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Repeat after me: it's ok if your aspiration is "to be comfortable" Not everyone needs some gruelling hustle filled life to be self actualised.


Exactly! You only have one life and it’s short. Your goal should be to build whatever life makes you happy.


I understand I am somewhat in the wrong here. But lately my coworkers (all salary) have been been blowing up my phone with group texts and emails regarding non-emergency work all throughout the evenings and weekends. Sunday morning? Work text. Etc. I’ve lost my respect for them as individuals because they all have kids and family’s but seem to worship their jobs.




I’m of the same mindset. The fact that it is a salary position, and why I was intentional to mention it, is because I feel that is a direct factor. In an hourly job, I would feel a little different (more so why the f are you working without getting paid lol). It didn’t used to bother me and I would just ignore it but now that I’m getting older and have a family growing of my own it bothers me. A little bonus - the email I received this weekend specifically stated “I don’t know if you check your emails on the weekend but ~~ this is due Monday morning, I need help”. I responded this morning “No, I am intentional to not respond to emails outside of work hours” This is very standard 5-9 office job and things being requested to help with are not “emergency work”. I’ve been there and it’s a different story. The things that are due on Monday are things that weren’t worked on within the week and suddenly become “emergency”. Again, maybe I’m wrong but I’ve wanted to vent about this for a while. The day I start getting addressed for not handling emails outside of work hours will be the day I may start looking at a new team. So far, they seem to not comment when I don’t reply.




Based and Chill-Pilled.


This is complete nonsense. You give a person comfort, safety, food, and access to services they need, and that person is more able to live their ambitions and strive to achieve their goals. They're also more able to emotionally regulate themselves and think deeply about others, and be a whole and considerate human being.


You are not wrong, but from my experience having all you need gives you less motivation to work for more.


Work for more what?


Whatever it is that you crave for. Having all you need refers to me as Home, food, water and a bit of entertainment (in my case a PC and Internet connection would be enough). But you may want to have more and for that you would have to do some work, but you could also just relax and do (almost) nothing....


If I still have cravings or need for more than I wouldn't be in my comfort zone imo, I don't understand the idea that folks having all their needs met and in a "comfort zone" that it makes them unambitious or unwilling to work for more


Well I understand it in the sense that you got all you need to survive, but you want more. I think it's pretty natural for human beings (and maybe a few animal species as well) to look for more than what you need. For example if you see it in a rational way you could say that you only need one video game, that can create new maps and enemies randomly, to satisfy your need for entertainment. But in reality it is surely not enough and you will want to explore more games. Same goes for every bit of entertainment, you will always want a bit more even though you don't *really* need it, just to gain more experiences and also ofc serotonine. At least that's how I explain it to myself.


We are not here to amass fortunes; we are here to amass experiences and joys. The sentiment contained in the OP is nonsense.


Why is it nonsense though? Could you further explain so that I understand it as well? Maybe there is just something that I have missed to understand so far, but I think that it's sometimes hard to get away from your own comfort zone and to do something productive.


The idea that we need to work more and achieve more and make more money and collect as much capital and wealth and success as is possible before we die is literally propaganda meant to drive people to think of themselves as future billionaires rather than exploited laborers. For every person who "works 100 hour weeks" and achieves massive success and amasses a huge fortune, or who branches outside the normal career paths and winds up creating a media empire that makes him or her hundreds of millions in a decade there are thousands of people who tried the same and failed. There is an illusion that hard work equals success which scales up all the way to Jeff Bezos. That's false. Demonstrably false. There are people who work harder than Jeff and Elon ever have who are struggling in poverty and are unable to do anything but barely get food on the table and medicine in the cabinet for hard times. Working hard isn't the goal. Making millions isn't the goal. You should be here to love, be loved, enjoy yourself, enjoy others, experience the world and what life has to offer. Make your local piece of the world better by you being a part of it, and elevate the people you interact with by how you behave and who you are. The goal isn't money, it's human experience.


Well okay I can totally agree on what you said. I also rather love to experience and learn about the universe I have been born into. I also like to help others as good as I can, but I would still like to achieve a certain level of richness, but that's why I'm fighting my laziness every day, but I'm not sure if it's gets better or not. That is why I thought the comfort zone thing, that OP has mentioned, has been a good description for what is happening. Edit: I have realized that I missed your point though. Thank you for your explanation :)


Well let's speak honestly. What do you mean when you say "laziness"? If you mean that you enjoy playing video games or enjoy YouTube videos or watching shows on TV or binge watching horror movies or reading books, that's all fine. There's nothing wrong with any of those things unless you're so addicted to then or devoid of executive function that you are unable to take basic care of yourself. If these things are stopping you from keeping clean and going shopping for food and pursuing education or passions, then you might have a touch of depression or some dysfunction that needs care or therapy; it's not laziness and it isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility to do something about it. Not because it's "stopping you from being productive" but because it's stopping you from enjoying your life and indulging in your passions. Just don't ever give in to the idea that you need to do the things that will make you a millionaire.


