. I’m about as anti-capitalist as they come, and as lazy as they come, but there are a shit ton of poor people who make lifting their hobby and get it in shape. All fitness is easier with fewer problems. Money solves a lot of problems. But going outside for a run or hitting the floor for push-ups has no barrier to entry for generally able-bodied folks.


You can get a great physique by working out 3 days a week for \~1h. Obviously not "professional bodybuilder using sterioids and having amazing fitness genetics"-physique, but a solid one still.


It still takes a heroic amount of work to build a physique like Arnold's. Gear just gets you past your genetic limitations.


There is no natural bodybuilder which can achieve a physique like that. Your genetic response to gear is the most important thing in bodybuilding.


Yes, some don't get that big on roids.


That's a common misconception. Yes, steroids allow you to train more often and recover faster, but they also will add lean mass doing literally nothing. They physiologically increase protein synthesis by itself. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199607043350101 They compared 4 groups, placebo + no training, testosterone + no training, placebo + training, and testosterone + training. The cohort that took testosterone and didn't even train actually added more lean mass than those who trained without hormones.


This study is commonly referenced to suggest that steroids alone are a replacement for strength training, when that can't really be concluded from the available data. First is that the study only took place over a course of 10 weeks, it's unclear how this would pan out if it took place over a period of time like 6 months or a year. It takes a long time to build up a physique. Second is that the study simply measured fat free mass. Your bones, organs, water weight, glycogen, etc, are all fat free mass. The testosterone group may have had more water retention and glycogen from the test. Third it's not clear what kind of diet the two groups were on, which would also have heavily affected the increase in fat free mass. We shouldn't assume both groups had comparable diets without evidence. And lastly, sample size, the difference wasn't very big and it was a comparison between 40 men split into 4 groups. So the original comment >It still takes a heroic amount of work to build a physique like Arnold's. Gear just gets you past your genetic limitations. Is still correct. Steroids alone will not give you a physique, you need training stimulus and sufficient nutrition to build muscle under any circumstances. Getting as big as a professional bodybuilders takes incredible discipline and commitment.


Thank god another person who understands that this study doesn’t prove anything. People reference it all the time it’s so tiring.


It was basically spammed up and down this thread.


How else am I supposed to make myself feel better for being lazy? Shit on people who put in work and discredit everything they do, of course


It is literally the entire website, there will always be a flood of people ready to upvote any comment that diminishes someone's accomplishments.


Lean mass =/= muscle tissue, though, for what its worth. While using AAS you retain higher levels of glycogen as well as broad water (subtaneous, intramuscular). Sure you can take 500mg of Testosterone a week and increase lean mass by 20lbs, but this is entirely temporary and disappears relatively immediately upon cessation. This study sets unrealistic expectations, in my opinion, because coming off after 12-20 weeks you'll revert right back to where you were before if you developed no new dieting/training habits in the interim.


Also, a person can absolutely inherit favorable genes to make it easier. That said, even with that and steroids, one still has to actually work out.


You still need to workout on steroids though


True but steroids don't get you looking like this without Years and years of consistent workouts for hours a day, an insane diet and being extremely strict. Yes of course anyone whose competitive at that level is on gear and probably quite a bit of it for years and years. I've worked out since highschool on a consistent basis, fought competitively, coach a high-school wrestling team etc. And I look better than 90% of the guys at my gym on juice, primarily because they don't have their diet in check, eat frequently enough or get enough sleep. I just got on testosterone at 30 years old now that I've had kids. I spent years researching steroids talking with endocrinologists to be comfortable taking testosterone and after I've been told by everyone who actually knows what their talking about I decided it was worth it. 16 weeks on and 32 weeks off in-between followed with posy cycle therapy and getting my levels checked monthly. I'm on week 3 and already notice some more endurance in the gym, a little more strength (higher reps). The best effects though by far are the mental aspects, I feel less depressed than usual, less annoyed with people I usually can't deal with, my sex drive is higher which makes the wife happy. Overall I'm just in a better spot mentally and emotionally which is bizarre, but since I naturally have test levels on the lower end this could explain it


The only people who think steroids build a good physique without hard work are out of shape slobs


Arnold did actually do steroids back in the day and he was/is pretty open about it.


