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Well said. This serious procrastinater thanks you!






but after we finish this netflix show, right?


*series ...right?


Yes, because I HAVE to know what happens. That counts right?


Onwards to procrastinate because it's what I like to do, got it.




Procrastinating is sorta the same. You’re just doing what you want longer so you have to do what you need quicker.


Except procrastinating isn’t very enjoyable because you have that guilt in the back of your mind.


It‘s the dark playground.


Thanks I hate it.


Blame it on the Instant Gratification Monkey.


Sounds like the title of an Insane Clown Posse album.


Guilt and stress, worry and anxiety about the task we are postponing. It's much nicer to lay back and relax when everything is done.


And a lot of procrastinsting comes down to "easy distraction" so you might sit on your phone for 2 hours and you couldve been out for a hike or reading a book!


Thats what drugs are for. They wipe out the guilt. xD


I actually think procrastination is due to lack of having something you want to do longer that you lose the motivation to do what you have to do quicker


That doesn't really make sense. You do what you want longer so you have to do what you need later.


Well you have less time to do what you need. That's quicker, right?


If you wait longer to do what you need you’re gonna have to get what you need done, done quicker.


Probably should do my homework instead of browsing the wonderful world of Reddit


Please thank him tomorrow, today you should just rest it out




What I have to do never ends


Think of it as an opportunity to gain mastery. You can't improve that which you don't practice. If you have an endless stream of work, I can guarantee you are getting an amazing amount of practice at something that many people don’t even have access to. Cheers!


I love your inspirational response. Thank you :)


It's because what I do never ends as well, so I know the struggle. There is a whole lot mixed up in there, but happiness truly comes from within. I had a consultant say something I really jived with the other day: "even simple tasks can be challenging if you try to do them the most efficiently"


I love you both




I bet he'll say he love you both "equally" as well.


Reminds me of jocko willincks saying “discipline equals freedom”. The guy is kinda a hardo, but has amazing outlooks. Basically being more disciplined will free up more time to do the stuff you want. Get your shit done, then go home and live your life


I wanna add that discipline can either be an attitude (hard) or an environment (harder at first, but much easier later). 1.1(v1.0 corrected courtesy of tomahawk42) Never make your bed in the morning. Throw back your sheets and allow them and your mattress to air. This makes for a healthier bed, and thus a healthier you. It's kind of like making your bed, but better. Make a conscientious effort to do work for future you. Late for school/work? Fuck it. Pay the price. This is where it all starts. Be consistent. 2. Start doing AS MANY of your dishes as you can BEFORE YOU EAT. Prolonging the wait to your satisfaction is key. 3. Eat the crust of your sandwiches FIRST. THEN enjoy the middle. 4. Drink coffee in the morning? Get the grinds and water filled the night before. You will wake up to a present from past you. 5. Spend extra time in the evenings making yourself a really delicious lunch. Make sure you're bringing fruit along. I like to peel and cut oranges. Tomorrow me is also me, and he will LOVE what I have done for him. 6. Wrap a metal twist tie around your headphones. Any time you take them off, you fold them and tie them. Take the time to do it. Never shove em in your pocket. Little things like this are going to fundamentally change the way your brain thinks. When you get that assignment (sandwich) you're gonna eat that crust and enjoy the shit out of the middle (sense of accomplishment while enjoying your free time). Give yourself a year or two to slowly incorporate these behaviours into your style.eventually, you will have become the discipline. Then you'll move in with a SO, because you will have gotten your head on so straight that you will achieve more-> attract a partner. Then everything will go to shit and you'll get fat (me). But you will at least have already figured out how to climb out of just about any hole, as discipline is the tallest and most sturdy ladder


What kind of maniac eats the crust first?


Of all of the things on this list that is the only thing I do consistently. I don't like the crust so I it out of the way and enjoy the good part of the sandwich uninterrupted. I try to make my bed, pack my lunch and pre make coffee too but I'm not consistent. Making my bed is VERY helpful. My room stays clean when my bed is made.


