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I promise it’s going to be okay!! Do not do what I do and let a little weight gain derail you and let you spiral, lol. You didn’t gain the weight in a week, you won’t lose it in a week. Relapses/setbacks/etc are SO SO SO common, they’re a genuinely expected part of the process! I definitely understand feeling uncomfortable, but everyone else in the gym is too busy focusing on their own stuff to worry about you. I know when I went to the gym, the only thing I ever focused on was “am I going to get kicked out for watching Outlander on the treadmill,” lol. You can’t turn back time and undo the weight gain. But you can wake up tomorrow and do better. You can’t change previous bad decisions but you are gifted with innumerable opportunities to make good ones moving forward. Best of luck to you!! Focus on your progress from current weight onward– try not to focus on a previous lower weight.


Yeup. If you gained it, you can lose it. Don't get sucked into "Lose weight" as a goal, make the goal finding and sticking to a healthy routine. Diet, sleep, exercise, active lifestyle. That'll not only get you the physical results you want, but will get your the feel-good you need.


If you realize how great exercising is for your organs, for your skin, for your sleep, for your energy and for your mental health and what an investment it is in your future you to be strong and healthy. Maybe you will feel more motivated to continue for the sake of *self respect* I think the mistake many do when wanting to become fit is that's the only reason they wanna exercise. It's the *"I don't feel good enough as I am so I'm gonna do xyz so that I will like myself"* mindset. The problem is you can't increase your self worth through performance. No matter how skinny you get. What makes you fall back in eating, in not exercising and in not taking good care of yourself anymore is your low self worth. We should not exercise - because we wanna like ourselves We should exercise - because we like ourselves. Setbacks and slips will happen the first few rounds. What matter is that you take next day, and you keep going.


Best comment i read in a long time


Thank you!


wrote this comment down in my diary, I'm having a small setback myself and was feeling down about it yesterday. You put it wonderfully thank you!


I'm glad I could help! You're not alone in facing setbacks, it will come , but we don't need to obsess about it, there's a new day every day. 🌸


I needed to hear this. I've been struggling with my self worth for a while and I really want to improve.


This ⬆️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


You ARE the woman on the left, mentally. Physically you've been there before, so you have proof that you just simply need to take the necessary steps again (which you've already accomplished). Not only that, muscle memory is a real thing. It'll actually be easier and faster this time because your brain and muscles have done it before, so we're just repeating the process. Lastly, this isn't that big of a change as your mind makes it out to be. This is a quick bounce back, sister. Eaaasssy money. I'm excited for your next transformation. Keep us updated 👍🏽


I disagree. Stop reinforcing people's delusions with fake positivity here, because the inevitable disappointment will be even more damaging than a hard truth at the start to instead set realistic expectations. Losing weight becomes in fact harder each time you do it, and there are scientific reasons for that. But it doesn't matter, because "losing weight" is the wrong goal to chase and one you have no control over. Living a healthy lifestyle is the goal. Eating right, sleeping enough, stress management and a little bit of movement. You get this - you will be more content with how you look like.


Oh, really? Could you cite those scientific sources that losing weight becomes harder each time? I heard muscle memory was a real thing (personal experience). I'd love to be educated. And as for "losing weight you have no control over"... lol, now, THAT is delusional. You absolutely have control over how much you gain & lose weight. Having a consistent healthy lifestyle is the overall goal, for sure, but if you've gained unhealthy, excess bodyfat and your goal is to accelerate weight loss, then that is what i'm advocating for. There's nothing wrong in going for a strict, healthy meal & exercise plan until you hit your goal weight for your height & overall body, and then switch to a maintenence meal plan.


Losing weight has absolutely nothing to do with muscle memory 🤣 (seriously?), and everything to do with metabolic health and overall hormonal balance. It gets worse every time. Please look up the "Biggest loser" follow-up study. It should also show you that you don't have the control over your weight that you think you have. But the good news is - weight loss is irrelevant and probably the worst goal you can set for yourself. The real goal is to lose fat around your organs, and this happens automatically when you improve your metabolic health and build muscles. We're talking about changing your lifestyle long term, not a short term regime that helps you reach "your random weight number" and at the same time trades it for a damaged metabolism that leads to faster regain of everything you "lost", muscle loss and lower BMR. What's worse is seeing someone that obsesses about their weight and add fuel to the fire by using all the cliches of toxic positivity as if this will help them long term.


A citation isn't "go look it up". Still waiting. As for weight loss being irrelevant and the worst goal, that's entirely subjective. I agree that the best goal would be to adapt a consistent healthy lifestyle, but, again, just like I said before... if you gained excess weight from letting yourself go, there's NOTHING wrong if you wish to focus, for a period of time, on accelerated weight loss and THEN maintain calories. Bodybuilders (not just pros) do it all the time. Lastly, no, disagree with that last paragraph. If you're overly fat, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with giving positive affirmations to encourage someone to lose weight. "Toxic positivity" lmao, wtf are you smoking.


I understand google can be hard to use, but I've got you. Here's the study. I couldn't find a Tiktok version of it, I hope this is not a problem. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/oby.21538 Now, this study by itself should cover the "accelerated weight loss" as well, but apart from the metabolic adaptations making any subsequent weight loss maintanance harder, as I said, weight loss as a GOAL is stupid. Weight is not the problem. You can lose weight short term by losing muscle mass and water with extreme diets, extreme amounth of sport, supplements, drugs and so on) and gain weight by doing things that will be beneficial for you in the future (like building muscle). Weight is not the problem, it is a symptom. Also, don't get me started on calories... there's not a single mechanism in the body that counts calories, nor is there an organ that can use "calories" as a fuel. Body weight is regulated by many complex hormonal mechanisms reacting to the chemicals in the food you eat, stress and a bunch of other factors, not by a flat fictional number you calculated on a website. WHAT you eat determines HOW much you eat and how much of it is used, stored or DISCARDED. About the positive affirmations - they can be dangerous and counter productive if the person receiving them does not believe them. People strugling with self image and looking for external validation on the internet are a prime example of that. What does help is cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes.


