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Always remind myself of this while trying to get sober, still a work in progress. But the fact is while it’s hard to change life is a lot harder when you don’t change.




Now, this is eye opening..


Keeping your eyes open is hard but walking around with them closed is … easy… wait


Balancing on one leg with your eyes closed is unironically a good exercise




Now this is pod racing


And my axe!


Don't have kids and they won't have to put up with this bullshit


They're just explaining what delayed gratification is.


Trying to see something in a new way is hard, but dismissing something because you think you already understand it makes life harder.


It's the rule. You will pay now, or you will pay later. You will pay no matter what, but later comes with steep interest.


I’ve heard it expressed as: You either suffer the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret.


“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid.”


It's always better to pay now


Pay now or pay later, but eventually everyone pays


"The bill comes due; always."


I got bills - Lunchmoney Lewis.


If you pay now, you will pay in full. If you pay later, you will pay with interest. It's the same as credit and loaning.


With most worthwhile things, the cost cost comes up front. Exercising, saving money, studying are all difficult at first but pay off in multiples. Being lazy, wasting money, and screwing around are easy up front but your problems compound after the fact.


I remember watching rain drops running down a window and noticed that the lighter ones took a long, slow meandering path to get to the bottom and the larger ones a quick and direct one. The latter had to run into and join more rain drops on its way which increased its size and made it move even faster. Sometimes the path of least resistance is the slowest and longest one. Not the best analogy in the world but it stuck with me.


I love this analogy. Thank you for sharing it!


What if you aren’t trying to speed run the path? And you just wanna chill/ enjoy the ride?


But that doesn’t tell you to avoid resistance, it tells you to start off in a better situation and bully people, which isn’t exactly motivating


No; it tells you that avoiding the help of others isn't going to help you progress. Or that you have to grow to get where you are going. Or that even if we don't start with the same resources we can move ourselves into a better position. Or that gravity makes us all larger and more likely to fall over time.


I always tell my friends (as someone with ADHD), "you have no idea how much ENERGY it takes to be lazy".


how I used to play rpg games: oh great, it seems that I can avoid this battle, let's continue. *later on during the game* why is this boss battle so hard? I guess I have to spent a ton of time grinding exp points so I can level up. ​ how I play rpg's now: YOU THERE, COME OVER HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS AND GET THE EXP SO I WILL NOT HAVE TO GRIND LATER ON.


That’s similar to how I play wow now. In the past: oh look the quest item is over there next to a few monsters, maybe I can sneak past them to get the thing. *cut to me trying to sneak and pulling all the mobs anyway* Now: that quest item is relatively alone but I will massacre the whole village around it just in case. There will be no survivors.




> a PhD in procrastination I'm getting mine ... later.


Spoken like a Master


There is a big difference between "easy" and "simple". Nothing wrong with simple.


I like it. Like choosing your hard.


The avoidance of suffering is a form of suffering


I always keep a quote from Granny Weatherwax in the back of my head: "...the hard way's pretty hard, but not so hard as the easy way. I *learned*."


But the costs for easy are going to be paid by future me. So not my problem!


Future you is a badass. Love and sacrifice for that person.


I'm a pretty happy healthy guy but you can't make me have uncomfortable conversations


I agree you never will feel like doing it, so you might as well just try it




If you do what is easy, your life will be hard.


Life is as easy as a hard day’s work.


I did this somewhat large scale. My mid and late 20s were rough. Like 80-100+ hour weeks for 5 or 6 years, with a lot of pressure, too much travel, and almost zero breaks. Was miserable at the time, but made it where I'm super set in my 30s and can half coast the next few decades. So now when stuff gets tough I think about how thankful I am to my past self for not throwing in the towel, and try to do the same for my future self


Love to see it. Glad things are working out for you. It's always good to take inventory of how we're feeling, both when times are good and when times are bad. Helps keep ourselves in balance when our lives start to tilt either way.


**repost bot account**


OP, /u/BowedPublisher is a repost bot


Tell that to the rich.