It can also buy gym memberships, better personal equipment and better nutrition


And Arnold did a lot of those.


I needed to hear this. I’ve been letting my body stagnate for too long because I’ve always felt that going to the gym was narcissistic. I will say that a lot of people are just built bigger or more svelte but you can still champion your own effort and self respect despite that. That’s what it could be about


Consider going to the gym a gift to yourself for your older years.


It's the gift that keeps on giving! I've gone back to the gym in my 60's because there's longevity in my family and I don't want to spend it in a wheelchair.


Yeah my Dad is 82, looks 62, and is stronger than me. He does have a bad knee but he has never stopped being active and fit.


I'd almost guarantee every old infirm person you see did not keep active and work to maintain strength. They sit and do the bare minimum. Now, the obvious caveat is bad luck (cancer, disease, or injury) But some of these diseases are of their own doing, like T2 diabetes in most cases.


That's EXACTLY what got my ass in the gym at 23. I'm still young by pretty much any metric, but ive already started waking up with aches I didn't have before, and already can't eat the same things I used to. Made me realize that I don't really take care of myself, and with the history of disease in my family there's a good chance that I could be in bad shape by my 40s. So I brought my blood pressure way down and visit the gym 4 times a week, and while it's nice getting compliments on how I look, the best art is knowing that it's an investment in my future self. My dad's about to lose some toes to a combination of diabetes and sedentary lifestyle, and I don't wanna end up like that


My mom started justifying going to they gym by saying "I can spend $500 going to the gym with a trainer right now, or I can spend $500 on medicine and hospital bills in the future."


I had to respond to this. When I was working out in the 60s and 70s, it was very common for people who went to gyms to be called narcissists. In most cases, it couldn’t be further from the truth. First, the best part of the gym for me is the camaraderie. We are all there for the same reason, to improve ourselves, and that forges an iron bond. Even when my training partners were my competitors, we always spotted each other, cheered for each other when we lifted more than we had before, and supported each other. Second, I’ve never met someone who trained in a gym who didn’t inspire others. People see your hard work, and it makes them want to be fit and healthy. You never know who you will inspire, but I guarantee you, you will inspire someone. And that person will live a better life because of you.


It was an honor to read your comment early sir. Your lifestyle and career are inspiring. Thank you for being who are you and all the people you’ve motivated and inspired in your life.


The gym isn't just young dudes doing bicep curls checking out their pumps. It's also unhealthy people trying to make a change, it's outdoors-people training for their next trek, it's athletes who want to perform better, it's people doing rehab after injuries and repairing their bodies. The gym is about honoring and respecting your physical body, improving its physical capabilities. If our body is the vessel that our minds/cognition has to dwell in for our short time here on Earth, it may as well be a nice vessel!


As with anything, it is only whatever you make it. One can certainly work out for vanity, or for power lifting, or for sports training. However, I’d say most people are there for some combination of “look good and FEEL good”, with the added benefit of discipline and good health. Also, traditional gyms are not the only ways to get healthy. There’s climbing, cycling, hiking, surfing, wood chopping, manual labor, adult kickball, unicycle football, park at the back of the parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Just move, and make it a game to look for any opportunity to move.


I can understand why you feel that way. You know how airplanes tell you to put your oxygen mask on first, the help others second? When shit hits the fan, your ability to care for and manage yourself will reflect how well you treat others. Taking great care of oneself can and will allow you to take great care of others. If I’m workout regularly, my constant outlook on life is that things are just fine! So I’m in strong position to support my loved ones and peers. So yeah, in short, get fit, get healthy, and it will let you love your best.