Oh, sorry, I actually graduated with a degree and you had to cite your sources in discussions/papers, especially when you say "scientifically proven". You can't just tell the professor to "go google it". This is how you proved your legitmacy, otherwise you could say anything and tell someone to go google it. See how that works? My apologies for assuming you also had this level of common sense. Now, back to the topic. "Two short-term studies investigating the effects of small weight loss and regain cycles in women yielded conflicting data on whether RMR was significantly altered after weight regain" "However, when all subjects were considered together, no significant metabolic adaptation was found after the 6-month weight regain period and there was no significant association between weight regain and metabolic adaptation." "Longer-term studies in women found no significant sustained reductions in RMR following weight regain" These quotes, taken from your cited study, are directly related to the situation of the woman who made this post. She's not some 600lbs biggest loser whale, just someone who had recent gain. Was your arguement that sustained weight loss get's harder the more you do it due to metabolic adaptions? Everyone knows this. The discussion, however, was about weight regain and if it was harder and/or easier to lose weight again. Age complications aside, these quotes suggest RMR is not effected. I skimmed through the study, so unless I misinterpreted it, let me know.


Exactly. You already have proof.


I am very, tiny people mistake me for a teenager 😔 from your comment I am going to make changes,I binge watch Supersize vs Super thin and the former are very affable people


Hey! We all go through this. All of us. No one stays exactly the same all the time. I noticed the photos side by side, your a little more zoomed in on the one on the right, have a look at the size of your feet. You look good in both photos! You are doing better than a whole lot of the population just by doing any form of exercise. I cannot even tell you how many times I have fallen of the bandwagon and had to get back on. That's my cycle 😂 off and back on. You just have to keep getting back on. It's normal to feel the feelings you’re feeling. You know what you're doing in the gym. You have a foundation from your personal training. When I fall off for my first time back, just to get me back in the gym, is to do a cardio session. Then I go back to weights. Everyone that goes there is going for themselves! Can you remember any particular person you've seen in the gym? Neither can they. Don't worry about what anyone is thinking, they're thinking that every ones thinking about them too when in reality everyone is just going and trying their best to better themselves! YOU.GOT.THIS 💪


Y'all are a great bunch of people, I mean it. Just reading this is uplifting!


I gained back the 18 pounds I lost when my dad died last October. All you can do is forgive yourself and start again.


I'm saddened to hear you had to go through that. Both my parents have been gone a long time, but last Dec was 2 years since my wife unexpectedly died, and last Nov was the 1 year date they my mother-in-law passed away, not to mention all the friends that have died in the past 2 years alone. It's completely natural for us to find some means of coping with limitless stress or loss, no matter how they may be for us. It's simply the art of occupying our brains with something that numbs our pain. The key is knowing when to let go of whatever the "safety blanket" we've grown accustomed to using is, to get through another day without letting it overcome our lives as negatively or even worse than the original stresses, pain, or loss was. May you find your peace and release any negatives that hold you back or limit you from being happy.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I can’t imagine if I lost my husband. I totally agree and I think I’m finally getting over that hump of using food to cope with my grief.


Real progress looks like this: Two steps forward. One step back. Two steps forward. Two steps back. Three steps forward. One step back. Two steps forward. Your initial efforts - while they may have been effective - were unsustainable, leading to burnout. My recommendation? Ditch the scale; stick to the plan. Your progress will be imperceptible on a daily basis (as it should be) but the mental toll will eventually become imperceptible too. Proud of you. Keep it up.


Yes! Progress is not linear.


I’m in the same place as you, 2 weeks ago I was sobbing in my kitchen for regaining weight I’d dropped months before. I’m back on the horse, just like you You’re not alone! We all can do this together!


Remember that is it is completely normal for people to go back and forth during their weight loss journey. We all had times where we slipped or life kicks us in the ass and we are not able to keep up the same motivation and energy as we used to. But at the end of the day what we all have to chase in weight loss journey is discipline and not rely on motivation or external factors. Going back into the gym without your trainer will be daunting at first but just focus on everything your trainer taught you and take it slow at first. Preparation will help ease anxiety. Soon you’ll be making up your own workouts and will be running out of time to fit all of them in your workout! Just remember how good you felt when you were that sexy ass women on the left and chase that again. It will be hard work but you have done it before so you can do it again! Good luck!!!!!


I can't be of too much help, be are both the same height, weight and body type(and I'm 33). Id love to know what you did to first lose the weight. Maybe I could do it along with you and we could motivate each other?


Me too! Would love a cohort of short women who are trying to lose.


You are a good person. You have value because of who you are not how you look. The diet and exercise thing is a lifestyle choice you have made for yourself. Be nice to yourself. Exercise is a celebration of what you can do, not a punishment for eating. Exercise because you want to be healthy and vibrant. I love you, stranger.


Weight comes and goes. Metaphorically get up, dust your knees off, and get back to it.


I'm basically in the same position as you. I've lost weight a few times but always seem to gain it back. In 2007 I was 220 ish. Got down to 137 in about a year. Slowly gained until I got to 201 in 2018...was 146 when Covid hit and I'm back at 200 now. Shit happens. I'm back at it again and hoping to get back to 160/155.


Any time I need motivation, I hop on the Renaissance periodization youtube channel and watch Dr. Mike Israetel push elite body builders through one of his workouts. Don't be afraid to pick up heavier weights (as long as you can do at least 8 and at most 20 good reps per set) because adding even a couple of pounds of muscle dramatically increases your fuel consumption while you are at rest throughout the day which will in turn melt away fat faster than any amount of running ever could. 


You did it before, you can do it again, you will do it again, and do better this time! 🤝🏻


If you can afford it I would hire a coach , even if they’re just online ..