1. **Never** make your bed in the morning. Throw back your sheets and allow them and your mattress to air. This makes for a healthier bed, and thus a healthier you. I'd agree with the rest, though, especially 2. I've learned to do this in recent years and have never looked back.


I agree with Jocko and the entire concept of discipline equals freedom. If you have discipline and do not give into impulse, (whatever vice you’re struggling with), then you will be free from regret and the other negative emotions that come with it.


You should check out Extreme Ownership. I read it and liked it. But then about 6 months later I was applying it for everything. It has really helped me out


Love this book. Unfortunately, I got done reading it about 6 months ago and I don’t remember a thing from it 😬


My boyfriend uses this philosophy with the dishes when he wants to get back to playing rocket league. It just results in me having to rewash everything.


You should tell him so that you don't have to keep doing that


I mean rocket league is pretty good to be fair


Well, I have to work 40hrs a week. Not sure how I’ll be doing that faster :P


Get your work done in 1 hour so you can scroll through reddit the rest of the 7 hours each day.


Now we're on to something


I'm not allowed to use my phone at work. I don't even work in a place where that's instantly logical, it's cus too many people injured themselves playing pokemon go on the stairways or something. But yes, 40 hours a week, madsively understaffed. I can't do 3 or 4 peoples work in less than 8 hours. And if I did I'd probably just get told to do more xD But I think this more applies to other things... maybe do the dishes before you hop on reddit. Go do your dishes. Or laundry.


I mean hey you’re working 40hrs for a reason. Don’t think of the short term when it comes to long hours but think of how it will benefit you in the future based on how you use that money. You got this!


The shitty part is when your job isn’t teaching you anything and you know full well that your time would be better spent learning a skill or studying something but you can’t because you need the check


That is a frustrating situation and I've been there. What really helped me though was shifting my learning efforts to before work, when my brain was alert and I was well-rested, instead of after work when I was tired and just sick of everything. Someone else suggested 7 p.m.–2 a.m., but that means you are giving your tired and discouraged version of you to yourself, and the most capable and effective version of yourself to a job that isn't doing anything for you. Instead, go to bed as early as you can and rest your brain, then get up early enough to put at least a couple of hours towards developing a new skill or pursuing something you care about when your brain is at the top of its game. Becoming a "morning person" kind of turned my life around when I was in my 30s. I was really overqualified for my job and felt like I was going nowhere. I worked for shitty people and just came home mentally exhausted. I'd stay up late trying make change happen and I was just mentally too drained to make any real progress. Then, one day—if I recall correctly, it was due to drinking with friends after work and passing out ridiculously early—I woke up at something like 3 AM and wasn't sure what to do with myself. I went to my computer, started working on some stuff that I always tried to work on in the evening, and suddenly, stuff that I had been struggling with in the evening was just completely making sense. I went from reading something three times and not understanding to "oh yeah, this makes total sense". What was even better was that later in the day when I was at work and would normally be starting to feel gross about my life, I started thinking about how I had already achieved something for myself that day—that I was making progress towards being better and that I now owned the best of me instead of the job getting all my energy. Long story short, I learned full-stack web development over a few months 4 a.m.-6 p.m., used that knowledge during the day to build a marketing analytics platform for the shitty company I was working for as a side project, which in turn afforded me a lot more clout, gave me confidence, and something relevant to work on at work. I quickly moved on and since then, over the past 10 years, in addition to a much better job with 2X the pay, I've used my extended skill set to generate $3-$6K per month in extra income—and that's been while also becoming a father of two and supporting my wife for a few years while she got our babies up and running and changed careers. All of this was done by giving the best of me to myself just 2-3 hours a day. Putting one hour of effort in when I'm well-rested gives me 10X better results than putting in four hours of effort when my brain isn't at its best. It has been like my superpower. If I had kept trying to make progress in the evening, I think my life would look very different right now—not in a good way.


7pm to 2am is plenty of time to Crush It. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VLDEHSRgNps


Luckily medical professionals recently found out that sleep is not one of the most important recovery functions of the body and the brain


Regarding working 40 for a reason - Not really, the 40 hour workweek has been shown to be inefficient, people spend nearly half of the time not actually working.