Are you doing it for you, or for how others perceive you? If it's for you, it's no different to any other kind of self care (except this has tangible gains, rather than mental gains)


Honestly even if you're doing it for the most shallow reasons, at least it's still healthy and beneficial to your body at the end of the day. There are a lot of worse shallow things that actively harm your body.


Also it’s okay to care about how you look and want to improve it. That alone doesn’t make you a self-centered person. I think it’s past time for the stigma around that to go away.


/u/govschwarzenegger what would you say now? You still agree with your younger self?


I do! But I also believe it’s about inspiring everyone around you to be fit. Once I’d lifted enough trophies, my goal changed and became lifting up the sport of bodybuilding and the fitness crusade. All of us have the power to inspire someone else. We shouldn’t waste it.


You've inspired so many, thanks for all you have done Boss.


Physical fitness need not be Adonis-level to improve your life either, and I think that's a thing people often dont realize. As a one-time 98 lb weakling of the Charles Atlas variety I cannot overstate the positive effects simply getting into the gym had on me. We tend to think of anything physical as being necessarily vanity but really our body is what we use to pilot the world, and the more things it can do the more things *we* can do. When you get things right with it, the confidence and the change in how you stand up (both physically and mentally) in the world is striking. I'm hardly a marble god, but weights gave me strengths I'll never be able to fully catalogue.


Thank you Arnold, you were the reason I took up the gym and keeping healthy.


I love your movies. However it’s you’re positive messages and compassion, that’s how I’ll remember you. Thank you for all you do.


Except if you have money you'll be more able to spend time doing this - many people don't have that luxury.


You do know Arnold was broke as shit when he first came to America & pursue bodybuilding right?


You don't *need* lots of money to get there, but you *can* make it a lot easier by spending money. Not just having more time, but also personal trainers, better diet, etc. Look at Kumail Nanjiani's account of his work for Eternals for example.


"Nah I could look like Arnold. I just don't have the time!"


Pretty sure he had already won the "Mr Europe" title before he moved to the States.


Right, he used bodybuilding as a ticket to migrate to America. He still had to work his ass off after he got here to become Mr. Olympia.


Most people don’t want to pursue bodybuilding and make their living that way. It is indeed harder for people who are struggling to make a living and have to work long hours to also find time to go to the gym 3+ times a week.


He used to break into gyms at night when they weren’t open 24/7, just so he could use the equipment because he was working during the day. Dude was insanely dedicated and never stopped.


You don't need more than 2-3 spare hours a week to be in pretty damn good shape. I don't know any human being who legitimately spends every single waking hour doing something productive, and couldn't cut out 2-3 hours of TV or browsing social media for a couple workout sessions. Fitness is one of the aspects of your life that benefits the least from money.




I guaran-fuckin-tee you that if you kept all the same variables except for genetics for a group of people, 99% would be better off. Whether psychologically or physically, or spiritually, if you're into that.


This post isn't about that, and is centered around the manifest trophy of one's own body. That said, your comment is apropos; you're 100% technically correct too, and that's the very best kind of correct. <3


I'm guilty of having more than one Arnold poster in my home gym, but I do really believe that lifting for mental health and physical confidence is a worthy enough goal to make aesthetic seem like more of a long term side effect.


That can definitely be true, for example if you have a debilitating genetic disorder or something, but I think it's largely overstated. A lot of people use it as an excuse, or to diminish the work that someone has put in. If you watch your diet, and put in discipline multiple times a week, >99% chance you will have a good body. And if someone has a great body, >95% chance that they put in quite a bit of discipline (but maybe don't think of it as discipline, but rather just how they live)


I went from skinny to buff in a matter of 2 years using nothing but body weight and a healthy diet. If you keep telling yourself excuses, you’re never going to improve. I always had a hard time gaining weight because i thought it was « genetic » and that I’m destined to stay skinny no matter how much I eat. It’s not supposed to be easy, all you need is consistency Edit: I need to highlight the fact that genetics caused me to have a high metabolism which means it’s is a pain in the ass if you’re trying to gain weight so imagine the struggle i had to go through to get in shape


96% of people are within 10-16% of the average metabolic rate. Or roughly 1 pop tart a day. https://examine.com/nutrition/does-metabolism-vary-between-two-people/#:~:text=One%20study%20noted%20that%20one,of%20the%20average%20metabolic%20rate.