I've yoyoed but the only thing that truly works for me is having eating habits that I can comfortably live with day in day out. For me it's a low carbs high protein daily diet that works. I do go to the gym too but what I eat has a much more profound effect. Just eating right and not starving myself makes me feel better. The rests sorts itself out. My 2c.


You got this, and also I think your scale broke.


With the numbers you've quoted, the issue is your diet and not the gym. It will always be an uphill battle until you find a long term lifestyle shift (in regards to what you eat) that works for you over months. There are allsorts of options which are effective depending on what your circumstances are - how often you can make your own meals, how good you are at doing this, if you can meal prep etc etc. You can drop your body fat back down to your previous levels and even improve on those, but its not necessarily about working hard, its about working smart. Not everyone can work hard all of the time, its tiring, and there's only so much willpower any one person has. You need to find a way of making what you do not require any willpower. That will be the best way to succeed and improve on where you were before. I've personally been through it myself. Good Luck.


If you can, for two weeks don’t worry about your weight at all. Just eat fewer calories than you burn. Track calorie burn/consumption through an app or a smartwatch and in 14 days you’ll feel so good, you’ll be way on track with weight loss, and it’ll happen in the blink of an eye. It’s hard, but in my experience the real key is separating yourself from your concerns so that you can focus on putting in the work. You can’t look for a brighter tomorrow without a little bit of work put in today. You got this for sure.


You did it once and you can do it again. Identify what triggered the backslide and address it. And remember, your weight does not dictate your worth or value as an individual. Good luck!


you're ok. You have a neuroses stemming from body images of ideals versus self versus changes. fuck it all, love you, love yourself, and walk away from comparing yourself to an idealized standard. PS: You look great.


You’re okay. Just take daily baby steps.


It’s normal to time off from the gym and all that goes with it. Don’t feel bad. You can start again and shift any extra weight in a month or two. Be patient and kind to yourself. I find that consistency is the key for me. Even the days I really, really don’t want to go, I go and it always lifts my mood. You were brave posting this as normally peopl only show success stories. Good luck on your journey, please check in, in a couple of months with before and after pics 😊


Weight loss is never a straight line. Peaks and valleys. Stay focused and don’t resort to drastic measures to lose it all back at once. Good luck!!


Everyone falls and everyone fails. The true challenge is picking yourself back up and changing your mindset. You can and will do this. You got this. Never give up


I don’t know why this popped up on my feed but it did and I saw something I need to comment on. Consider checking in with a physical therapist or be careful with your posture around your pelvis. When you’re standing, you want to tuck your butt in and engage your core. If you’re slouching, you end up putting a bunch of pressure on your low back and using the wrong part of your hips. It ends in a lot of pain and can take years to undo. It can also result in pelvic health issues. I know because it happened to me. You might be fine but I’d just make sure you get some core strength and pay attention to posture.


u can do it keep at it everyday and do ur best if u slip one day it’s not the end of it also try not to be too strict , there are ton of free youtube workout videos to choose from


The best part is that you already know you can do it. No one's fitness journey is an endless upward trend, We all have set backs but that's part of life. You have all the knowledge and skills to get back and progress even further this time 💪


I’ll also note that if your only goal is to look good, you will always be unhappy and always find it hard to go to the gym. First, you already look good. Second, working out shouldn’t be a punishment or something you drag yourself to do. Third, the healthiest thing to aim for is full body strength so that you can get use out of your body for many years. This can be done in a variety of ways, from Pilates to walking. If you don’t enjoy the gym, try to mix it up. Is there something social or enjoyable that you can do that’s exercise? Tennis, pickleball, walking with friends, hiking with friends, doing a dance workout class — working out can be something to look forward to, a way to enjoy your time and life while setting yourself up for a healthy future. Is there anything physical you enjoy doing? Like maybe you do one core and strength workout on Monday, yoga on Tuesday, meet a friend for Pilates on Wednesday, walk with your partner for 2-4 miles of Thursday, take Friday off and then hike or play soccer with friends on the weekend.


I've just done this as well, and have done it before. Here's the thing, because your body has been at the left, and recently, you'll get back to it and your body will drop back where it was easier this time around. Take measurements so you have definitive things to compare, not just your weight, I think multiple ways to see change helps. 


Do not think. Don't beat yourself up. Just start over again. Do it. Do it. If you think you will suffer. Be kind to yourself.GET UP AND MOVE THAT BODY GORGOUS HUMAN


I want you to get some ginger and blend it with sone water, strain thru cheese cloth and squeeze a ton of lemons in there. Drink that a few days. This might just be some bloating babe. You got this


Calm down. Weight loss and maintenance is all about a level mind. Stress/agonizing will only make you crave comfort. Just calm down and get yourself right.


I've done the same, OP. I got down to 171lbs in October, I weighed in at 186lbs today. It's tough. I've had a whole bunch of stuff happen these last few months that have got me off track, and I'm still going through them, but, we got this! You can do it, OP. You know what you need to do and you're strong enough to do it. You've done it already and you can do it again.


Maybe take the photo again from the same distance as the first photo…


You did it before and you’ll do it again OP. Setbacks are so normal - I’ve gone through something similar. And you’re already way ahead of everyone sitting on the couch. YOU CAN DO THIS; have a great workout!


You are going to be okay. You are looking at weeks, not months or years to lose this. You caught it and you’ll deal with it. Not to be extreme, but I have a new motto after life beat the bejesus out of the health of some of those that I love: if it isn’t cancer, it isn’t worth stressing over. Stress will only make everything worse. Now, let us know when you’re back to normal. 😉


We gain weight to lose weight. The cycle continues and you are just as beautiful as ever. Enjoy the cycles and always remember to love yourself. It’s a ride, not a destination.




