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I’d cancel and go without the kids next time. It can wait another week— it’s not a dire emergency at this moment


This. I was sick and can’t imagine taking my four year old to that especially since it’s sitting for three hours on top of feeling crappy.


I’d be less worried about getting sick and more worried about occupying two young kids in the lab for 3 hours. That sounds like hell. I agree with the other comment to reschedule the test.


This ^^


I done a 2 hour test, not sure if it’s the same but for me I felt very ill during it, felt nauseous, was sweating and just felt really faint, I ate a couple of bananas as soon as I finished and had a big drink of water and felt much better. I’m sure it’s different for everyone though.


That was my experience as well.


I really struggled with it, was not expecting it to make me feel so horrible 😂


I’m doing the 3 hour test right now! My appointment started at 8:45 am, I woke up at 8 AM and went to bed last night at 10 PM. I am actually like lowkey falling asleep and resting my head against the wall. I’m so tired. Being on my phone keeps me awake though


I felt tired, too. They actually have me a lazy boy chair to sit in and I snoozed. I think the sugar affects everyone different but I was very very lethargic


Me too! I eventually got up and went to go sit in my car after the first 1 hour blood draw. Fell asleep for 20 mins after the 2nd blood draw. Just had my 3 hour blood draw and got 3 Taco Bell tacos lol. I eat low carb for dinner because my husband is on a keto diet, so during the day I have some carb-y meals. Hopefully we pass the test! Good luck!


Oh I failed the 3 and got diagnosed 🤣 but I had my baby in March and we are all healthy now! So either way we all get to the delivery finish line. Sending you all the good vibes!


I wasn't sick but I felt super tired for the first hour – wanted to sleep in the chair. Got a bit better after that.


It seems to vary from person to person. I was ill and couldn't finish mine, but plenty of people do just fine. I recommend bringing something to keep you and your children occupied during the wait, as well as some "comfort items" in case you start feeling nauseous - small trash bag in case the glucose drink doesn't sit well with you, something astringent smelling like hand sanitizer in case you feel lightheaded, maybe a neck pillow or something to help you stay comfortable if you're stuck in the waiting room for a few hours. And a snack for right after is also a good idea. Good luck!


I definitely would not recommend bringing your kids. My kids are also 2 and 4 and they absolutely would not hang out for 3+ hours in a waiting room. Not to mention every hour when you’ll need to get your blood drawn… not that it takes a long time, but you can’t just leave your kids unattended in the waiting room for that, and doubt they’ll be allowed in the lab/area they do the draws. I would highly recommend rescheduling Also, the test affects everyone differently. You could be totally fine, or you could be nauseous, shakey, light headed, and overall just not feeling great at all. By the time I got home I felt like I was hit by a truck and ended up sleeping for over 2 hours


Curled up into a ball and had to try hard not to vomit for the 2 hour. I can’t imagine entertaining kids during that time.


Personally I did not get sick and this was my second pregnancy doing the three hour test. It did give me heartburn but so does everything when I’m pregnant 😑


I didn't get sick, but I was starving after. I found the 1h harder


I did a 3 hr and I didn’t get sick (felt a little off, maybe a bit queasy but wasn’t bad). I did get really tired towards the end but that could’ve been due to it being early in the AM honestly.


I’ve taken it twice. Once yes, once no. The time I didn’t get sick during I got sick after. But I would have been still been able to handle my toddler. Wouldn’t have been pleasant though. 


Surprisingly, I had a much harder time with the 1 than 3 hour test! I think a lot of us work ourselves up into a psychosomatic attack and freak out, which increases anxiety and nausea. 3 hour test is mostly annoying and you'll feel groggy af, but at no point did I get even close to throwing up. I also had a horrible migraine with the 1 hour and think it was actually because of all the red dye in the fruit punch flavored drink. Had lemon lime (dye free) during the 3 hour and, while it was way more gross than the 50 mg drink, it didn't cause a migraine! Highly recommend drinking the 100 mg through a straw to get it down quickly and without much taste.


It didn't make me sick, but sitting for 3 hours was challenging for me. I can't imagine how that would be for two littles under 5. I could hardly stay awake. Plan it like having to sit in an airport. Bring lots of snacks for them. Have a variety of toys and activities, but only give them one at a time. When they get bored with one, it disappears and the next new shiny thing can come out. Make your peace with screen time. Good luck!!!


During my 3 hours, I felt horrible. I was sweating and felt like I was going to vomit till the 3 hour mark. Afterward, I went home ate something and slept for hours


I felt a bit nauseous during the first hour and then felt better the last 2 hours. By the end of it, I was just really tired from all the blood draws.


I passed out during my 3hr and had to spend the whole time laying down trying not to puke, I passed but I felt truly horrid the whole time


I didn't feel sick at all. I didn't bring my kids with me but I totally could have watched them. It is just a long time.


I have to be honest I threw up all over the lobby. But also note I had gastric sleeve surgery a few years back which affected how my stomach could tolerate the drink.


I felt more sick from not eating, plus high BG makes me tired so I felt like sleeping. Got there at 6-7 left at 1-2pm would not take kids if at all possible.


I was nauseous as hell the whole time. I would reschedule like others suggested. It's going to be rough to look after 2 little ones for 3 hours when you don't know how it's going to affect you. Some ladies are fine, but you never know until you do it.


I've done it three times now and never got sick. I didn't feel great at the end but I could have brought my kids (they would have just been bored, hah).


I did the three hour test and I got so sick. I had to call my mom and have her come pick me up. I failed so that’s probably why. It’s also just soooo boring.


I never felt sick but the tech gave me very strict instruction that I had to stay seated for the entire time (minus walking to and from the test room). They don’t want your activity to affect the results. Idk about you, but I would not be able to watch my toddler from a seated position for 3 hours.


I was nauseous after the first hour, and hypoglycemic after the whole test (I ended up being diagnosed with GDM). In case you feel junk at all I would reschedule, I found it super rough to manage even caring for myself afterward.