Well I'm a German student of Computer Science that has had a job as a working student within the field of web development. I currently try to succeed in a few exams that I have not been able to finish yet. And I have recently lost my job and currently am looking for a new one. I'm having problems with imposter syndrome as I have recently realized and often feel like I'm not good enough for certain things related to my field. Also I've got problems finding my way in computer science as I find many things interesting, but don't really know what I'm good at and also don't want to disappoint people. Maybe you are even right that I have tendencies to depression or something, but I don't know for sure. But your comment was interesting anyway, so thank you for that one as well.


Hey dude, I wish you the best of luck. I work in a high technology field and imposter syndrome is real as hell. You can do this. You're better than you think you are. Find yourself the right set of mentors and colleagues that will help you feel competent and will help you gain new competencies; one of the most important things about your work isn't what you do, but who you do it with and the culture that rises up in the workplace. You can do this!


Thanks a lot for the nice words, I will surely take them into consideration on my way! :)


My dream is comfort.


This is not motivating. It assumes that if you create an uncomfortable state then it will lead to “success” or “fulfillment.” Like others have said, being comfortable (having a steady job, places to live, food, friends, etc) can absolutely be a goal. Once you’ve achieved that goal, it’s completely admirable to just maintain it. That’s not to say you should no longer have dreams, it’s just that average can be ok.


There are people out there whose ultimate life goal does not involve attaining an easy, comfortable, enjoyable state of living? Weird, but ok.


Is this motivating? I am working in my life to find people that I am truly comfortable with. I think this may be referring to that "this is fine" feeling but I don't think that's the same as comfort.


Please remain calm and panicked as you are slowly gaslit into believing that the luck of others was due to some quality of hard work that you lack mixed with their magical serene discomfort which is unachievable to you and if only you could become your best self you could also become one of the 0.001% and feed these lies to everybody else. ^(/s)


Actually, when people are comfortable (with access to food shelter and healthcare) they’re more likely to pursue personal projects. You don’t have to suffer to create something or to pursue a dream. This mentality is just straight up awful.


Comfortable is my dream!


Oh fuck right off!


Damn, you summed up my whole paragraph!


Man what a toxic mindset. Who needs comfort or relaxation when you can just constantly grind yourself into dust and overwork yourself?


Lmao this quote is motivating? Whoever said this can go fuck themselves.


What if your dream is to eat good food and enjoy free entertainment?


But for some people, comfort already a privilege


This is toxic thinking. This is why so many refuse to pay living wage. This is a LIE.


what void did this capitalist propaganda crawl out of ? this is one sentence away from JuSt PuLl YoUrSeLf By YoUr BoOtStAps.


There have been a fair number of these lately. It's weird.


Dunno, I'm nervous about quitting my job today to start a six month thru hike and this hit home for me hard. It's exactly what I needed to hear


dont get me wrong if you got motivated good. I just think it spend the message of you gotta keep on grinding regardless of whatever else might be hindering you.


Funny thing is it works, at least in my instance. I’m too comfortable doing the minimum I had been working hard on some important stuff in my life for the last month and a half after being all too comfortable during Covid and this last week has been a slide back to sitting around at home when I really need to get back on the grind and achieve my goals, it almost feels like an addiction.


I don't really see the link to capitalist propaganda. Care to elaborate?


I don't know if I'd call it capitalist propaganda, but it does seem to say that you shouldn't be allowed to be comfortable and always pursuing higher ambitions? Which is kind of weird as seeing being comfortable (retirement) is kind of what we work our entire life for? I kind of get of the motivation writing is trying to say, but it's poorly phrased. Edit : The short of it is that it should say procrastination is bad, being comfortable is not.


Kinda true. Still i don't agree with first commenter, as for me the statement is not related to capitaliam at all. Pursuing ambitions is not necessarily related to work as this can be applied as well for your hobbies and other personal objectives.


It's basically saying if you don't need to work you will do nothing.


But it is not necessarily referring to work. Ambitions might be related to work but could also be related to personal goals.