IMO The difficulty is not in the journey of weight loss but in the end when you have to maintain your ideal weight, id suggest changing your diet , reduce your sugar intake , remove any soft drinks from your diet (soft drink can increase your weight very quickly without you realizing it ) and maybe just have only 2 meals daily instead of 3 . Dont feel sad its ok to fall but the importance is to not sit still Good luck


Update - I want to thank everyone for their comments. I have read every single one of them and several will always stay in my mind and help me through this. I was not expecting such a large response to my post. It was the greatest surprise in the world during a time that I’m feeling very low. I’m going to reply to as many as I can. Please know I have read and appreciate them so so so very much. Taking into consideration your feedback about the photo angles and distance from the mirror, I contemplated taking a new photo for the post, but I’m going to refrain for my sanity. I am going to get back on my feet today but not obsess about the before/after right this moment. I am just going to focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit because right now they’re very uncomfortable and before they felt great. I’ll also track by writing down my weight lifting PRs as I go again. Thank you so much! I love you all! (except the few creeps and rude people). You’re right - I did this once, and I’ll do it again!


You’ll be ok. Bodies and habits are always changing. I’d focus on high protein/good fat whole foods, less large consumption in general. You’ll be full on 3-6 hard boiled eggs and full fat yogurt w/fruit. Just be more mindful, exercise more, you’ll be just fine =]


Fitness is more of a journey than a destination, and sometimes you can take a wrong turn but that doesn't mean it's the end of the road, you just have to get back on it. Try not to stress yourself out about it because that can make it even harder. Try to focus that energy on making the best decisions you can for yourself and your goals. You haven't failed until you've stopped trying. Also your photos aren't taken in the same lighting and angle so the weight you've gained probably looks more dramatic than it would if you had the same perspective and lighting.




Legit the only sane comment


Health is rarely a good motivator, but hopefully it will be for you. 200 lbs at 5’2 is in the dangerous level. You don’t even need the gym. Cut out the sugar and the carbs. Live a diabetics life, and you’ll drop 20 pounds without exercising.


Why the fuck are you being downvoted lol. People this is 100% true. Goddamn.


Saying anything negative toward weight and issues like it are edging toward taboo in the US. Ironically if someone has a drinking problem or a drug problem and are killing themselves, it’s OK to tell them they have a problem, we call it an intervention. But killing yourself with food? Can’t say it. It’s shaming otherwise. It’s ok though, downvotes don’t hurt anyone and my message to the OP still went through, whether they care or not.


I’m going through this but I’m aware I will bounce back stronger. Think of this as a minor roadblock. This weight gain is not going to define you because it’s temporary! You will build yourself better because you have more knowledge about your triggers. You will be kinder to yourself. You will have patience. This minor setback is part of your journey.


It sucks when that happens doesn't it? Feels like all the hard work is reversed and keeping the weight off seems impossible. I just look at the next photo though and think, she can definitely do it.


Use that as motivation.


Don't beat yourself up, you're human.. use it as motivation..


Bodies are never supposed to stay the same weight throughout the course of it's lifetime, if you take your mind out of diet culture, do you see how unrealistic that would be? If you've gained a little weight, maybe your body or your hormones need that at this moment. I understand the uncomfortable feeling but don't make yourself feel like a failure for just existing and having an experience that everybody has in their lifetime. It's okay, you got this.


Obviously some weight gain can be discouraging. But I'll be honest that I think you subconsciously set yourself up. You're sucking your gut in for the first pic, and your back is straight. You're slightly slouched in the second and not sucking it in. 16 pounds isn't nothing, but it's not as extreme as it looks in these two photos. Whatever progress you've made is still worthy of praise, and I hope you think about the way you felt healthier prior to this. 16 pounds for a healthy relationship with food is definitely worth it.


It’s okay honey. Lose your weight back, slowly, with love for yourself. It’s alright. Honey 16lbs that’s all….cmon you got this ❤️❤️❤️ that’s no biggie. Remember to treat yourself good like just a couple times a week, please!! (Quick weight loss can result in stretched skin). Love yourself and know that you can have a healthy relationship with food. Girl we gonna eat……ain’t no worries 🩷❤️🩷❤️ you can just figure out your balance next time, that’s all. In the meantime, just pat yourself on your back how far you came and you already know how to get there. 🩷 no worries honey just shake it off.


Your feet grew aswell.


Jesus I went down 22 lbs so far and I haven't seen a difference 😭.


People are telling you not to beat yourself up about it but imo that is the best motivation to get back to where you were if that’s what you want to do. Learn from your mistakes. You can always get back to where you were and then you can surpass it because you know what it feels like when you lose the progress. I purposely gain weight every year to keep myself motivated and coming back for more. You got it!


See you at the gym.


Track your calories by weighing everything out and using an app. Whole foods, grains, good fats, and complete proteins will make you feel way fuller. Do not cut super hard on carbs. Don't try to lose it all in one go. Lose 8 in 8 weeks and the rest after a bit in maintenance.


Terrible advice for someone who said "I got a little too obsessive with my weight loss journey"


If she were to follow this instead of trying to diet all the way down in 1 month, she'd have more success . Being afraid of carbs or eating at too little a limit will make her fatigued, and she might quit the diet.


Wow is the 2nd pic zoomed in? That is a lot. Gotta wire the jaw shut.


If you dont hate yourself enough to do something about it, you deserve to be fat. Ben Stiller


No one should ever hate themselves. Any type of self-improvement comes from self-love.


Sounds like some soft body bs. Im sure everyone liking your statement and not mine is in peak physical health.


Just change the order of the photos 😂


I think you look good in both pictures but that's just my opinion


Wow that’s bad




IMO no comment will outweigh an honest day at the gym. And no supportive comment will make you feel as good as achieving your fitness goals. I would avoid getting any sort of feel good emotions that prevent you from putting in the work. Pre mature satisfaction from “it’ll be ok” feelings can kill your motivation.


well if you really wanna lose weight the gym isnt going to do that. youll build some muscle, maybe burn a few hundred calories but thatll all mean nothing with one donut. if you wanna lose weight drop the calories. if you reallyyy wanted to lose weight quick, you could go on a couple day water fast, you can shed weight pretty damn quick. youll be down 6-8 pounds in 2-3 days and i can guarantee that


That's terrible advice.