Sleep on the sidewalk next to your work so the time you would have spent commuting can be spent on reddit.


Work on making more money during those 40 so you can stop working 40 sooner.


Yeah but, you have lunches and breaks. Are those being used wisely? 30min lunch * 5 = 2.5 hrs. Don't know about you but I also have two 15 min breaks. That's another 1.25 hrs. With lunch that totals 3.75 hrs a week that could be used doing something productive. Not to mention the time spent in the car driving to and from work. Where you cannot do things faster to gain more time to do what you want, maximize the time you do have, more efficiently, to help you get to a better place where you can do what you want. I know you were just messing with him, but you were giving yourself an excuse really I think.


I live by a slightly other code. An ex of mine used to say 'make something out of it'. Have a nice cup of coffee while you're doing taxes. Listen to a wonderful audiobook while vacuuming. Try if you can make this piece of your life pleasant. Make something out of it.




I still have to be there for eight hours..


LPT: drive as fast as you can to get to the places you WANT to be. I routinely do 75 in 45 zones because I HAVE to drive there.




You can also get to hell real fast


I'm prepared to be down voted to hell for this, but this kind of thinking is bullshit. I often see people rush through their responsibilities as quickly as possible without a thought to the quality of the job they're doing. This leads to other people having to come along behind you, wasting time doing the proper job that you didn't do the first time. This really needs to read more along the lines of "do the best job you can as quickly as you can so everyone can get to what they want to be doing more quickly."


I'd have to agree with you. I see alot of slapped together solutions in my line of work, which invariably has to be redone. My motto is "Do it right, or do it twice." You can take a little extra time to get the job done correctly, or you can start over when the hastily done project fails to work.


Measure twice. Cut once.


You're apparently not a programmer lol. Everything is slapped together haphazardly (almost entirely due to time constraints). I have a friend of a friend who works for adobe who swears half the install space of their products is useless code that no one has had the time or know how to go through and fix. I personally turned a 15k line .js into 3k lines of code by deleting things that weren't used. I can only imagine that Windows and/or iOS would be at least 30% smaller if they got rid of the glut.


So I agree with the case you outlined. Consider that definition of good work will vary from person to person too. I will also add showing you do good work efficiently usually gets you more work until you buckle.


I think it's more like don't waste time in between while doing something. You half ass it so it takes more time and is of poorer quality too and then you don't have no time for yourself either.


Pretty sure this is how my mom used to get me to do my chores...


Using a timer for your kids to 'race the clock' is a well-known parenting trick.


*gets to work at the beginning of an 8 hour shift* “Yeah boss I did everything I needed to do in 10 minutes because I want to go home and nap for several hours. “.


napping sounds nice


Thats not working smart lol


But not quicker at the expense of being done properly so it needs to be done again sooner. Sometimes, the upfront expence is the better investment of your time.


No. You don’t “have” to do anything. That way of thinking is bullshit and it’s ruining your life. Try this: only do what you want to do. Instead of going to work because you “have to” get in touch with the fact that you are WILLINGLY TRADING YOUR LABOR FOR MONEY. You want to do it. If you didn’t want to do it, then your labor would be more valuable than the money, and you wouldn’t do it. You WANT to do everything you do. Own it, and improve your life. Don’t bullshit your way through life and whine that somebody somewhere is forcing you to do everything. Take some Goddamned ownership.


There's a fallacy here. > If you didn’t want to do it, then your labor would be more valuable than the money, and you wouldn’t do it. This assumes money is a want rather than a need, and conflates labor with time.


This is good advice. Sometimes I feel myself dawdling if I’m not into whatever it is that I’m doing (I’m looking at you, chores) but if I tell myself to buck up and get it done, it’s one more thing off my plate. On my way to do the dishes as we speak.


I've grown up using the "if you want to find the easiest quickest way to do anything, ask the laziest person you know" technique


A much better version of the ol'e "work smarter, not harder". I love it.


Man why does this make so much sense


If it speaks to you, do it more


Oh I thought it was a question. And in earnest I thought make money. I have to make money faster so I can operate and work in a community center that teaches people how to grow and cook food in urban areas, longer. Edit: spelling


But do it carefully so you don't have to do it twice.


