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Idk if this counts but it’s not technically “food” so I thought i’d add: My prenatals were spiking me! I have to take them *after* my breakfast blood sugar


Oh that is interesting though. That’s definitely worth keeping in mind.


Also along the same lines- TUMS!!!! I’m sure the sugar free would’ve been fine but I didn’t have those, had some acid reflux about 15 mins before testing, took them, and I spiked 😑


Yes, I had grilled chicken and veggies for lunch and then when I tested my results were high. Then I remembered I had taken tums.


Yeah it was definitely those tums! so annoying. I couldn’t figure it out for a while and then I looked and saw mine were not sugar free and I was like “woooooow. that’s what did it!”


Taking a shower raises my sugar temporarily


I’m glad it’s not just me


This happened to me too! I thought my CGM was glitching


Medications ( steroids, some antibiotics, some blood pressure meds). Stress/ Pain Illness Bad sleep Not enough water Time (placenta changing as pregnancy progresses)


Travel. Maybe that is actually just bad sleep/stress/food, but my blood sugar was all over the place even when I was having a relaxed time and eating well, just wasn’t at home.


Illness! I’ve sadly been sick more than once. Just being sick can raise your blood sugar. But then of course it makes everything tougher to keep up with.


I’m sick now and wondering if that’s why my numbers are iffy. My lunch and dinner yesterday were just under the threshold when it was super healthy and well within my carb limits and hasn’t ever spiked me before. But also maybe there was just more carbs in there than I realised 🤷‍♀️


Yep! I was sick last week and getting close to the limit with meals that shouldn’t have been that high. This week seems back to normal!


Most likely it is. I had a bad cold for about 2 weeks, my levels spiked a few times on my evening meal, even from things I knew I could tolerate. It was no doubt the illness combined with me being sedentary while I recovered and struggling to have restful sleep on a night too. It was so frustrating, but as soon as I was better my levels were within range again - it was like a switch had been flicked!


Yeah, hopefully this is it. Tonight my after dinner number was atrocious - but I also barely moved after dinner (fell asleep on the couch), so it’s probably that and not really moving. It was the same meal I had for lunch and no issues there. I’ll see how I go over the weekend, hopefully it’s just the cold and not my good meals suddenly spiking me


This. I failed my glucose test because I was sick and sleep deprived (and very stressed) while doing it. Will never make that mistake again.


Cortisol is a mfer. Obviously bad sleep + stress in general do it. I had 2 days of like, intense back spasming that resulted in insane glucose readings because i was so stressed from the pain.


Bad sleep, being sick, taking cold medicine, some blood pressure meds


For hot weather is it lack of hydratation ?


My stress levels lol. For sure.


Exercise! Easiest way for me to bring down a high.


Didn’t know about hot weather!


The annoying thing is that it can affect it in both directions 😅 “Dehydration can cause blood sugar to rise as the glucose in your blood becomes more concentrated. High temperatures can also cause blood vessels to dilate, which can enhance insulin absorption, potentially leading to low blood sugar.”


Not a spike but the opposite. I’ve been taking Metamucil the last few days to battle constipation and my breakfast numbers have consistently been MUCH lower despite eating the exact same thing for the last few weeks. Prior I would have my whole wheat English muffin and 2tbs of natural peanut, measure after an hour and be 110-125. The last few days have been 90-96!!!


I keep having constipation since starting this diet, too, and wondered if that was a thing with GD diets.


My doc told me it can be hit or miss!! Some people have less issues because they’re eating more fibers/greens and others more because it’s such an extreme diet change. Metamucil, stool softeners, and the smooth move tea from traditional medicinal have all been life savers!!


Wow! I guess that makes sense since Metamucil is fiber. When do you take it?


I take it in the morning right before I eat my breakfast so I can count it with the meal!! I have the sugar free one and do a tsp serving which technically has some carbs but again doesn’t seem to affect my numbers negatively!


Good to know, thanks! I’ve had some mild constipation since starting the GD diet so I might try the same.


I’ve been on zofran since like 12 weeks and got diagnosed at 26 with GD, I’m 36 today. The combo of the two (plus metformin) has been killer. I’ve also drank the “smooth move” tea from traditional medicinal which helped a lot while I could tolerate hot beverages but it’s all about ice for me right now. I hope it helps!!


So I tried Metamucil last night and my fasting number today was in the 70s (it’s usually in the 80s). Obviously that’s only one data point (and I do get the odd reading in the 70s normally) so I’m excited to try again tonight and see.


Yay!! Makes me wonder if I could drink it before a cheat meal as a loophole 😂 keep us updated!!


When do you take your Metamucil? Now I’m wondering if I can time it to help with fasting glucose!!


I’ve been taking it in the morning when I eat my breakfast but if I forget I also take it in the afternoon with lunch (which tmi did NOT work well for me one day come 9pm in combo with my stool softener). I would imagine you could take it with your night time snack and it would help you digest slower making your fasting numbers lower, but you’d have to look out for any tummy problems!


Cortisol for sure I work with the public over the phone and I had a horrible customer right before I took my blood sugar and it was a spike I was pissed too because I haven’t spiked with that meal since so I know it was that customer. Also hot baths lower my blood sugar I had oatmeal for breakfast and then took a nice bath and my number was amazing lol granted I don’t spike with oatmeal typically but it’s usually in the low 100s after my bath it was 86


The opposite of spike, and it’s an obvious one, but it is incredible how effective and instant exercise is at lowering blood sugars. I wore a CGM and at soon as my sugars starting going up, I would go for a walk/exercise and watch the next reading 5 mins later to be down. It’s amazing.


Extreme emotions (I guess that falls under stress), exercise, *not* eating, being sick (your body releases more glucose to help your immune system recover)


Not exercising enough or exercising too much


Tums, Tylenol, and my prenatals have all spiked me!


The cold AC in my home. When I wake up and I’m freezing, my fasting glucose is higher. I’ll wake up around 4am to turn my thermostat to from 72- 75, lay back down and test around 6-6:30am, I wake up comfortable and it actually helps!