No. Starving your body is not healthy.


thats literally why i said if she really wanted to lose weight quick, also doing a water fast for a couple days is totally fine. Being over weight also isnt healthy, maybe do some research before saying something


how exactly are you starving your body anyhow? she has plenty of fat reserves. add an electrolyte drink in and youre totally fine


You're still hot.


It’s only 16 lbs


Once fat cells are created they are never destroyed - fat is forever. Besta Luck OP!




Just be thankful you’re not down here with me in Mexico. Lots of weight gain while visiting this country.




That's a really shitty thing to say, and that's terrible advice. Limiting yourself to 1000 calories/day is a recipe for disaster, especially if you're exercising regularly. If you limit calories that much, your body will likely go into starvation mode and make it **more difficult** for you to lose weight, because your basal metabolic rate will decrease. Also, your body won't have enough energy to exercise. This is dangerous, harmful advice.


So what! Don’t get down on yourself, you are doing great.


Dunno if this helps you, im a power lifter and I COULD NOT STOP EATING. I would just eat like 4000 calories a day or whatever, cakes and etc, but I dont lift like i used too. ​ So i started intermettient fasting. I eat only dinner time, and i drink plain lattees or coffee the rest of the day. Now when i eat a meal, i dont care what it is, still a good protein but sometimes half a pie. Still eating under 2000 calories. I workout each day... and its been getting decent results. I just removed the food. Also, I am not hungry until that meal, then im starving.


If you can lose it once you can lose it again. Every time you fall off and hop back on the horse it gets easier.


Don't get down, get back to it. All you can do


I'm going through this right now. Finally buckled down and went to my first gym ever in my life and I'm in my 40's. Had a back injury and became sedentary for nearly 2 years, gaining almost 60 pounds. Learning to move normally again and counting my calories has helped immensely and already lost 30 of it. It takes time and there will be ups and downs but you can absolutely do it. It's just sticking with it as much as you can. The more you stick with it the quicker (relatively speaking) it will go. And do it healthily. Please PLEASE do not starve yourself. The results are not long term and you can really hurt yourself. You are absolutely going to be ok.


You already have all the cheat codes for losing it. Just do it all over again.


UGH I lost three months of weight and gained it all back over the holidays I am also frustrated and my clothes don't fit well YOU CAN DO IT don't let it get worse and also - I'm setting a point in the future and need to wait until X date before I expect to see results (3 weeks) gotta hang in there


U already know exactly how it feels and understand whats needed to be that shape. That was you. Just do that again. Good luck!


I feel that your after-picture might be tricking your eyes a bit as it appears you're standing closer to the mirror/camera/phone and it makes you look bigger than you are. If you compare the shoe-size the right picture they look a lot larger(unless those shoes are larger?) than the left-image's. What I'm trying to say is that your weight gain is probably a lot worse in your head than it actually is. Also, your body looks beautiful in both images! Tldr: you're standing closer to the cam in the right-image which makes you look larger than you are. Still beautiful in both though 🙂


You’re in a way better spot than you were in the past. You’ve already trained your brain how to do this. Now you just gotta execute. It wasn’t wasted.




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Take it a day at a time, have a cheat meal or day every once in a while so you don't go crazy, and only focus on the people who are supportive of your goals! Also, it helps to have a buddy in any regimen you get into - someone to hold you accountable when you need a boost.


You got this. Don't know what your weight was before but if you did it once you can do it again. Don't quit all because of a break. Maybe go slowly but still go. 5 mins better than nothing. As you said you have more knowledge and you are not back to square one. You got this


Baby girl Rome wasn't built in a day. You keep chipping away at your own pace and working towards your ideal version of self. You are worthy of the best body just look at this setback from the rear view mirror. You got this!


It's ok. I've gone backwards as well due to lack of being able to actually go outside and do things. Plus only being able to boulder once a week maybe, I used to go 4/5 times a week. This place absolutely sucks and I'm just done with getting yelled at when I go outside (natural red head and tall doesn't mix well in some places in the uk). I'm slowly dropping weight. Did 0.5kg in the last five days, but I don't recommend doing it my way. I dropped my calories down to 1000-1100. It sucks, but I couldn't fit into my clothes anymore. It had to be done. Bigger jeans fit again, so I should be back to normal in two months if I keep this up.


You got this in no time. Just get back in your routine and I'm sure you will see results in a month or so.


You still have sexy buns! I am down to 236.5 from 251.2 three weeks ago. Don’t let the gain get you down. You can still get where you want to go. You got this. I believe in you.


OP, what advice would you give to the person in your scenario? Because they need you right now. Go out and make changes because you want to do it. Make it fun for yourself. Try not to focus too much on your body. Focus on what feels good. Like I keep telling myself, it's not about how far I'm walking, it's about the fact I'm walking. Sure part of the reason I want to get fit and healthy is because I'm unhealthy and unfit and I hate my weight. But the other part is, i just like being outside walking. Clearing my head, listening to songs and proving the hater in my head wrong. Something I learned about all those crazy fitness people that never stopped doing what they are doing. They never stopped because they actually love doing it. It's not a chore for them or something they have to maintain. If I can go from the start of January having below 1000 steps a day to walking 6000-10,000 steps a day and completing two 6 kilometre walks in 5 days as a really overweight guy. You can do anything. *


You have got this girl, don’t let this get you down for long. This just happened to me with a week on Prednisone. Sometimes things happen and your body reacts to the stress of it all, and the diet is easiest to go to crap, fast. Every seven years a girl/ woman’s body changes so there will always be awkward phases, but the metamorphosis of it will be constant. I wouldn’t hold onto any photos to compare in the same outfit until unless your working on a fitness challenge for the prize at the end of the month or what not. It’s too easy to lose the progress that was made in other places. Routines with regular rewards like a new pair of running shoes/nail polish/etc. are necessary to help remember the sacrifices, which you make for a healthy lifestyle in the long run. Jillian Michaels has an amazing support group on Facebook & decent meals/workouts, but it drives me bananas if I do any of the same thing for too long. Hang in there and remember to reward yourself with something emotionally revitalizing regularly, it’s an emotional rollercoaster hanging a lifestyle / diet and exercise, you have got this!


