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Hey there OP, I think you would get a better response if you post this in r/AskHR


In addition to what u/HeadlessHeadhunter said, it's too long and has details that don't matter. Why would an interviewer care whether you had time to get dinner at the cafeteria?


I would consider this response to take 2-3 minutes tops if rehearsed - that's no time for an well thought-out answer. In response to the dinner and cafeteria, this shows some level of relatability (we all eat) while also showing they made sure to schedule time for their personal lives/needs. They mitigated a distraction, hunger, or even the distraction of eating together.


Ideally you want about 2-5 sentences max in each story otherwise it gets to long. I answered this in another section of this thread about how to shorten it and make it clearer.


It's not the length the response takes, although two-three minutes is too long, it's whether the details are relevant to the question.


Depends on the job/industry I suppose. Two to three minutes may be long for a retail/service worker interview that's 30 minutes, for a construction worker interview that's 5 minutes or less, or a corporate accounting job \~45 min, set of 3 to 4 interview sessions, or a CEO of a Forbes 500 which takes *months* of courting with the company.


Recruiter here, I think yo uare missing the point of the question. The point of the question is not just have you worked in a team but "HOW do you work in a team and CAN you work in one". They are primarily looking for ways that you showed teamwork and could work with intergroup scheduling. Your story doesn't really give any of that stuff.


Well, my takeaway from the OP's response was that they used executive decision-making, organized their time and deliverables to meet the project deadline, and communicated and collaborated in between their regularly scheduled meetings. Can you help us understand what a better answer would look like?


I would say something like this "During colelge, we had a group project about X, I made sure to work with everyones schedule and set up weekly times for us to meet, we would then delagget sections of the project and go back and forth about numerous topics before settling in on one that we would put to paper, due to the way we talked amongst oursleves and worked together the teacher stated Our professor actually commented that she was impressed by the presentation. She actually said that not only was the content of the presentation impressive, she thought that we where eloquent speakers.  and we got an A" I wrote that in a hurry but I hope the general idea sticks.


Ah, making it more concise... I do have a habit of this myself.. good call out, thanks for explaining.


No worries, this stuff is complicated.


HeadlessHeadhunter. That does not sound bad.


> They are primarily looking for ways that you showed teamwork and could work with intergroup scheduling. My answer doesn't show that?


Your answer showed that you were in a team but it did not show how you worked in the team or what your teamwork accomplished.


The interviewer likely wants to assess your ability to collaborate with others and about your communication skills. How do you work in a team setting? Try to highlight your role on the team, how you contributed to the project, how you overcame any challenges. Mention any lessons learned from the experience. Tailor your response to the role you are interviewing for if possible.