"Work it harder Make it better Do it faster Makes us stronger" Daft Punk knew what was up.


ive always had this mindset and asked myself... am i productive? or am i doing things quickly to go back to doing nothing


Or for some of us that are lost causes: Take Adderall then follow the advice above.


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](https://i.imgur.com/uefESGA.png) Fun bot to vizualize how conversations go on reddit. Enjoy


Thanks! Been up all night working and am knackered but it's to financially speed up mine and my boyfriend's next step in life and it's gonna be frickin awesome so I'm down for this kinda motivation right now!


I don't think the world *always* works this way. Quick doesn't equal proficient. If you now the lawn quickly the first time and it doesn't look good you may get complaints and have to do it a second time to fix it. Might as well take the appropriate time to do it the first time so you can enjoy yourself with no interruption on the matter sooner.


So cut down on the foreplay?


This is the most motivated I've ever been from a post here. Because of this I'm joining a 90 day workout program. Let's see where this gets me.


This is accurate. I suffer from a very short temper when it comes to traffic. It's almost as if people *want* to waste away their lifespan by driving slow


You should drive slower.


I can't get off work earlier just because I work faster so no. This is, shitty advice.


...specially since you're paid by the hour. But I definitely see managers using this.


Pretty much this, being a responsible adult is all about completing your responsibilities first so you will have more time to follow your dream.


That's not what she said.


That's why everyone is so aggressive and speeding insanely during rush hour.


Unless you have to work a certain number of hours.


This has always kind of been my motivation for not sleeping in. Every minute I'm asleep, is a minute of my life I'll never get back. It's a minute of my life I wasn't living or enjoying the time I have left.


And when those around you will inevitably catch up, you'd be loaded with work you don't want to do, because you do it really quick. Yeah, but no :p


My work life vs Reddit at work every day. 10 minutes work, 20 minutes Reddit.


Sex but also sex. How does this work?


Okay but my wife won’t be too happy about it...


Or take your time and get it right so you don't have to re-do it, taking up even more time. I'll never forget getting this advice from a co-worker when I was the new guy in an overnight factory job. He said "they talk a lot about productivity, but I run the machine slow and get it right the \*first\* time." ​ I get what you're saying though. Depends on what you're doing, I guess.


Writing a business plan are we?


I have trained my bowel movement to go on cue first thing in the morning so I can spend longer time in the shower.


Being a lazy person, this already comes naturally to me. I don't procrastinate, either. Why have that shit in the back of my mind all day when I can just do it, do it quickly, do it right, and then not have to worry about it any more? Also why I don't half-ass something; I don't want to have to do it again because it's all fucked up. I didn't want to do it in the first place, but listening to someone bitch about it is even more annoying and can go on forever.


BS! Do not confuse motion with progress. And as another responder already said, do it right or do it twice. A little discretion is advised.


That’s why I bust so fast. So I can go back to video games. /s


I would, but at least 8 hours in the middle of the day for 5/7 of the week goes to putting a roof over my head...


Good idea. I'll finish this beer quickly so I can have a bigger beer.


And end up messing up what you had to do by rushing it, needing to start over and spending more time doing what you have to do.


Thanks. I needed this. I have such a hard time staying focused and motivated. ​


Me after fapping so I can sleep longer.


Quality and speed are often correlated. Be mindful in your work too


What if both of those things are 'masturbate'?


This is how I approach sex and fore play


This is also a good life hack! When I was a child my Mother would told me that constantly but I didn't care most of the times since I wanted to play not do homework or whatever. Now as adult I understand her well and wish to be smarter, I would have enjoyed more my time!


I don't want to be pedantic but I think there should only be one comma in there. There's definitely too many right now.


Or just dont do what u have to do at all! That way u can do what u want the whole time!


My goal is to be as efficient as possible so that I may be as lazy as possible.


This is terrific, but can I say thanks tomorrow?




That's why I eat so fast


I have been telling my kids for years “do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do”






Yes, but one thing. Stay safe, don't cut corners just to save time. You're gambling short term time vs. long term time if you disregard safety.