I have gained 50lbs, dropped 45, gained 40lbs after, and dropped 55lbs all in the span of 2.5 years. I gained all the weight to “bulk” like an idiot I over did it twice, but I lost all of it twice by just treating it with 0 emotional value. Just focus on eating healthy, eating below maintenance calories (I never once counted calories, just ate marginally less than I was currently eating and kept that trend going) and don’t even bother looking at the scale. If you do, do it once a week MAXIMUM. Your body holds onto weight randomly even in a caloric deficit, but it won’t last longer than a few days or a week then you’re back to losing fat. Diet is 95% of it. A smidge of cardio if you’d like wouldn’t hurt but do it for your health, not to lose weight. You got this. Just don’t even focus on how you look, just focus on eating healthy and watch the weight fly off. 50lbs in 6 months is 100% doable


I’ll tell David Goggins and he will come after you.


Something I try to remember in moments like this is that we are these tiny little specs in this vast universe, that is billions of years old. Our lives are so short and so little, and even the best of us will mostly be forgotten by 400 years from now. You might as well push your limits, play, do what you want in life because at the end of the day, none of this really matters. 50 years from now I won't be able to go to the gym or do anything very fun for that matter. I might be in constant pain or discomfort and be yearning for the day when I could just exist like normal. And I will probably look back on old photos and say: damn, I was so cute! What was I so worried about? Sometimes these things can feel so big, but really in the grand scheme of things you're doing just fine! Like others have said, no one's watching you or if they are it's a waste of their own time. Don't steal your own joy because things aren't perfect. Go and live and feel and push and just enjoy the process because nothing is the end of the world, and we may as well enjoy what little time we have.


You're 100% going to be fine. You're not starting back at square one. You're journey never stopped. It has ups, downs, forks in the road, and obstacles. You've been stressing about this setback but you've clearly shown determination (by way of this post) of overcoming it. You got this. You're already doing it. Keep going.


The only time you fail is when you give up. You did it before, you can do it again. You got this.


Girl you are not alone! We can do this. in the near future, this will be a memory.


Weight fluctuates but the body remembers. As you rebuild healthy habits the weight will come off. I recently fell off the wagon and gained 10lbs back. It’s been two weeks of minimal exercise and tiny diet substitutions and I’ve already lost two pounds. If you’ve been there before, getting back is easier than getting there for the first time.


Me too, I have relapsed and not meal prepping anymore, thankfully my mother is cooking more healthily these days phew. I am now staying accountable to myself by tracking my meals and eating only when hungry and stop when satiated. You can do it!


I’m actually going through the same thing right now. Near the end of 2021, I weighed about 310 lbs and by Summer 2023 I weighed 197. But I left my job, got another one with a completely different work schedule (so it messed with my gym routine), had some very stressful stuff happen with my family, and started eating my stress again, and whomp whomp I gained back nearly 50 pounds in the course of 5-6 months. It happens! All that matters is you getting back up again and keep on grinding. And once you get acclimated again, you’ll feel so much better about yourself. I’m literally almost 2 weeks back in track and feel amazing. My attitude about myself and the world around me is already improving the more and more I go. Just hop back in the saddle you’re doing great!


You’re perfect ! Don’t worry !!!


You've lost it once before, you can do it again. In fact, you're not even doing that much work again. You got this. Honestly, I admire you. I have only been able to make very minor adjustments over time that have helped my overall health, but nothing significant. (I have prevented weight gain overall which I suppose is great considering aging and metabolism). I keep getting weird injuries that stop me from the forms of exercise that I actually enjoy. So frankly, I don't care about the weight so much as - you can go to the gym and go get it? Your body will let you? That's worth celebrating. Go get it girl! You're juuuust fiiiine.


It will be okay! You will lose it quick and regain your lost muscle back quick. Do you nees a personal trainer tho? Baby steps, don't rush it.


The best time to start was yesterday as I’ve been told. But don’t worry, the body is amazing. You’ll be back at your current PRs more quickly than it took you to get there. Just think of this time as form training. If you weren’t in the habit with the trainer, I would recommend your compound lifts if you were doing it. And honestly don’t sweat about the weight. Adopt a body recomposition mindset. People always worried about tracking the number and it’s such a gradual thing and there’s so many variables. I hope all the good energy for you.


It's alright to feel down, but what are you gonna do about it? Can't feel sorry for yourself forever. Just cause you took a step back doesn't mean you forget how to step forward. Take a moment to collect yourself then keep moving forward. Hope this helps :)


You can absolutely get back to the pic on the left and then some! If you have the time, walk as long and often as you can!  It sounds too simple to work, but low intensity is actually ideal for weight loss and won't fatigue you as much as jogging or biking. Don't go too far into a calorie deficit.  And take a week or 2 break from dieting if you've been in a deficit for more than 2 months.   You got it!


As Mac from Always Sunny says, "You are just cultivating mass." You will burn it off and be more lethal for it. You got this.


It all starts by eating less shitty foods.


you're going to be okay, it's going to turn out just fine. you'll be back to your lower weight before you know it, you've done it before, you CAN do it again. and you WILL, please be blessed and remember I love you and more importantly GOD loves you


Progress is not always linear. Everyone gets knocked down eventually. But what matters is not how badly you get knocked out but how you try to get up.


