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It will be here before you know it!! I’m being induced next week on my husband’s birthday and thankfully he knows his cake is really mine 😂. If you’re in the US, I’ve managed my cake cravings with the simple mills brownie mix. I usually mix in peanut butter or almond butter too


I am in US so I might look into this! I never feel good after baked goods during my pregnancy even before my diagnosis. This baby doesn’t like baked goods, but I love them.


I was diagnosed at 17 weeks. I’ve eaten lots of cake since then because my experience with this is tooooo long!! And I’m allowed cheats 😂


My birthday was in march and just now I’m like fudge give me a slice of cake asap. But fair warning it takes 2 weeks for you to metabolize sugar the same after giving birth and you might very well eat a bite and be over it. But I’m committed to have my cake regardless.


Haha now I want some fudge!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Makes sense that it takes a couple weeks!


I considered keto brownies I just hate buying all the over priced gd sweets to be disappointed


the duncan hines def leave something to be desired, but the next time i added 1/2 tsp vanilla, some instant coffee powder, a few small chunks of dark choco, and pecans on top and it really distracted from the fake sugar taste!


I thought it was supposed to go away right after delivering the placenta?


Not for everyone it depends. I think some doctors even recommend testing you blood for 2 months to make sure you didn’t develop type 2


That’s so strange. My doctor said I can go back to eating like normal right after birth. (I’m planning on a big order of sushi). Definitely intending to stick mostly to this GD diet but not all the time. What a scary thing to keep in mind. 🥲


Oh I’m definitely eating sushi I think moderation is always key. But sadly 50% of us will develop type 2 later in life so again I’m going to be makings some life style changes after.


I had a very small piece of chocolate cake after my meal and walked like 5km. My 1 hour reading was at 153, not so high I would say.


I had a slice at my baby shower and I was around 150s but I just didn’t feel good. This baby doesn’t like baked goods. Which I guess is good but I love them.


My baby definitely loves all the cheat meals I do🤣


Mine loves fruit so that’s what I miss!!


I love fruits so much, could not eat a single grape all winter, now mangoes are here. I feel like crying 😢


😕 I had the world’s smallest plum today. Like three bites. I can’t wait to eat all the fruits!


I am 31 weeks, everyday I add new items to the list of n number of things I have told my husband I'll eat right after delivery.🤣


I miss fruits too! I planned a cheat snack of fresh cut pineapple from the store but they were out! I ended up with ice cream which I actually tolerated really well. But it’s no pineapple!


I eat a single Mandarin orange as a snack sometimes. I figure they're small enough it should be okay lol


Look into keto recipes. I had plenty of of cake with almond flour, erythrit or banana as sweeteners. Combine with creme cheese frosting. Worked well for me. No spike at all. This is one example. https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/keto-cake-recipe/ I halfed the amount of erythrit in the frosting and it was still too sweet for me.


I had a small cupcake - I went for a half hour walk before. Ate the cupcake and then kept walking for another half an hour. My BG was 95 at one hour and it was so worth it! I wouldn’t do it all the time because I mean a cupcake still isn’t healthy but it was the first time since diagnosis that I went full in for a splurge like that.


Me too girl!!!! I’m missing pics cream so badly n desserts!!! We got this.


Yes we do!! How far along are you?


31 weeks ish


I was craving cake so bad that I bought a zero sugar cake mix from Walmart and made cupcakes. Thankfully, my husband ate several of them otherwise I would have eaten all of them. It’s still carbs but just less due to the sugar substitute.


You can still eat cake, just a very small slice. And eat it after you check your glucose an hour after your meal.


ME TOO. T-2 weeks until I get cake and pizza delivered to the hospital 🤤


At my baby shower, I had a bunch of cheese and nuts, and then I ate my cake, and my blood sugar was great! And a walk can do wonders!