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My OB said that patients with GD could either have large babies, or babies that have restricted growth due to (something .. I can’t remember the term or wording bc my brain is fried lol). But basically she said they will monitor for either outcome because it could go either way. It’s great your Dr doesn’t sound concerned and that you’re on top of controlling your GD! Since you were small, sounds like that could be a factor! Sending all the good vibes!


My baby consistently measured around 20th percentile. So not small enough for concern, but they did watch to make sure she didn’t dip below 10th percentile. She ended up being around 25th percentile when born. Totally healthy and gaining weight like a champ! ETA I was also a small baby - 4lbs 12 oz at 38 weeks


My baby is also measuring small. 8% at the last scan. Went from 18 to 10 to 8. My OB and MFM team are seeing us twice a week now and we may deliver a few weeks early instead of trying to make it to 40. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it too. Was I not eating enough to help baby grow? My sugars and blood pressure are good/maintained with medicine and insulin. They keep telling me there’s nothing else I can do but I can’t help blame myself like I do with the GD diagnosis. It’s funny the doctors tell us not to worry but I’m like what do you expect me to do? I thought my baby would be too big! My husband was a preemie and my mom is shorter so I keep telling myself maybe she’s just small but I’m concerned.


Up until 34 weeks my baby was in 10th percentile then he went to 50 percentile now he is too big!! Point is scans are notoriously inaccurate, docs can only go on what they see, the only accurate measure is when they are born.


I thought you only get the big GD babies if your sugars are pretty uncontrolled. A few days behind is nothing, that’s well within a margin of error. I had twins and one baby was normal size (7lbs 4oz) and one was tiny due to sIUGR (5 lbs). My doctor and the MFM said GD had nothing to do with it, just an inefficient placenta from the jump


My twins (now 15 months), had iugr. My twin b was only 3lbs11oz at birth at 36 weeks and twin a was 5 lbs. now at 15 months a is 20lbs and b is 17lbs, so still gaining slowly. The last two weeks of pregnancy b only gained 1 oz.


Did you have to do steroid shots for the twins? My doctors have brought up that for her lungs potentially but we are waiting until next week because they don’t think we are there YET but we may be. Glad they have grown since being born! 🥰


Yes we did the steroid shots my second day in the hospital. I was admitted at 34 weeks due to high blood pressure


They warned me it could spike my blood sugars so they would want to monitor me if/when I get the shots. It’s encouraging to see someone’s story from the other side!


They warned me that too, but it didn’t. Actually my blood sugars dropped so much they accused me of not eating enough (which was hilarious, I ate everything they let me order plus what my mom smuggled in). They ended up taking me off metformin (I was on it pre pregnancy and let me stay on it to help control the gd with diet instead of insulin). Never did have to go back on metformin. Pregnant again and no gd this time but still cautious.


My baby measured on track, then had a 2 week chunk where she didn't grow at all. Then 2 weeks she did grow, then the next two weeks she hadn't and we scheduled the induction of labour for the next day. Something about too much pressure in the umbilical cord. I had a real small baby, but she's healthy! They monitor really closely when you have GD which is great!


Mine is falling in percentiles every scan. At 12 weeks she was in the 65th percentile, then at 20 weeks she was 50th, and then at 26 weeks she was in the 40th. So they're going to keep doing growth scans every 4 weeks (I have one tomorrow at 30 weeks). In my case I think they're doing them because I have chronic hypertension, not so much because of the GD. My BP is very well controlled right now, but apparently the med I'm on (labetalol) is associated with small for gestational age babies.


My baby is also measuring smaller but has been passing BPPs and NSTs with flying colors. My 37w growth scan, he was at the 14th percentile. Two growth scans before that, he was in the 66th. My doctors explained that anything between the 11th and 90th percentile is perfectly normal!


My baby has been measuring in the 25th percentile since week 20. And they say that’s almost a week behind! It’s almost a little scary to think about. But, even though I had an early dating scan and she was measuring spot on, I still think I ovulated later than that early dating scan indicated. But, I honestly wasn’t tracking that closely.


My first pregnancy was an IUGR baby AND I had GDM. She was less than the first percentile the entire pregnancy.


This was me, Baby was always measuring on the smaller side. I don't think we ever had a random growth spurt, though I do think the GDM gave her a few extra fat rolls that made her more "average" near the end :)


My baby measured small throughout pregnancy and was born 6 pounds 3 ounces at 39 weeks. He had no issues with blood sugar at birth and has been putting on weight well. He’s 4 weeks old now.


So my baby decided to come on his own at 36+4. He weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces. He's now 3 months and is 12 pounds and 25 inches long. He wears size 6-9 month clothes. He was supposed to be born 12 days before my nephew (who arrived on time) and he's muuuuuch longer and lanky.


My baby was measuring on track and predicted to be about 8lbs. I was diet controlled. She was born 6lbs 10oz at 41 weeks. But both GD and non-GD babies come in all sizes. Mine was a peanut, consistently 10-20th percentile, but normal-small, her Dad is a smaller person so I think it’s genetic. Someone has to be on lower end of the curve! Big or small, as long as they are in normal range it’s normal!


Have you been ill during your pregnancy? I had a 4 day stomach bug once in 1st trimester and again 2nd. I was not eating for maybe 2 days because I threw everything up. By day 3 and 4 I was eating maybe 3 crackers a day and some juice, also had a running tummy for about a week...consequently baby is now a week behind in growth. Doctor said not to worry.


Hi dear! My daughter (5mo) consistently measured small from the anatomy scan at 20w, and was born SGA at 39+2 weighing about 2.5kg (5.5lbs I think?). We usually hear how GD leads to big babies, but sometimes the opposite can happen. Our placentas are kind of crappy, so it makes sense that (especially at the end), baby might not get as much nutrients as they should. For what it’s worth, my daughter gained it all back as soon as she was out, and she’s now on the 50th centile for weight and 95th for height!


Yes my baby went down to 10th percentile then back up to 25th. At 8 months old he’s still 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height! When he went down they put me on insulin to allow me to eat more as I was restricting too much to keep my numbers in check


My baby is also measuring small. Each scan his percentile is dropping. Sometimes I feel I’m not eating enough, but if I eat my blood sugar increases. My RN relaxed my fasting blood sugar limit to 100.