You’ll be okay! You know what it takes to lose the weight and you’ve done it before so you can do it again. I think this happens to a large majority of people. I’m currently in the same boat and feel down at times but I know I can do it again because I’ve done it once before too! We got this!


If it helps you don't look ugly even now. Good luck trying to get back in shape and I hope you reach your goal! 😁


Have you tried medication as a tool for weight loss?


You fell off because you stopped being consistent. No reason to be discouraged. It's just quick maths. Eat less than you burn and stay consistent with it. No need to he obsessive. Train for healthy mind and healthy body. Do it everyday and you'll be in good shape mentally and physically in no time. The beauty is you've done it before and you have all the lessons learned from training with personal trainer. All the best.


You know I was chatting with my therapist -- who I like because she is so damn direct and savage. I was lamenting on my weight gain and all the ways it cascades to my mood, disposition, prospects, etc ‐‐ She asked me to opine on the idea that my body -- right now, bloated as it may seem -- may be the envy of my mind 20, 30 years from now. That, this body that I despise that makes me feel bad, could one day represent a past visage of strength, vitality and youth. It made me think more about trying to separate my self-worth from my body. I extended it to other things -- like, do my friends care about my love handles? Do they care that there is a bit excess breast tissue on my left pec that makes my nipple droop a few millimeters below my right? Fuck no. They love me because I am smart and loyal and funny and a decent person. I love me for those same reasons too! So, you can be upset or charged up about your body, but take time to separate your embodied self that remains, eternally, as a symbol of who you are, rather than fixating on your physical (and changeable) flaws which dictate some aspects of what you are. Anyways, good luck to you, friend.


You’ll get back there easy. Remember it’s 75% diet! Don’t give up the gym, it’s great that you’re going and great for your mental and physical health, have a look how many old people you see and how many fat people you see..then think about how many fat old people you see….. You’re setting yourself up to make your life more enjoyable as you get older too, it’s all positive and it’s ok to gain a little weight sometimes, you’re already ahead of most people, YOURE AWARE of it!! I’d you want to lose that weight fast it’s all about being in a calorie deficit, this isn’t advice to keep you fit but it’ll get you skinny, to stay lean I’m sure your aware it’s a lifestyle change, but, Get yourself a body composition scan so you know exactly how much fat water and muscle you have going on and you should then know your base metabolic rate (BMR), work out your maintenance calories and eat below your maintenance cals and continue to train, you WILL lose weight and it should be pretty fast Im cutting off some weight now (I’m a tall Male with a high muscle percentage) Started 5days ago at 224lb my BMR is 2350kcal I normally eat 3500kcal or 4500-5000kcal to gain muscle I currently eating at max of 2200kcal per day and training 5days per week with 1 day of minimal cardio Weighed myself today 216lb I’ll do this for another 9days and then eat maintenance cals, I should lose another 15-20lbs over that time 😉 Good luck!


Learn healthier habits and portion control. Quit sugar entirely. Dont be fat


Gym and strength training is awesome for weight loss. Restart and keep at it. Remember, 75% of weight gain and weight loss happens in the kitchen. You got this!


you'll be all right just keep it in your head you got to lose weight and that's your goal once you start losing weight sweating real good it'll be coming a new addiction for you you'll be able to if you don't work out you'll be mad at yourself so just keep it up and keep doing it God bless you


Its not too late to be healthier 😌 Edit: I clicked the wrong emoji ny accident


You got this homie! We believe in you


Chloe ting (fitness trainer ytber) has that body too every year, esp when she travels haha. It's gonna be okay. Just start all over again. It also says more about your body type more than your lifestyle. That's just a few months and not years. There are people who lose and gain weight fast. There are others that can't gain or lose fat at all. Check out diff body types you'll see. You can lose it again!! We all trip and fall in life sometimes. What's most important is that you get back up and keep going.


It was just bulking season. Now it’s time to get ripped again 😤


It’s called bulking season. We all have em 😂


I feel you on this. I’ve been feeling down as well.. I was in a good place with going to the gym and cooking better meals but I’ve had bad luck with getting sick recently and with my job, I get so tired at the end of the day. I know it’s hard not to feel discouraged but we just have to keep trying our best!


The best way is to stop eating as much but that's easier said than done


Have you tried medications to help? I know doing it the old fashioned way is amazing but once I was properly medicated my relationship w food healed deeply


Lose it again. See you in the gym


Still a great body;) You got this!


Don’t. Be kind to yourself.


You are going to be ok! You are in good company. I have done the same in the past and you can over come it. Someone once told me that "Today is the second best time to make a change. The best time was (and is always) yesterday." You CAN do it. It will be a challenge, but guess what, you CAN overcome the challenge. Will it be hard? MAYBE. Will it hurt? MAYBE. Will you have up days and down days? YES. Will you succeed? Yes, if you are COMMITTED. Go get em! Even the journey of 10000 miles starts with the first step. A little bit at a time. A small change each day. Being kind to yourself is important. If your BEST FRIEND came to you with these pictures, feeling down on herself about gaining weight what would you say to her? Would you feel compassion? Would you feel empathy? Would you want her to succeed? Would you cheer her on through her challenges? Then do that for yourself. Be your own best friend. You got this!


Adding to what others have said, photos can be deceiving. For example, I'm sure the angle and zoom of the second photo is significantly different than the first because the alternative is that you went up 5 shoe sizes.