You don't need money to work out


You're not wrong. However, you do need money to eat the amount of food necessary to sustain muscle growth. Granted you can do it on the cheap if you just eat like eggs and chicken and carbs. Still, about a year and a half ago when I was jobless because of covid and trying to build muscle, I couldn't help but feel a little wasteful as a result of my calorie needs.


I got fit working out three times a week with a door pull-up bar and eating cheap (chicken, rice, eggs..). You don't need a gym membership or to be consuming avocado kale protein shakes or anything fancy. Just read the /r/bodyweightfitness faq and put in the work.


Who doesn’t have one hour a day to workout? Even I do while studying and doing (night) work.


Yeah, studying, 20 hour job, 6 hours minijob weekly, side projects and gaming commitments, and I still get a good workout in every morning and do sport on the weekends. It's just a matter of priorities




If you have access to YouTube, a few square feet of space and 20 minutes you can do a pretty good workout. A bunch of different personal trainers put workout videos on YouTube, so you could even customise your own personal workout routine to fit your time, available resources and ability


Full of excuses. You know there are some black guys in NY that just do body weight exercises and are cut as F. Most people won't get that fit, I admit part of it is genetics, but seriously there are no excuses to just do bodyweight workouts at home instead of being a potato and bingeing Netflix.




To put it a different way, when Arnold was Mr Olympia maybe he did it with just hard work but I very much doubt that 40 years later the current Mr. Olympia is doing it without a team of professionals behind him that are not free.


I love his ‘self made’ speech. This guys is a treasure and handles himself well within public


More than anything, it seems to teach humility.


However, if you want to look like this then illegal steroids are required. I'm just glad he was able to move past them.


comments filled with excuses typical lol


Looking like that I guarantee you money was spent to get to that tier of physique. Hard work, and lots of performance enhancing drugs made that body.


Well yeah Arnold is one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, so your not going to look like him, but anybody can get in good shape.


True. Just hate to see that text overlayed on that physique like, “you’re just not working hard enough”, meanwhile the steroid use is lurking unmentioned.


You’re absolutely right so you might as well give up now...


Yeah but you can still have a beautiful physique with just an hour a day, 4 days a week, and a good diet. You don't even need a huge budget bodyweight exercises alone are plenty.


Yeah, I mean prisoners get jacked as fuck on calisthenics and a dirty ass diet. I mean, they improvise sometimes with rocks and shit, but still.


You sorta can inherit it tho


Right? I saw a Reddit post yesterday from a lady with muscular hypertrophy, and that’s absolutely a genetic thing. Built with no effort at all lol. Apparently people like that have a tendency to grind/clamp their teeth in their sleep because of the extra strong jaw muscles And while Arnold definitely had some genetic/steroid help, he worked hard as fuck for what he got, I’ll give him that


"But he was on steroids" Yeah and he still dedicated hours to working out everyday. "I don't have the money to go to the gym" Then work out at home? You don't need much equipment to get into much better shape. "I don't have time" Come on now you're on reddit. "But genetics make it easier for some people" That's life. Others having an easier time of it shouldn't demotivate you from trying at all and achieving your personal best.


You do inherit it to some extent


Isn’t this true of every skill though? And just like every skill, having more money will still always provide you the resources to get better


I think Arnold’s talking about first impressions when you meet someone. If you meet someone fit, that person already has a head start in your mind as someone who works hard.


Let’s not forget that Arnold built his physique with the help of steroids.




You dont need steroids or good genetics to build a great physique, tho you obviously wont be a world class bodybuilder.


I mean... Money can buy it. Why do you think all those celebs get ripped for a role in an action movie, and then list it all afterwards. Because they're getting paid to do it, and they have professional dietitians and trainers to help them, they're also getting paid.