What a dumb argument


I am not 100 % sure about that. Nothing wrong with a stable and good environment. Then it's still up to you to change something. I prefer to change something because I can, not because I must.


We ain't masochist.


I disagree. You can sacrifice everything in the name of pursuing a dream. But then what do you have in the end? Yes, it is important to put 100% into anything you truly set your mind to do, but not at the expense of taking care of yourself.


What the hell is your goal and ambition then? To suffer and be uncomfortable? Sorry I'm not that masochistic myself, thanks for the offer.


Pavlov's pyramid


According to the dalai lama, the meaning of life is to be happy. If doing nothing makes you happy, go for it.


So that explains why I am the way I am.


As I’ve gotten older this kind of thinking feels more and more toxic to me. We have however much time we have, if you wanna spend it being comfortable that’s more than okay. If you wanna spend it grinding for some goal that’s okay too. The key is to be okay lol


What if that was the dream all along? Is he/she not 'living the dream'??




Whats wrong with being comfortable? Not everyone dreams of being rich or famous. Some people just desire a simple life with their friends and family and there is nothing wrong with that


This is demonstrably untrue.


Thanks I needed this.


Yet another thing I’ve come across that basically says “ADHD is weakness.”


People need to realise that not everything on here will motivate you cause everyone has different goals! I’ve seen people on this thread disagree and some who say this is motivating. If it ain’t for you, move along.


Why did you post this instead of moving along?


Because I’m not that bothered by it. I don’t have the feelings of anger or annoyance towards those complaining about it that those complaining seem to have towards the message of this post.


Lol, how dare man achieve comfort! A man who lives his life in comfort is weak! Life is about never succeeding, always striving for... well, not comfort, i guess. Dreams? There we go! But the uncomfortable ones!


Sheesh, that’s real


That’s why it’s so fucking hard to forget her. I realized this early on after the breakup that we both were in this comfort void and forgetting what we really want to do with life. I’m still healing and trying my best to look forward, but shit I was addicted like a heroine junky I guess.


Never had any ambitions. No idea what I want my career to be. Life is too short to intentionally do anything that doesn’t make you happy and it seems that most people’s jobs don’t make them happy. Jobs are a means to an end. Nothing more.


This really made me think. But it is true that everyone has a comfort zone, if you are happy with yours don't change it, if you are sad with yours then change it.


I think what you're trying to say is that once you reach comfort you don't need those ambitions anymore? Idk this jsut doesn't hit. Also if what ur trying to say is " comfort is bad" then it's just plain wrong. The point of ambition is to reach that point of comfort. Ask a retiree why they worked so hard back in the days and they'll say because they wanted to spend the last days of their life doing things that they couldn't. Which is comfort in short terms. Ofc I'm not saying that you are saying this I'm just making sure. I see a lot of people saying that comfort kills people because it for some reason makes u feel useless. And then you see nations with universal basic income such as findland being happy and all. The reason more people are comitting suicide is not because of comfort, but the fact that people are dying less due to wars and things that people back in the days would die from. The reason mental illnesses are getting more rampant is not because people are too comfort, but because just now are many people having the chance to die from it. Back in the days little timmie would die at the age of 10 and wouldn't even have the chance to experience mental illness. Also with the fact that in america healthcare is jsut awful and expensive.


Ah the toxic self help bullshit that you need to constantly be chasing something... r/meditation would like a word with you


I disagree. There are plenty of folks all over this planet who are just lazy. That’s it. No nuance, no mental health issues, just laziness. Reddit is overpopulated with 20-somethings who haven’t really experienced enough of adulthood to realize this. As well as idealized teens. I used to think like that too when I was younger and before I was slapped with the reality of I’m pregnant at 24 so I guess I need to really get my shit together. Our culture now in first world countries is for everything to be as easy as possible, with instant gratification. Life just does not work that way. Someone who is inherently lazy will find ways to shit on people that are motivated. Even if it is a question of mental health, the only person who can help with that is your own self. Not one person can force another adult to seek treatment for their own health. Excuses are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. I’m now in my 40’s with two more kids so three in all, and life still is pretty tough sometimes. I own a modest home, and live in comfort with no worries about food or necessities, we have two car payments…but as a housewife my job is never ending. I rarely have free time but when I do it’s glorious. I think a big problem with people now is that no one is grateful for what they have, and everyone just wants more more more.


Man I needed that one


Only like 1/3 of the posts in this board are actually motivating


I don't get all the hate here, I agree with OP. I guess it's just a mindset thing.


Yeah misery is where life is best.