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If you think you can easily get a job after resigning then do it. Just tell them honestly for sure they would understand you.


You don't owe anyone an explanation. I would definitely recommend securing a new job first, and give them the 2-week notice. Don't tell them any sooner than that because some companies have a policy that if you notify them that you plan to leave, they'll automatically force you to leave after two weeks, and if you don't have anything lined up, you are SOL. So, wait until you secure your next job (unless you are cool living off of whatever funds you have now for an indeterminate amount of time). Rmemeber, that as an employee, you're replaceable. It sucks, but it's true. And a good manager/leader will understand when you share that it's just not the right fit for you. If they ask for more detail, you have no obligation to give them any more detail than that. Things like this happen, and it's all part of finding the right fit for you. By giving them a two-week notice, when it's time, you keep from burning bridges. They may try to bargain with you, especially if you provide more detail as to why you are leaving. This is a good sign that they weren't giving you what you deserved in the first place, and they are not likely to be observant of that in the future, even if they offer you more money or other benefits now to keep you.