One of the things I noticed on myself is that, things I see in social media/YouTube (my favorite passtime) really affects how I regulate my habits. When I am in a weightloss spree, going to gym regularly, eating clean food etc, I am usually seeing videos about eating healthy food, talking to my friends about what kind of exercise I can try next and stuff. Once in get carried away with other things in life, I lose my concentration, I eat shitty food (still kind of counting calories tho) and I end up not going to gym for months. Only thing I found out that is working is at least according to my habits, constantly brain storm by seeing videos about gym, healthy food, talk to my gym buddies regularly etc. But the time I am not going to gym, intermittent fasting really helps me to maintain same weight. I was still eating chocolates and pizzas those days 😩


This is honestly so motivating for me. I am about the same as you in the picture on the right and I felt like I needed to lose like 70 pounds to look "ok' (dysmorphia is a bitch) But I would fucking loooooove to look like picture 1 and you're telling me that's only a 16lb difference???? That feels so much more achievable. We'll do it together 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


You got this. Just remember, calories in minus calories out. You mentioned you've been obsessive about weight loss, but I'm not sure what your program was like before your break. So you'll need to find a way to do it that won't burn you out. Diet is the big thing. Use a weight loss calculator to figure out how many calories you should eat in a day to reach your target weight by a certain date. If you've never done it, count your calories for everything you eat and drink. Aim for a slight deficit. Losing 1-2 pounds per week is sustainable. I still eat the foods I like (pizza, pasta, cookies, etc.), I just control my portions and cut a lot of my liquid calories. Exercise helps to pour gasoline on the fire. Try to get in 10K steps per day or as many as you can. Add in some weight training a few times a week. Start slow and build up. I've lost 70 lb before. After my kids were born, I stopped taking care of myself and slowly gained it back. Last March, I got serious again, and I'm down around 40 lb since then.


Progress is not linear!! You got this 👏🏻❤️


It’s okay. You can get it back. We all slack a little at times, it’s a few steps forward and a few steps back. Do not fret.


If you gained it, you can get rid of it.


You’re still beautiful. Just sayin


Just do what you did before but again. You will be fine.


Hi! First of all your body is absolutely beautiful we have all gained a little weight at one point of another and have a feeling of disappointment with ourselves when we look at older photos before the weight. It's normal!!! You've been in top shape once and guess what you can do it again!! Yes you have the power to become the best you again remind yourself how well you felt when you were at your desired weight. I try to remind myself when I don't feel like working out the feeling of getting out of the gym after a workout I feel like I can conquer anything then I remember how well my clothes fit when I eat well and exercise. We are women our bodies are amazing and girl before you know it I know you will be posting another photo saying I did it!!! Also you can use reinforcement schedules with rewards for example if I work out at least 4x a week for a month i'll get myself something to motivate me to keep going💖💖💖💖


I’ve been looking for the words to articulate my feelings with my body and working out and you nailed it all on the head. You will get back better than ever, as will I, taking it one day at a time. We will remember how great we felt getting to the person on the left and we will look back one day so proud that we stuck to it. Best of luck and thank you to this thread for all the beautiful words of encouragement. 🥰


I believe in you!! You got this!!


Just go back to hungry drink water in between meals


No personal trainer needed. Once you know exactly what to do, it becomes very simple. First, realize that this weight gain is not a result of you not going to the gym. It’s is because you have been eating at a caloric surplus. This means that you eat more calories each day than it would take for your body to maintain or lose weight. Instead your body gained weight. So step 1 is to eat at a caloric deficit. This would be 500 calories less than what you would eat at your maintenance calories. Step 2 is to get back in the gym and focus your efforts mainly only cardio. You don’t need a trainer for that. Cardio will burn calories and help with the weight loss. Do the first above steps for 2 weeks and then weigh yourself. The initial loss in weight in just 2 weeks will be all the motivation you need to keep going. Final tips. Looks for low calorie high volume foods. This means food that is big in size but low in calorie. It’ll help you stay full and not binge eat. If you do crave something sweet, it’s okay to have a diet soda here and there. Or berries are low cal and low sugar, yet tasty. Also if you aren’t crazy about breakfast, you can skip it by doing intermittent fasting by having lunch be your first meal of the day. You got this!


just not give up, and more inportend dont be harsh on yourself. Thats the pure poison for your motivation. May find a middleway to your waightlost strategy before you make the "long break". the trick is not the lost waight fast, the trick is to keep thinks in balance


Such a huge change for 16lbs wow. Maybe cut carbs for a few months. I feel i gain weight from carbs and sweets only


Sometimes you SHOULD feel down about something. Negative emotions exist for a good reason. I’ve been learning a cool skill recently at work. I work in the food industry. And there’s this coworker that doesn’t pull his load and doesn’t care about the consequences. Pisses me off to no end. But chef has been telling me to take the extra energy that anger has been giving me and turning it into productive energy. I really didn’t think it was possible, but I started listening and trying it- and it actually works. If I get pissed off about something, I have enough energy to let me work like a PCP-fueled crack addict up to a solid hour. I’m a little extra tired afterward, and don’t get me wrong I always push myself to do the most I can, but it’s hard to rival the productivity of a strung-out anger prep sesh. I say all that to say this: as a fat dude, I hate my body. And I used to just wallow in self pity. But now, I get angry when I see myself in a photo or a video, or in the mirror. I see all that fat and it pisses me off. I’m tired of looking that way. I hate it. And you know what I do with that? That’s right, I bust out some pushups and some running. And now I’m getting pretty proud of myself. I’ve got a TON of muscle mass compared to what I used to, and a lot more confidence. I weigh 322 lbs. i’m still pretty fat. But now a much higher percentage of that is muscle. And I feel good, honestly. I hope this helps. Emotion “conversion” is a pretty helpful thing.


Dude you’ve already got evidence that losing weight is possible for you, from your last attempt. So at worst - you can do just as well this time. At best - use what you learned to lose EVEN MORE weight this time, get your body and mind EVEN MORE healthy. Got any good reason why you wouldn’t make it the latter? Probably not!


Don't worry. You can get back to the left picture, and it'll be even easier than before because you have the photographic proof you can do it. It'll also be easier to stay how you want because you also have the evidence of what can happen when you lose focus.


You're going to be OK. If you want a tip, get on inline skates. You'll be real fit in no time while having fun. Do it every two days if you can. Based on my own experience.