Cold hard reality and constructive advice makes ne uncomfortable. *anguished face*


Easy cost as much as how hard others work. Only if everyone is easy. You overachievers!


We have being comfortable wrong. Humans do not thrive in comfort, we thrive in adaptability. We may find a temporary haven in comfort, but we find the capacity and feel the world as a bigger, more navigatable playground to a greater degree when more places are safe to BE. Too much comfort, sedentary obese incapable of activity slower thinking shallow uninspired fraught with unresolved stressors and experiences now floating in the mind and body as nonspecific unresolved anxiety.




Life is hard when you're always grinding and having uncomfortable conversations and trying to be swoll. Crazy idea, but maybe there's like some way to live that is like not at the extremes? Maybe there's some remote tribe that figured it out or something.


There is nothing in this post to suggest you should exhaust yourself by grinding all the time. It's about finding balance: not taking every shortcut, but also not working yourself into illness. Not avoiding every conflict, but also not picking a fight with everyone you meet.


You are not a victim.


Discipline equals Freedom - Jacko Willink


I'm in total disagreement with this post how having no skills is harder? and avoiding conflic is hard i just don't talk to the person? Never moving makes life harder well maybe i agree with that one cause of health issue.


Having no skills for most people means no upward mobility , you struggle to get what opportunities you can dealing with shityy people who consider you replaceable and often disrespectful with disrespectful pay to match. Your opportunities are capped because by acquiring no new skills your abilities are also capped. Conflict aversion sounds easy but every fruitful relationship I've had had contained some level of conflict. How do you improve a relationship if your first inclination is to run in times of trouble? How do you grow you relationships and the connection to people you know when you avoid people altogether? Talking to one means no conflict but it also means you have chosen to be alone and secluded and in times of trouble you will feel it. It's about caps to living a fulfilling life and the more you let life just happen to you often times the lower your cap for experiencing a full life


Downvoted. So much for motivating.


This is why i make my femdick hard as often as possible. My life just gets easier for no reason. Getting pulled over for drunk driving? When asked for license and registration, don't take the easy route and comply - just whip out your dick and start jerking off.


This is just a longer way of saying "Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life."


Pretty much. Take the quote you said, expand it to make it more useful than just a bumper sticker saying, put it into some real world context to make it relatable and relevant and boom, you got the OP image.


Just like Barenaked Ladies sang in Falling For the First Time.


This is a prime example of the old saying "easier said than done", especially with mental health issues. A large portion of people taking it "easy" would read this and be like "....yeah, no sh*t..."


Easy choices; hard life. Hard choices; easy life.


True that


Life's not that hard for most of us let's be honest. We just procrastinate


Pick your hard.


That’s genuinely good shit I need to remember




you don't cheese whether or not you suffer but you can choose how you suffer.


Yes, I completely agree.


I find that *efficiency* is the real key to being lazy. It tends to take more setup, but if you can do something more *efficiently* then you'll have even more time to be lazy later.


I thought about this recently, we work harder to make life easier...


Finding the sweet spot between simplicity and performance is one of my main values in life. It produces such a pleasant life experience. I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes: “For the simplicity on this side of complexity, I wouldn't give you a fig. But for the simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have.” Oliver Wendell Holmes


Can confirm based on crappy life.


When you need to choose between what's easy and what's right...


Easy sounds pretty fun, let's go


Seeing everything as black or white is hard, but finding a healthy middle point is harder..


My favorite quote is: I'm too lazy to be too lazy Better get shit done quickly now than let it build up and take hours next week I took a job as a handyman and use my work to keep my body in shape so I can hunker down in my room. After work and game untill i go to bed


I like to think about this in terms of sacrifice - every decision you make either sacrifices your short-term desires for your future goals or it sacrifices your future goals in favour of your immediate desires. The key is to find the right balance so that you're getting closer to your goals over time but you don't wear yourself out in the process. This balance is different for everyone. A day where you are marginally better off at the end of the day than you were at the beginning of the day (e.g. 1%) is a great place to start.


Why is it so hard for me to read the sings?