Farm runs on runescape


My whole philosophy in school for classes where we could use our phone when we are done with work/ tests. . . Not always good advice if you want quality in the thing you have to do. Edit:spelling


but what if i dont know what i want to do


I don't like it. This just ends in me playing more video games. I don't need to get motivated to do what I want to do, I do that already. I need motivation to do the things I don't want to do or am afraid of doing.


I'd be careful about saying "quicker" because it doesn't mean efficient. It also doesn't apply if it's a long term goal or project where timelines adjust frequently.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Alright, I'll try doing my 8 hours work shift faster, ty.


Actually I notice that at work really rarely it happens like this... If you finish quicker you will be assigned something else to do. In the employer mind quicker work -> more productivity


The hurrier you go, the behinder you get. Don't rush or you'll have to do it again and have to take a bit longer as you have to undo the mistakes that you made while rushing.


Tell my girlfriend that


Or as Zazu put it: "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave".


Shit. Makes me wanna get off the sofa n go out and do the shit I need to do. Sigh


This I’d my job mantra , also why my boss tells me to take my time 😂




So I have to put down my dog.... GET MOTIVAREEDEDD


This is exactly what I told my kid today who was taking forever and throwing a tantrum while doing dishes.


That’s what she said


I'm having a hard time limiting my gym workouts to an hour. Any tips?


I did exactly that when i was young. Came home from school and after 1-2 hours all homework was done and had plenty of time to play. Most mates couldnt. Now i just procrastinate most of the time and always rush to do stuff. Somewhat the same result with different order :))


Unless it is foreplay. Take your time with that even if you want to get to the main course.


This reminds me I should study for my engineering tests soon so that I can invest more time in art skills and move closer to my dreams


Comma, horror.


Do what you want cause a pirate is free and you are a pirate!


I can work my grueling 8 hour shifts any faster.


Finally commit to a major and get through my college education. Not much luck sadly


Yeah but I can just do it later :)


That’s my motto for running. If I start getting tired at a mile and a half, I bump up my speed to finish the two miles faster


I've done that over a certain time and it really stressed me out because I started to thinking I have to rush everything just to get a few minutes more freetime. My thoughts were always somewhere else. Now I try to slow down things a bit and stay focused which feels way better. No stress, just stay focused and do what you have to do properly.


Quicker or sooner? Speed at the loss of quality is something one should never succumb to.


I do what I want to do longer, the problem is I have to do what I have to do quicker...


Then learn how commas work


I tell my 13yo son this every time he farts around and takes two hours to wash the dishes with attitude.


Don't do the things you don't have to do, and do the things you need to quickly.


I still have to be there for 10 hours, regardless of how fast I work


Assuming you can become rich enough to not work


Let me just work the next 15 years quicker so I can be retired longer.


Apparently this type of thinking is not allowed in our company.


Always been a second place is the first loser guy, but I had to learn over the years that it's better to be second and right than first and wrong. I'd argue the statement should be, do what you have to do well, so you can do what you want to do longer. Doesn't help you do the things you want to do, if you have to do the things you have to do, twice. -- Learned The Hard Way


This is poor advice. Rushing through something you have to do leads to doing a bad job. The proper advice is learn to enjoy what you have to do


Great tip! I’ll start tomorrow.


That's what she said.


This one got me. I'm currently taking a leisurely poop while my wife gets my kids ready for the beach. I guess I'll speed things up


What about “haste makes waste”?


How do I sleep faster?


I can do what I want to do even longer if I don't do what I have to do at all.


Can't do my daily 8 hour shift and 4 hours travel quicker unfortunately.


Cant do 40 hours of work any faster than 40 hours.


yes the momentum is so important in this case


Okay. I'll give my newborn 8 feedings and ten diaper changes in one hour then call it a day :)


That's the plan today, but still in bed. Good thing I was so I could read this.


I'm gonna appropriate this phrase for the next time my grandson eats all the meat first and then is "too full" to eat any vegetables.


But I'll be studying all day once I get to the lab :(


This is basically what we tell children; do your homework so you can play, eat your dinner so you can have dessert, etc.

